3 research outputs found


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    The Government of Jakarta is trying to reduce the traffic volume by launching many new rail-based public transportation modes in this Jakarta Capital Region, one of them is Jakarta LRT. There are so many special things at the LRT Velodrome Station, for example the strategic location of Velodrome, the Jakarta International Velodrome stadium, integrated with Transjakarta transportation mode, etc. Even though the Jakarta LRT is the new transportation mode, but the Jakarta LRT only used by few people, because the route is still too short only 5,6 km (Pengangsaan Dua to Velodrome). So, this research discuss about the preference of passengers in using Jakarta LRT as the option for their daily transportation. The analysis of data obtained in this research by using the “Importance Performance Analysis” method, and analyzed the validity and reliability by using SPSS 24 program. The results of people’s preferences by using Jakarta LRT in this research are located in quadrant II that have a good performance on passengers satisfaction, so the performance must be maintained. And the items that needs to be improved for the efficiency and effectiveness are located in quadrant I that requires the high priority on its performanc


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    Abstract   The high rate of road construction in Indonesia must be accompanied by an increase in road quality, so that roads are more reliable. Many factors affect road reliability, such as heavier truck loads requiring trucks with more axles and the v/c ratio of roads which affect the ability of asphalt pavements to accept loads. In traffic congestions, the strain that occurs in asphalt pavement structures can increase up to 370 millimicrons, or about 3 times greater than the strain that occurs in normal conditions. Meanwhile, to increase the independence of road construction in Indonesia, the use of domestic products in the form of Buton natural asphalt (Asbuton) needs to be continuously developed. In its use, Asbuton with a maximum content of 5.5% in the mixture has produced an asphalt mixture that meets existing specifications. The availability of Asbuton in Indonesia, which reaches around 600 thousand tons, must be utilized as best as possible. The use of concrete waste can be carried out, using a maximum asphalt content of 6.5%, with all aggregates being substituted with concrete waste. While the use of substitute materials in the form of plastic can only replace aggregates on asphalt pavements as much as 6.15%.   Keywords: road construction; road quality; pavement strain; buton natural asphalt     Abstrak   Tingginya pembangunan jalan di Indonesia harus disertai dengan peningkatan kualitas jalan, sehingga jalan lebih andal. Banyak faktor yang berpengaruh pada keandalan jalan, seperti muatan truk yang lebih berat memerlukan truk dengan gandar yang lebih banyak serta v/c ratio jalan yang memengaruhi kemampuan perkerasan beraspal jalan dalam menerima beban. Pada keaadan lalu lintas macet, regangan yang terjadi pada struktur perkerasan beraspal dapat meningkat sampa dengan 370 milimikron, atau sekitar 3 kali lipat lebih besar daripada regangan yang terjadi pada keadaan normal. Sementara itu, untuk meningkatkan kemandirian pembangunan jalan di Indonesia, pemakaian produk dalam negeri berupa aspal alam Buton (Asbuton) perlu terus dikembangkan. Dalam penggunaannya, Asbuton dengan kadar maksimum 5,5% dalam campuran telah menghasilkan campuran beraspal yang memenuhi spesifikasi yang ada. Ketersedian Asbuton di Indonesia, yang mencapai sekitar 600 ribu ton, harus dimanfaatkan sebaik mungkin. Penggunaan limbah beton dapat dilakukan, dengan menggunakan kadar aspal maksimum sebesar 6,5%, dengan semua aggregat dapat disubstitusi dengan limbah beton. Sementara penggunaan material substitusi berupa plastik hanya dapat menggantikan aggregat pada pekerasan beraspal sebanyak 6,15%.   Kata-kata kunci: pembangunan jalan; kualitas jalan; regangan pada perkerasan; aspal alam buto


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    Abstract   The high rate of road construction in Indonesia must be accompanied by an increase in road quality, so that roads are more reliable. Many factors affect road reliability, such as heavier truck loads requiring trucks with more axles and the v/c ratio of roads which affect the ability of asphalt pavements to accept loads. In traffic congestions, the strain that occurs in asphalt pavement structures can increase up to 370 millimicrons, or about 3 times greater than the strain that occurs in normal conditions. Meanwhile, to increase the independence of road construction in Indonesia, the use of domestic products in the form of Buton natural asphalt (Asbuton) needs to be continuously developed. In its use, Asbuton with a maximum content of 5.5% in the mixture has produced an asphalt mixture that meets existing specifications. The availability of Asbuton in Indonesia, which reaches around 600 thousand tons, must be utilized as best as possible. The use of concrete waste can be carried out, using a maximum asphalt content of 6.5%, with all aggregates being substituted with concrete waste. While the use of substitute materials in the form of plastic can only replace aggregates on asphalt pavements as much as 6.15%.   Keywords: road construction; road quality; pavement strain; buton natural asphalt     Abstrak   Tingginya pembangunan jalan di Indonesia harus disertai dengan peningkatan kualitas jalan, sehingga jalan lebih andal. Banyak faktor yang berpengaruh pada keandalan jalan, seperti muatan truk yang lebih berat memerlukan truk dengan gandar yang lebih banyak serta v/c ratio jalan yang memengaruhi kemampuan perkerasan beraspal jalan dalam menerima beban. Pada keaadan lalu lintas macet, regangan yang terjadi pada struktur perkerasan beraspal dapat meningkat sampa dengan 370 milimikron, atau sekitar 3 kali lipat lebih besar daripada regangan yang terjadi pada keadaan normal. Sementara itu, untuk meningkatkan kemandirian pembangunan jalan di Indonesia, pemakaian produk dalam negeri berupa aspal alam Buton (Asbuton) perlu terus dikembangkan. Dalam penggunaannya, Asbuton dengan kadar maksimum 5,5% dalam campuran telah menghasilkan campuran beraspal yang memenuhi spesifikasi yang ada. Ketersedian Asbuton di Indonesia, yang mencapai sekitar 600 ribu ton, harus dimanfaatkan sebaik mungkin. Penggunaan limbah beton dapat dilakukan, dengan menggunakan kadar aspal maksimum sebesar 6,5%, dengan semua aggregat dapat disubstitusi dengan limbah beton. Sementara penggunaan material substitusi berupa plastik hanya dapat menggantikan aggregat pada pekerasan beraspal sebanyak 6,15%.   Kata-kata kunci: pembangunan jalan; kualitas jalan; regangan pada perkerasan; aspal alam buto