94 research outputs found

    Comparison of haemoglobin assessment by HemoCue 301 and automated haematology analyser using flowcytometry among school going children: a one year study at a tertiary care hospital

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    Background: Anaemia defined as reduction in the concentration in Haemoglobin is one of the key health indicators of health care system of the country. Accurate screening methods are required to estimate the levels of haemoglobin for diagnosing the cause of anaemia. Objectives of the study was to analyze and compare the results of haemoglobin concentrations estimated with automated haematology analyzer and point of care device HemoCue Hb301.Methods: It is a prospective cross-sectional study was conducted for one year after ethical approval. Non fasting capillary and venous blood samples were collected from the selected cases of children and Haemoglobin concentrations were estimated by automated analyzer and HemoCue Hb301 system and the values were noted. Quality control checks were performed for both. Statistical analysis was done using IBM SPSS Version 24.0.Results: Mean Hb% concentration was estimated in 108 children with 44 female and 64 males. The mean value of Automated hematology analyzer (11.965±1.012) was significantly higher when compared with the mean value of HemoCue Hb301 (11.697±1.312) (p=0.002). There was a significantly strong correlation between HemoCue Hb301and Automated hematology analyzer (r-value = 0.732, p <0.0001).Conclusions: The HemoCue is useful in many different settings and remains a widely used method in field settings as it has several advantages and is relatively inexpensive compared with automated haematology analysers. Further studies are needed to better understand potential sources of error in the Hb assessment by HemoCue with the aim to better train phlebotomists and implement appropriate standardised procedures

    Preparedness for the World of Work Among Malaysian Diploma Students in a Local Institution

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate the use of appraisal system-attitude and cooperative solidarity principle and also the perception of interviewees and interviewer of the job interview interactions. The data was collected in one of the local education institutions in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. There were 20 students participated in the study. Job interviews were recorded and analysed qualitatively by using appraisal system-attitude and cooperative solidarity principle theories. Semi-structured interviews as well as in-depth interview were done on the interviewees and interviewer to triangulate the study. The findings show that most of interviewees were covered the categories affect, judgment and appreciation but due to lacked English language proficiency, certain occurrences were not reflected to these categories. In relation to cooperative solidarity principle both interviewer and interviewees attribute to the interaction. The findings further reveal that most of the interviewees had difficulty in comprehending the standard interview questions and feeling nervous and anxious to answer the questions. Based on the in-depth interview with the interviewer, it was found that most of the interviewees were not able to expose to the standard interview questions and not able to understand the questions. It is hoped that the present study would be helpful for undergraduates, fresh graduates or in general job seekers as well as interviewer to carry out a smooth interaction in job interviews by having a better understanding on the standard interview questions


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    Objective: The aim of this study was to assess the potential drug interactions among hospitalized patients in cardiac and pulmonary wards in three tertiary care hospitals.Methods: A prospective, observational study was carried out for 12 months. A sample of 1150 patients were assessed for potential drug-drug interactions (pDDIs) using Micromedex®- 2.7 and Drugs.com.Results: A total of 1150 patients were analyzed, and it was found that 685 were cardiac and 465 were pulmonary patients. The study identified 524 (76.49%) cardiac patients and 345 (74.19%) pulmonary patients, with pDDIs higher in male cardiac (298 [56.87%]) and male pulmonary (199 [57.68%]) patients, compared to females. Incidences of pDDIs were found to be higher in the age group of 60–70 years in cardiac (193 [36.83%]) and pulmonary (146 [42.31%]) patients and incidences of interactions based on duration of 4–6 days' hospital stays in cardiac were 380 (72.53%) and 215 (62.31%) in pulmonary patients, respectively. Moreover, 51.90% of cardiac patients and 56.52% of pulmonary patients were found to be prescribed with more number of drugs (cardiac 7 drugs and pulmonary 5–6 drugs) causing higher incidences of pDDIs. Some of the most common drug interacting pair was aspirin and clopidogrel combination observed in 245 cardiac patients, whereas in the pulmonary department, it was ranitidine-theophylline combination with a frequency of 195 pDDIs. Drug-food interactions were found with atorvastatin–citrus fruits in cardiac and theophylline–caffeine in pulmonary patients. The most common drug-disease interaction was found to be isosorbide dinitrate–myocardial infarction in cardiac and diazepam–COPD in pulmonary, respectively.Conclusion: Pharmacists must take responsibility in the monitoring of drug interactions and notifying the physician and patient about potential problems. With their detailed knowledge of drugs, pharmacists have the ability to relate unexpected symptoms experienced by patients to possible adverse effects of their drug therapy

