1,199 research outputs found

    The thin film microwave iris

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    Development of waveguide iris for microwave coupling applications using thin film techniques is discussed. Production process and installation of iris are described. Iris improves power transmission properties of waveguide window

    Mars-GRAM 2010: Improving the Precision of Mars-GRAM

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    It has been discovered during the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) site selection process that the Mars Global Reference Atmospheric Model (Mars-GRAM) when used for sensitivity studies for Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES) MapYear=0 and large optical depth values, such as tau=3, is less than realistic. Mars-GRAM's perturbation modeling capability is commonly used, in a Monte-Carlo mode, to perform high fidelity engineering end-to-end simulations for entry, descent, and landing (EDL). Mars-GRAM 2005 has been validated against Radio Science data, and both nadir and limb data from TES. Traditional Mars-GRAM options for representing the mean atmosphere along entry corridors include: (1) TES mapping year 0, with user-controlled dust optical depth and Mars-GRAM data interpolated from NASA Ames Mars General Circulation Model (MGCM) results driven by selected values of globally-uniform dust optical depth, or (2) TES mapping years 1 and 2, with Mars-GRAM data coming from MGCM results driven by observed TES dust optical depth. From the surface to 80 km altitude, Mars-GRAM is based on NASA Ames MGCM. Above 80 km, Mars-GRAM is based on the University of Michigan Mars Thermospheric General Circulation Model (MTGCM). MGCM results that were used for Mars-GRAM with MapYear=0 were from a MGCM run with a fixed value of tau=3 for the entire year at all locations. This choice of data has led to discrepancies that have become apparent during recent sensitivity studies for MapYear=0 and large optical depths. Unrealistic energy absorption by time-invariant atmospheric dust leads to an unrealistic thermal energy balance on the polar caps. The outcome is an inaccurate cycle of condensation/sublimation of the polar caps and, as a consequence, an inaccurate cycle of total atmospheric mass and global-average surface pressure. Under an assumption of unchanged temperature profile and hydrostatic equilibrium, a given percentage change in surface pressure would produce a corresponding percentage change in density at all altitudes. Consequently, the final result of a change in surface pressure is an imprecise atmospheric density at all altitudes

    “Not in their right mind”: the relation of psychopathology to the quantity and quality of creative thought

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    This is the published version. Copyright 2014 FrontierThe empirical link between psychopathology and creativity is often correlational and fraught with suspiciously causal interpretations. In this paper, we review research in favor of the position that certain forms of psychopathology that profoundly affect the neural substrates for rule-based thought (e.g., schizophrenia, bipolar disorder) can significantly influence the quantity of creative production. Because highly productive individuals, irrespective of psychopathology, often produce work of greater quality, it seems that such an increase in the quantity of one’s output positively affects the likelihood of generating those statistically rare acts and achievements identified and celebrated as creative. We consider evidence that offers support for such a claim. In addition, we explore findings from neuroscience that can address how a neural mechanism, the flexibility of which relies on tradeoffs between rule-based (e.g., prefrontal cortex) and stimulus-based (e.g., sensorimotor cortex) brain regions, is influenced by psychopathology in ways that can alter dramatically the quantity and quality of creative output

    Geothermal reservoir engineering research

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    The Stanford University research program on the study of stimulation and reservoir engineering of geothermal resources commenced as an interdisciplinary program in September, 1972. The broad objectives of this program have been: (1) the development of experimental and computational data to evaluate the optimum performance of fracture-stimulated geothermal reservoirs; (2) the development of a geothermal reservoir model to evaluate important thermophysical, hydrodynamic, and chemical parameters based on fluid-energy-volume balances as part of standard reservoir engineering practice; and (3) the construction of a laboratory model of an explosion-produced chimney to obtain experimental data on the processes of in-place boiling, moving flash fronts, and two-phase flow in porous and fractured hydrothermal reservoirs


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    The efficacy of using 0.01% chlorophacinone on steam-rolled oat (SRO) groats applied in CA alfalfa by spot-baiting/hand baiting around burrow entrances (~11.5 g) to control free-ranging Belding\u27s ground squirrels (Spermophilus beldingi) were compared in 6 randomly assigned square treatment units (TUs). Four TUs were given the rodenticide and 2 treated with placebo bait. Each TU was a 0.4 ha square surrounded by a similarly treated 5.5 ha square buffer zone. Baits were applied on May 13 and re-applied, on May 20 and May 22, after 7 days of un-forecasted cool wet weather greatly reduced their above ground activity. Pesticide (EPA SLN CA-890024) efficacy was calculated as % reduction (PR) of ground squirrels on each TUs measured directly by visual counts (VCs) and indirectly by active burrow counts (ABCs). VCs and ABCs provided mean PRs that met US EPA\u27s 70% minimum standard efficacy threshold for field rodenticides (x = 73.5%, SD ± 13.3; x = 80%, SD ± 6.2, respectively). ANOVA results of the PRs were highly significant (F = 29.72, df 1/4, p = 0.0055 and F = 72.92, df 1/4, P = 0.001, respectively). All carcasses (38) located above ground were analyzed for pesticide and 80% had detectable levels in whole animals (x = 0.1131 ppm, SD ± 0.0928). Suggestions to improve the pesticide’s efficacy and lessen its potential nontarget hazards were discussed

    The Dam1 ring binds to the E-hook of tubulin and diffuses along the microtubule.

