1,787 research outputs found

    Valence-electron transfer and a metal-insulator transition in a strongly correlated perovskite oxide

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    We present transport and thermal data for the quadruple-perovskites MCu3(Ti1-xRux)4O12 where 0 < x < 1. A metal-insulator transition (MIT) occurs for Ru concentrations x~0.75. At the same time, the Cu2+ antiferromagnetic state is destroyed and it's magnetic entropy suppressed by Ru on a 1:1 basis. This implies that each Ru transfers an electron to a Cu ion and thus the MIT correlates with filling the Cu 3d shell. The Cu spin entropy in this strongly correlated electron material provides a unique probe among MIT systems.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl

    Modeling of asphaltene precipitation from n-alkane diluted heavy oils and bitumens using the PC-SAFT equation of state

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    In this work, the PC-SAFT equation of state was applied to the modeling of asphaltene precipitation from n-alkane diluted heavy oils and bitumens. Liquid-liquid equilibrium was assumed between a dense liquid phase (asphaltene-rich phase) and a light liquid phase. The liquid-liquid equilibrium calculation, in which only asphaltenes were allowed to partition to the dense phase, was performed using an efficient method with Michelsen’s stability test. The bisection or Newton-Raphson method was used to improve convergence. Experimental information of the heavy oils and bitumens, characterized in terms of solubility fractions (saturates, aromatics, resins, and asphaltenes), was taken from the literature. Asphaltenes were divided into fractions of different molar masses using a gamma distribution function. Predictions of the PC-SAFT equation of state using linear correlations of the binary interaction parameters between asphaltene subfractions and the n-alkane were compared with the measured onset of precipitation and the amount of precipitated asphaltene (fractional yield) of the heavy oils and bitumens diluted with n-alkanes. Results of the comparison showed a satisfactory agreement between the experimental data and the calculated values with the PC-SAFT equation

    Multiband superconductivity in NbSe_2 from heat transport

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    The thermal conductivity of the layered s-wave superconductor NbSe_2 was measured down to T_c/100 throughout the vortex state. With increasing field, we identify two regimes: one with localized states at fields very near H_c1 and one with highly delocalized quasiparticle excitations at higher fields. The two associated length scales are most naturally explained as multi-band superconductivity, with distinct small and large superconducting gaps on different sheets of the Fermi surface.Comment: 2 pages, 2 figures, submitted to M2S-Rio 2003 Proceeding

    Dynamic Evaluation of Production Policies: Improving the Coordination of an Ethanol Supply Chain

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    AbstractThis paper uses System Dynamics modeling and process simulation to explore coordination in two logistic processes (procurement and production) of the supply chain of an ethanol plant. In that sense, three production scenarios are evaluated to identify: a) stock movement according to current inventory policies, and b) the critical variables affecting the coordination for these two processes. Since the main goal in the company is to meet customer demand, this research incorporates sales forecasting, and four performance indicators to evaluate the state of the processes: 1) average percentage of demand satisfaction, 2) maximum amount of ethanol in excess, 3) available ethanol at the end of the year, and 4) inventory costs. To model the case study, the change in production yield and specific constraints for the chain are considered. The simulation results show that System Dynamics modeling can be used to observe the effects of policies on inventory, and meeting the demand in a real system. It also can define the coordination for a supply chain and give information to improve it. The developed model uses STELLA® software to simulate the logistic processes and execute the evaluation employing the performance indicators

