913 research outputs found

    Detection of Avian Leucosis Virus Subgroup J in Poultry Tissue Samples and Their Molecular Characterization

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    This study was carried out to diagnose and characterize avian leucosis virus subgroup J (ALV-J) specific sequence isolated from poultry organs with myelocytic infiltration. Archived tissues with and without myelocytic infiltration were examined by PCR followed by sequencing. Four ALV-J sequences identified and named as; UPMIA6, UPMIAIO, UPMlA17 and UPMIA18 were characterized based on sequence and phylogenetic analysis. Different diagnostic tests (PCR, ELlSA and Virus isolation) for ALV-J were also studied and compared. A total of 21 poultry tissue samples were examined by PCR using primers (H5lH7) and 16 samples were found positive for ALVJ proviral DNA. However, only 5 samples were found positive for ALV-J viral RNA. Sequence analysis indicated that the 4 sequences have significant homology ( >go%) when compared to A LV-J from U K a nd U SA. However, based on phylogenetic analysis, the sequences of the ALV-J were close to Houghton Poultry Research Station -103 (HPRS-103). In addition 3, 10, 3 and 8 amino acid substitutions were observed in sequences; UPMIAG, UPMIAI 0, UPMIAI 7 and UPMIAI 8, respectively. All these substitutions were unique and have not been reported before from other ALV-J isolates. The importance of these substitutions requires further study especially in order to determine whether the sequences resemble variant ALV-J from UK or USA. Different diagnostic techniques were also compared for the detection of ALVJ in a normal broiler breeder flock as the first isolation of ALV-J was made from normal meat-type chickens. PCR was found to be more sensitive than ELSA and virus isolation. However, even though the chickens were gp85 antibody positive, all the samples examined showed negative result for ALVJ proviral DNA and virus isolation. In addition, no virus was isolated from archived tissue samples with myelocytic infiltration. The actual explanation for this finding is not clear, but several probable factors were presented and discussed. In conclusion, ALV-J proviral DNA were detected in tissue samples obtained from chickens with and without myelocytic infiltration. However, no virus was isolated. The importance of PCR in detecting proviral DNA and viral RNA from chickens with gp85 antibody requires careful examination due to the complex nature of ALV-J infection

    Estimation of extra-pancreatic necrosis volume and its correlation with the clinical outcome in acute pancreatitis

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    Background: The aim of study was to measure extra-pancreatic necrosis volume in acute pancreatitis and associate with the clinical outcome and to determine the threshold volume of extra-pancreatic necrosis that predicts severity of acute pancreatitis.Methods: Hospital based observational study was carried out in the department of radiodiagnosis, Armed forces medical college, Pune, Maharashtra. All cases referred for CT scan in suspected cases of acute pancreatitis (by clinical and/or biochemical parameters) as a part of institutional protocol were included in the study. Multiplanar reconstruction with volumetric analysis was done for measuring the extra-pancreatic necrosis volume (EPNV) using inherent CT scanner volume assessing software.Results: Out of total 41 patients studied, more than one cause was identified in 9 patients. The most common cause of acute pancreatitis was alcohol use 32 (64%), followed by gallstone and diabetes mellitus (8% each). There was a positive correlation between EPNV and duration of hospitalization which was statistically significant with Spearman's correlation coefficient of 0.579 and p<0.001.Conclusions: Our study showed highly significant correlation between the EPNV and the prediction of end organ failure, systemic infection, duration of hospital stay and need for intervention. Statistically patient presenting with EPNV of more than 100 ml was closely associated with end organ failure; hence EPNV may be used as a useful scoring system. This study has highlighted the convenient and easier technique of predicting clinical outcome in patient by simply assessing the severity of acute pancreatitis by measuring EPNV.

    Evaluation of Yield Attributing Trait of Spring Wheat Genotypes Under Normal and Late Sowing Condition

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    Wheat (Triticum aestivum) is the third most important cereal crop in Nepal after rice and maize. The research is carried out during the winter season in agronomic field of the Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science (IAAS), Bhairahawa, Nepal. Sowing is carried out 28th November 2020 and 24th December 2020 on alpha lattice design with two replication of twenty wheat genotype under normal and late sowing respectively. In the late sowing condition, all genotype's performance is reduced as compared to normal sowing. Under late sown condition, high temperatures reduced the days to booting (15.64%), days to heading (14.97%), days to maturity (14.16%), chlorophyll content (15.99%), plant height (8.59%), spike length (7.03%), number of spikelet per spike (9.21%), number of grain per spike (10.6%), spike weight (15.32%), effective tiller/m2 (9.92%), thousand kernel weight (10.3%) and grain yield (22.5%). NL 1420 presented higher 4118 kg/ha and 3310.5 kg/ha yield respectively and BL 4407 presented early maturity 119.2 DAS and 100.6 DAS respectively in normal sowing and late sowing condition. In a combined environment, maximum grain yield is recorded in NL1420. The result suggested that the tolerant line against the late sowing condition can be used as genetic resource for crop improvement and promote for grain yield

