28 research outputs found

    Tool Exchangeable Grasp/Assembly Planner

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    This paper proposes a novel assembly planner for a manipulator which can simultaneously plan assembly sequence, robot motion, grasping configuration, and exchange of grippers. Our assembly planner assumes multiple grippers and can automatically selects a feasible one to assemble a part. For a given AND/OR graph of an assembly task, we consider generating the assembly graph from which assembly motion of a robot can be planned. The edges of the assembly graph are composed of three kinds of paths, i.e., transfer/assembly paths, transit paths and tool exchange paths. In this paper, we first explain the proposed method for planning assembly motion sequence including the function of gripper exchange. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed method is confirmed through some numerical examples and a physical experiment.Comment: This is to appear Int. Conf. on Intelligent Autonomous System

    Propiedades estructurales, fisicoquímicas y emulsionantes de la pectina obtenida por extracción acuosa de la cascara de la pitaya roja (Hylocereus polyrhizus)

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    Pectin was obtained from red pitaya peels (RPP) by aqueous extraction. SEM analysis showed irregular and rough particles, with some micro-fractures surface. The yield (11.59/100 g d.b.) and Gal A content (54.36 ± 1.03%) were slightly lower than that reported for other conventional pectin sources. The RPP pectin presented high thermal stability (310.74 °C) and a high degree of esterification (60.35±1.35%) which classifies it as a high methoxyl pectin. Also, the emulsifying activity and emulsifying stability of RPP pectin were comparable or higher than that reported for other pectin sources and could be attributed to the small inherent protein content detected. The high RPP pectin/oil volume ratio increased both the emulsifying activity and emulsion stability, which is a desired property. Therefore, the results showed that the RPP pectin has an adequate balance between physicochemical characteristics and functional properties that make it a potentially suitable substitute of commercial pectins for applications in the industry, particularly in the formation and stabilization of emulsions. In addition, the results obtained in this work justify the fact of taking advantage of, maximizing, and giving an added value to the peel of the red pitaya fruit in order to develop a process to produce pectin. In this way, help the rural communities where this fruit is cultivated to improve their environment and quality of life.This work aimed to carry out a straightforward aqueous extraction of pectin from red pitaya peels (RPP), in a drive to promote the circular economy of the settlements where the fruit of this endemic species grows. The average pectin yield was 11.59 g/100 g dry basis, the degree of esterification was 60.35±1.35% (classified as high methoxyl), the galacturonic acid content was 54.36±1.03%, and the protein content of 5.86 ± 0.25%. The RPP pectin was analyzed in terms of physicochemical, functional, and structural features. The FTIR spectrum confirmed that the unveiled pectin structure was consistent with that reported for commercial pectins from different botanical sources. Pectin aqueous dispersions exhibited power-law shear thinning behaviour. Corn oil (10 mL) in 150 mL aqueous pectin solutions (0.12, 0.15, 0.30, 0.60 and 0.90%, w/v) emulsions exhibited increasing emulsifying activity and emulsifying stability with increased pectin concentration. It was concluded that the RPP pectin is an alternative potential new source of pectin for use in the formation and stabilization of oil-in-water food emulsions.A la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México por financiar este artículo mediante el proyecto con clave 6160/2020/CI

    Canagliflozin and renal outcomes in type 2 diabetes and nephropathy

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    BACKGROUND Type 2 diabetes mellitus is the leading cause of kidney failure worldwide, but few effective long-term treatments are available. In cardiovascular trials of inhibitors of sodium–glucose cotransporter 2 (SGLT2), exploratory results have suggested that such drugs may improve renal outcomes in patients with type 2 diabetes. METHODS In this double-blind, randomized trial, we assigned patients with type 2 diabetes and albuminuric chronic kidney disease to receive canagliflozin, an oral SGLT2 inhibitor, at a dose of 100 mg daily or placebo. All the patients had an estimated glomerular filtration rate (GFR) of 30 to <90 ml per minute per 1.73 m2 of body-surface area and albuminuria (ratio of albumin [mg] to creatinine [g], >300 to 5000) and were treated with renin–angiotensin system blockade. The primary outcome was a composite of end-stage kidney disease (dialysis, transplantation, or a sustained estimated GFR of <15 ml per minute per 1.73 m2), a doubling of the serum creatinine level, or death from renal or cardiovascular causes. Prespecified secondary outcomes were tested hierarchically. RESULTS The trial was stopped early after a planned interim analysis on the recommendation of the data and safety monitoring committee. At that time, 4401 patients had undergone randomization, with a median follow-up of 2.62 years. The relative risk of the primary outcome was 30% lower in the canagliflozin group than in the placebo group, with event rates of 43.2 and 61.2 per 1000 patient-years, respectively (hazard ratio, 0.70; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.59 to 0.82; P=0.00001). The relative risk of the renal-specific composite of end-stage kidney disease, a doubling of the creatinine level, or death from renal causes was lower by 34% (hazard ratio, 0.66; 95% CI, 0.53 to 0.81; P<0.001), and the relative risk of end-stage kidney disease was lower by 32% (hazard ratio, 0.68; 95% CI, 0.54 to 0.86; P=0.002). The canagliflozin group also had a lower risk of cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction, or stroke (hazard ratio, 0.80; 95% CI, 0.67 to 0.95; P=0.01) and hospitalization for heart failure (hazard ratio, 0.61; 95% CI, 0.47 to 0.80; P<0.001). There were no significant differences in rates of amputation or fracture. CONCLUSIONS In patients with type 2 diabetes and kidney disease, the risk of kidney failure and cardiovascular events was lower in the canagliflozin group than in the placebo group at a median follow-up of 2.62 years

