8 research outputs found

    100 artigos que devem/podem ser lidos realmente por todos os ecólogos?

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    Reading scientific articles is fundamental for researchers, not only to keep pace with advances in their field, but also to know those giants on whose shoulders they are standing. In this sense, Courchamp and Bradshaw (2018) recently proposed a list of 100 seminal papers deemed to be of major importance in ecology, thus providing a general ‘must-read’ list for any new ecologist. The authors metaphorically speak of ecology as an ever-growing brick wall of published evidence. In order to quantify the degree of interference of the paywall over the wall of science, we took the opportunity given by the 100 seminal papers list and registered how many articles have been made universally and freely available by the publisher. Of the 100 scientific papers proposed as foundations of the wall of ecological knowledge, 66 are behind the paywall, with a total cost of US1,560.ThispaywallexacerbatestheexistingasymmetriesinecologicalresearchbetweenresearchersfromdevelopedcountriesandtheGlobalSouth.Diversityinresearch,asinecologicalsystems,isasourceofrobustness.PublishinghighqualityarticlesinregionalopenpeerreviewedscientificjournalsisasuitablewaytovalorizeGlobalSouthecology,helpingminimizetheexistingasymmetries.Keywords:ecology,informationaccess,paywall,inequity.Lerartigoscientıˊficoseˊumaatividadefundamentalparaospesquisadores,na~osoˊparaacompanharosdesenvolvimentosemseucampodeac\ca~o,mastambeˊmparasabersobreosombrosdequegigantesesta~odepeˊ.Nessesentido,CourchampeBradshaw(2018)propuseramrecentementeumalistade100artigosseminais,consideradosdesumaimporta^ncianaecologia,queconstituemumalistageraldeartigosqueosnovosecologistasdevemler.Osautoresfalammetaforicamentedaecologiacomoumaparededeevide^nciapublicadaemconstanteconstruc\ca~o.Afimdequantificaronıˊveldeinterfere^nciadaparededepagamentonomurodacie^ncia,aproveitamosaoportunidadedadapelalistade100artigosseminaiseregistramosquantosartigosesta~odisponıˊveisgratuitamentepormeiodaentidadeeditorial.Dos100artigoscientıˊficospropostoscomoosfundamentosdomurodoconhecimentoecoloˊgico,66esta~oportraˊsdomurodepagamento,comumcustototaldeUS1,560. This paywall exacerbates the existing asymmetries in ecological research between researchers from developed countries and the Global South. Diversity in research, as in ecological systems, is a source of robustness. Publishing high-quality articles in regional open peer-reviewed scientific journals is a suitable way to valorize Global South ecology, helping minimize the existing asymmetries.Keywords: ecology, information access, paywall, inequity.Ler artigos científicos é uma atividade fundamental para os pesquisadores, não só para acompanhar os desenvolvimentos em seu campo de ação, mas também para saber sobre os ombros de que gigantes estão de pé. Nesse sentido, Courchamp e Bradshaw (2018) propuseram recentemente uma lista de 100 artigos seminais, considerados de suma importância na ecologia, que constituem uma lista geral de artigos que os novos ecologistas “devem ler”. Os autores falam metaforicamente da ecologia como uma parede de evidência publicada em constante construção. A fim de quantificar o nível de interferência da parede de pagamento no muro da ciência, aproveitamos a oportunidade dada pela lista de 100 artigos seminais e registramos quantos artigos estão disponíveis gratuitamente por meio da entidade editorial. Dos 100 artigos científicos propostos como os fundamentos do muro do conhecimento ecológico, 66 estão por trás do muro de pagamento, com um custo total de US 1.560. Esse muro de pagamento exacerba as assimetrias existentes na pesquisa ecológica entre pesquisadores de países desenvolvidos e do sul global. A diversidade na pesquisa, como nos sistemas ecológicos, é uma fonte de robustez. A publicação de artigos de alta qualidade em periódicos regionais de livre acesso e revisados por pares é uma maneira viável de avaliar coletivamente a ecologia do sul global e ajudar a minimizar as assimetrias existentes.Palavras-chave: ecologia, acesso à informação, muro de pagamento, desigualdade

    Estudio preliminar del estatus de las nutrias en Uruguay

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    New data on the distribution of the Neotropical river otter (Lontra longicaudis) as well as new records of the giant otter (Pteronura brasiliensis) in Uruguay are provided. The information presented was gathered from other sighting surveys completed by Uruguayan researchers, wildlife technicians and environmentalists. New localities for both species, comments on on the behaviour and data about the habitats used by the Neotropical river otter were obtained. The information about distribution was completed by an examination of records from zoological collections and literature. This survey confirms that the Neotropical river otter is at least fairly common in Uruguay. The conservation status of the giant otter is uncertain. Although considered extirpated for many years, a recent sighting of two individuals has been reported. This information has to be confirmed

    Distribution extension of Scinax aromothyella (Anura, Hylidae)

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    Scinax aromothyella is a recently described hylid frog. Its distribution is not well known. There are records for Misiones, Argentina and for southeastern Uruguay. Here we report a new record of S. aromothyella from Aceguá, Cerro Largo Department, Uruguay (31° 53' 39" S and 54° 9' 17" W), based in tadpoles collected on the 15 of August, 2007. This new record extends the distribution of S. aromothyella in approximately 100 km north from previous reports in Uruguay. The samples were collected in a site located 2 km away from the border line with Brazil, reinforcing the idea that S. aromothyella might occur in Rio Grande do Sul

    II. Conflictos entre felinos y humanos en América Latina.

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    Este libro contó con el liderazgo del Instituto Humboldt y de las Fundaciones Herencia Ambiental Caribe y Panthera. En 32 capítulos se recoge el esfuerzo de 77 instituciones y 110 autores que representan 18 países y abordan el conflicto entre humanos y felinos en América Latina. Es la compilación más completa que se ha elaborado acerca del tema en Latinoamérica, involucrando el análisis, la planificación, el manejo y la resolución de los conflictos entre humanos y felinos.BogotáCiencias de la Biodiversida