39 research outputs found

    Representasi Gerobak Sepeda sebagai Alat Pengangkut Barang Bekas

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    Bicycle cart as one of the tools used to help humans do their work. A carrier is a tool used to move objects to the desired place. By using a bicycle cart, humans can carry heavy loads from one place to another. Used goods are goods that are considered has been exhausted because it can not be used anymore so it will tend to be discarded by the owner.By using descriptive qualitative research method, this research is expected to represent bicycle cart as one of the tools used to transport used goods that can help scavengers in doing their work.In the eyes of scavengers, used goods still have value. So taken for re-sale. A scavenger uses a bicycle cart to be able to transport used goods in order to be resold but with a certain period until the cart is considered to be quite a lot of transport. So it takes time to collect used goods. So the bike cart can switch function as a second home for scavengers

    Analysis of Flexural Strength and Contact Pressure After Simulated Chairside Adjustment of Pressed Lithium Disilicate Glass-Ceramic

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    Statement of problem Research evaluating load-to-failure of pressed lithium disilicate glass-ceramic (LDGC) with a clinically validated test after adjustment and repair procedures is scarce. Purpose The purpose of this in vitro study was to investigate the effect of the simulated chairside adjustment of the intaglio surface of monolithic pressed LDGC and procedures intended to repair damage. Material and methods A total of 423 IPS e.max Press (Ivoclar Vivadent AG) disks (15 mm diameter, 1 mm height) were used in the study. The material was tested by using an equibiaxial loading arrangement (n≥30/group) and a contact pressure test (n≥20/group). Specimens were assigned to 1 of 14 groups. One-half was assigned to the equibiaxial load test and the other half underwent contact pressure testing. Testing was performed in 2 parts, before glazing and after glazing. Before-glazing specimens were devested and entered in the test protocol, while after-glazing specimens were devested and glazed before entering the test protocol. Equibiaxial flexure test specimens were placed on a ring-on-ring apparatus and loaded until failure. Contact pressure specimens were cemented to epoxy resin blocks with a resin cement and loaded with a 50-mm diameter hemisphere until failure. Tests were performed on a universal testing machine with a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/min. Weibull statistics and likelihood ratio contour plots determined intergroup differences (95% confidence bounds). Results Before glazing, the equibiaxial flexural strength test and the Weibull and likelihood ratio contour plots demonstrated a significantly higher failure strength for 1EC (188 MPa) than that of the damaged and/or repaired groups. Glazing following diamond-adjustment (1EGG) was the most beneficial post-damage procedure (176 MPa). Regarding the contact pressure test, the Weibull and likelihood ratio contour plots revealed no significant difference between the 1PC (98 MPa) and 1PGG (98 MPa) groups. Diamond-adjustment, without glazing (1EG and 1PG), resulted in the next-to-lowest equibiaxial flexure strength and the lowest contact pressure. After glazing, the strength of all the groups, when subjected to glazing following devesting, increased in comparison with corresponding groups in the before-glazing part of the study. Conclusions A glazing treatment improved the mechanical properties of diamond-adjusted IPS e.max Press disks when evaluated by equibiaxial flexure and contact pressure tests. Clinical Implications When adjustments are made on the intaglio surface of a pressed lithium disilicate glass-ceramic, a subsequent glazing treatment is recommended to improve strength

    Analisis Lost Circulation Pemompaan Gravel Slurry pada Sumur X Berdasarkan Waktu Tunggu

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    Unconsolidated formations tend to have sand problem that can lead to decline of production in Oil and Gas Well. There are some methods can be used to resolve sand problem like liner completion, meshrite liner, perforated liner completion, and gravel pack completion. Rock type of Well X is unconsolidated stone and the method which used in that well to surmount sand problem that occurred is gravel pack method. However, during pumping of gravel slurry there are some problems, partial or complete loss of the gravel slurry into the formation (lost circulation), waiting on sand sattle is one method that has developed to resolve loss circulation. This method is done by stopping pumping slurry after the amount of incoming sand has reached teoritical and more than 50%. The aim of this research to determine volume of gravel slurry that is needed and total of lost gravel sand. Gravel slurry needed to overcome sand problem in Well X consists of 109 sacks of gravel sand, 259.5 bbl of water, and 1834 lb (18 sacks) of KCL. Analysis of pressure test line chart to find out lost circulation problem. There are 147 sacks gravel sand missing as a result of lost circulation problem from 256 sacks of gravel sand that is pumped

