5,182 research outputs found

    Humans, Processes and Robots: A Journey to Hyperautomation

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    Automating business processes is one of the most recurrent topics in indus tries, independent of its digital orientation. Competitiveness pushes companies to deliver their products or services efficiently and effectively. Besides providing the appropriate value, they are required to do it faster and with higher quality. This agile context leads to automate everything that can be automated to keep the focus on the value while optimizing the processing times, errors, and process performance, in general [9]. Human beings have historically suffered various industrial revolutions that transformed the way of working, producing, and thinking. Although resistance to change has always appeared, they ended up being adopted by companies and people to avoid inevitable obsolescence [11]. The irruption of Robotic Process Automation (RPA) in the area of business process automation seems to have laid the seeds for a new revolution of administrative digital work [3]. RPA is a software paradigm that enables software machines (also referred as robots) to interact with information systems through their user interfaces (UIs) in a process-oriented way. Freeing humans from repetitive and mundane work is its main mantra. It started receiving increasing interest in the last decade and has become the fastest-growing enterprise software market in the last years [2]. After an initial hype of unfulfilled promises, RPA keeps a significant traction [12]. Nonetheless, some companies still fail when trying to incorporate RPA in their projects. This paper serves as a discussion on, first, how to frame RPA in the existing Business Process Management (BPM) paradigm (cf. Sect. 1.1). And second, it deals with its natural evolution to a wider automation technology across the entire organization: Hyperautomation (cf. Sect. 1.2).Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades PID2019-105455GB-C3

    Análisis de la Red Social Tuenti, como contexto de relación entre adolescentes, y sus posibilidades didácticas con un grupo en riesgo de exclusión socioeducativa en un Programa de Cualificación Profesional Inicial (PCPI)

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    We have found ourselves in this delicate and complex moment in education. This is due to the development and acceleration of New Technology of Information and Communication (NNTT) of Social Webs. This is why we are carrying out an investigation on some teenagers who are at the risk of being excluded on a social and educational level. These teenagers are in this computer assistance programme which is part of PCPI (Professional Qualification Programme). Students make use of NNTT, the social web and TUENTI.Nos encontramos en otro “nuevo” momento delicado y complejo en educación debido, entre otras razones, al desarrollo acelerado de las Nuevas Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación y, en concreto, de las Redes Sociales. Es por esto que nos planteamos una investigación sobre unos adolescentes en riesgos de exclusión socioeducativa e insertados en un Programa de Cualificación Profesional (PCPI) de auxiliar de informática en Cádiz capital y el uso que hacen de las NNTT y en concreto de la Red Social TUENTI

    The chancery of the spanish first secretary of state and of the office - department of state, during the reign of Isabel ii (1833-1868): introduction to his study

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    En los múltiples estudios realizados sobre el oficio cancilleresco, la mayoría centrados en la época medieval, muy pocos abordan el análisis de esta institución en la edad moderna y muchos menos en la contemporaneidad. Dentro de ellos no existe ninguna alusión a la existencia de un canciller en el Ministerio de Estado español (antecedente del actual Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores); hay referencias a cancilleres del sello secreto, del sello mayor, notarios, protonotarios, registradores, selladores, etc., dependientes de otras instituciones, pero nada sobre la oficina que nos ocupa vinculada, entre sus muchos cometidos, a la producción de aquellos documentos relativos a la política exterior española. En este estudio introductorio tratamos de dilucidar los orígenes de una institución cancilleresca inédita vinculada a la época contemporánea, y a un reinado (el de Isabel II, monarca que establece esta dependencia dentro del organigrama de la Primera Secretaría de Estado) así como su funcionamiento general.In the multiple studies realized on the trade cancilleresco, the majority centred in the medieval epoch, very few ones approach the analysis of this institution in the modern age and many less in the contemporaneousness. Inside them no allusion exists to the existence of a chancellor in the Department of Spanish State (precedent of the current State Department); there are references to chancellors of the secret stamp, of the major stamp, notaries, prothonotaries, recorders, sealers, etc., depend of others institutions, but nothing on the office that occupies us linked, between his many assignments, to the production of those documents relative to the spanish exterior politics. In this introductory study we try to explain the origins of an institution cancilleresca unpublished linked to the contemporary epoch, and to a reign (that of Isabel II, monarch who establishes this dependence inside the flowchart of the spanish First Secretariat of State) as well as his general functioning

    OptBPPlanner: Automatic Generation of Optimized Business Process Enactment Plans

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    Unlike imperative models, the specifi cation of business process (BP) properties in a declarative way allows the user to specify what has to be done instead of having to specify how it has to be done, thereby facilitating the human work involved, avoiding failures, and obtaining a better optimization. Frequently, there are several enactment plans related to a specifi c declarative model, each one presenting specifi c values for different objective functions, e.g., overall completion time. As a major contribution of this work, we propose a method for the automatic generation of optimized BP enactment plans from declarative specifi cations. The proposed method is based on a constraint-based approach for planning and scheduling the BP activities. These optimized plans can then be used for different purposes like simulation, time prediction, recommendations, and generation of optimized BP models. Moreover, a tool-supported method, called OptBPPlanner, has been implemented to demonstrate the feasibility of our approach. Furthermore, the proposed method is validated through a range of test models of varying complexity.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TIN2009-1371

    An Automatic and Intelligent System for Integrated Healthcare Processes Management

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    In this work, an automatic and intelligent system for integrated healthcare processes management is developed on a constraint based system. This project has been carried out in collaboration with a real assisted repro-duction clinic. Our goal is to improve the efficiency of the clinic by facilitating the management of the integrated healthcare system. This is very important in an environment in which the healthcare processes present complex temporal and resource constraints.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2016-76956-C3-2-RMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2015-71938-RED