8 research outputs found

    Hidrogeles derivados de acrilamida y ácido itacónico como soporte en medios de cultivo de plántulas de papa

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    Hidrogeles de poliacrilamida (PAAm) y de poli(acrilamida-co-ácido itacónico) (P(AAm-co-AI)) sintetizados en agua y en una solución acuosa de buffer de fosfato al 0,2 M, fueron usados como soporte en los medios de cultivo de tejido vegetal sistema autotrófico hidropónico (SAH) y cultivo in-vitro con solución nutritiva Murashige-Skoog (MS) para la producción de plántulas de papa (Solanum Tuberosum, L). En los bioensayos realizados fue evaluado el comportamiento de los hidrogeles mediante el análisis de las características morfológicas de las plántulas: longitud de la parte aérea, longitud de la raíz, número de entrenudos y biomasa. Estos parámetros fueron analizados aplicando el análisis de varianza ANOVA de dos factores con múltiples muestras, en donde los factores evaluados fueron el tipo de hidrogel y el solvente usado para su síntesis. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que según el medio de cultivo estas variables se ven favorecidas por el uso de un determinado tipo de hidrogel, es decir, en el SAH los hidrogeles de PAAm son los que presentaron mejores resultados desde el punto de vista morfológico y estadístico. Para el cultivo in-vitro con solución nutritiva MS, las propiedades morfológicas de las plántulas, se vieron beneficiadas por el hidrogel de P(AAm-co-AI) sintetizado en la solución acuosa de buffer de fosfato. Palabras clave: Hidrogeles, medios de cultivo, Poliacrilamida, Poli (acrilamida-co-ácido itacónico). ABSTRACT Hydrogels from poly (acrylamide) (PAAm) and of poly (acrylamide-co-itaconic acid) (P (AAm-co-AI)) synthesized in water and in an aqueous solution of phosphate buffer 0.2 M, were used as a support in the vegetable tissue culture media hydroponic autotrophic system (HAS) and in-vitro culture with Murashige-Skoog (MS) nutrient solution for the production of potato seedlings (Solanum Tuberosum, L). In the bioassays carried out, the behavior of the hydrogels was evaluated by analyzing the morphological characteristics of the seedlings: length of the aerial part, length of the root, number of internodes and biomass. These parameters were analyzed by applying the ANOVA variance analysis of two factors with multiple samples, in which the factors evaluated were the type of hydrogel and the solvent used for its synthesis. The results obtained show that, according to the culture medium, these variables are favored by the use of a certain type of hydrogel, which, in the SAH the PAAm hydrogels are the ones that presented the best results from the morphological and statistical point of view. For the in-vitro culture with MS nutrient solution, the morphological properties of the seedlings were advantageous due to the P(AAm-co-AI) hydrogel synthesized in the aqueous solution of phosphate buffer.  Key words: Hydrogels, medium culture, Polyacrylamide, Poly(acrylamide-co-itaconic acid)

    Comparative Evaluation of Four Extraction Methods of Antioxidant Compounds from Decatropis bicolor in Aqueous Medium Applying Response Surface Design

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    The objective of this paper is to compare conventional, ultrasound, microwave, and French press methods for the extraction of antioxidant compounds from Decatropis bicolor in an aqueous medium. This plant is widely used in Mexican traditional medicine for breast cancer treatment. Despite that, there are few studies on D. bicolor. Two response surface designs were applied to establish the best conditions of the liberation of antioxidants from D. bicolor, which were determined by DPPH• and Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Power (FRAP) techniques. The total phenolic content was evaluated by the Folin-Ciocalteu method. The results showed that D. bicolor is a source of antioxidants (669–2128 mg ET/100 g and 553–1920 mg EFe2+/100 g, respectively) and phenolic compounds (2232–9929 mg EGA/100 g). Among the physical factors that were analyzed, the temperature was the determinant factor to liberate the compounds of interest by using low concentrations of the sample and short times of extraction. The French press was the most efficient method, obtaining values of antioxidant activity and phenolic compounds even higher than those reported by using extraction methods with solvents such as methanol

    Bioactive compounds in aqueous extracts of lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) cultivated in Mexico

