15 research outputs found

    WALTZ-DB 2.0: an updated database containing structural information of experimentally determined amyloid-forming peptides

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    Transition of soluble proteins into insoluble amyloid fibrils is driven by self-propagating short sequence stretches. However, accurate prediction of aggregation determinants remains challenging. Here, we describe WALTZ-DB 2.0, an updated and significantly expanded open-access database providing information on experimentally determined amyloid-forming hexapeptide sequences (http://waltzdb.switchlab.org/). We have updated WALTZ-DB 2.0 with new entries, including: (i) experimental validation of an in-house developed dataset of 229 hexapeptides, using electron microscopy and Thioflavin-T binding assays; (ii) manual curation of 98 amyloid-forming peptides isolated from literature. Furthermore, the content has been expanded by adding novel structural information for peptide entries, including sequences of the previous version. Using a computational methodology developed in the Switch lab, we have generated 3D-models of the putative amyloid fibril cores of WALTZ-DB 2.0 entries. Structural models, coupled with information on the energetic contributions and fibril core stabilities, can be accessed through individual peptide entries. Customized filtering options for subset selections and new modelling graphical features were added to upgrade online accessibility, providing a user-friendly interface for browsing, downloading and updating. WALTZ-DB 2.0 remains the largest open-access repository for amyloid fibril formation determinants and will continue to enhance the development of new approaches focused on accurate prediction of aggregation prone sequences.status: publishe

    Solubis: a webserver to reduce protein aggregation through mutation

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    Protein aggregation is a major factor limiting the biotechnological and therapeutic application of many proteins, including enzymes and monoclonal antibodies. The molecular principles underlying aggregation are by now sufficiently understood to allow rational redesign of natural polypeptide sequences for decreased aggregation tendency, and hence potentially increased expression and solubility. Given that aggregation-prone regions (APRs) tend to contribute to the stability of the hydrophobic core or to functional sites of the protein, mutations in these regions have to be carefully selected in order not to disrupt protein structure or function. Therefore, we here provide access to an automated pipeline to identify mutations that reduce protein aggregation by reducing the intrinsic aggregation propensity of the sequence (using the TANGO algorithm), while taking care not to disrupt the thermodynamic stability of the native structure (using the empirical force-field FoldX). Moreover, by providing a plot of the intrinsic aggregation propensity score of APRs corrected by the local stability of that region in the folded structure, we allow users to prioritize those regions in the protein that are most in need of improvement through protein engineering. The method can be accessed at http://solubis.switchlab.org/.status: publishe

    The Alzheimer Disease Protective Mutation A2T Modulates Kinetic and Thermodynamic Properties of Amyloid-β (Aβ) Aggregation

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    Missense mutations in alanine 673 of the amyloid precursor protein (APP), which corresponds to the second alanine of the amyloid β (Aβ) sequence, have dramatic impact on the risk for Alzheimer disease; A2V is causative, and A2T is protective. Assuming a crucial role of amyloid-Aβ in neurodegeneration, we hypothesized that both A2V and A2T mutations cause distinct changes in Aβ properties that may at least partially explain these completely different phenotypes. Using human APP-overexpressing primary neurons, we observed significantly decreased Aβ production in the A2T mutant along with an enhanced Aβ generation in the A2V mutant confirming earlier data from non-neuronal cell lines. More importantly, thioflavin T fluorescence assays revealed that the mutations, while having little effect on Aβ42 peptide aggregation, dramatically change the properties of the Aβ40 pool with A2V accelerating and A2T delaying aggregation of the Aβ peptides. In line with the kinetic data, Aβ A2T demonstrated an increase in the solubility at equilibrium, an effect that was also observed in all mixtures of the A2T mutant with the wild type Aβ40. We propose that in addition to the reduced β-secretase cleavage of APP, the impaired propensity to aggregate may be part of the protective effect conferred by A2T substitution. The interpretation of the protective effect of this mutation is thus much more complicated than proposed previously.status: publishe

    Mapping the sequence specificity of heterotypic amyloid interactions enables the identification of aggregation modifiers

