17 research outputs found

    The impact of some morphological characteristics on running 200 meters

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    The knowledge of morphological development and their impact on motor skills in short-distance athletes should be one of the main concerns of athletics coaches, because any scientific research in the field of physical culture and sports is about proving the development and evaluation of anthropological characteristics which are responsible for achieving success in athletics. This paper explores the impact of some anthropometric features on running 200 meters. The aim is to establish the link between the anthropometric and specific characteristics of running 200 meters, as a predictive system of running at 200 meters as a criterion system. The research was conducted by 60 male students aged 17±6months, in the gymnasium "Zenel Hajdini” Gjilan. The measurements were executed during September in the hall of the gymnasium, while the 200, meter runs in the stadium "City stadium "Gjilan. The only condition that was used during the determination of the sample was: that the students are involved in regular physical education classes (and on the day of the measurement be healthy, without the flu, cold or other symptoms).The variables which are applied in this research have been 8 anthropometric variables and 1 motor-specific variables. The results obtained after their processing indicate that the impact of anthropometric variables is higher in running at 200 meters. Short distance running and long-distance running reduces the impact of anthropometric parameters whereas the influence of metabolic factors of energy production is increased. These results were also confirmed using regression analysis, so that groups of predictors of anthropometric characteristics, specific motor skills that statistically significantly influenced each variable of individual criteria. The world records below the 19.20-second limit, in the 200 m, near the 19-meter limit, show not only the high level of sports, but also the strong impact on the growth, especially of strength indicators, speed-strength, explosive force, as main and applied motor skills in sports and athlete’s everyday life

    The impact of some morphological and motor characteristics in short distance running

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    The knowledge of morphological development and their impact on motor skills in short-distance athletes should be one of the main concerns of athletics coaches, because any scientific research in the field of physical culture and sports is about proving the development and evaluation of anthropological characteristics which are responsible for achieving success in athletics. The purpose of this paper is to confirm the impact of some anthropometric characteristics in the execution of running speeds on short distances, specifically in running at 100, 200 and 400 meters to students aged 18 ± 6 years of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports in Prishtina. The sample of this research has included a total of 60 students aged 18 years of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports in Prishtina. The measurements were executed during September in the hall of the Faculty, while the 100, 200, and 400 meter runs in the stadium "Fadil Vokrri" Prishtina. The only condition that was used during the determination of the sample was: that the students are involved in regular physical education classes (and on the day of the measurement be healthy, without the flu, cold or other symptoms). The variables which are applied in this research have been 8 anthropometric variables and 3 motor-specific variables. The results obtained after their processing indicate that the impact of anthropometric variables is higher in running at 100, 200 and 400 meters. Short distance running and long distance running reduces the impact of anthropometric parameters whereas the influence of metabolic factors of energy production is increased.  These results were also confirmed using regression analysis, so that groups of predictors of anthropometric characteristics, specific motor skills that statistically significantly influenced each variable of individual criteria. The world records below the 10-second limit, in the 100 m, near the 9-meter limit, show not only the high level of sports, but also the strong impact on the growth, especially of strength indicators, speed-strength, explosive force, as main and applied motor skills in sports and athlete’s everyday life

    Impact of some anthropometric characteristics on 400 meters

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    The aim of this paper was to prove the relationship between motor skills and anthropometric characteristics as a predictive system with effectiveness and results in running the discipline at 400 meters as situational-motor variables of the criteria system. The research was done by testing 60 samples of men 18 years old, ± 6 months, of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports in Prishtina. Regarding the anthropometric variable, bigger correlation has been shown by the variable dermal tipple of the arm (AMTP) which correlate positively with running in 400 meter, from which we can conclude that the fullest in the upper limbs are students, the more slowly realize running in the 400 meters and conversely.  The measurements were executed during September in the hall of the Faculty, in 400 meter runs in the stadium "FadilVokrri" Prishtina. The only condition that was used during the determination of the sample was: that the students are involved in regular physical education classes (and on the day of the measurement be healthy, without the flu, cold or other symptoms). The variables which are applied in this research have been 8 anthropometric variables and 1 motor-specific variables. The results obtained after their processing indicate that the impact of anthropometric variables is higher in running 400 meters. Short distance running and long distance running reduces the impact of anthropometric parameters whereas the influence of metabolic factors of energy production is increased.  These results were also confirmed using regression analysis, so that groups of predictors of anthropometric characteristics, specific motor skills that statistically significantly influenced each variable of individual criteria. The results obtained from regression analysis indicate that in the variable 400 m running from low start (MV400MU) does not affect any anthropometric variables applied.We can emphasize that the test (F-test) is more valuable if the multiple correlation is greater, in the concrete case of this paper is significant (Sig = 0.645), because the value of the F-test is = 0.753.

