41 research outputs found

    Development of an efficient biocomposite hydrogel with enhanced mucoadhesive and antibacterial properties

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    Noteworthy, mucoadhesion is considered an effective approach in drug delivery. Indeed, mucoadhesion donates various advantages including prolonged residence time, drug preservation, enhanced drug permeation, and developed drug accessibility. Herein, a novel gelatin based mucoadhesive hydrogel noted as gelatin/EudragitL100/Xanthan gum in combination with TiO2 and CuO metal oxides were fabricated with the aid of a facile preparation approach. In fact, the main goal of this research study is to utilize this formulation as a mucoadhesive hydrogel for the treatment of aphthous ulcers cases. To achieving and address the appropriate mucoadhesive formulation, the effect of plasticizers (PEG4000 and PG) and surfactant (SLS), kind of metal oxide and weight percent of biopolymer in formulation was studied in details. It is significant that a semi-solid formulation was obtained and examined in all experiments. Based on the results, the existence of xanthan gum, CuO and TiO2 in conjunction with Gelatin/EudragitL100 enhances the efficiency of the mucoadhesive hydrogel. It is significant that a semi-solid formulation was obtained and examined in all experiments. The as-prepared hydrogel (M7) was characterized by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The ex vivo mucoadhesive investigation displays that the designed hydrogel possesses a convenient adhesive and biodegradation feature. The gelatin/EudragitL100/Xanthan gum/TiO2/CuO hydrogel exposed biocompatibility > 70 % for MTT assay. The in vitro swelling ratio has diminished at basic pH, owing to the smaller pore sizes, which diminishes the water absorption. Antibacterial characteristics of hydrogel (Gelatin/EudragitL100/ Xanthan gum /TiO2/CuO) on various bacteria including Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923, Escherichia coli ATCC 25922, Lactobacillus plantarum and Streptococcus mutans was evaluated. The fungal surveyed species was Candida albicans ATCC 10231. The highest and lowest inhibitory effects were reported on Candida albicans and Lactobacillus plantarum, respectively. DPPH results illustrated that M7 has an appropriate radical scavenging property compared to that of reference models. All in all, the present research study addresses a significant perception regarding the utilization of mucoadhesive formulation for practical applications

    Specific egg yolk antibody raised to biofilm associated protein (Bap) is protective against murine pneumonia caused by Acinetobacter baumannii

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    Abstract Acinetobacter baumannii easily turns into pan drug-resistant (PDR) with a high mortality rate. No effective commercial antibiotic or approved vaccine is available against drug-resistant strains of this pathogen. Egg yolk immunoglobulin (IgY) could be used as a simple and low-cost biotherapeutic against its infections. This study evaluates the prophylactic potential of IgY against A. baumannii in a murine pneumonia model. White Leghorn hens were immunized with intramuscular injection of the recombinant biofilm-associated protein (Bap) from A. baumannii on days 0, 21, 42, and 63. The reactivity and antibiofilm activity of specific IgYs raised against the Bap was evaluated by indirect ELISA and a microtiter plate assay for biofilm formation. The IgYs against Bap were able to decrease the biofilm formation ability of A. baumannii and protect the mice against the challenge of A. baumannii. IgYs antibody raised here shows a good antigen-specificity and protectivity which can be used in passive immunotherapy against A. baumannii. In conclusion, the IgY against biofilm-associated protein proves prophylactic in a murine pneumonia model

    In Vitro Assessment of Antibacterial Activity of Pomegranate Vinegar and Rose Water Compared with Persica Mouthwash against Oral Bacteria