    أثر التربية من خلال سورة لقمان عليه السلام: بحثــاً تربويـــاً في مجال التربية والتعليم بالجنوب الليبي سنة 2021م - 2022م - The impact of education in Surat Luqman, peace be upon him: educational research in southern Libya year 2021-2022 - Dampak pendidikan dalam Surat Luqman: penelitian pendidikan di Libya Selatan Tahun 2021-2022

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    The Book of Allah is the source of legislation and the source of the provisions, and the Qur'an has approached several methods and means to correct the behavior and guide man to the way of the right, with the statement of halal and haram, the Qur'an has taken the style of stories to show the purpose and the guidance of the people to the right, and from this story the story of Our Master Luqman (peace be upon him) and his commandments to his son, and to show the extent to which the advocacy education is linked to The Wall of Luqman, and refers to the reason The researcher's choice of these verses from this surah questions in the researcher's mind: 1. How are the education and advocacy features followed through Sura Luqman (as) in southern Libya? 2- How are the methods of education and advocacy used through Sura Luqman (as) in southern Libya? 3- How do we show the impact of education and advocacy through Sura Luqman (peace be upon him) in southern Libya? The researcher relied on the method of writing this research on the descriptive desktop approach, because of the importance of the library for each method of scientific research, and also because the descriptive method of advantages that help the researcher to describe the realistic phenomenon that he wants to study and describe accurately, in order to reach the level of total care on which the research methodology is based, because any failure or error in the methodology fully reflects on the content of the research to be studied and analyzed/ In his research, the researcher also relied on the sources of preliminary data formed in the Qur'an and the Prophet's Sunnah, because they contain original reports and sources, as well as transportation from secondary sources, where he collected books, research, sources and ancient and modern Islamic studies so that the researcher was able to form a database of his subject/ The researcher drew a definition of the features of advocacy education: the way in which the companions were raised, god willing, which is the creation of man little by little, and attention to its laudable behavioral aspects, in order for man to reach the stage of moral perfection, and the role of landmarks in this research lies in correcting the course of education in southern Libya. The researcher concluded that there are advocacy methods followed in Sura Luqman and its aim is to reach the foundations of correct education, advice and guidance, so that these curricula are the basis and the Lord's Constitution for the education of the Islamic nation in general and in southern Libya in particular. The researcher also concluded to know the impact of advocacy education and to show the impact of the lawsuit derived through Sura Luqman (peace be upon him), in order to help parents raise their children in all parts of the world in general and in southern Libya in particular, as well as the extent to which the educational curriculum relates to the lawsuit old and new, as well as striking proverbs quoted from the Book and sunnah

    Relationship between pulmonary function tests, sputum eosinophilia and total serum IgE levels among asthmatic patients in Duhok, Iraq

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    Background: Bronchial asthma is a disease characterized by reversible airway obstruction, airway inflammation; and hyper-responsiveness. The prevalence of asthma is high, and both its prevalence and burden have increased over the last several decades. The study of inflammatory markers has implications for the appropriate management of this disease. Inflammatory markers has implications for the appropriate management of this disease. Objective of the study is to determine the correlation between asthma severity using pulmonary function tests with sputum eosinophilia and total serum IgE levels.Methods: This case-control study was conducted from March 2017 to September 2018 in the respiratory unit of Azadi general teaching hospital. It included 42 asthmatic patients and 18 healthy subjects. They underwent pulmonary function tests and measurement of total serum IgE levels. Induced sputum was done for asthmatic patients.Results: The age of asthmatic patients ranged from 16-70 years (mean 42±19 years). The asthmatic patient’s female: male ratio was 1.8. Mild asthma was the most common severity group (N=18, 43%) followed by moderate asthma (N=14, 33%) then severe asthma (N=10, 24%). Abnormal sputum eosinophilia (≥3%) was detected in 90% of severe asthma (N=9) compared to 36% in moderate asthma (N=5) and 5.6% in mild asthma (N=1). There was significant statistical association between asthma severity and sputum eosinophilia (p=0.00004). The association between asthma severity and total serum IgE levels was highly significant (p<0.0000) with levels of total serum IgE increasing as the severity of asthma increases.Conclusions: Severe asthma is the least common severity group in this study. Both abnormal sputum eosinophilia and total serum IgE levels are associated with the severity of asthma