    The Impact Of Short Run Distances To The Final Results Of The Decathlon At The 2019 Athletic World Championships

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    Athletic operates on the basis of a particular system of knowledge that has in its contentthe theoretical and methodological foundations of sport training (Rashiti N, Nika F, Bekolli L, Heta G.) 2017. Athletic is one of the types of sports, with complex and applicable character, consisting of large groups, which include different athletic types, with similar characteristics among them; our treatment is athletic decathlon.(Dibra F.)2006. The decathlon is a complexcombined event in athletic consisting of ten track and field events.Olympic men’s decathlons are divided into a two-day competition. The evaluation is done by points.Men’s decathlonconsists of:100m,Long jump,Shot put,High jump, 400m (Day 1); 110m hurdles,Discus throw,Pole vault,Javelin throw,1500m(Day 2).The main purpose of this paper was to verify that from the disciplines of the Decathlon:Long jump,Shot put,High jump, Discus throw,Pole vault,Javelin throw and1500m,as predictor (independent) variables will have an impact on the performance of specific motor tasks, respectively the execution of disciplines pertaining to short-distance running:100m, 110m  hurdles and 400mas well as to determine the impact of these short-distance running to the final result of the decathlon knowing that these disciplines in athletics are largely genetically determined.(Misja B.) 2012The sample for the purposes of this paper will include 10 first contestants of decathlons World Championship: September 27 and October 6, 2019 in Doha, Qatar.In this research, after obtaining a statistically significant multiple correlation (R = 0.936) it is necessary to search for the coefficient in the (Beta) column as well as the (t-test) value indicating the influence of each predictor variable (independent) in the dependent or criterion variable 400m.We can emphasize that the test (F-test) is always more valuable if the multiplex correlation is greater, in this case it is significant (Sig = 0.000), because the value of the F-test is 15,347.A statistically significant multiple correlation was obtained (R = 0.958); it is necessary to search for the coefficient in the (Beta) column as well as the (t-test) value indicating the influence of each predictor (independent) variable in the dependent variable or criterion 110 m.In this research, after obtaining a statistically significant multiple correlation (R = 0.958), it is necessary to search for the coefficient in the (Beta) column as well as the (t-test) value indicating the influence of each predictor variable (independent) in the dependent or criterion variable) 100 m.

    BIO-MASTIC (Mastitis Natural Antiseptic), Pemanfaatan Ekstrak Daun Kersen sebagai Antiseptik Tear Dipping

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    "BIO-MASTIC" is based natural antiseptic compounds containing antibacterial protection cherry leaves. thing more support in making this antiseptic is a special antiseptic product innovation Teat Dipping that has never existed in the market, another advantage with natural ingredients that have been tested, so as to provide protection of live stock against the disease through treatment mastitis post-milking TeatDipping. This productis more economical prices so that farmers do not spend a lotto take care of their animals. "BIO-MASTIC" has great potential to be developed areas such as dairy cattle centers in poor districts and Kota batu and can earn big profit. The Progress of programs divided into six stages including market research and planning, the purchase of means of production, the search for raw materials, implementing production, testing and marketing of products. Stage of market research conducted in the central areas of the dairy farm, the method used is to interview farmers to dairy farmers. Production Stage conducted in the Laboratory of FKM(Microtechnic Physiology and Plant Tissue Culture, the amount of production for 4 months obtained 248 liters. Stage product testing carried out in the laboratory of FKM (Physiology, Plant Tissue culture and Microtechnic) Faculty of Biology and Bacteriology laboratory Brawijaya University. at the marketing stage, we aim at a target market that is central areas of the dairy farm. Mean while applied marketing strategy is to go to the breeder directly and in cooperation with Prosperous UD.Sumber. Moreover, we follow the bazaars both campus and national levels. "BIO-MASTIC" business innovation antiseptict eat dipping first in Indonesia in the field of prospective and sustainable farms, so as to address the needs of animals in an effort to overcome the problems of lack of antiseptics for milking. hoped would also createa goodbrand image and product support antiseptic"BIO- MASTIC", so it has the potential to be commercialized in Indonesia

    The impact of some morphological and motor characteristics in short distance running