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    Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) is a plant in the family of Lamiaceae. In Mexican traditional medicine it is used to alleviate gastrointestinal and hepatic problems. Studies carried out mainly in ethanolic and methanolic extracts, have revealed the presence of diverse compounds to which those medicinal properties are attributed. The objective of this research work was to extract in aqueous solution the antioxidants present in lemon balm and identify them through HPLC-MS. A Box-Behnken design was applied to determine the physical conditions of antioxidant extraction, where the analyzed variables were time, temperature and sample quantity. The antioxidant activity was determined through methodologies of DPPH*, FRAP and total phenolics. The aqueous solution with the highest antioxidant activity was analyzed through HPLC-MS. The results showed that the interaction temperature-time has a positive influence on the liberation of antioxidants. The best condition for a conventional extraction of antioxidants was 90°C, 15 min and 2 g of sample. Higher correlations were observed at r2>0.6 between determined antioxidant activity by DPPH* (or FRAP) vs Total phenolics; this would indicate that such activity could be attributed to phenolic compounds whose presence was confirmed through an analysis by HPLC-MS.El toronjil (Melissa officinalis) es una planta de la familia Lamiaceae. En la medicina tradicional mexicana es utilizado para aliviar problemas gastrointestinales y hepáticos. Algunos estudios realizados con extractos etanólicos y metanólicos de dicha planta, han revelado la presencia de diversos compuestos a los que se les atribuye sus propiedades medicinales. El objetivo de esta investigación fue extraer en solución acuosa los antioxidantes presentes en el toronjil e identificarlos a través de HPLC-MS. Para ello, se aplicó un diseño de experimentos Box-Behnken a fin de determinar las condiciones físicas de extracción de antioxidantes; las variables analizadas fueron tiempo, temperatura y cantidad de muestra. La actividad antioxidante fue determinada a través de las metodologías de DPPH*, FRAP y fenoles totales. El extracto acuoso con la mayor actividad antioxidante fue analizado mediante HPLCMS. Los resultados mostraron que la interacción tiempotemperatura tuvo una influencia positiva en la liberación de antioxidantes. La mejor condición para la extracción de antioxidantes presentes en el toronjil fue 90°C, 15 min y 2 g de muestra. Correlaciones superiores a r2>0.6 fueron determinadas entre la actividad antioxidante medida por DPPH* (o FRAP) vs Fenoles totales; esto podría indicar que la actividad antioxidante encontrada podría atribuirse a compuestos de tipo fenólico cuya presencia fue confirmada por el análisis en HPLC-MS

    Release of Antioxidant Compounds of Zingiber officinale by Ultrasound-Assisted Aqueous Extraction and Evaluation of Their In Vitro Bioaccessibility

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    Ginger rhizome is widely used in culinary preparations and in traditional medicine. Its benefits are associated with its antioxidant properties related to phenolics and terpenoids compounds, which use to be thermolabile. Ultrasound-assisted extraction has been useful for enhancing the release of thermosensitive compounds present in vegetable tissues. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of ultrasound-assisted extraction on the release of antioxidants from ginger in aqueous media as well as their in vitro bioaccessibility. Central composite rotatable design was applied to obtain the optimal conditions for the extraction; the variables studied were amplitude (80–90%) and temperature (30–50 °C). Total phenolic content, antioxidant capacity (DPPH•, ABTS•+ and FRAP), and in vitro bioaccessibility were determined. Amplitude was the main parameter influencing the extraction of antioxidants. The ginger aqueous extracts showed a bioaccessibility of around 30%. The release of antioxidant compounds from ginger by ultrasound-assisted extraction avoids the use of high temperatures and solvents commonly used in conventional extraction methods