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    There has been much effort in recent years aimed at understanding the molecular mechanism by which the Dam1 kinetochore complex is able to couple microtubule depolymerization to poleward movement. Both a biased diffusion and a forced walk model have been proposed, and several key functional aspects of Dam1-microtubule binding are disputed. Here, we investigate the elements involved in tubulin-Dam1 complex interactions and directly visualize Dam1 rings on microtubules in order to infer their dynamic behavior on the microtubule lattice and its likely relevance at the kinetochore. We find that the Dam1 complex has a preference for native tubulin over tubulin that is lacking its acidic C-terminal tail. Statistical mechanical analysis of images of Dam1 rings on microtubules, applied to both the distance between rings and the tilt angle of the rings with respect to the microtubule axis, supports a diffusive ring model. We also present a cryo-EM reconstruction of the Dam1 ring, likely the relevant assembly form of the complex for energy coupling during microtubule depolymerization in budding yeast. The present studies constitute a significant step forward by linking structural and biochemical observations toward a comprehensive understanding of the Dam1 complex

    The thin film iris

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    Thin film microwave irises with capacitive reactanc

    Relationships Among Stress Measures, Risk Factors, and Inflammatory Biomarkers in Law Enforcement Officers

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    Law enforcement officers suffer higher morbidity and mortality rates from all causes than the general population. Cardiovascular disease (CVD) accounts for a significant portion of the excess illness, with a reported prevalence as high as 1.7 times that of the general population. To determine which occupational hazards cause this increased risk and morbidity, it is imperative to study law enforcement officers before they retire. The long-range goal of our research is to reduce the incidence of CVD-related illness and death among aging law enforcement officers. The purpose of the present study was to measure pro- and anti-atherogenic inflammatory markers in blood samples from law enforcement officers (n = 71) and determine what types of occupation-related stress correlate with differences in these markers. For each outcome variable of interest, we developed separate regression models. Two groups of potential predictors were examined for inclusion in the models. Selected measures of stress were examined for inclusion in the models, in addition to general covariates, such as gender, ethnicity, years in law enforcement, and body mass index. Our results revealed statistically significant relationships between several physiologic variables and measures of stress

    Safe efficacy of three strychnine alkaloid bait concentrations for hand-baiting control of plains pocket gophers

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    In November 1990, field efficacy studies using milo baits formulated with 0.35%, 0.75%, or 1.30% strychnine alkaloid were compared to a placebo (0.0% strychnine) for controlling plains pocket gophers (Geomys bursarius) near Pleasanton, Texas. These data were required by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as partial fulfillment for the maintenance of the rodenticide registrations of the US Department of Agriculture. Each of four treatment units (TUs) within a block (2) was randomly assigned one of the four baits. Within each TU, 15 gophers were captured (balanced roughly for gender) and instrumented with radio transmitters. Following a pretreatment acclimation averaging 4.1 days, bait (4 g) was placed in active pocket gopher burrows by hand-baiting. Pocket gopher mortality was measured by monitoring the fate of radio-equipped pocket gophers (n=123) both pretreatment and post-treatment. Lack of gopher movement on two consecutive days indicated death, and the carcass was retrieved. Strychnine mortality was based on chemical analyses of carcasses, and it occurred in 0.0%, 66.7%, 96.3%, and 89.7% of gophers from the 0.0%, 0.35%, 0.75% and 1.30% TUs, respectively. Natural mortality was 7% on the placebo TUs. All three strychnine treatments provided significantly increased mortality over the placebo (P\u3c0.0001) using Fisher\u27s exact test for paired comparisons. A difference in gopher mortality occurred between the 0.32% and 0.77% strychnine treatments (P=0.003), but not between the other comparisons (0.32% vs 1.30%, P=0.18 and 0.77% vs. 1.30%, P=0.24). Gopher carcasses recovered post-treatment indicated 68 of 86 (79.1%) had strychnine alkaloid residues. The non-target strychnine hazard (using least squares means) by treatment were 4.85 ppm (0.35%), 8.04 ppm (0.75%), and 9.47 ppm (1.30%). Carcass residue differences were not detected among strychnine treatments (F=2.48, df=2,3, P=0.23). Fortunately, non-target exposure was greatly decreased because all carcasses with strychnine residues were recovered underground at a mean depth of 0.51 m (SE=0.027, range 0.15–1.17 m). Placebo-baited TUs had 27 survivors and 2 deaths from unknown causes. None had detectable strychnine levels. No non-target mortalities were documented during carcass searches and radio-tracking activities
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