    Relationship between Wheat Yield and Yield Attributing Character at Late Sowing Condition

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    Correlation coefficient and path analysis were computed between yield and yield attributing trait among twenty genotypes of wheat. The research was conducted during winter season of 2020/2021 in the agronomic field of the Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science (IAAS), Bhairahawa, Nepal to identify the traits which influence the positive and negative relation to grain yield. Twenty genotypes of wheat were sown on 24th December 2020 on alpha lattice design with two replications. It has been found that under heat stress, DTB, DTH, DTM, CLC, PH, NGPS show a non-significant positive correlation with GY. Similarly ET shows a highly significant positive correlation to GY. However, SL, SW, TKW have a non-significant negative correlation with GY. In path analysis, DTM and ET have a positive direct effect on GY and DTH, SL, CLC and NGPS have an indirect effect on GY. Hence, the ET and DTM can be used to select wheat genotype for breeding purpose and studies to improve yield of genotypes under heat stress condition

    Characteristics of Flow past Warped and Wedge Transitions

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    Expanding channel transitions link the subcritical flow emerging from reservoirs to narrow concrete rectangular channels connected to very wide trapezoidal earth channels of irrigation networks. The present study includes the effects of various design changes in warped and wedge transitions on the behavior of flow emerging from transitions. The efficiency of a good transition is measured in terms of its ability to provide a low value for the maximum velocity and a nearly uniform velocity distribution at the transition exit section. Also, a well-designed transition reduces an energy loss in the transition and ensures that the secondary flow intensity in the downstream trapezoidal channel is low enough to avoid the channel boundary erosion. The study indicated that the changes made in the design of warped and wedge transitions did achieve these stated objectives. A LDA was used to measure the flow velocity. The point measurements were non-intrusive, and provided a three-dimensional distributions graph of the mean flow velocity as well as the intensity of turbulent fluctuations. The data determined by LDA as well as the depth data form point gauge measurement yielded the longitudinal flow profile and the maximum velocity ratio, as well as the head loss in the transition and the intensity of secondary flow. Flow separation characteristics were recorded by tracing the separation zone and the points of reattachment based on velocity data. These were confirmed by visual observation involving dye tests. The information provided assists field engineer to design efficient transition. Simple appurtenances such as vanes in warped transition and short streamlining strips along the diagonal of wedge transition were shown to be effective in improving the transition efficiency measured in terms of reducing flow separation and conserving energy. The 3-D model tested was successful in quantifying the effects of vanes in warped transitions. To simulate the complex flow in the warped transition, RNG k-ε and RSM models were adopted and the results were validated by using the available experimental data for a warped transition. It is shown that the use of a vane effectively reduces flow separation and eddy motion in the transition and downstream channel

    Effect of different levels of nitrogen and farmyard manure on the growth and yield of spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.)

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    Saabunud / Received 10.05.2021 ; Aktsepteeritud / Accepted 05.09.2021 ; Avaldatud veebis / Published online 05.09.2021 ; Vastutav autor / Corresponding author: Parbati Thapa [email protected] application of nitrogen (N) and farmyard manure (FYM) greatly affects the growth and production of spinach. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of various levels of nitrogen and farmyard manure on the growth and yield of spinach. This study was conducted in the research field of the Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science, Lamjung, Sundarbazar, Lamjung, Nepal from November 2019 to January 2020. The treatments were: 0 kg N ha–1, 30 kg N ha–1, 60 kg N ha–1, 60 kg N ha–1 + 10 t FYM ha–1, 60 kg N ha–1 + 20 t FYM ha–1, 90 kg N ha–1 and 120 kg N ha–1. These treatments were laid out in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications. The results showed that higher N levels gave better results for all parameters studied. The increasing N fertilization rates increased the vegetative characters and yield of spinach. The maximum plant height (22.68 cm), leaf width (6.69 cm), number of leaves (12.93), fresh weight of leaves (17.07 g) and leaf length (14.94 cm) were recorded with the application of the highest level of nitrogen (120 kg N ha–1). The spinach yield (3.2 t ha–1) was the highest with the application of 120 kg N ha–1. However, the growth and yield traits were not significantly differed with the application of 60 kg N ha–1 + 20 t FYM ha–1. Therefore, this study suggests that spinach production can be maximized by the application of 60 kg N ha–1+ 20 t FYM ha–1

    Identification of micronutrient-rich germplasms of barley for mid-hills and Terai region of Nepal

