282 research outputs found

    La e-tutorización como respuesta institucional al abandono universitario

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    El abandono de los estudios supone uno de los principales problemas de la educación superior actual. Las universidades, conscientes de esta realidad, se muestran sensibles ante esta preocupación. No obstante, se siguen advirtiendo tasas de abandono indeseadas. En este estudio se parte de la propuesta de un sistema de respuesta complementario al aportado por la institución teniendo en cuenta dos elementos fundamentales: la interacción del estudiante y las aportaciones de los medios tecnológicos. En relación a ello, esta investigación se propone la valoración de la eficacia de este sistema así como su contribución al desarrollo de aspectos emocionales para afrontar la situación adversa experimentada al pedir un apoyo. La muestra participante asciende a un total de cincuenta alumnos y alumnas. Se diseña un cuestionario para el desarrollo de los objetivos planteados. Los resultados evidencian el impacto de los procesos de e-tutorización en la resolución de las problemáticas experimentadas y en la contribución al desarrollo de aspectos emocionales relacionados con esas dificultades.The dropout represents one of the main problems of today higher education. Universities, aware of this reality, are sensitive to this concern. However, there are still dropout. In this research an alternative system proposed for institutional response to the needs of students. This is based on two main elements: the student interaction and new technological developments. In this research, the assessment of the effectiveness of a process e-tutoring and its contribution to the development of emotional aspects is proposed from the viewpoint of the participating students. The sample amounts to a total of fifty students. A questionnaire for the development of the objectives is designed. The results show the contributions of e-tutoring for the treatment of difficulties that can lead to the abandonment of studies specifically for the effectiveness of the response to them and to their contribution to the development of emotional aspects

    Predictive Trading Strategy for Physical Electricity Futures

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    This article presents an original predictive strategy, based on a new mid-term forecasting model, to be used for trading physical electricity futures. The forecasting model is used to predict the average spot price, which is used to estimate the Risk Premium corresponding to electricity futures trade operations with a physical delivery. A feed-forward neural network trained with the extreme learning machine algorithm is used as the initial implementation of the forecasting model. The predictive strategy and the forecasting model only need information available from electricity derivatives and spot markets at the time of negotiation. In this paper, the predictive trading strategy has been applied successfully to the Iberian Electricity Market (MIBEL). The forecasting model was applied for the six types of maturities available for monthly futures in the MIBEL, from 1 to 6 months ahead. The forecasting model was trained with MIBEL price data corresponding to 44 months and the performances of the forecasting model and of the predictive strategy were tested with data corresponding to a further 12 months. Furthermore, a simpler forecasting model and three benchmark trading strategies are also presented and evaluated using the Risk Premium in the testing period, for comparative purposes. The results prove the advantages of the predictive strategy, even using the simpler forecasting model, which showed improvements over the conventional benchmark trading strategy, evincing an interesting hedging potential for electricity futures trading

    Utilización y valoración de los servicios de orientación desde la perspectiva de los universitarios

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    Las universidades, tanto a nivel internacional como nacional contemplan en sus estructuras organizativas servicios de apoyo al estudiante universitario. Estos recursos tienen como propósito servir de apoyo al estudiante en diversas problemáticas universitarias que se puedan plantear a lo largo de sus estudios. Esta investigación pretende conocer la utilización y valoración que hacen los destinatarios de estos servicios. Así como detectar posibles diferencias significativas según sexo y rama de conocimiento de la titulación. La población objeto de estudio se circunscribe a la Universidad de Sevilla. Para ello se parte de una muestra de 137 estudiantes de todos los centros propios de la misma y se diseña un cuestionario ad hoc. El análisis de los datos obtenidos revela una baja utilización de los servicios de apoyo así como diferencias significativas en cuanto a servicios de apoyo pedagógico, discapacidad, salud, bienestar y asesoramiento vocacional.Universities, both at international and national levels in their organizational structures provides support services to the college student. These resources are intended to support the student in various university issues that may arise throughout college. This research aims to determine the use and assessment that the recipients of these services. And detect any significant differences by sex and branch of knowledge. The population under study belongs to the University of Seville. The sample consists of 137 students of all own centers thereof and an ad hoc questionnaire was designed. Analysis of the data reveals a low utilization of support services as well as significant differences in education support services, disability, health, welfare and vocational counseling.Unión Europea, Erasmus Ref: 526600-LLP-1-2012-IT-Erasmus-Esi

    Optimal electricity price calculation model for retailers in a deregulated market

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    The electricity retailing, a new business in deregulated electric power systems, needs the development of efficient tools to optimize its operation. This paper defines a technical-economic model of an electric energy service provider in the environment of the deregulated electricity market in Spain. This model results in an optimization problem, for calculating the optimal electric power and energy selling prices that maximize the economic profits obtained by the provider. This problem is applied to different cases, where the impact on the profits of several factors, such as the price strategy, the discount on tariffs and the elasticity of customer demand functions, is studied. © 2005 Published by Elsevier Ltd

    3D hydrodynamic numerical models for nebulae around runaway Wolf-Rayet stars

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    We present 3D hydrodynamical simulations of the circumstellar bubble from a Wolf-Rayet runaway star. In the models two properties were taken into account: (a) the proper motion of the central star through the interstellar medium (ISM) and (b) the evolution of the stellar wind from the red supergiant (RSG) stage to the Wolf-Rayet (WR) stage. From the hydrodynamic results synthetic X-ray maps in the [0.3 − 1.2] keV energy range were computed. These maps show that the bubble morphology is affected by the stellar motion, producing a bow shock in the RSG stage that can explain the limb-brightened morphology observed. Additionally, these synthetic maps show filamentary and clumpy appearance produced by instabilities triggered from the interaction between the WR wind and the RSG shell. It was found that these types of collisions can explain the origin of the X-ray emission observed in the nebulae of Wolf- Rayet stars.Fil: Reyes Iturbide, J.. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares; México. Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Tianguistenco; MéxicoFil: Velázquez, Pablo F.. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares; MéxicoFil: Rosado, M.. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Instituto de Astronomía; MéxicoFil: Schneiter, Ernesto Matías. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Astronomía Teórica y Experimental. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Observatorio Astronómico de Córdoba. Instituto de Astronomía Teórica y Experimental; ArgentinaFil: Ramírez Ballinas, I.. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Instituto de Astronomía; Méxic