    Factors influencing the adoption of M-Wallet: An exploratory study at University of Mosul

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    M-wallets services under the umbrella of e-payment have become a main tool for transferring money at an affordable cost. Although the benefits of m-wallets services, its adoption remains a huge challenge in developing countries such as Iraq. The purpose of this study is to explore the factors influencing the m-wallets services adoption Iraq by using the UTAUT2 theory with privacy. A quantitative approach was adopted to examine the proposed model. Survey method has been used to collect data; the sample was 230 participants from university of Mosul. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to analyze the collected data.  The results of this research confirmed that performance expectancy, conditions, facilitating, Habit and Privacy have positively influence behavioral intent to use m-wallet services. While, price value and effort expectancy did not have an influence on the users ‘intention toward m-wallet. Finally, the contribution to theory and Implications for practice for this research are also questioned

    Uji Efektivitas Ekstrak Buah Kurma (Phoenix Dactylifera) dan Ekstrak Buah Mahkota Dewa (Phaleria Macrocarpa) sebagai Nefroprotektor terhadap Tikus yang di Induksi Paracetamol

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    Penggunaan paracetamol dalam jangka panjang dapat membentuk senyawa NAPQI (N-asetil-p-benzokuinon) yang berasal dari hasil metabolisme parasetamol yang tidak dapat berikatan dengan reseptor sehingga dapat menyebabkan radikal bebas dan bersifat toksik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas ekstrak buah mahkota dewa (Phaleria macrocarpa) dan ekstrak buah kurma (Phoenix dactylifera) sebagai nefroprotektor. Untuk menguji efektivitas digunakan tikus yang di induksi paracetamol. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa ekstrak buah mahkota dewa (Phaleria macrocarpa) dan ekstrak buah kurma (Phoenix dactylifera) memiliki efektivitas sebagai nefroprotektor dengan buah mahkota dewa lebih efektif dibandingkan dengan buah kurma

    Meteorological Water Balance of Khan Al-Baghdadi and surrounding area within Anbar Governorate – West of Iraq.

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    The water balance equation for any natural area or water body indicates the relative values of inflow, outflow and change in water storage for the area or water body. Analysis of watersheds and drainage patterns of the studied area plays a vital role in understanding the hydrogeological behavior and expressing the prevailing climate, geomorphology and structural antecedents of terrains. This research will study the climate characteristics and meteorological water balance to calculate runoff and groundwater recharge as water surplus. The research used the meteorological parameters recorded in Hit station during the period (1995-2010) to describe climate conditions as well as calculating water surplus using Thorntwaite formula. The climate of area classified as hot dry in summer and cold low rainfall in winter as a continental semi-dry to dry climate class. The calculated potential evapotranspiration was (1174.3) mm, while calculated actual evapotranspiration was (69.59) mm. The amount of water surplus was (31.71) mm, divided into (20.26) mm as runoff and (11.45) mm as groundwater recharge. The average annual of groundwater recharge in the area was (72,020,500) cubic meters. The estimated percent of the water surplus and deficit from the annual rainfall was (31.3%) and (68.69%) respectively

    Replacing paper data collection forms with electronic data entry in the field: findings from a study of community-acquired bloodstream infections in Pemba Zanzibar

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    BackgroundEntering data on case report forms and subsequently digitizing them in electronic media is the traditional way to maintain a record keeping system in field studies. Direct data entry using an electronic device avoids this two-step process. It is gaining in popularity and has replaced the paper-based data entry system in many studies. We report our experiences with paper- and PDA-based data collection during a fever surveillance study in Pemba Island, Zanzibar, Tanzania.MethodsData were collected on a 14-page case report paper form in the first period of the study. The case report paper forms were then replaced with handheld computers (personal digital assistants or PDAs). The PDAs were used for screening and clinical data collection, including a rapid assessment of patient eligibility, real time errors, and inconsistency checking.ResultsA comparison of paper-based data collection with PDA data collection showed that direct data entry via PDA was faster and 25% cheaper. Data was more accurate (7% versus 1% erroneous data) and omission did not occur with electronic data collection. Delayed data turnaround times and late error detections in the paper-based system which made error corrections difficult were avoided using electronic data collection.ConclusionsElectronic data collection offers direct data entry at the initial point of contact. It has numerous advantages and has the potential to replace paper-based data collection in the field. The availability of information and communication technologies for direct data transfer has the potential to improve the conduct of public health research in resource-poor settings