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    The knowledge of morphological development and their impact on motor skills in short-distance athletes should be one of the main concerns of athletics coaches, because any scientific research in the field of physical culture and sports is about proving the development and evaluation of anthropological characteristics which are responsible for achieving success in athletics. The purpose of this paper is to confirm the impact of some anthropometric characteristics in the execution of running speeds on short distances, specifically in running at 100 meters to students aged 18 ± 6 years of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports in Prishtina. The sample of this research has included a total of 60 students aged 18 years of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports in Prishtina. The measurements were executed during September in the hall of the Faculty, while the 100 meter runs in the stadium "Fadil Vokrri" Prishtina. The only condition that was used during the determination of the sample was: that the students are involved in regular physical education classes (and on the day of the measurement be healthy, without the flu, cold or other symptoms). The variables which are applied in this research have been 8 anthropometric variables and 1 motor-specific variables. The results obtained after their processing indicate that the impact of anthropometric variables is higher in running at 100 meters. Short distance running and long distance running reduces the impact of anthropometric parameters whereas the influence of metabolic factors of energy production is increased. These results were also confirmed using regression analysis, so that groups of predictors of anthropometric characteristics, specific motor skills that statistically significantly influenced each variable of individual criteria. The world records below the 10-second limit, in the 100 m, near the 9-meter limit, show not only the high level of sports, but also the strong impact on the growth, especially of strength indicators, speed-strength, explosive force, as main and applied motor skills in sports and athlete’s everyday life

    Perceived barriers to physical activity behaviour among patients with diabetes and hypertension in Kosovo: a qualitative study

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    BACKGROUND: In a cohort of primary health care users across Kosovo (KOSCO cohort), high rates and poor control of diabetes and hypertension were observed. These conditions can be prevented and better controlled by adapting to a healthy lifestyle. Physical activity is an important target, as inactivity and related obesity were very prevalent in the KOSCO cohort. This qualitative study aims to identify individual and structural barriers to physical activity perceived by patients with diabetes and/or hypertension so as to inform health care providers and policy-makers in Kosovo on strategies for promoting physical activity. METHODS: Interviews were conducted from July to October 2020 with 26 public primary health care users from five municipalities of Kosovo (Mitrovica, Vushtrri, Fushe Kosova, Gjakova, and Malisheva). The qualitative study was nested into the KOSCO cohort. KOSCO was implemented in 2019 and recruited consecutive patients visiting the public primary health care centres in these municipalities. Participants of this qualitative sub-study were selected if they had a doctor's diagnosis of diabetes and/or hypertension. The interview guide consisted of questions related to physical activity barriers these patients are facing, despite having received motivational counselling sessions in primary healthcare centres. Data were analysed using a framework methodology. RESULTS: Three main themes moderating physical activity behaviour were identified: 1) neighbourhood built environment, 2) health-related problems, and 3) social support. The barriers to physical activity related to the first theme were structural features of the neighbourhoods such as: crowded sidewalks, lack of green spaces, lack of proper lighting in public spaces, as well as dense traffic. In regards to the second theme, the main health reasons for study participants to delay physical activity were related to: physical discomfort as well as stress, worry, and lack of energy. An additional barrier to exercise was lack of social support specifically from friends. CONCLUSION: The study identifies structural and individual targets for integrated and inter-sectoral physical activity promotion efforts

    Non-communicable disease prevention in Kosovo: quantitative and qualitative assessment of uptake and barriers of an intervention for healthier lifestyles in primary healthcare

