961 research outputs found

    Orpheu et al.: Modernism, Women, and the War

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    The article takes off from Orpheu, the little magazine at the origin of Portuguese modernism, to reflect, from a comparative perspective, on the development of modernist poetry in the context of the Great War and the social changes evolving during the first decades of the twentieth century on both sides of the Atlantic.O artigo parte de Orpheu, a revista que dá origem ao modernismo português, para reflectir, numa perspectiva comparada, sobre o desenvolvimento da poesia modernista no contexto da Grande Guerra e das mudanças sociais emergentes nas primeiras décadas do século XX dos dois lados do Atlântico

    Anti-inflammatory effect of the antidepressant fluvoxamine – a systematic review

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    Neuroinflammation corresponds to the immune response of the nervous system to an injury, infection or neurodegenerative disease characterized by the activation of resident glial cells, including microglia and astrocytes, the release of cytokines and chemokines and the activation and migration of leukocytes. Evidence suggests that inflammatory cytokines may be a central factor, affecting multiple neuronal pathways and contributing to the development of depression. Supporting this neuroinflammatory theory, several studies have demonstrated the anti-inflammatory effect of various antidepressant drugs [1]. Fluvoxamine is a selective serotonin uptake inhibitor (SSRIs) used manly in the treatment of depression and anxiety disorders. Recent evidence pointed that a fluvoxamine early treatment on SARS-CoV-2-infected subjets fully prevented COVID-19 symptoms [2]. Thus, it seems relevant to explore the anti-inflammatory mechanism of fluvoxamine.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Interação cultivares de milho X épocas de semeadura em diferentes ambientes do Estado de Minas Gerais.

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    Foram utilizados 20 cultivares, sendo cinco de cada grupo: hibridos simples, triplos, duplos e variedade de polinizacao livre, os quais foram avaliados em tres epocas de semeaduras e em tres municipios do Estado de Minas Gerais. Em cada um dos locais foram conduzidos tres experimentos. No primeiro, a semeadura foi realizada em outubro; no segundo e terceiro, 30 e 60 dias apos. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos ao acaso com tres repeticoes. As parcelas foram constituidas de duas fileiras de 4 m de comprimento. Constatou-se efeito significativo (P< 0.01) na fonte de variacao epoca de semeadura, em todos os caracteres. Observaram-se diferencas entre e dentro dos grupos, e o grupo dos hibridos triplos foi o mais produtivo. O atraso na epoca de semeadura reduziu a expressao dos caracteres dias para o florescimento masculino, altura de plantas e peso de espigas despalhadas. O decrescimo na producao de espigas despalhadas, como conseqüência do atraso na semeadura, foi semelhante nos diferentes grupos de cultivares. O atraso na semeadura, a partir da segunda quinzena de outubro, ocasionou reducao de 28 kg/ha/dia na produtividade de espigas despalhadas, e ate 15 de dezembro isso causou uma reducao de 20% na expressao desse carater

    Choice of parents for dry bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) breeding. I. Interactions of mean components by generation and by location.

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    Four dry bean cultivars (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) adapted to the southern region of the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, were crossed with five exotic cultivars according to a partial diallel design. The nine parents and twenty hybrid population, were tested in six experiment in fully randomized blocks. In one of the experiments, the segregation populations were in the F2 generation. Trials were held at two locations in the state of Minas Gerais and at one location in the state of Goias in 1986. All twenty nine-genetic materials showed heterogeneity concerning grain yield in all trials, with cultivars having a greater effect (additive gene effect) than heterosis (dominance effect), especially in the more advanced generations. No interactions between cultivar x generation effects and cultivar heterosis x generation effects were observed at any location. However, cultivar and cultivar heterosis x locations were significant, suggesting that the choice of segregating populations for genetic improvement of commons beans should be based on the performance of the populations at the locations where they will be used, but disregarding generation. In this way, because of larger quantities of seed, the material can be evaluated in the F4 generation. Despite components of means x location interactions, the population ESAL 501 x A 354 was the most promissing for selection based on grain yield because of the general combining ability of its parents and of grain quality

    Selection of common bean segregating populations using genetic and phenotypic parameters and RAPD markers.

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    In an attempt to identify strategies for choosing common bean segregating populations, the diallel parameters, the contribution of homozygous (m+a?) and heterozygous (d) loci, the heritability (h2a), the genetic distance (RAPD), and the selection potential (Z) were estimated in a study carried out in two stages. In the first, 30 hybrid combinations (partial diallel) were assessed in the F2 and F3 generations. Increasing grain yield was due dominance effect (d) although, both GCA and SCA were significant. d varied greatly and gave an information like SCA, however h2a alone was not indicative of success in a breeding program. In the second stage, five populations with lesser d and five with higher were selected, and twenty-seven families were taken from each, which were assessed with the parents and seven controls. The estimated parameters were used to check those from the first stage. There was partial agreement among the estimates and the percentages of lines superior to Pérola cultivar, which suggests that two or more estimates are needed to identify the promising segregating populations

    Progresso genético após quatro ciclos de seleção recorrente no melhoramento do feijoeiro.

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    seleção recorrente na cultura do feijoeiro visando a obtenção de novas linhagens com grãos tipo carioca iniciou-se na Universidade Federal de Lavras (UFLA) em 1990. A cada ciclo, após a seleção para recombinação, a avaliação das melhores famílias é continuada, de modo que o processo é dinâmico gerando sempre novas linhagens. Nesse trabalho é estimado o progresso com a seleção recorrente, utilizando as cinco melhores linhagens identificadas em cada ciclo seletivo

    Seleção recorrente no melhoramento do feijoeiro de grãos tipo carioca.

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    Está sendo conduzido um programa de seleção recorrente visando a obtenção de linhagens com grãos tipo carioca, de porte ereto e mais produtivas e resistentes à antracnose, mancha angular e fusário, que as disponíveis atualmente para as regiões Sul e Alto Paranaíba

    Prediction of seed-yield potential of common bean populations.

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    Earliest possible prediction of seed-yield potential of autogamous crop populations increases breeding program efficiency by saving time and resources. Alternatives for obtaining seed-yield predictions were compared by evaluating four common-bean populations in F1 and F2 generations together with the parents. Mean components (m + a' and d) and variances were estimated. The potential of each population was predicted by using both these and the Jinks and Pooni (1976) procedure, which allows probability estimation of each population of originating lines surpassing a determined standard. Estimate efficiency was determined by evaluating performances of 62 F5:7 families from each population. Mean component m + a' estimates obtained for the F1 and F2 generations proved efficient in predicting seed yield of F7 generation lines as did d for estimate variance among F7 generation families. In addition, the Jinks and Pooni (1976) procedure proved efficient in early prediction of common bean population genetic potentials, especially when using the m + a' estimate