    Enzymatic extraction of hydroxycinnamic acids from coffee pulp

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    Ferulic, caffeic, p-coumaric and chlorogenic acids are classified as hydroxycinnamic acids, presenting anticarcinogenic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. In this work, enzymatic extraction has been studied in order to extract high value-added products like hydroxycinnamic acids from coffee pulp. A commercial pectinase and enzyme extract produced by Rhizomucor pusillus strain 23aIV in solid-state fermentation using olive oil or coffee pulp (CP) as an inducer of the feruloyl esterase activity were evaluated separately and mixed. The total content (covalently linked and free) of ferulic, caffeic, p-coumaric and chlorogenic acids was 5276 mg per kg of coffee pulp. Distribution was as follows (in %): chlorogenic acid 58.7, caffeic acid 37.6, ferulic acid 2.1 and p-coumaric acid 1.5. Most of the hydroxycinnamic acids were covalently bound to the cell wall (in %): p-coumaric acid 97.2, caffeic acid 94.4, chlorogenic acid 76.9 and ferulic acid 73.4. The content of covalently linked hydroxycinnamic acid was used to calculate the enzyme extraction yield. The maximum carbon dioxide rate for the solid-state fermentation using olive oil as an inducer was higher and it was reached in a short cultivation time. Nevertheless, the feruloyl esterase (FAE) activity (units per mg of protein) obtained in the fermentation using CP as an inducer was 31.8 % higher in comparison with that obtained in the fermentation using olive oil as the inducer. To our knowledge, this is the first report indicating the composition of both esterified and free ferulic, caffeic, p-coumaric and chlorogenic acids in coffee pulp. The highest yield of extraction of hydroxycinnamic acids was obtained by mixing the produced enzyme extract using coffee pulp as an inducer and a commercial pectinase. Extraction yields were as follows (in %): chlorogenic acid 54.4, ferulic acid 19.8, p-coumaric acid 7.2 and caffeic acid 2.3. An important increase in the added value of coffee pulp was mainly due to the extraction of chlorogenic acid

    Эффективность комбинированных криоконсервантов, содержащих глицерин или 1,2-пропандиол, при замораживании эритроцитов

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    Исследовали осмотические свойства эритроцитов, замороженных в комбинированных криоконсервантах, содержащих полимерные непроникающие (декстран, полиэтиленгликоль) и проникающие (глицерин, 1,2-пропандиол) криопротекторы. Установлено, что в эритроцитах, замороженных-отогретых в среде с полимерами, отмечается повышение скорости потока ионов Н+ и осмотической хрупкости в среде, содержащей 0,45–0,9% NaCl. Для сохранения осмотических свойств замороженных- отогретых клеток достаточно включить в среду глицерин или 1,2-пропандиол (1,2-ПД) в концентрации 5%. Полученные результаты позволяют предположить, что криопротекторная эффективность комбинированных криоконсервантов, содержащих непроникающие и проникающие криопротекторы, определяется вкладом различных по механизму действия криозащитных компонентов в суммарную защитную эффективность при замораживании и ослаблением постгипертонического стресса на клетки при размораживании.Досліджували осмотичні властивості еритроцитів, заморожених-відігрітих у комбінованих кріоконсервантах, які містять полімерні непроникаючі (декстран, поліетиленгліколь) і проникаючі (гліцерин, 1,2-пропандіол) кріопротектори. Встановлено, що в еритроцитах, заморожених-відігрітих у середовищі з полімерами, визначається зростання швидкості потоку іонів Н+ і осмотичної крихкості в середовищі, яке містить 0,45–0,9% NaCl. Для збереження осмотичних властивостей заморожених- відігрітих клітин достатньо включити в середовище гліцерин або 1,2-пропандіол в концентрації 5%. Отримані результати дозволяють припустити, що кріопротекторна ефективність комбінованих кріоконсервантів, які містять непроникаючі і проникаючі кріопротектори, визначається внеском різноманітних за механізмом дії кріозахисних компонентів у сумарну захисну ефективність при заморожуванні та послабленням постгіпертонічного стресу на клітини при розморожуванні.The osmotic properties of erythrocytes frozen-thawed in combined cryopreservatives, containing polymeric non-penetrating (dextran, polyethylene glycol) and penetrating (glycerol, 1,2-propane diol) cryoprotectants were studied. It was established that in erythrocytes frozen-thawed in the presence of polymers the increasing of H+ ion flow rate and osmotic fragility in the environment with 0.45–0.9% NaCl was observed. It is sufficient to add 5% glycerol or 1,2-propane diol (1,2-PD) to the medium to preserve osmotic properties of frozen-thawed cells. The obtained results enable to suggest that cryoprotective efficiency of combined cryopreservatives, containing non-penetrating and penetrating cryoprotectants is determined both by the contribution of cryoprotective components differing by action mechanism into th

    On the magnetism of Ln{2/3}Cu{3}Ti{4}O{12} (Ln = lanthanide)

