217 research outputs found

    Task irrelevant external cues can influence language selection in voluntary object naming: evidence from Hindi-English bilinguals

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    We examined if external cues such as other agents’ actions can influence the choice of language during voluntary and cued object naming in bilinguals in three experiments. Hindi– English bilinguals first saw a cartoon waving at a color patch. They were then asked to either name a picture in the language of their choice (voluntary block) or to name in the instructed language (cued block). The colors waved at by the cartoon were also the colors used as language cues (Hindi or English). We compared the influence of the cartoon’s choice of color on naming when speakers had to indicate their choice explicitly before naming (Experiment 1) as opposed to when they named directly on seeing the pictures (Experiment 2 and 3). Results showed that participants chose the language indicated by the cartoon greater number of times (Experiment 1 and 3). Speakers also switched significantly to the language primed by the cartoon greater number of times (Experiment 1 and 2). These results suggest that choices leading to voluntary action, as in the case of object naming can be influenced significantly by external non-linguistic cues. Importantly, these symbolic influences can work even when other agents are merely indicating their choices and are not interlocutors in bilingual communicatio

    Surgical management of chronic fourth degree perineal tear: a single center experience

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    Background: The aim of this article is to present the ridge about the recognition, preoperative management, surgical technique and long term follow up of patients with chronic fourth degree perineal tear.Methods: Authors conducted a prospective study in the department of obstetrics and gynecology in SDM hospital of medical sciences from 2008 January to 2016 December. Data on age, parity, incontinence to flatus, solid or liquids stools, duration of symptoms, history of previous repair, duration of repair, post-operative stay, complications and recovery were collected and analyzed. A total of thirty cases of chronic perineal tear were studied.Results: A total of 30 patients underwent CPT repair. Average duration of surgery was 90 minutes. 27 out of 30 patients were discharged on post-operative day 10. Three patients were non-compliant to treatment. Of the total 30 patients, two patients were lost for follow up. Overall success rate was 93% including patients who underwent re-surgery for failed repair.Conclusions: The significant finding of the present study was that a secondary repair of an anal sphincter injury was not associated with an unfavorable subjective outcome in relation to symptoms of anal incontinence. A good insight of perineal and anal sphincter anatomy and adherence to the sound principles is essential. The success rate in this study is 93.3% highlighting that a diligently performed operation by a surgeon of adequate expertise likely results in satisfactory outcome

