2,308 research outputs found

    Spin Freezing in the Spin Liquid Compound FeAl2O4

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    Spin freezing in the AA-site spinel FeAl2_2O4_4 which is a spin liquid candidate is studied using remnant magnetization and nonlinear magnetic susceptibility and isofield cooling and heating protocols. The remnant magnetization behavior of FeAl2_2O4_4 differs significantly from that of a canonical spin glass which is also supported by analysis of the nonlinear magnetic susceptibility term χ3(T)\chi_3 (T). Through the power-law analysis of χ3(T)\chi_3 (T), a spin-freezing temperature, TgT_g = 11.4±\pm0.9~K and critical exponent, γ\gamma = 1.48±\pm0.59 are obtained. Cole-Cole analysis of magnetic susceptibility shows the presence of broad spin relaxation times in FeAl2_2O4_4, however, the irreversible dc susceptibility plot discourages an interpretation based on conventional spin glass features. The magnetization measured using the cooling-and-heating-in-unequal-fields protocol brings more insight to the magnetic nature of this frustrated magnet and reveals unconventional glassy behaviour. Combining our results, we arrive at the conclusion that the present sample of FeAl2_2O4_4 consists of a majority spin liquid phase with "glassy" regions embedded.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figs, 2-column, Accepted to Phys. Rev.

    Double-phase transition and giant positive magnetoresistance in the quasi-skutterudite Gd3_3Ir4_4Sn13_{13}

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    The magnetic, thermodynamic and electrical/thermal transport properties of the caged-structure quasi-skutterudite Gd3_3Ir4_4Sn13_{13} are re-investigated. The magnetization M(T)M(T), specific heat Cp(T)C_p(T) and the resistivity ρ(T)\rho(T) reveal a double-phase transition -- at TN1T_{N1}\sim 10~K and at TN2T_{N2}\sim 8.8~K -- which was not observed in the previous report on this compound. The antiferromagnetic transition is also visible in the thermal transport data, thereby suggesting a close connection between the electronic and lattice degrees of freedom in this Sn-based quasi-skutterudite. The temperature dependence of ρ(T)\rho(T) is analyzed in terms of a power-law for resistivity pertinent to Fermi liquid picture. Giant, positive magnetoresistance (MR) \approx 80%\% is observed in Gd3_3Ir4_4Sn13_{13} at 2~K with the application of 9~T. The giant MR and the double magnetic transition can be attributed to the quasi-cages and layered antiferromagnetic structure of Gd3_3Ir4_4Sn13_{13} vulnerable to structural distortions and/or dipolar or spin-reorientation effects. The giant value of MR observed in this class of 3:4:13 type alloys, especially in a Gd-compound, is the highlight of this work.Comment: 20 pages single column, 7 figures, 1 table; Accepted to J. Appl. Phys., 201

    Screening of in vitro derived mutants of banana against nematodes

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    Investigations were carried out to screen the in vitro derived mutants of banana cv. Robusta (Caveidish- AAA) and Rasthali (Silk- AAB) by using certain bio-chemical parameters including some enzyme activities. The mutants tested were Ro Im V4 6-1-1, Ro Im V4 6-1-2, Ro Im V4 6-2-1, Si Im V4 10-5-3, Si Im V4 4 6-2-5 along with respective susceptible checks (Robusta and Rasthali), tolerant check (Anaikomban- AA) and resistant check (Pisang Lilin- AA). Various biochemical assays used were total phenol, tannin content, lignin content, peroxidase, polyphenol oxidase, phenyl alanine ammonia lyase and ascorbic acid oxidase. The results revealed that the mutants namely Ro Im V4 6-1-1 and Si Im V4 10-5-3 were found to be resistant while the mutant Ro Im V4 6-2-1 was moderately resistant. The rest of the mutants namely Ro Im V4 6-1-2 and Si Im V4 6-2-5 were found to be susceptible to nematodes. The resistant and moderately resistant mutants of banana could be further used in breeding programmes as well as being recognized as potential cultivars of commerce.Key words: Banana, nematode, resistance, biochemical parameters, enzymes, screening