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    Zinc and iron deficiencies, common in many parts of the world, having risk factors that raise the burden of disease with high child and adult mortality. Breeding efforts for exploring barley grains with higher zinc and iron are underway. A study was conducted &nbsp;during the normal barley growing season of 2017 to identify the barley genotypes with higher concentration of protein, starch, iron and zinc for the mid-hill and Terai conditions of Nepal. An augmented block design was followed, and two improved varieties i.e., Bonus and Solu Uwa were used as repeated checks. The average grain protein, starch, zinc, and iron content were 11.9%, 55.6%, 47.4 mg/kg and 41.4 mg/kg at Dailekh and 11.3%, 53.3%, 46.6 mg/kg and 39.9 mg/kg at Rampur, respectively. The grain protein content was found up to 19.8% (AM-55, AM-45, AM-88 at Dailekh) and 16.6% (AM-81, AM-77, AM-98 at Rampur). Similarly, the highest grain zinc content was found 97 mg/kg (AM-6, AM-138 and AM-125 at Dailekh) and 92 &nbsp;mg/kg (AM-226,&nbsp; AM-99 and AM-227 mg/kg at Rampur). The highest iron content 71 mg/kg &nbsp;( AM-2, AM-43, AM-4 at Dailekh) and 63 &nbsp;mg/kg&nbsp; (AM-90, AM-168 and AM-92 at Rampur). The identified genotypes with higher grain elements concentration are valuable resources for Nepal's barley breeding program that helps develop quality and nutritious barley varieties. &nbsp

    Performance of ChatGPT on USMLE: Unlocking the Potential of Large Language Models for AI-Assisted Medical Education

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    Artificial intelligence is gaining traction in more ways than ever before. The popularity of language models and AI-based businesses has soared since ChatGPT was made available to the general public via OpenAI. It is becoming increasingly common for people to use ChatGPT both professionally and personally. Considering the widespread use of ChatGPT and the reliance people place on it, this study determined how reliable ChatGPT can be for answering complex medical and clinical questions. Harvard University gross anatomy along with the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) questionnaire were used to accomplish the objective. The paper evaluated the obtained results using a 2-way ANOVA and posthoc analysis. Both showed systematic covariation between format and prompt. Furthermore, the physician adjudicators independently rated the outcome's accuracy, concordance, and insight. As a result of the analysis, ChatGPT-generated answers were found to be more context-oriented and represented a better model for deductive reasoning than regular Google search results. Furthermore, ChatGPT obtained 58.8% on logical questions and 60% on ethical questions. This means that the ChatGPT is approaching the passing range for logical questions and has crossed the threshold for ethical questions. The paper believes ChatGPT and other language learning models can be invaluable tools for e-learners; however, the study suggests that there is still room to improve their accuracy. In order to improve ChatGPT's performance in the future, further research is needed to better understand how it can answer different types of questions.Comment: 12 pages, 4 Figues, 4 table

    Electronic structure and estimation of Curie temperature in Ca\u3csub\u3e2\u3c/sub\u3eBIrO\u3csub\u3e6\u3c/sub\u3e(B = Cr, Fe) double perovskites

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    We investigate the electronic and magnetic properties of Ca 2 CrIrO 6 and Ca 2 FeIrO 6 by means of density functional theory. These materials belong to a family of recently synthesized Ca 2 CrOsO 6 whose properties show possible applications in a room temperature regime. Upon replacement of Os by Ir in Ca 2 CrOsO 6, we found the system to exhibit a stable ferrimagnetic configuration with a bandgap of ∼0.25 eV and an effective magnetic moment of ∼2.58 μ B per unit cell. Furthermore, when chemical doping is considered by replacing Cr with Fe and Os with Ir, the material retains the insulating state but with a reduced bandgap of 0.13 eV and large increment in the effective magnetic moment of ∼6.68 μ B per unit cell. These observed behaviors are noted to be the consequence of the cooperative effect of spin-orbit coupling; Coulomb correlations from Cr-3d, Fe-3d, and Ir-5d electrons; and the crystal field effect of the materials. These calculations suggest that by chemical tuning, one can manipulate the bandgap and their effective magnetic moment, which may help in material fabrication for device applications. To check further the suitability and applicability of Ca 2 CrIrO 6 and Ca 2 FeIrO 6 at higher temperatures, we estimate the Curie temperature (T C) by calculating the spin-exchange coupling. We found that our findings are in a valid T C trend similar to other perovskites. Our findings are expected to be useful in experimental synthesis and transport measurement for potential applications in modern technological devices

    Locally compact space and continuity

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    Topological spaces for being T0, T1, T2 and regular space have been discussed. The conditions for a topological space to be locally compact have also been studied. We have found that a continuous function preserves locally compactness. Keywords: Topological spaces; Compactness; Regular space DOI: 10.3126/bibechana.v7i0.4038 BIBECHANA 7 (2011) 18-2