    Lipid profile alterations and fasting blood glucose levels in primary hypothyroidism

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    Background: Hypothyroidism has become a highly prevalent condition worldwide as well as in India. Females are affected more than men and dyslipidemia has been associated with hypothyroidism. This study was conducted to study the prevalence and pattern of dyslipidemia in hypothyroid patients and to justify the screening of lipid profile in hypothyroid patients.Methods: This was a case control study which included 50 newly diagnosed and untreated hypothyroid patients and 50 healthy individuals in the age group of 20-40years. Free Triiodothyronine (FT3), free thyroxine (FT4), Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) were estimated by chemiluminiscence immunoassay.Serum total cholesterol (TC), triglycerides (TG), high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), blood glucose were done in all the subjects by enzymatic colorimetric method. Low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) was calculated using Friedwalds formula. Very Low density lipoprotein cholesterol (VLDL-C) was calculated from the triglyceride value.Results: Lipid profile alterations were seen in hypothyroid patients. The mean (standard deviation)values of Total cholesterol, high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), Low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), Very Low density lipoprotein cholesterol (VLDL-C), triglycerides (TG), Fasting blood glucose were 183.7 (32.9), 38.12 (7.59), 104.4 (29.42), 31.66 (13.09), 158.44 (65.61), 95.9(9.9) mg/dl respectively. The statistical analysis showed that the difference in the above values between cases and controls was significant and all the mean values except HDL-C were increased in cases.Conclusions: Hypothyroid patients demonstrate significant increase in serum lipids as compared to healthy individuals. More females are diagnosed with hypothyroidism and dyslipidemia is associated with primary hypothyroidism.

    Effect of crystallographic orientation on the pitting corrosion resistance of laser surface melted AISI 304L austenitic stainless steel

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    The localized corrosion behavior of laser surface melted 304L austenitic stainless steel was studied by potentiodynamic polarization test. The extent of improvement in corrosion resistance was governed by the preferred orientation and the percentage of delta ferrite present on the surface of the laser melted sample. It was established by orientation imaging microscopy that the highest pitting potential value was obtained when grains were oriented in the most close- packed [101] direction compared to the random distribution of the base metal and other laser surface melted samples oriented in [001] direction. The sample with lower percentage of ferrite had good pitting resistance


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    The synthesis of nanoparticles can be accomplished by physical, chemical and biological strategies. Since this has become an expanding area of research in the field of medical sciences and Technology, owing to its potential applications, the need for eco-friendly, non-toxic and economical methods of synthesis have arisen. Biosynthesis of nanoparticles have become the main field of research as it is time efficient, cost effective, less toxic and has abundant resource. This review emphasizes on the biosynthesis of gold (Au) and silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) using marine sources with special reference to algae, their characterisation and its applications. The characterisation of metal nanoparticles is an essential step and can be carried out by various instruments. The various pharmacological, electrical, pest management, parasitology and medical applications of these marine source induced synthesis of nanoparticles have also been portrayed in this review.Ă‚

    Correlation of Bony Invasion With Nodal Metastasis, Pattern of Invasion and Survival in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma: A Retrospective Analysis of 122 Primary Cases From Oral Cancer Centre of South India