    Dynamics of Team Teaching and Research in a Management School: Learning and Imperatives

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    This paper discusses the experience of team teaching to address the issues of integration of academic inputs by bringing multi-disciplinary perspective together and thereby enhance learning experience of participants. The paper delves on the process, events and outcome of team teaching by four faculty members at IIM Ahmedabad who collaborated in teaching, writing cases, and doing research for a period of more than three years. The experience has been summarized using the following dimensions: need for team-teaching, existing mechanisms and barriers, opportunities and potential, imperatives, fall-outs and challenges experienced in the process. The cohesion, trust and mutual respect are key imperatives. The other factors contributing to the success of team-teaching are strong felt need by the members for integration in programmes, complementary skills and experiences of team members, frequent programmes with integrated components that provided continuous opportunities for learning, co-location of the instructors, and off-site programmes that provided opportunities for close get-togethers. The autonomy granted by the institution to instructors and co-coordinators to design and execute learning opportunities was also instrumental in the success. In an environment where the rule of the game is individualism, forming teams creates fears of loss of importance and recognition. The experience shows that the competency of the members and the overall effectiveness of the tasks are strengthened if the team believes in “reciprocating interdependence”. This can be possible only if members allow themselves opportunities to experiment, improvise and review

    Transmission Electron Microscope Studies of Thin Films of CdSe Vacuum Evaporated from Knudsen-Type Source

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    A Knudsen-type evaporation source was used for the vacuum deposition of thin films of CdSe to study their growth and microstructure on to air-cleaved KCI and mica substrates under different rates of evaporation and substrate temperatures. The conditions for the growth of epitaxial films of this material onto mica have also been established and their photoconducting properties evaluated. CdSe films prepared by this source retain their stoichiometry and compare well with those prepared by other sources of vacuum evaporation

    Preparation and Characterization of Nano-Dy 2

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    Composite polymer electrolyte films containing various concentrations of nano-Dy2O3 (1.0 to 4.0%) in PVA + sodium citrate (90 : 10) are synthesized adopting solution cast method and are characterized using FTIR, XRD, SEM, and DSC techniques. The investigations indicate that all components are homogenously dispersed. Films containing 3% of nano-Dy2O3 are more homogenous and less crystalline, and the same is supported by DSC studies indicating the friendly nature to ionic conductivity. Transference number studies reveal that the major charge carriers are ions. With the increase in % of nano-Dy2O3, the conductivity increases and reaches maximum in 3% film with a value of 1.06 × 10−4 S/cm (at 303 K). Further, the conductivity of the film increases with raise in temperature due to the hopping of interchain and intrachain ion movements and fall in microscopic viscosity at the matrix interface of the film. Electrochemical cells are fabricated using these films with the configuration “anode (Mg + MgSO4)/[PVA (90%) + Na3C6H5O7 (10%) + (1–4% nano-Dy2O3)]/cathode (I2 + C + electrolyte),” and various discharge characteristics are evaluated. With 3% nano-Dy2O3 film, the maximum discharge time of 118 hrs with open-circuit voltage of 2.68 V, power density of 0.91 W/kg, and energy density of 107.5 Wh/kg are observed. These findings reflect the successful adoption of the developed polymer electrolyte films in electrochemical cells

    A Study On The Number Of Edges Of Some Families Of Graphs And Generalized Mersenne Numbers

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    The relationship between the Nandu sequence of the SM family of graphs and the generalized Mersenne numbers is demonstrated in this study. The sequences obtained from the  peculiar number of edges   of SM family of  graphs are known as Nandu sequences. Nandu sequences are related to the two families of SM sum graphs and SM balancing graphs. The SM sum graphs are established from the inherent relationship between powers of 2 and natural numbers, whereas the SM balancing graphs are linked to the balanced ternary number system.  In addition, some unusual prime numbers are discovered in this paper. These prime numbers  best suit as an alternate for the Mersenne primes in the case of the  public key cryptosystem