    Elevating Endogenous Cannabinoids Reduces Opioid Withdrawal in Mice

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    Delta9-tetrahydrocannbinol (THC), the primary active constituent of Cannabis sativa, has long been known to reduce opioid withdrawal symptoms. Although THC produces most of its pharmacological actions through the activation of CB1 and CB2 cannabinoid receptors, the role these receptors play in reducing opioid withdrawal symptoms remains unknown. The endogenous cannabinoids, N-arachidonoylethanolamine (anandamide; AEA) and 2-arachidonylglycerol (2-AG), activate both cannabinoid receptors, but are rapidly metabolized by fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH) and monoacylglycerol lipase (MAGL), respectively. The objective of this dissertation was to test whether increasing AEA or 2-AG, via inhibition of their respective hydrolytic enzymes, reduces morphine withdrawal symptoms in in vivo and in vitro models of opiate dependence. Morphine-dependent ICR mice subjected to acute naloxone challenge or abrupt withdrawal (via pellet removal) reliably displayed a profound withdrawal syndrome, consisting of jumping, paw tremors, head shakes, diarrhea, and weight loss. THC and the MAGL inhibitor, JZL184 dose-dependently reduced the intensity of precipitated withdrawal measures through the activation of CB1 receptors. The FAAH inhibitor, PF-3845, reduced the intensity of a subset of precipitated signs through the activation of CB1 receptors, but did not ameliorate the incidence of diarrhea or weight loss. In the next set of experiments, MAGL inhibition dose-dependently reduced the intensity of all spontaneous withdrawal signs (i.e jumps, paw flutters, head shakes, weight loss and diarrhea) in a CB1 receptor dependent manner. However, FAAH inhibition reduced the intensity of head shakes and paw flutters, but did not affect other signs. Strikingly, a combination of low-dose JZL184 and high-dose PF-3845 reduced abrupt withdrawal signs in a manner similar to complete MAGL inhibition, which suggests potential therapeutic advantages of dual enzyme inhibition. This combination elevated appropriate eCB levels and caused moderate CB1 receptor desensitization, but did not affect receptor number in whole brain. Since MAGL, but not FAAH inhibition, blocked diarrhea during opioid withdrawal in vivo, we investigated whether inhibitors of each enzyme would differentially attenuate naloxone-precipitated contractions and secretion in morphine-dependent ilea in vitro. Both enzyme inhibitors attenuated the intensity of naloxone-induced contractions, and blocked naloxone-precipitated hypersecretion. Thus, these models offer useful tools for investigating in vitro end-ponts of withdrawal, but not for elucidating anti-diarrheal mechanism of these inhibitors.If targeting endocannabinoid catabolic enzymes is indeed a viable approach to treat other abuse disorders, it is important to know whether these inhibitors would themselves have abuse or dependence liability. In the final series of experiments we tested whether prolonged elevation of endocannabinoid leads to the development of cannabinoid dependence, based on the occurrence of somatic withdrawal signs upon challenge with rimonabant, a CB1 receptor antagonist. Repeated treatment with high doses, but not low doses, of JZL184 led to cannabinoid dependnece. These results indicate that the strategy of increasing endogenous cannabinoids through the inhibition of their catabolic enzymes represents a promising approach to ameliorate opioid withdrawal symptoms

    Nutritional Composition of Selected Commercially Sold Ready-to-eat Indian Meat and Vegetable Curried Dishes

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    A significant influence of dietary and nutrition transition is on the food behaviour of populace reflected in higher dependence on processed or catered foods. The traditional home cooked meals have been largely replaced by street or restaurant foods. While the nutritional composition of processed foods is declared on the label, there is no such information available regarding catered foods and the consumer cannot make an informed choice while selecting food at an eatery. With this premise, the present study was undertaken to analyse the nutritional composition of selected meat and vegetables based Indian dishes sourced from three different catering establishments. Similar dishes were also prepared in laboratory and the nutritional value computed using food composition database. The dishes selected were curries made with chicken, mutton, fish, mixed vegetable, Malai kofta (potato and cheese balls in creamy gravy) and Gobi Manchurian (deep fried spiced cauliflower snack). The results revealed that there were wide variations in the energy and fat content of foods sourced from different eateries. In general, the fat content of dishes was very high. In comparison, laboratory prepared items had lesser energy and fat content. The information will help in creating a nutrient database of ready-to-eat foods and help the consumer in selectin of dishes

    Modulation of Robot Orientation via Leg-Obstacle Contact Positions

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    We study a quadrupedal robot traversing a structured (i.e., periodically spaced) obstacle field driven by an open-loop quasi-static trotting walk. Despite complex, repeated collisions and slippage between robot legs and obstacles, the robot’s horizontal plane body orientation (yaw) trajectory can converge in the absence of any body level feedback to stable steady state patterns. We classify these patterns into a series of “types” ranging from stable locked equilibria, to stable periodic oscillations, to unstable or mixed period oscillations. We observe that the stable equilibria can bifurcate to stable periodic oscillations and then to mixed period oscillations as the obstacle spacing is gradually increased. Using a 3D-reconstruction method, we experimentally characterize the robot leg-obstacle contact configurations at each step to show that the different steady patterns in robot orientation trajectories result from a self-stabilizing periodic pattern of leg-obstacle contact positions. We present a highly-simplified coupled oscillator model that predicts robot orientation pattern as a function of the leg-obstacle contact mechanism. We demonstrate that the model successfully captures the robot steady state for different obstacle spacing and robot initial conditions. We suggest in simulation that using the simplified coupled oscillator model we can create novel control strategies that allow multi-legged robots to exploit obstacle disturbances to negotiate randomly cluttered environments. For more information: Kod*lab (link to kodlab.seas.upenn.edu

    Effect of organic mulches and foliar spray of kaolin on NPK uptake in enhancing yield and economics of dry land maize (Zea mays L.)