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    Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) is considered to be the most common epithelial malignant neoplasm of the oral cavity. Despite advancements in diagnosis and therapeutics the clinical outcome of the disease has not improved much which may be attributed to tumor biology and heterogeneity. Bone invasion by cancer cells is currently staged as a moderately advanced disease. However, many low-grade carcinomas such as verrucous carcinoma and carcinoma cuniculatum show body invasion but less nodal metastases and better overall survival. The present study was orchestrated to analyze if bone invasion in OSCC has any impact on regional nodal metastases and survival

    Using Rhetorical Approach of Ethos, Pathos and Logos by Malaysian Engineering Students in Persuasive Email Writings

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    It seems that many English language learners have deficiency to write persuasively. This portent has been observed among university students, particularly those from technical fields. Therefore, the present study examines the use of ethos, pathos and logos in persuasive email writing and determines if these features were used appropriately. The participants involved in this research were 43 third-year Malaysian engineering students. The task evaluated was persuasive email writing, and the data was obtained from an official university website forum. The data was analysed qualitatively by using Aristotelian rhetorical theory. The results show that there were some persuasive techniques used by the students in their email writing. It appears that the appeal to pathos was preferred highly in directly connecting with the emotions of the instructors. This was followed by appeals to ethos, where the students used their own ethicality and credibility to persuade the instructor into giving them an extension deadline of their classwork. The findings further revealed that appeal to logos were not used in a very persuasive manner, which could also due to avoiding logical fallacies. Therefore, the present study shows the engineering students prefer to link with emotions in their email writing in achieving their goals.&nbsp; &nbsp

    Challenges of Learning English in 21st Century: Online vs. Traditional During Covid-19

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    Free online resources are user-friendly technologies which have become available through the Internet in recent years and gaining popularity during Covid-19. Since learners use smartphones, free online resources are easily accessible. Books are portable, but learners find it somewhat difficult to learn English language via books which may only be available in the classroom context, whereas free online resources are easily accessed. The purpose of this study is to identify learners’ perception learning English via free online resources and traditional learning. Quantitative and qualitative methods were employed in the present study. Twenty-five international pre-elementary intensive English students took part in this study. It was found that learners perceived the free online resources as valuable tools for learning English in relation to reading, conversation, and vocabulary and also free online resources help promote free learning norms in learning the English language. The learners also had constructive attitudes towards free online resources. Free online resources always provide a motivating learning environment, enhance learners’ analytical and critical thinking skills, and encourage social interaction between teachers and learners, learners and their peers, and learners and other participants

    Customer Satisfaction and Commuter Service: An Evaluation of Intercity Keretapi Tanah Melayu Berhad (KTMB) Performance Delivery

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    The present study focuses on an evaluation of intercity Keretapi Tanah Melayu Berhad (KTMB) performance delivery on customer satisfaction and commuter services. Its objective is to evaluate the customers’ satisfaction of KTMB intercity towards the performance delivery of various services. As such, a framework was proposed for major dimensions which have an impact on the level of services satisfaction provided by my KTM commuter. Furthermore, the study employed qualitative and quantitative methods for the purpose of analysis. Data was obtained using 600 questionnaires and 18 staff via interview session. The findings show that status and age of respondents have no significant influence on safety and security, cleanliness, facilities, as well as services except between the categorical variables; quality, punctuality and price which have significant differences tangled with the performance of commuter service. From all the responses that were pointed out by interviewees, the most significant reason for the persistence of the problems is MyCommuter launched by KTM, which is the unbalanced momentum of systematic management. Also, it was realised that the heterogeneous variations of lower fairness within the system will affect the punctuality, functions of commuter, the breakdown of the trains, limitation of commuters, and etc in a negative direction. Important areas of priorities for the improvisation of commuter services are the holistic coordination of effective and continuous monitoring of system in terms of systematic management. Lastly, the present study suggests conducting an extensive study in comparing KTMB and ETS services to enhance the quality of their services
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