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    In this work, Louros et al. uncover a rule book for interactions of amyloids with other proteins. This grammar was shown to promote cellular spreading of tau aggregates in cells, but can also be harvested to develop structure-based aggregation blockers. Heterotypic amyloid interactions between related protein sequences have been observed in functional and disease amyloids. While sequence homology seems to favour heterotypic amyloid interactions, we have no systematic understanding of the structural rules determining such interactions nor whether they inhibit or facilitate amyloid assembly. Using structure-based thermodynamic calculations and extensive experimental validation, we performed a comprehensive exploration of the defining role of sequence promiscuity in amyloid interactions. Using tau as a model system we demonstrate that proteins with local sequence homology to tau amyloid nucleating regions can modify fibril nucleation, morphology, assembly and spreading of aggregates in cultured cells. Depending on the type of mutation such interactions inhibit or promote aggregation in a manner that can be predicted from structure. We find that these heterotypic amyloid interactions can result in the subcellular mis-localisation of these proteins. Moreover, equilibrium studies indicate that the critical concentration of aggregation is altered by heterotypic interactions. Our findings suggest a structural mechanism by which the proteomic background can modulate the aggregation propensity of amyloidogenic proteins and we discuss how such sequence-specific proteostatic perturbations could contribute to the selective cellular susceptibility of amyloid disease progression

    Selectivity of aggregation-determining interactions

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    Protein aggregation is sequence specific, favoring self-assembly over cross-seeding with non-homologous sequences. Still, as the majority of proteins in a proteome are aggregation prone, the high level of homogeneity of protein inclusions in vivo both during recombinant overexpression and in disease remains surprising. To investigate the selectivity of protein aggregation in a proteomic context, we here compared the selectivity of aggregation-determined interactions with antibody binding. To that purpose, we synthesized biotin-labeled peptides, corresponding to aggregation-determining sequences of the bacterial protein β-galactosidase and two human disease biomarkers: C-reactive protein and prostate-specific antigen. We analyzed the selectivity of their interactions in Escherichia coli lysate, human serum and human seminal plasma, respectively, using a Western blot-like approach in which the aggregating peptides replace the conventional antibody. We observed specific peptide accumulation in the same bands detected by antibody staining. Combined spectroscopic and mutagenic studies confirmed accumulation resulted from binding of the peptide on the identical sequence of the immobilized target protein. Further, we analyzed the sequence redundancy of aggregating sequences and found that about 90% of them are unique within their proteome. As a result, the combined specificity and low sequence redundancy of aggregating sequences therefore contribute to the observed homogeneity of protein aggregation in vivo. This suggests that these intrinsic proteomic properties naturally compartmentalize aggregation events in sequence space. In the event of physiological stress, this might benefit the ability of cells to respond to proteostatic stress by allowing chaperones to focus on specific aggregation events rather than having to face systemic proteostatic failure.status: publishe

    Exploiting the aggregation propensity of beta-lactamases to design inhibitors that induce enzyme misfolding

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    Abstract There is an arms race between beta-lactam antibiotics development and co-evolving beta-lactamases, which provide resistance by breaking down beta-lactam rings. We have observed that certain beta-lactamases tend to aggregate, which persists throughout their evolution under the selective pressure of antibiotics on their active sites. Interestingly, we find that existing beta-lactamase active site inhibitors can act as molecular chaperones, promoting the proper folding of these resistance factors. Therefore, we have created Pept-Ins, synthetic peptides designed to exploit the structural weaknesses of beta-lactamases by causing them to misfold into intracellular inclusion bodies. This approach restores sensitivity to a wide range of beta-lactam antibiotics in resistant clinical isolates, including those with Extended Spectrum variants that pose significant challenges in medical practice. Our findings suggest that targeted aggregation of resistance factors could offer a strategy for identifying molecules that aid in addressing the global antibiotic resistance crisis