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    The magnetic and thermodynamic properties of the complete Ln2/3_{2/3}Cu3_3Ti4_4O12_{12} series were investigated. Here LnLn stands for the lanthanides La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, and Yb. %Most of the compounds were prepared as single phase polycrystalline powder %without any traces of impurities. Marginal amounts of %impurities (<2(< 2%) were detected Ln=Ln= Gd, Er, and Tm. %Significant amounts of impurity phases were found for Ln=Ln= Ce and Yb. All the samples investigated crystallize in the space group Im3ˉIm\bar{3} with lattice constants that follow the lanthanide contraction. The lattice constant of the Ce compound reveals the presence of Ce4+^{4+} leading to the composition Ce1/2_{1/2}Cu3_3Ti4_4O12_{12}. From magnetic susceptibility and electron-spin resonance experiments it can be concluded that the copper ions always carry a spin S=1/2S=1/2 and order antiferromagnetically close to 25\,K. The Curie-Weiss temperatures can approximately be calculated assuming a two-sublattice model corresponding to the copper and lanthanide ions, respectively. It seems that the magnetic moments of the heavy rare earths are weakly coupled to the copper spins, while for the light lanthanides no such coupling was found. The 4f4f moments remain paramagnetic down to the lowest temperatures, with the exception of the Tm compound, which indicates enhanced Van-Vleck magnetism due to a non-magnetic singlet ground state of the crystal-field split 4f4f manifold. From specific-heat measurements we accurately determined the antiferromagnetic ordering temperature and obtained information on the crystal-field states of the rare-earth ions. The heat-capacity results also revealed the presence of a small fraction of Ce3+^{3+} in a magnetic 4f14f^1 state.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure

    Lattice dielectric response of CdCu{3}Ti{4}O{12} and of CaCu{3}Ti{4}O{12} from first principles

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    Structural, vibrational, and lattice dielectric properties of CdCu{3}Ti{4}O{12} are studied using density-functional theory within the local spin-density approximation, and the results are compared with those computed previously for CaCu{3}Ti{4}O{12}. Replacing Ca with Cd is found to leave many calculated quantities largely unaltered, although significant differences do emerge in zone-center optical phonon frequencies and mode effective charges. The computed phonon frequencies of CdCu{3}Ti{4}O{12} are found to be in excellent agreement with experiment, and the computed lattice contribution to the intrinsic static dielectric constant (~60) also agrees exceptionally well with a recent optical absorption experiment. These results provide further support for a picture in which the lattice dielectric response is essentially conventional, suggesting an extrinsic origin for the anomalous low-frequency dielectric response recently observed in both materials.Comment: 5 pages; uses REVTEX macros. Also available at http://www.physics.rutgers.edu/~dhv/preprints/lh_cdct/index.htm

    Opportunities, Constraints and Perceptions of Rural Communities Regarding Their Potential to Contribute to Forest Landscape Transitions Under REDD+: Case Studies from Mexico

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    In Mexico, REDD+ is being presented as a win-win policy enabling forest communities to benefit financially and diversify their income sources while preserving and increasing their forest carbon stocks through more sustainable management. Under the national programme, it is expected that forest communities will have opportunities to tailor their own approaches. However, to date there is little understanding about what opportunities and constraints exist in reality for forest communities to contribute to REDD+, and even less about how their members perceive these opportunities. We assess potential and constraints at community level and investigate perceptions about opportunities in REDD+ and strategies that communities are currently envisaging for participation, in seven communities in the Ayuquila River Basin and around the Chamela-Cuixmala Biosphere Reserve in Jalisco, and in the area surrounding the Monarch Butterfly Reserve in Michoacan. We find that there is more opportunity for reduced degradation and forest enhancement than for reduced deforestation, in all the communities; that it may be difficult to establish additionality for REDD+ activities in some communities; that the amount of forest resource per community may greatly affect the potential to participate; that the presence of people with no land rights may complicate the distribution of benefits; that communities expect REDD+ in general to follow the Payment for Environmental Services model, and that lack of information about what activities may count as REDD+ activities and what level of financial rewards may be expected mean that communities cannot at present adequately appraise whether REDD+ will be worth their while or no