    Contribution of prosthetic treatment considerations for dental extractions of permanent teeth

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    Background. Tooth loss is an easily identifiable outcome that summarizes a complex suite of factors in an individual’s history of dental disease and its treatment by dental services over a lifetime. Assessment of overall tooth loss data is essential for epidemiologically evaluating the adequacy of dental care provided at a systems level, as well as for placing in context tooth loss for non-disease causes. For example, when derived from prosthetic treatment planning, the latter may unfortunately lead to some teeth being extracted (pulled) for the sake of better comprehensive clinical results. The objective of the present manuscript was to identify the contribution to overall tooth loss, by extraction of permanent teeth because of prosthetic treatment reasons. Material and Methods. A cross-sectional study included sex, age, total number of extractions performed by subject, sextant (anterior vs. posterior), group of teeth (incisors, canines, premolars and molars), upper or lower arch, and the main reason underlying extraction (extraction for any reason vs. prosthetic treatment), in patients 18 years of age and older seeking care at a dental school clinic in Mexico. A multivariate logistic regression model was generated. Results. A total of 749 teeth were extracted in 331 patients; 161 teeth (21.5% of total) were extracted for explicit prosthetic treatment indications. As age increased, the likelihood of having an extraction for prosthetic reasons increased 3% (OR = 1.03, p < 0.001). Women (OR = 1.57, p < 0.05) were more likely to be in this situation, and molars (OR = 2.70, p < 0.001) were most at risk. As the total number of extractions increased, the risk of having an extraction for prosthetic reasons decreased (OR = 0.94, p < 0.05). Conclusions. A significant amount (21.5%) of the extractions of permanent teeth were performed for prosthetic reasons in this dental school clinical environment; age, sex, type of tooth, and the total number of extractions moderated such pattern


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    The soils that make up the coastal profile between the parishes of Ancon and Anconcito in the Province of Santa Elena have the geomorphological features of cliffs approximately 40 meters towering above the sea level. Marginal oil exploitation continues in this area, and since the last decade there have been unconsolidated human settlements without basic services such as drinking water, sanitary and rainwater sewerage, which have caused problems of soil stability in the area described. This instability also has its origins within the formation of cracks in the foundation soils related to volumetric changes, erosion and dispersion that depend on the mineralogy of the soils. Due to the lack of geotechnical studies in the sector, activities were carried out such as: data collection of the geological structure, tours in the studied area and exploration of the subsoil with the method of open trial pits to extract samples with which laboratory tests were carried out to characterize the soil for its mechanical properties and mineralogy. Obtaining in this way the parameters of resistance to the shear indispensable for the analysis of the slope stability and with these values the landslide, which occurred the 2 of February 2010 in the neighborhood located in the Salinas canton, was modeled in the program of GEOSLOPE, comparing the veracity of the parameters of resistance to the results obtained.Los suelos que conforman el perfil costero entre las parroquias de Ancón y Anconcito de la Provincia de Santa Elena, tienen rasgos geomorfológicos de acantilados de aproximadamente 40 metros de altura junto al mar. En esta zona se mantiene una explotación petrolera marginal, y desde la última década se han producido asentamientos humanos no consolidados sin servicios básicos como de agua potable, alcantarillado sanitario y pluvial, que han ocasionado problemas de estabilidad de los suelos en la zona descrita. Esta inestabilidad también tiene su génesis con la formación de grietas en los suelos de fundación relacionadas con los cambios volumétricos, erosión y dispersión que dependen de la mineralogía de los suelos. Debido a la falta de estudios Geotécnicos en el sector, se realizaron actividades como:&nbsp; recopilación de datos de la estructura geológica, recorridos en la zona de estudio y exploración del subsuelo con el método de calicatas a cielo abierto para extraer muestras con la que se efectuaron los ensayos de laboratorio para caracterizar el suelo desde sus propiedades mecánicas y de su mineralogía. Obteniendo así los parámetros de resistencia al cortante indispensables para el análisis de estabilidad de Talud y con estos valores se modeló el deslizamiento ocurrido en el año 2010 en el barrio 2 de febrero ubicado en el cantón Salinas, en el programa de GEOSLOPE argumentando la veracidad de los parámetros de resistencia al cortante obtenidos

    El abandono universitario. Claves socioculturales en los procesos de tutorización

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    El abandono es uno de los temas más relevantes dentro del sistema universitario que implica el desarrollo de medidas para reducir esta situación adversa. Este ensayo pretende valorar la toma en consideración de variables socioculturales para fundamentar estrategias de innovación en la respuesta institucional frente al abandono. Conceptos como mediación, privilegiación e internalización suponen el punto de partida en torno a la mejora de los procesos de tutorización en la universidad. La mediación se traduce en la oferta de apoyo que la universidad realiza para atender las necesidades estudiantiles. Con interiorización se entiende el trasvase del entorno al plano individual de los elementos que el escenario dispone. Y la privilegiación discrimina aquellos elementos que muestran un bajo potencial de solución de las necesidades de los estudiantes. Entender que el abandono supone un proceso situado contextualmente hace valorar la idoneidad de estas variables para la respuesta institucional frente a esta problemática