652 research outputs found

    Le spleen de Paris : uma estética do confronto

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Letras, Departamento de Teoria Literária e Literaturas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Literatura, 2017.O objetivo deste trabalho é refletir acerca do tema do confronto em Le Spleen de Paris – Petits poèmes en prose, de Charles Baudelaire, um dos inauguradores da lírica moderna. Serão abordados, em especial, três aspectos da ideia de confronto na obra referida: o confronto estético; o confronto com o outro; e o confronto consigo mesmo. Considerando-se que o spleen figura em um dos títulos imaginados por Baudelaire para nomear a coletânea de poemas em questão, é de se supor que esse sentimento contribua para a tendência do sujeito poético da obra a estabelecer relações marcadamente conflituosas. Assim, em síntese, o problema sobre o qual se intenciona debruçar-se neste trabalho pode ser proposto do seguinte modo: em que medida a disseminação do tema do confronto em Le Spleen de Paris pode ser relacionada ao sentimento do spleen? Ao longo desse percurso, tendo como principais referenciais teóricos as teses de Antoine Compagnon, Hugo Friedrich e Walter Benjamin, será necessário evocar características fulcrais da modernidade e refletir acerca da noção de spleen, conceitos que se relacionam entre si e também com o modo como o confronto se espalha na obra em questão.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES).Ce travail a pour but de réfléchir à propos du sujet de l’affrontement dans Le Spleen de Paris – Petits poèmes en prose, de Charles Baudelaire, l’un des inventeurs de la poésie moderne. De manière plus spécifique, trois aspects de l’idée d’affrontement seront analysés dans l’oeuvre mentionnée: l’affrontement esthétique; l’affrontement à l’autre; l’affrontement à soi-même. En considérant que le spleen figure sur l’un des titres imaginés par Baudelaire pour nommer son recueil de poèmes, on peut supposer que ce sentiment participe à la tendance du je poétique à établir des relations assez turbulentes. En somme, la problématique sur laquelle nous nous proposons de nous concentrer peut être formulée de la manière suivante: dans quelle mesure la dissémination de l’affrontement dans Le Spleen de Paris se lie-t-elle au sentiment du spleen? Au long du parcours, en prenant pour référence théorique surtout les idées d’Antoine Compagnon, Hugo Friedrich et Walter Benjamin, il sera nécessaire d’évoquer des caractéristiques centrales de la modernité et réfléchir à propos de la notion de spleen - des concepts qui se lient l’un à l’autre et aussi à la manière dont l’affrontement se répand dans l’oeuvre ci-analysée

    Accidental Removal of a Carotid Endovascular Stent during Oropharyngeal Mass Biopsy

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    A 54-year-old male patient, with a history of a right mandibular adenocarcinoma, previously excised, and treated with post operative chemo- and radio-therapy, presented with a right oropharyngeal necrotic mass of several months duration. His history is pertinent for a right internal carotid endovascular stenting 2 years prior to presentation. During biopsy of his oropharyngeal lesion, a specimen of tissue was retrieved, with the carotid stent within. There was no bleeding. To the best of our knowledge, there is no such case reported in the literature. We present this case as a reminder on the importance and risks of radiation-induced necrosis and its distortion of the surrounding anatomy, especially in the presence of foreign bodies or protheses