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    The hot and semi-arid region is prone to meteorological droughts; the lack of rain is frequently accompanied by hot temperatures, strong winds, and low humidity, which has the impact of limiting nutrient uptake and agricultural yields. To overcome this problem a field study conducted during June, 2020 kharif season at farmers field, Chinna Dudyala village, Muddanur, Kadapa district, Andhra Pradesh aimed to determine the effect of organic mulches and foliar spray of kaolin on NPK uptake in enhancing yield and economics of dry land maize (Zea mays). One of the most important techniques for preserving soil moisture was mulching, which also reduces evapotranspiration when anti-transpirants are used. The experiment comprised nine treatments (T1 to T9) with four types of organic mulches viz., Paddy straw, Ground-nut haulm, Coir-pith, and Sugarcane trash, with foliar spray of kaolin intervals on 40 DAS, 20 & 40 DAS and farmers practice to minimize water stress and improve the nutrient uptake by plant. Among the application of the treatments, coir-pith mulch + foliar spray of kaolin @ 3.0% (T6) on 20 DAS & 40 DAS had significant effect on NPK uptake with N (187.15 kg ha-1), P (69.60 kg ha-1) and K (156.22 kg ha-1) and enhanced grain yield (6976 kg ha-1) and stover yield (10980 kg ha-1), highest gross returns (138034 â‚ą. ha-1) and BCR (2.63) and was superior to all the other treatments. The present study would help to effectively utilise the available resources, enhance growth and productivity in maize crop and to make economically viable to the farmers of semi-arid regions


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    In this present situation there is an increase in the number of diseases has been observed but before this drug come to market, it must undergo several procedures. The validation and analytical methods are the important techniques that help in ensuring its purity and reliability. This process involves the use of various analytical techniques to collect data about the drug. This review includes various types of analytical techniques such as ultraviolet-visible Spectrophotometric and chromatography methods such as high-performance liquid chromatography, hyphenation techniques such as LC-MS for the estimation of selected anti-cancer drugs

    Significance of 18S rDNA specific primers in the identification of genus Dunaliella

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    The cells survive in extreme marine environments has received significant interest due to their high valuable compounds. In the present attempt, a total of six different isolates of Dunaliella isolated from the salt pans of Andhra Pradesh, India were identified based on their morphology and cultural characteristics. Besides, the isolates were subjected to molecular identification using 18S rDNA specific primers. Out of the six isolate one was never amplified with the any of species specific primers used hence it was partially sequenced and submitted in GenBank. This study obviously describes the incidence of non carotenogenic strains (never turn from green to red) of Dunaliella bardawil and Dunaliella parva in natural environment

    Sub-lethal but potentially devastating - The novel insecticide flupyradifurone impairs collective brood care in bumblebees

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    The worldwide decline in pollinating insects is alarming. One of the main anthropogenic drivers is the massive use of pesticides in agriculture. Risk assessment procedures test pesticides for mortality rates of well-fed, parasite free individuals of a few non-target species. Sublethal and synergistic effects of co-occurring stressors are usually not addressed. Here, we present a simple, wildly applicable bio-essay to assess such effects. Using brood thermoregulation in bumblebee microcolonies as readout, we investigate how this collective ability is affected by long-term feeding exposure to the herbicide glyphosate (5 mg/l), the insecticide flupyradifurone (0.4 mg/l) and the combination of both, when co-occurring with the natural stressor of resource limitation. Documenting brood temperature and development in 53 microcolonies we find no significant effect of glyphosate, while flupyradifurone significantly impaired the collective ability to maintain the necessary brood temperatures, resulting in prolonged developmental times and a decrease in colony growth by over 50 %. This reduction in colony growth has the potential to significantly curtail the reproductive chances of colonies in the field. Our findings highlight the potentially devastating consequences of flupyradifurone use in agriculture even at sub-lethal doses and underline the urgent need for improved risk assessment procedures
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