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    BACKGROUND: Smoking, physical inactivity, low fruit and vegetable consumption, and obesity are common in Kosovo. Their prevention is a priority to relieve the health system of from costly non-communicable disease treatments. The Accessible Quality Healthcare project is implementing a primary healthcare intervention that entails nurse-guided motivational counselling to facilitate change in the domains of smoking, diet, alcohol consumption and physical inactivity for at-risk patients. This study quantitatively assesses the uptake of motivational counselling and the distribution of health behaviours and stages of health behaviour change of the participants according to the intervention, as well as qualitatively describes experiences and perceived benefits of motivational counselling. METHODS: Study participants (n = 907) were recruited consecutively in 2019 from patients visiting the Main Family Medical Centres in 12 municipalities participating in the Kosovo Non-Communicable Disease Cohort study as part of the Accessible Quality Healthcare project. For the quantitative study, we used baseline and first follow-up data on smoking status, physical inactivity, obesity, fruit and vegetable as well as alcohol consumption, uptake of counselling, and stages for behavioural change. For the qualitative study, in-depth interviews were conducted with a subset of 26 cohort participants who had undergone motivational counselling. RESULTS: Motivational counselling was obtained by only 22% of the eligible participants in the intervention municipalities. Unhealthy behaviours are high even in persons who underwent counselling (of whom 13% are smokers; 86% physically inactive; 93% with inadequate fruit and vegetable consumption; and 61% are obese); only the rate of smoking was lower in those who obtained counselling. Among smokers, over 80% were still in the pre-contemplation phase of behaviour change. More advanced stages of behaviour change were observed among the highly prevalent group of inactive persons and participants with poor dietary habits, among the 5 intervention municipalities. According to the qualitative study results, the participants who obtained motivational counselling were very satisfied with the services but requested additional services such as group physical activity sessions and specialized services for smoking cessation. CONCLUSIONS: More tailored and additional primary health care approaches in accordance with patients' views need to be considered for the motivational counselling intervention to reach patients and efficiently facilitate lifestyle behaviour change

    Strengthening primary healthcare in Kosovo requires tailoring primary, secondary and tertiary prevention interventions and consideration of mental health

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    Objectives: Kosovo has the lowest life expectancy in the Balkans. Primary healthcare (PHC) plays an essential role in non-communicable disease (NCD) prevention. We described primary, secondary and tertiary prevention indicators in Kosovo and assessed their association with depressive symptoms. Methods: PHC users (n = 977) from the Kosovo NCD cohort baseline study were included. Depressive symptoms were assessed using the Depressive Anxiety Stress Scale-21. Cross-sectional associations between depressive symptoms and prevention indicators were quantified with mixed logistic regression models. Results: Poor nutrition (85%), physical inactivity (70%), obesity (53%), and smoking (21%) were common NCD risk factors. Many cases of hypertension (19%), diabetes (16%) and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) (45%) remained undetected by a PHC professional. Uncontrolled hypertension (28%), diabetes (79%), and COPD (76%) were also common. Depressive symptoms were positively associated with physical inactivity (OR 1.02; 95% CI 1.00-1.05 per 1-point increase in DASS-21) and undetected COPD (OR 1.07; 95% CI 1.00-1.15), but inversely with undetected diabetes (OR 0.95; 95% CI 0.91-1.00). Conclusions: Continued attention and tailored modifications to primary, secondary and tertiary prevention in Kosovo are needed to narrow the Balkan health gap

    Prospective association between depressive symptoms and blood-pressure related outcomes in Kosovo

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    Kosovo has the lowest life expectancy in the Western Balkans, where cardiovascular disease (CVD) accounts for over half of all deaths. Depression also contributes to disability in the country, with a prevalence of moderate to severe symptoms reported as high as 42% in the general population. Although the mechanisms are not yet well understood, evidence suggests that depression is an independent risk factor for CVD. Our study assessed the prospective association between depressive symptoms and blood pressure (BP)-related outcomes among primary healthcare users in Kosovo to understand the role of BP in the relationship between depression and CVD. We included 648 primary healthcare users from the KOSCO study. The presence of depressive symptoms was defined as moderate to very severe depressive symptoms (DASS-21 depressive symptoms score >/=14). Multivariable censored regression models assessed prospective associations between baseline depressive symptoms and changes in systolic and diastolic BP while taking hypertension treatment into consideration. Multivariable logistic regression models assessed prospective associations between baseline depressive symptoms and hypertension diagnosis among normotensive patients (n = 226) as well as uncontrolled hypertension in hypertensive patients (n = 422) at follow-up. Depressive symptoms were associated with attenuated diastolic BP (beta = -2.84, 95%-CI -4.64 to -1.05, p = 0.002) over a year of follow-up in our fully adjusted model, although the association with systolic BP (beta = -1.98, 95%-CI -5.48 to 1.28, p = 0.23) did not meet statistical significance. We found no statistically significant association of depressive symptoms with hypertension diagnosis among initially normotensive people (OR = 1.68, 95%-CI 0.41 to 6.98, p = 0.48), nor with hypertension control among initially hypertensive people (OR = 0.69, 95%-CI 0.34 to 1.41, p = 0.31). Our findings are not consistent with increased BP as an underlying mechanism between depression and elevated CVD risk and contribute valuable evidence to cardiovascular epidemiology, where the mechanisms between depression, hypertension and CVD are yet to be elucidated