    Da pessoa que recai a pessoa que se levanta: a recursividade dos que usam crack

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    Although available treatments for crack abuse reduce the gravity of the psychosocial problems caused by usage, they have not been able to solve drug abuse “relapses” until now. Hoping to increase the knowledge around the theme, this qualitative research thesis aims to investigate reasons for relapse among abusive crack users –who, in their final treatment phase have relapsed. To develop the study, the search field included three venues: the Centers of Psychosocial Attention in alcohol and other drugs (Caps AD), the Therapeutic Communities (CT) and Medical Clinics (CM). Principles of qualitative investigation were used along with samples chosen for set criteria, built with the help of the key-informants (gatekeepers), and semi-structured interviews which were applied to the research participants. Reaching a theoretical saturation point, 120 people were equally divided between the greater metropolis regions of Recife – PE and São Paulo – SP. Analysis of the content revealed categories that emerged from the interviewees’ narratives. Didactically narratives were divided into three thematic blocks: reasons associated with people (MP), reasons associated twith the drug (MD), reasons associated with the environment (MA). Within these blocks, those most reported were the ones related to the MP category, which were highly relevant to the difficulty and/or inability people have to deal with their emotions. Aspects which defined the concept of “relapse” as inappropriate also revealed the phenomenon of reading through the light of Harm Reduction based on Human Rights, considering the principle of recursivity as a fundamental starting point to another perception over the phenomenon. Some final considerations were reached: people’s interpersonal relations and the consequent frustrations were the mostly cited reasons for unleashing “relapse”, breaking the paradigm that says the causes are centered mainly on the drug itself.In addition, the intersubjective processes which refer to people’s recursive movements showed that their knowledge and resignifications over crack are neglected aspects of treatment, by professionals and caretakers, independent of the model by which care instances are affiliated. It is expected that these findings can contribute to an improvement of the attention given to crack users who search for treatment.Embora os tratamentos disponíveis tragam uma diminuição da gravidade dos problemas psicossociais causados pelo abuso do crack, não conseguiram até o momento “resolver” a “recaída” ao consumo da droga. Buscando ampliar o conhecimento sobre o tema, esta tese, de caráter qualitativo de pesquisa teve como objetivo investigar junto às pessoas que abusam de crack - em fase final de tratamento e que tivessem vivenciado episódios de “recaídas” -, os motivos desencadeadores desse processo. Para o desenvolvimento do estudo, o campo da pesquisa se deu em três instâncias de cuidado: os Centros de Atenção Psicossociais em álcool e outras drogas (Caps AD), as Comunidades Terapêuticas (CT) e as Clínicas Médicas (CM). Foram utilizados os princípios da investigação qualitativa com amostra intencional por critérios, construída com o auxílio das informantes-chaves (gatekeepers) e entrevistas semi-estruturadas que foram aplicadas aos participantes da pesquisa. Alcançou-se através do ponto de saturação teórica, um N de 120 entrevistados divididos igualmente entre Recife - PE e São Paulo – SP considerando-se também as regiões metropolitanas. A análise de conteúdo revelou categorizações que emergiram das narrativas dos entrevistados. Didaticamente foram divididas em três blocos temáticos: motivos associados às pessoas (MP), motivos associados à droga (MD), motivos associados ao ambiente (MA). Destes, as motivações mais citadas, pertenceram à categoria dos MP, sendo bastante relevante a dificuldade e/ou inabilidade das pessoas em lidarem com suas emoções. Também foram revelados aspectos que colocam o conceito de “recaída” como inapropriado para a leitura do fenômeno à luz da Redução de Danos (RD) baseada nos Direitos Humanos (DH), considerando o princípio da recursividade como ponto de partida fundamental a um outro olhar sobre esse processo. Algumas considerações finais foram tecidas: as relações interpessoais e as consequentes frustrações das pessoas foram os motivos mais citados como desencadeadores de “recaída”, rompendo o paradigma de que as causas estariam centradas principalmente na droga; além disso, os processos intersubjetivos referentes aos movimentos recursivos das pessoas mostraram que seus aprendizados e ressignificações diante do crack são aspectos negligenciados no tratamento pelos profissionais e cuidadores, independentemente dos modelos aos quais as instâncias de cuidado estejam filiadas. Espera-se que tais achados possam contribuir para a melhoria da atenção prestada às pessoas que buscam tratamento.BV UNIFESP: Teses e dissertaçõe

    Negative Regulation of Vps34 by Cdk Mediated Phosphorylation

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    Vacuolar protein sorting 34 (Vps34) complexes, the class III PtdIns3 kinase, specifically phosphorylate the D3 position of PtdIns to produce PtdIns3P. Vps34 is involved in the control of multiple key intracellular membrane trafficking pathways including endocytic sorting and autophagy. In mammalian cells, Vps34 interacts with Beclin 1, an ortholog of Atg6 in yeast, to regulate the production of PtdIns3P and autophagy. We show that Vps34 is phosphorylated on Thr159 by Cdk1, which negatively regulates its interaction with Beclin 1 during mitosis. Cdk5/p25, a neuronal Cdk shown to play a role in Alzheimer's disease, can also phosphorylate Thr159 of Vps34. Phosphorylation of Vps34 on Thr159 inhibits its interaction with Beclin 1. We propose that phosphorylation of Thr159 in Vps34 is a key regulatory mechanism that controls the class III PtdIns3 kinase activity in cell-cycle progression, development, and human diseases including neurodegeneration and cancers.National Institute on Aging (PO1 AG027916)National Institute on Aging (R37 AG 012859)Samsung (Firm) (Scholarship from South Korea

    Cocaine and Its Variations in Forms of Presentation and Addiction

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    This chapter intends to show cocaine variations in its forms of presentation, chemical forms, pharmacology, use forms, and contexts of use to understand how these factors can influence drug addiction. Furthermore, a discussion on the most expected psychoactive effects will take place during this chapter, based on different forms of use, treatment possibilities, and possible harm reduction strategies. Above all, the discussion considers the recursive movement of people who abuse the drug or became dependent. Therefore, the authors will discourse about these aspects using some singular and illustrative cases, from the biographical trajectory of people in their contexts related to the substance use, aborting the recursive movement of the drug user

