89 research outputs found

    Gruppenarbeit: Merkmale leistungspolitischer Probleme, Gestaltungsfelder

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    Laboratory testing in hemophilia: Impact of factor and non‐factor replacement therapy on coagulation assays

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    The advent of extended half‐life (EHL) recombinant clotting factors and innovative non‐factor replacement therapeutics, such as emicizumab, offers several advantages over existing products for the prophylactic treatment of people living with hemophilia (PwH). These include low annual bleeding rates with less frequent dosing, higher trough plasma concentrations, and a more convenient route of administration. However, increasing use of these therapies poses challenges to clinicians and coagulation laboratories due to the lack of standardized assays for monitoring of hemostatic parameters, and the potential for misinterpretation of test results, which may jeopardize patient safety. Definitive diagnosis of hemophilia and treatment monitoring is reliant on demonstrating factor VIII (FVIII; hemophilia A) or factor IX (FIX; hemophilia B) deficiency using a functional coagulation assay. The most frequently used assays are based on activated partial thromboplastin time, using a one‐stage or two‐stage process. While one‐stage and chromogenic assays have performed well with human‐derived FVIII and FIX and full‐length recombinant products, EHL recombinant factors are heterogeneous in structure and mode of action and therefore show wide variation in activity levels between different one‐stage assays, and between one‐stage and chromogenic assays. In the context of the recommended stepwise approach for laboratory diagnosis of hemophilia, we examine the diagnostic challenges associated with the use of EHL factors and novel non‐factor therapeutics and consider the optimal diagnostic approach in PwH who are receiving these treatments. Ultimately, accurate diagnostic solutions are a prerequisite for personalized therapy to minimize treatment burden and improve quality of life in PwH

    Aktuelle Gruppenarbeitskonzepte in der deutschen Automobilindustrie: Expertise zum derzeitigen Stand der Konzeptualisierung von Gruppenarbeit in der deutschen Automobilindustrie

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    Available from Bibliothek des Instituts fuer Weltwirtschaft, ZBW, Duesternbrook Weg 120, D-24105 Kiel C 190117 / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman

    Who's afraid of AI ?: what to fear and love in the dawning age of thinking machines

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    An Evaluation of the Nebraska Future Homemakers of America State Homemaker Degree by Advisers and Selected Recipients

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    The major purpose of the study was to determine the value of the Nebraska State Homemaker Degree to the girls who worked for the degree. This study was conducted by submitting questionnaires concerning the requirements and procedures to be followed in earning the degree to 12 FHA advisers and 90 selected Degree recipients. The recommendations are based on the questionnaires returned by 80 advisers and 54 recipients and on the records of the Nebraska Future Homemakers of America. Advisor: Hazel Anthon

    Investigating the genotoxic potential of pyrrolizidine alkaloids inin vitrovitro using the example of riddelliin and lasiocarpin

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    PA sind natĂŒrliche Pflanzeninhaltsstoffe, die wegen ihres genotoxischen Potentials bekannt sind. Nach Applikation mikromolarer Konzentrationen können bei in vitro Untersuchungen von Leberzellen chromosomale SchĂ€den detektiert werden. PA stehen im Verdacht nach Aufnahme bei Menschen hepatotoxische und kanzerogene Wirkungen nach sich zu ziehen. In dieser Studie wurden Lasiocarpin und Riddelliin an der humanen Leberkarzinomzelllinie Huh6 auf GenotoxizitĂ€t getestet. Die ausgewĂ€hlten Methoden waren der MK-Test, der alkalische und der FPG Comet Assay und die Îł-H2AX-FĂ€rbung. In den Vorversuchen mit BaP und CPA wurde gezeigt, dass die Zellen durch Prodrugs genotoxisch geschĂ€digt werden. Zusammenfassend kann gesagt werden, dass Riddelliin und Lasiocarpin im MK-Test eine dosisabhĂ€ngige, genotoxische Wirkung auf die Huh6 Zellen haben. Der Einfluss von Lasiocarpin war im MK-Test im Vergleich zum Einfluss von Riddelliin bei geringerer Konzentration detektierbar. Nach einer simultanen Behandlung der Huh6 Zellen mit verschiedenen PA kann konkludiert werden, dass keine signifikante Erhöhung an DNA-SchĂ€den im Vergleich zu Behandlungen mit den Einzelsubstanzen festgestellt werden konnte, was möglicherweise auf eine Erschöpfung der metabolischen KapazitĂ€t der Zellen zurĂŒckzufĂŒhren ist. Insgesamt ist es den Ergebnissen zufolge wahrscheinlich, dass die Entstehung von Crosslinks durch Lasiocarpin und Riddelliin eher eine Rolle in der GenotoxizitĂ€tsinduktion auf Huh6 Zellen spielen als oxidativer Stress. DoppelstrangbrĂŒche konnten nicht als sicherer Induktor von GenotoxizitĂ€t identifiziert werden. Die Besonderheiten der Stoffwechselwege einzelner PA und die Spezifizierung einzelner, fĂŒr die Metabolisierung relevanter Enzyme sollte in Zukunft Gegenstand der Forschung sein, um die kumulativen Wirkungen von PA besser nachzuvollziehen und die fĂŒr den Menschen entstehenden Risiken durch die Aufnahme von PA konkretisieren zu können.PA are naturally occurring secondary plant metabolites which are known for their genotoxic potential. In vitro studies can detect chromosomal damage after application of micromolar doses. Notoriously, some PA are suspected to cause hepatotoxicity and carcinogenicity in human beings as well as in animals. In this study the genotoxic effects of Lasiocarpin and Riddelliin were tested on the human hepatoma cell line Huh6. Therefore, the micronucleus test, the alkaline and the FPG Comet Assay and Îł-H2AX Assay were performed. The genotoxic potential of these prodrugs on Huh6 cells was proven in preliminary tests with BaP and CPA. In conclusion, the selected PA Riddelliin and Lasiocarpin induced micronuclei in Huh6 cells in a dose-dependent manner. In comparison to Riddelliin, the influence of Lasiocarpin was detectable at lower concentrations in micronucleus test. After the simultaneous treatment with different structure types of PA it can be observed that there is no significant elevation of DNA damage compared to the single substance tests. Possibly the reason for this is a depletion of the metabolic capacity of the Huh6 cells. Overall, according to the findings of the performed toxicological tests with Lasiocarpin and Riddelliin, it is likely that the formation of crosslinks plays a more important role in the induction of genotoxicity on Huh6 cells than oxidative stress. Double-strand breaks could not be identified as a reliable inducer of genotoxicity in this study. The peculiarities of the metabolic pathways of individual PA and the specification of relevant enzymes for metabolization should be subject of future research to create a better understanding of the cumulative effects and the resulting risks to humans from the ingestion of PA