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    Background and Aim: Mutans streptococci are the main cause of tooth decay. Application of natural materials as mouthwash has been effective in reducing the bacterial count. This study aimed to assess the antimicrobial effects of rose water and pomegranate vinegar in comparison with Persica mouthwash on two oral bacteria responsible for tooth decay. Materials and Methods: Strongly adherent strains of Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus sobrinus were selected for this in vitro study. Antimicrobial effects of pomegranate vinegar and rose water on microbial count in the biofilm and adhesion potential of bacteria were evaluated by microtiter plate method. Also, the well-plate technique was used to assess the effect of rose water and pomegranate vinegar in comparison with Persica mouthwash on bacterial growth and proliferation. The obtained resulted were analyzed by one-way ANOVA and Tukey’s post hoc test using Graph Pad Prism version 5 software. Level of significance was set at P=0.05 with 95% confidence interval. Results: Pomegranate vinegar, rose water and Persica decreased plaque formation by S. mutans by 93%, 80% and 68%, respectively. These values for the S. sobrinus were 92%, 57% and 48%, respectively (all Ps<0.001). Pomegranate vinegar was more effective than the other two materials (P<0.001). However, none of these materials eliminated the biofilm. Pomegranate vinegar and Persica mouthwash inhibited the growth of the afore-mentioned bacteria. Conclusion: Within the limitations of this study, it seems that pomegranate vinegar and rose water have the potential to prevent or control the proliferation of S. mutans and S. sobrinus

    Evaluation of hyperimmune colostrum production in bovine against cariogenic streptococci and its impact on growth and bacterial biofilm formation

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    Background and Aims: Dental caries is the most common infectious diseases. Among the oral bacteria, Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus sobrinus are considered as the main causes of tooth decay. The aim of this study was to evaluate the production of hyperimmune bovine colostrum containing specific antibodies against cariogenic bacteria and its antimicrobial effects on the growth and adhesion of Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus sobrinus in the laboratory. Materials and Methods: In this experimental study, three pregnant bovine immunized with killed antigens of strains of Streptococcus mutans, Streptococcus mutans with Streptococcus Sobrinus and Streptococcus sobrinus through intramuscular injections. After delivery, The colostrum samples were collected, and the changes of anti-streptococci antibodies titers in colostrum and serum were determined by agglutination. Also,their antimicrobial effects against the growth and adhesion of oral streptococci were surveyed by the microtiter plate method. Data were analysed by One-Wey ANOVA in SPSS software. Results: The results showed that in hyperimmunized bovine , the antibodies titers against injected bacteria were from 1.1000 to 1.3000 in sera samples and from 1.320 to 1.1280 in whey of colostrum samples. Colostrum of hyperimmune cows reduced the attachment of Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus Sobrinus about 69 and 43 percents, respectively and also, the low dilutions of it reduced bacterial growth. Conclusion:&nbsp; According to the antibacterial effect immune colostrum on two strains of cariogenic bacteria in vitro, It appears that this material could be useful in the prevention and control of dental caries

    Design and preparation of a novel pullulan hard capsule formulation: A promising green candidate and study of crucial capsule features

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    Plant-based hard capsules have gained considerable attention because of their great properties. Accordingly, designing and developing of these kinds of capsules will be a difficult task. Herein, an innovative pullulan-based hard capsule formulation was prepared for the first time. A series of characterization approaches, including Fourier transform infrared, field emission scanning electron microscope, and rheology analysis, were utilized to figure out the straightforward preparation of a designed hard capsule. Many tests and experiments were performed to achieve the optimum capsule formulation. Based on the obtained results, specifications such as uniform downfall and non-desirable adhesion, and other ideal characteristics of the capsule display the critical function. The gelling promoter of divalent cationic salts is more beneficial than its single-valent counterparts. With respect to the key role of gelling promoter, the presence of chosen MgSO4.7H2O salt and the source of selected carrageenan are important parameters to achieve optimal formulation. Moreover, field emission scanning electron microscope images illustrate that the weight ratio of 3.5 (gelling agent to salt) displays uniform surface morphology without any impurities or other foreign materials. Likewise, the outcomes of the rheology test also illustrated that the weight ratio of 3.5 is preferable. Considering the different weight ratios, the benefits of a weight ratio of 3.5 outweigh the other investigated ratios. Overall, the current research addresses substantial information about developing pullulan-based hard capsules for target usage