888 research outputs found

    A Classification and Survey of Computer System Performance Evaluation Techniques

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    Classification and survey of computer system performance evaluation technique

    A hybrid LBG/lattice vector quantizer for high quality image coding

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    It is well known that a vector quantizer is an efficient coder offering a good trade-off between quantization distortion and bit rate. The performance of a vector quantizer asymptotically approaches the optimum bound with increasing dimensionality. A vector quantized image suffers from the following types of degradations: (1) edge regions in the coded image contain staircase effects, (2) quasi-constant or slowly varying regions suffer from contouring effects, and (3) textured regions lose details and suffer from granular noise. All three of these degradations are due to the finite size of the code book, the distortion measures used in the design, and due to the finite training procedure involved in the construction of the code book. In this paper, we present an adaptive technique which attempts to ameliorate the edge distortion and contouring effects

    In Sangam literature, the Muthal, Karu, Uriporul of Maruthamthinai

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    Sangam literature is the historical vault of the Tamils. Among them, the culture of Tamils. Various biological ideas on culture are spreading. These are often found to be a five -fold of Kurunji, Mullai, Marutham, Neithal, Paalai. Among these, the land of the field is a field -based resource. Therefore, the majority of the people living here are living in agricultural lands. The industry they do will also be agricultural. Therefore, this article is described as the Muthal, Karu and Uriporul

    Effect of exercise on diastasis recti abdominis among the primiparous women: a quasi-experimental study

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    Background: Diastatis recti abdominis (DRA) occurs most commonly in pregnant women owing to weakness of the abdominal musculature resulting from maternal hormone influences and increased stretch of the rectus abdominis induced by the expanding uterus. As there are musculoskeletal complications following DRA, there is a need to implement DRA corrective exercises in preventing or treating DRA following child birth. The objective of the study was to investigate the effects of Diastasis rectus abdominis corrective exercises in reducing DRA among the primiparous women.Methods: Primiparous women who had DRA of more than 2 finger width at their umbilical level or a bulging rectus abdominis on contraction following a vaginal delivery (VD) or cesarean section (LSCS) were included as per the inclusion and exclusion criteria.Results: Fifty four and forty two women in the VD and LSCS group respectively participated in the study. Among them only 12 and 9 women from each group respectively performed the DRA corrective exercises for 6 weeks. There was a significant improvement in the reduction of DRA within the groups at p 0.05 which indicated that both the groups showed the same level of improvement.Conclusions: DRA corrective exercises performed by the primiparous women with DRA in their postpartum period immediately following ND or a month after the LSCS for 6 weeks were found to be effective in reducing DRA

    Stroke Rehabilitation.

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    INTRODUCTION : Stroke is one of the leading causes of mortality and morbidity worldwide. Approximately 20 million people each year suffer from stroke and of these 5 million will not survive1. Developing countries account for 85% of global deaths from stroke. Stroke is also a leading cause of functional impairments, with 20% survivors requiring institutional care after 3 months and 15%-30% being permanently disabled. Stroke is the most common causes of chronic disability. Of survivors, an estimated one third will be functionally dependent after 1 year experiencing difficulty with activities of daily living (ADL), ambulation, speech and so forth2. Stroke survivors represent the largest group admitted in inpatient rehabilitation hospitals. Another indicator of disability is the fact that approximately 26% of patients with stroke are institutionalized in a nursing home. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES : The Primary objective of this study is - to investigate the effect of intense sensory motor stimulation given in the form of electrical stimulation, olive oil massage and re-education exercise program in augmenting motor recovery in stroke patients. The Secondary objectives of this study are to assess the various factors which influence the stroke recovery like, - the time interval between the onset of stroke and the initiation of rehabilitation program, - the risk factors for stroke, - the areas of the brain affected and - the pathology of stroke. MATERIALS AND METHODS : Review of literature shows that there will be natural, spontaneous neurological recovery after stroke. The mechanism to explain recovery is Neuroplasticity. Brain plasticity is the ability of the nervous system to modify its structural and functional organization. The most plausible forms of plasticity are collateral sprouting of new synaptic connections and unmasking of previously latent functional pathways. Experimental evidence indicates that plasticity can be altered by several external conditions, including pharmacological agents, electrical stimulation and environmental stimulation. Many different electrical stimulation applications have been explored since the pioneering work of Liberson et al on foot drop. So in this study electrical stimulation is used to augment motor recovery in patients being rehabilitated after acute stroke, in addition to olive oil massage and reeducation exercise programme. Methods: In this study, 20 hemiplegics admitted to PSG Hospitals, affiliated to the PSG Institute of Medical Sciences & Research, Coimbatore between March 2011 and 31st May 2011 were selected. No specific selection criteria with reference to age, severity of paralysis, aphasia, neglect, incontinence and cognitive function were applied. But stroke cases of longer duration were not included in this study. On admission to the rehabilitation facility, age and gender were documented for each patient as were the type and site of the cerebral lesion. Duration between stroke onset and rehabilitation admission were also recorded. RESULTS : To analyze a data, two types of statistical techniques are used. They are, a) Descriptive statistical technique and b) Inferential statistical technique. The above table shows the mean score of Scandinavian stroke scale (SSS) on discharge and follows up. The standard deviation also seems to be within the normal limits. It does not skewed very much. So this distribution can be said as normal distribution. To analyze the significant differences between the three means, the “Analysis of Variant Technique” (ANOVA) was used. The F ratio 37.31 was found to be significant at 0.01 level indicates that stroke level of different stages is significantly different from one another. The hypothesis I has been proved by this statistical finding. To analyze further which group is different from another group, ‘student‘t’ test’ was used. The following conclusions are drawn from the above study

    Mass mortality of triggerfish Odonus niger (Rupell) along Dhanuskodi coast

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    On 3rd and 4th October 2007, several fishes of the species Odonus niger (locally known as Karuppu Klaathi ) were washed ashore along the coast for a stretch of nearly 4 km from Dhanuskodi check post to Arichumunai. On an average, 60 fishes were found lying in every 15 m of the stretch