    Protein aggregation as an antibiotic design strategy

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    Taking advantage of the xenobiotic nature of bacterial infections, we tested whether the cytotoxicity of protein aggregation can be targeted to bacterial pathogens without affecting their mammalian hosts. In particular we examined if peptides encoding aggregation-prone sequence segments of bacterial proteins can display antimicrobial activity by initiating toxic protein aggregation in bacteria but not in mammalian cells. Unbiased in vitro screening of aggregating peptide sequences from bacterial genomes lead to the identification of several peptides that are strongly bactericidal against methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Upon parenteral administration in vivo, the peptides cured mice from bacterial sepsis without apparent toxic side effects as judged from histological and haematological evaluation. We found that the peptides enter and accumulate in the bacterial cytosol where they cause aggregation of bacterial polypeptides. Although the precise chain of events that leads to cell death remains to be elucidated, the ability to tap into aggregation-prone sequences of bacterial proteomes to elicit antimicrobial activity represents a rich and unexplored chemical space to be mined in search of novel therapeutic strategies to fight infectious diseases.status: publishe

    Protein aggregation as an antibiotic design strategy

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    Taking advantage of the xenobiotic nature of bacterial infections, we tested whether the cytotoxicity of protein aggregation can be targeted to bacterial pathogens without affecting their mammalian hosts. In particular, we examined if peptides encoding aggregation-prone sequence segments of bacterial proteins can display antimicrobial activity by initiating toxic protein aggregation in bacteria, but not in mammalian cells. Unbiased in vitro screening of aggregating peptide sequences from bacterial genomes lead to the identification of several peptides that are strongly bactericidal against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Upon parenteral administration in vivo, the peptides cured mice from bacterial sepsis without apparent toxic side effects as judged from histological and hematological evaluation. We found that the peptides enter and accumulate in the bacterial cytosol where they cause aggregation of bacterial polypeptides. Although the precise chain of events that leads to cell death remains to be elucidated, the ability to tap into aggregation-prone sequences of bacterial proteomes to elicit antimicrobial activity represents a rich and unexplored chemical space to be mined in search of novel therapeutic strategies to fight infectious diseases

    Heterotypic Amyloid β interactions facilitate amyloid assembly and modify amyloid structure

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    It is still unclear why pathological amyloid deposition initiates in specific brain regions or why some cells or tissues are more susceptible than others. Amyloid deposition is determined by the self-assembly of short protein segments called aggregation-prone regions (APRs) that favour cross-β structure. Here, we investigated whether Aβ amyloid assembly can be modified by heterotypic interactions between Aβ APRs and short homologous segments in otherwise unrelated human proteins. Mining existing proteomics data of Aβ plaques from AD patients revealed an enrichment in proteins that harbour such homologous sequences to the Aβ APRs, suggesting heterotypic amyloid interactions may occur in patients. We identified homologous APRs from such proteins and show that they can modify Aβ assembly kinetics, fibril morphology and deposition pattern in vitro. Moreover, we found three of these proteins upon transient expression in an Aβ reporter cell line promote Aβ amyloid aggregation. Strikingly, we did not find a bias towards heterotypic interactions in plaques from AD mouse models where Aβ self-aggregation is observed. Based on these data, we propose that heterotypic APR interactions may play a hitherto unrealized role in amyloid-deposition diseases

    Structural hot spots for the solubility of globular proteins

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    Natural selection shapes protein solubility to physiological requirements and recombinant applications that require higher protein concentrations are often problematic. This raises the question whether the solubility of natural protein sequences can be improved. We here show an anti-correlation between the number of aggregation prone regions (APRs) in a protein sequence and its solubility, suggesting that mutational suppression of APRs provides a simple strategy to increase protein solubility. We show that mutations at specific positions within a protein structure can act as APR suppressors without affecting protein stability. These hot spots for protein solubility are both structure and sequence dependent but can be computationally predicted. We demonstrate this by reducing the aggregation of human α-galactosidase and protective antigen of Bacillus anthracis through mutation. Our results indicate that many proteins possess hot spots allowing to adapt protein solubility independently of structure and function.status: publishe