    SopB promotes phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate formation on Salmonella vacuoles by recruiting Rab5 and Vps34

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    Salmonella colonizes a vacuolar niche in host cells during infection. Maturation of the Salmonella-containing vacuole (SCV) involves the formation of phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate (PI(3)P) on its outer leaflet. SopB, a bacterial virulence factor with phosphoinositide phosphatase activity, was proposed to generate PI(3)P by dephosphorylating PI(3,4)P2, PI(3,5)P2, and PI(3,4,5)P3. Here, we examine the mechanism of PI(3)P formation during Salmonella infection. SopB is required to form PI(3,4)P2/PI(3,4,5)P3 at invasion ruffles and PI(3)P on nascent SCVs. However, we uncouple these events experimentally and reveal that SopB does not dephosphorylate PI(3,4)P2/PI(3,4,5)P3 to produce PI(3)P. Instead, the phosphatase activity of SopB is required for Rab5 recruitment to the SCV. Vps34, a PI3-kinase that associates with active Rab5, is responsible for PI(3)P formation on SCVs. Therefore, SopB mediates PI(3)P production on the SCV indirectly through recruitment of Rab5 and its effector Vps34. These findings reveal a link between phosphoinositide phosphatase activity and the recruitment of Rab5 to phagosomes

    Mapping of areas at risk of flooding in the hydrographic basin of the Jaboatão River, in Pernambuco, using the method AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process)

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    O presente trabalho buscou mapear e classificar as áreas de risco de inundação da bacia hidrográfica do rio Jaboatão, em Pernambuco, utilizando o método AHP (Analysis Hierarchy Process) aliado a Sistemas de Informações Geográficas (SIG). Para isso, foram elencados os parâmetros que mais influenciam no processo de inundação e determinados pesos de importância aos mesmos, sendo eles: uso e ocupação do solo, hipsometria, declividade e pedologia. Esses parâmetros foram manipulados na forma matricial por meio do software ArcGIS (10.4), onde foram submetidos às técnicas de reclassificação e álgebra de mapas. A partir desse procedimento, foi possível obter o mapa das áreas de risco de inundação para região do estudo, em que foi observado que as áreas que apresentam maiores suscetibilidades a esse tipo de acidente hidrológico são as que possuem baixas declividades e cotas altimétricas, solos com pouca capacidade de infiltração de água e expressiva intervenção antrópica.The present work sought to map and classify the flood risk areas of the hydrographic basin of the Jaboatão River, in Pernambuco, using the method AHP (Analysis Hierarchy Process) combined with Geographic Information Systems (GIS). For that, the parameters that most influence the flooding process and certain weights of importance to them were listed, namely: land use and occupation, hypsometry, slope and pedology. These parameters were manipulated in the matrix form using the ArcGIS software (10.4), where they were submitted to the reclassification and map algebra techniques. From this procedure, it was possible to obtain the map of areas at risk of flooding for the region of the study, in which it was observed that the areas that are most susceptible to this type of hydrological accident are those with low declivity and elevation levels, soils little water infiltration capacity and significant anthropic intervention

    A novel phosphatidylinositol(3,4,5)P3 pathway in fission yeast

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    The mammalian tumor suppressor, phosphatase and tensin homologue deleted on chromosome 10 (PTEN), inhibits cell growth and survival by dephosphorylating phosphatidylinositol-(3,4,5)-trisphosphate (PI[3,4,5]P3). We have found a homologue of PTEN in the fission yeast, Schizosaccharomyces pombe (ptn1). This was an unexpected finding because yeast (S. pombe and Saccharomyces cerevisiae) lack the class I phosphoinositide 3-kinases that generate PI(3,4,5)P3 in higher eukaryotes. Indeed, PI(3,4,5)P3 has not been detected in yeast. Surprisingly, upon deletion of ptn1 in S. pombe, PI(3,4,5)P3 became detectable at levels comparable to those in mammalian cells, indicating that a pathway exists for synthesis of this lipid and that the S. pombe ptn1, like mammalian PTEN, suppresses PI(3,4,5)P3 levels. By examining various mutants, we show that synthesis of PI(3,4,5)P3 in S. pombe requires the class III phosphoinositide 3-kinase, vps34p, and the phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 5-kinase, its3p, but does not require the phosphatidylinositol-3-phosphate 5-kinase, fab1p. These studies suggest that a pathway for PI(3,4,5)P3 synthesis downstream of a class III phosphoinositide 3-kinase evolved before the appearance of class I phosphoinositide 3-kinases