    Efecto de la Pentoxifilina en hepatitis colestásica aguda: reporte de dos casos

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    Introduction. Cholestatic hepatitis is a rare entity characterized by a bile flow obstruction,and it has a multi-factorial etiology. It can be acute or chronic and occasionally triggers fibrosis, cirrhosis and severe hepatitis. The current pharmacological management is based on corticosteroids and azathioprine or other drugs, such as, methotrexate, cyclosporine, budesonide, ursodeoxycholic acid, mefenamic acid, and pentoxifylline (PTX). We report two patients with autoimmune cholestatic hepatitis treated with pentoxifylline. Clinical cases. Two cases with diagnosis of cholestatic hepatitis confirmed by ultrasound and serological and histological studies. In both cases, corticosteroids were used as a pharmacological treatment without a favorable response. The therapy was replaced by pentoxifylline plus symptomatic treatment at base of ursodeoxycholic acid, vitamin E and cholestyramine. Both patients showed a remarkable improvement after two weeks of treatment. One of the patients showed a total bilirubin of 22.30 mg/dL with a decreased of direct bilirubin from 22.23 mg/dL to 2.10 mg/ dL; meanwhile, the second patient showed a total bilirubin of 63.7 mg/dL with a decreased of direct bilirubin levels from 60.2 mg/dL to 2.33 mg/ dL. In both patients the levels of transaminases decreased and an improvement of their clinical conditions were observed. Discussion. Our results showed that there was a favorable response in two patients treated with pentoxifylline. This drug has anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and anti-fibrotic effects as well as inhibitors effects of the transcription factor NF- κβ, so that it could be considered as an alternative treatment in patients with cholestatic hepatitis after validating its actual effectiveness.Introducción. La hepatitis colestásica es una entidad poco frecuente que se caracteriza por obstrucción del flujo biliar y presentar etiología multifactorial; puede ser aguda o crónica y, ocasionalmente, desencadena fibrosis, cirrosis y hepatitis grave. El manejo farmacológico habitual es a base de corticoides y azatioprina, así como otros medicamentos como el metotrexate, la ciclosporina, la budesonida, el ácido ursodesoxicólico, el ácido micofenólico y la pentoxifilina (PTX); dentro de los medicamentos citados, utilizamos pentoxifilina en dos pacientes con hepatitis colestásica autoinmune. Casos clínicos. Se reportan dos casos con diagnóstico de hepatitis colestásica, corroborada a través de estudios ecosonográfico, serológicos e histológicos. Se utilizaron corticoides para el tratamiento farmacológico en ambos casos; sin embargo, al no obtener resultados favorables, la terapia fue sustituida por pentoxifilina, más tratamiento sintomático a base de ácido ursodesoxicólico, vitamina E y colestiramina. Ambos pacientes mostraron una mejoría después de dos semanas de tratamiento; una paciente con bilirrubina total (BT) de 22.30 mg/dL disminuyó bilirrubina directa (BD) de 22.23 mg/dL a 2.10 mg/dL; en el segundo caso con BT de 63.7 mg/ dL disminuyó sus cifras de BD de 60.2 mg/dL a 2.33 mg/dL; además, redujo transaminasemia y las condiciones de ambas pacientes presentaron mejoría. Discusión. Nuestros resultados mostraron que hubo respuesta favorable en los dos pacientes tratados con pentoxifilina; considerando que este fármaco ha demostrado efectos antiinflamatorios, antioxidantes, antifibróticos e inhibidores del factor de transcripción NF-κβ, podría ser utilizado como un tratamiento alternativo en los pacientes con hepatitis colestásica, aclarando que se necesitan más estudios clínicos para validar su real eficacia

    Theophylline: Old Drug in a New Light, Application in COVID-19 through Computational Studies

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    Theophylline (3-methyxanthine) is a historically prominent drug used to treat respiratory diseases, alone or in combination with other drugs. The rapid onset of the COVID-19 pandemic urged the development of effective pharmacological treatments to directly attack the development of new variants of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and possess a therapeutical battery of compounds that could improve the current management of the disease worldwide. In this context, theophylline, through bronchodilatory, immunomodulatory, and potentially antiviral mechanisms, is an interesting proposal as an adjuvant in the treatment of COVID-19 patients. Nevertheless, it is essential to understand how this compound could behave against such a disease, not only at a pharmacodynamic but also at a pharmacokinetic level. In this sense, the quickest approach in drug discovery is through different computational methods, either from network pharmacology or from quantitative systems pharmacology approaches. In the present review, we explore the possibility of using theophylline in the treatment of COVID-19 patients since it seems to be a relevant candidate by aiming at several immunological targets involved in the pathophysiology of the disease. Theophylline down-regulates the inflammatory processes activated by SARS-CoV-2 through various mechanisms, and herein, they are discussed by reviewing computational simulation studies and their different applications and effects

    Milk Fermentation by Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus GG and Streptococcus thermophilus SY-102: Proteolytic Profile and ACE-Inhibitory Activity

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    Health benefits of probiotics and production of inhibitors of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) released during milk fermentation are well known. That is why in this investigation the proteolytic profile and ACE inhibitory capacity of peptide fractions from protein hydrolysis of milk during fermentation processes was analyzed. Milk fermentation was carried out inoculating 106 CFU of L. rhamnosus GG, S. thermophilus SY-102 and with both bacteria. The proteolytic profile was determined using: TNBS, SDS-PAGE and SEC-HPLC techniques. In vitro ACE inhibition capacity was measured. The pH of 4.5 was reached at 56 h when the milk was fermented with L. rhamnosus, at 12 h with S. thermophillus and at 41 h in the co-culture. Production of free amino groups corresponded with the profile of low molecular weight peptides observed by SDS-PAGE and SEC-HPLC. Co-culture fermentation showed both the highest concentration of low molecular weight peptides and the ACE inhibitory activity (>80%). Results indicated that the combination of lactic cultures could be useful in manufacture of fermented milk with an added value that goes beyond basic nutrition, such as the production of ACE-inhibitory peptides