    Human-based framework for the assembly of elastic objects by a dual-arm robot

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    Abstract This paper proposes a new framework for planning assembly tasks involving elastic parts. As an example of these kind of assembly tasks, we deal with the insertion of ring-shaped objects into a cylinder by a dual-arm robot. The proposed framework is a combination of human movements to determine the overall assembly strategy and an optimization-based motion planner to generate the robot trajectories. The motion of the human’s hands, more specifically, the motion of the fingers gripping the object is captured by a Leap Motion Controller. Then, key points in the recorded trajectory of the position and orientation of the human’s fingers are extracted. These points are used as partial goals in the optimization-based motion planner that generates the robot arms’ trajectories which minimize the object’s deformation. Through experimental results it was verified the validity of the extracted key points from the human’s movements that enable the robot to successfully assemble ring-shaped elastic objects. We compared these results with the assembly done by purely repeating all of the human’s hands movements

    A Path to Industry 5.0 Digital Twins for Human–Robot Collaboration by Bridging NEP+ and ROS

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    The integration of heterogeneous hardware and software components to construct human-centered systems for Industry 5.0, particularly human digital twins, presents considerable complexity. Our research addresses this challenge by pioneering a novel approach that harmonizes the techno-centered focus of the Robot Operating System (ROS) with the cross-platform advantages inherent in NEP+ (a human-centered development framework intended to assist users and developers with diverse backgrounds and resources in constructing interactive human–machine systems). We introduce the nep2ros ROS package, aiming to bridge these frameworks and foster a more interconnected and adaptable approach. This initiative can be used to facilitate diverse development scenarios beyond conventional robotics, underpinning a transformative shift in Industry 5.0 applications. Our assessment of NEP+ capabilities includes an evaluation of communication performance utilizing serialization formats like JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) and MessagePack. Additionally, we present a comparative analysis between the nep2ros package and existing solutions, illustrating its efficacy in linking the simulation environment (Unity) and ROS. Moreover, our research demonstrates NEP+’s applicability through an immersive human-in-the-loop collaborative assembly. These findings offer promising prospects for innovative integration possibilities across a broad spectrum of applications, transcending specific platforms or disciplines

    Assessing the Role of Energy Storage in Multiple Energy Carriers toward Providing Ancillary Services: A Review

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    Renewable energy power plants and transport and heating electrification projects are being deployed to enable the replacement of fossil fuels as the primary energy source. This transition encourages distributed generation but makes the grid more weather-dependent, thus reducing its inertia. Simultaneously, electrical network operators face voltage, frequency, and stability challenges at the distribution level. Networks were not designed to manage the stochasticity of renewable energy sources or the congestion caused by the new transport and heating demands. Such challenges are commonly addressed through infrastructure reinforcements. This review studies how energy storage systems with different carriers can provide a collaborative solution involving prosumers as ancillary services providers at the distribution level. We focused on the European urban context; thus, we analyzed renewable energy sources, batteries, supercapacitors, hydrogen fuel cells, thermal energy storage, and electric vehicles. A thorough review of successful implementations proved that including storage in one or more carriers benefits the distribution system operators and the prosumers, from both technical and economic perspectives. We propose a correlation between individual energy storage technologies and the ancillary services they can provide based on their responses to specific grid requirements. Therefore, distribution system operators can address network issues together with the prosumers. Nevertheless, attractive regulatory frameworks and business models are required to motivate prosumers to use their assets to support the grid. Further work is recommended to describe the joint operation of multiple storage technologies as multicarrier systems, focusing on the coupling of electrical and thermal energy storage. Additionally, how ancillary services affect the energy storage system’s aging should be studied.DC systems, Energy conversion & Storag

    At a Conservation Crossroad: The Bahoruco-Jaragua-Enriquillo Biosphere Reserve in the Dominican Republic

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    This paper assesses the Dominican Republic’s willingness to pay (WTP) for a conservation, restoration, and sustainable development program for the Bahoruco-Jaragua-Enriquillo Biosphere Reserve (RBJBE). Created in 2002, the RBJBE covers approximately 4858 km2, of which approximately 900 km2 correspond to the sea surface. With three core conservation zones, the RBJBE constitutes a complex space with a history of conflicts rooted in exploiting natural resources and social and economic issues. At the same time, it is a biodiversity hotspot of global importance. We present a Contingent Valuation Method to estimate the WTP for a conservation and restoration program called PROBIOSFERA. The non-parametric and parametric estimates of the WTP are DOP 165.00 (≈USD 2.94) and DOP 181.88 (≈USD 3.25), respectively. The socioeconomic variables that positively affect the WTP are income level, educational level, and age. The ecosystem services that are statistically related to WTP are the provisioning and supporting services. Regardless of the monetary valuation scenarios defined, the estimated annual monetized aggregated welfare associated with the RBJBE for Dominican society is DOP 7.2 billion (≈USD 128.1 million)