3,312 research outputs found

    New Analysis of Threshold Photoproduction Data from MAMI

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    In this talk I will review the recently published results by the A2 and CB-TAPS Collaborations at MAMI on neutral pion photoproduction in the near-threshold region. The combined measurement of the differential cross section and the photon beam asymmetry with low statistical errors allowed for a precise determination of the energy dependence of the real parts of the S- and P-wave amplitudes for the first time, providing the most stringent test to date of the predictions of Chiral Perturbation Theory and its energy region of agreement with experiment.Comment: 4 pages. Contribution to the 13th International Conference on Meson-Nucleon Physics and the Structure of the Nucleon (MENU 2013), Rome, September-October 201

    The car industry, developments in China and implications for Latin America

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    Due to its dimensions and global scope the car industry is in the center of investment promotion policies, insertion strategies for productive chains, and transfer of technology. This industry currently combines three important elements, (i) it is the leader in productive globalization (electronic commerce, subcontracting, and commercialization), (ii) the production of vehicles in China and in East Asia is adding dynamism to the market and provoking strategy changes, and (iii) the division between original producers and suppliers is consolidating the number of main producers but multiplying the number of subcontractors. These new tendencies that include productive globalization, China and the new production chains require the formulation of a production strategy on behalf of the private companies and an adequate promotion on behalf of the governments.China, Latin America, Car Industry, Production Networks, Globalization

    Larval Distribution and Abundance of Carangidae (Pisces), from the Southern Gulf of Mexico, 1983-1984

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    The larval distribution and abundance of several taxa of the carangids from the southem Gulf of Mexico are analyzed, based on data from four oceanographic cruises conducted between 1983 and 1984. The material was collected with a bongo net fished to maximum depths of 200 m. The species collected were Chloroscombrus chrysurus (54.2%), Decapterus punctatus (15.8%), Trachurus Iathami (11.8%), Selene setapinnis (6.1%), Selar crumenophthalmus (6.0), Caranx hipposllatus (0.9%), Caranx crysos (0.7%) and Selene sp. (0.3%). The higher frequency of occurrence and greater abundance of larvae of all species was found over the continental shelf, and in some cases, in the oceanic zone near the slope. Almost all the species were present year-round with highest larval densities in the warm months, except for T. Iathami which occurred in greatest abundance during winter and early spring

    Reciprocal Frames: The Flat Beam Grillage

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    This report follows the pursuit of attaining information and researching academic resources regarding the elusive reciprocal frame structures throughout history, in particular the flat beam grillage. In the following pages, the reader should expect to learn about reciprocal frames in a historical context throughout the globe, as well as, gain insight on how to potentially analyze these frames when they span two-dimensionally. As seen in Figure 1 (Pugnale 2011) and Figure 2 (Godthelp 2019), reciprocal frame structures consist of multiple groups of three or more members that are mutually supported. Along the perimeter of the structure, the members are supported by walls, columns, or the ground; where members meet to a certain extent from the ends of an adjacent member, they are supported by such subsequent members. In structural engineering, it is an intuitive instinct to attempt to follow the load path of a structure until the load is safely distributed into the ground. Only considering gravity, when looking at a planar reciprocal frame layout, it is difficult to visualize exactly how the loading is being transferred within the structure. Furthermore, how does one go about doing statics on a problem that is undergoing a perpetual cycle of load transfer? Hopefully, with the data that has been gathered within this research paper, a path can begin to be paved in regard to the design and analysis of two-dimensional reciprocal frames

    Análisis de piezas de mano odontológicas mediante prueba de Trifosfato de adenosina bajo dos protocolos de descontaminación.

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    Purpose: To assess the impact of an educational intervention to show dental students DHPs’ internal contamination using adenosine triphosphate (ATP) bioluminescence. Methods: A convenience sample study was carried out of undergraduate dental students, answered a confidential, self-administered questionnaire with closed-format questions on their perceptions and knowledge before and after an educational intervention presenting the results of ATP on DHPs. Results: The before and after questionnaire survey revealed a positive change in students perceptions on the importance of DHP reprocessing (100% response rate). Conclusion: This educational intervention using ATP, to demonstrate internal contamination, successfully changed dental students perceptions and knowledge on the importance of DHP reprocessing

    Local Food Impacts on Health and Nutrition

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    Prevalence of local foods is believed to answer several food issues one of which is health and nutrition. This study focused on the on the availability of local foods to consumers and see its relationship with two specific diet-related diseases namely, obesity and diabetes. Other variables were included in the analysis to provide additional evidence to previous findings. Factors considered are divided into 5 groups namely diet-, local food-, environment-, education- and gender-related factors. Diet- and environment-related variables provide the most perceptive findings while local food variables provided significant however weak evidence of positive impacts to health and nutrition.local foods, diabetes, obesity, food environment, farmers' market, Agricultural and Food Policy, Consumer/Household Economics, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, Health Economics and Policy, I15, I31,

    Ventas : Logistica y Cadena de Abastecimiento

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    Los productos y servicios no tienen valor a menos que estén en posesión de los clientes cuándo y dónde ellos deseen consumirlos, es por eso que las actividades logísticas son vitales para las compañías puesto que estas actividades giran en torno a crear valor a los proveedores, clientes y la empresa misma. Una buena administración de la logística y la cadena de abastecimiento reducen considerablemente los costos operativos de las empresas, pero lo más importante es que el mover un producto hacia un consumidor de forma oportuna crea un valor para el cliente que antes no tenía. El presente trabajo de investigación pretende como su nombre lo indica conocer y desarrollar las funciones que ejerce la logística y cadena de abastecimiento dentro de la empresa, para lo cual se ha estructurado en cuatro capítulos, a fin de obtener un panorama más amplio del tema a tratar. En el primer capítulo abordaremos el marco teórico sobre el cual se basa el desarrollo de este sistema, incluyendo conceptos y definiciones más importantes. En el segundo capítulo detallamos un análisis general sobre la problemática que constantemente enfrentan las empresas referentes a los canales de distribución, bienes de consumo y los factores que influyen en el mismo. Como tercer capítulo se integran una recopilación de información acerca de la logística inversa, su flujo inverso, causa, enfoque, y las alternativas al tomar decisiones. Para finalizar en nuestro cuarto capítulo desarrollaremos las estrategias que se implementaran en la logística y cadena de abastecimiento, lineamientos. Áreas de planeación, políticas de precios y así mismo terminando con las conclusiones y recomendaciones del trabajo de tesis