10 research outputs found
Multiple impacted teeth in patients with hypo-pituitary syndromes
Catedra de Chirurgie Orală şi Maxilofacială I
Universitatea de medicină şi farmacie „Iuliu Haţieganu” Cluj-Napoca RomâniaThe aim of this paper is to document three complex clinical cases of multiple impacted teeth, in patients with various hypopituitarism syndromes.
It is essential to thoroughly investigate these complex patients, with the purpose of a complete diagnosis, in order to be able to establish an individualized therapeutic approach, both from a maxillofacial surgical and prosthetic point of view. It is equally important to treat the endocrine condition at the same time, in order to achieve a good morphological and functional result.
Lucrarea are drept scop documentarea a trei cazuri clinice complexe, cu incluziuni dentare multiple şi cu anomalii de dezvoltare dentară în cadrul unor sindroame hiposecretorii adenohipofizare.
Studiul cazurilor clinice prezentate relevă importanţa unui diagnostic corect şi complex, precum şi necesitatea unei conduite terapeutice unitare, în care să se integreze atât tratamentul chirurgical şi protetic oro-maxilofacial, cât şi tratamentul sindromului de hiposecreţie hipofizară, în vederea obţinerii unui rezultat morfo-funcţional
Business tourism has proven to be an important part of the hospitality industry in terms of both travel volumes and generated revenue. This type of activity, far from being a novelty, has expanded and seems destined to continue to grow at a higher rate every year. Growth is particularly marked by international events that bring important financial gains to host cities, generated not only by these activities, but also by the multiplier effect of all tourism activities.
The motivation for the chosen theme results from the fact that in the hospitality industry, business tourism is a segment in which a variety of events can be organized, such as: local, regional and national conferences and meetings - organized by associations and corporations, congresses and conventions, international courses,
trainings and induction courses, fairs, exhibitions, product launches, motivation tourism, exchanges addressed to students and teachers, travel of government employees, etc., with major economic impact both at national and international level for the development of society. The evolution of business tourism in Bucharest provides a strengthening of business relations, investments, more efficient use of hotel structures and obvious increases in revenues.
The starting point of this research is represented by an analysis of the current context of the evolution of business
tourism and the identification of its potential at the level of the Capital of Romania. Our analysis shows that there
is a correlation between the hotel sector specific to events organizing services and the development of the business
tourism segment. The case study on the Novotel Hotel in Bucharest brings to light the following striking themes in the field of tourism: the organization of business events as an engine for economic growth and the attraction of new tourists, as well as the impact of events in the MICE industry on the reduction of seasonality in the Capital.
Research based solely on the processing of secondary data does not present issues related to the subjectivity of tourists nor does it present the point of view of the providers. Thus, the analysis of the events organized at the Novotel Hotel in Bucharest during the period 2012-2016 reflects that the business tourism is specific to the area of events, conferences, business meetings, etc., and may have an effect in reducing the seasonality in Bucharest, but also in increasing the economic profit for the hotel industry
Abstract Hypertension is a common cardiovascular disease insufficiently treated and monitored due to nonspecific symptomatology. Untreated hypertension causes cardiovascular complications: coronary artery disease, heart failure or stroke which, alongside other comorbidities affect the patients' family, social and professional life Using SF-36 v2 quality of life assessment questionnaire, the present study aimed to analyze the influence the pathologies associated with hypertensive disease have on areas that make up its physical and psychosocial functions and its impact on patients' daily activities. This could help to improve the quality of health services in optimizing the adherence of the patients to the treatment. The study compared the quality of life indicators between the group of patients and a control group comprising healthy individuals. Comparing the scores obtained by the two groups, lower values in all subdomains were found for the study group compared with control group. The regression analysis showed that strong negative impact pathologies in all areas were heart failure, coronary heart disease, diabetes and anemia. The other pathologies differently influenced the physical and psychosocial functions. Rezumat Hipertensiunea arterială reprezintă patologia cardiovasculară cu incidenţa cea mai mare în populaţie datorită faptului că este insuficient tratată şi monitorizată. Netratată FARMACIA, 2013, Vol. 61, 3 504 cauzează complicaţii cardio-vasculare: boala coronariană, insuficienţă cardiacă, accidente vasculare ischemice care afectează pacientul din punct de vedere familial, social şi professional. Studiul de faţă a avut ca scop compararea şi interpretarea indicilor de calitate a vieţii între lotul de pacienţi şi un lot martor care cuprinde indivizi sănătoşi. S-a observat că, la lotul de pacienţi valorile tuturor scorurilor sunt inferioare celor de la lotul martor, iar analiza de regresie a demonstrat impactul negativ puternic pe care îl prezintă insuficienţa cardiacă, boala coronariană, diabetul şi anemia asupra indicilor de evaluare a calităţii vieţii. Scopul unei astfel de analize este acela de a ameliora calitatea vieţii pacienţilor prin optimizarea schemelor terapeutice şi îmbunătăţirea complianţei
Impact of Lavender Flower Powder as a Flavoring Ingredient on Volatile Composition and Quality Characteristics of Gouda-Type Cheese during Ripening
This study aimed to formulate a Gouda-type cheese from cow's milk, flavored with lavender flower powder (0.5 g/L matured milk), ripened for 30 days at 14 °C and 85% relative humidity. Physicochemical, microbiological, and textural characteristics, as well as the volatile composition of the control (CC-cheese without lavender) and lavender cheese (LC), were assessed at 10-day intervals of ripening. Consumers' perception, acceptance, and purchase intention were only evaluated for ripened cheeses. Moisture and carbohydrate contents, the pH, cohesiveness, indexes of springiness and chewiness decreased during ripening in both CC and LC; however, protein, ash, and sodium chloride contents, titratable acidity, hardness, lactobacilli, streptococci, and volatiles increased. Fat and fat in dry matter contents, respectively, the energy value did not vary with ripening time in LC and increased in CC; gumminess decreased in CC and did not change in LC. Lavender flower powder significantly affected the cheese's microbiological and sensory characteristics and volatile composition but did not considerably impact physicochemical and textural ones. Populations of lactobacilli and streptococci were substantially higher in LC compared to CC. The volatile profile of LC was dominated by terpene and terpenoids, and that of CC by haloalkanes. Sensory scores were slightly lower for LC than CC, even if it did not considerably affect consumers' acceptance and purchase intention
Dynamics of a Reduced System Connected to the Investigation of an Infinite Network of Identical Theta Neurons
We consider an infinite network of identical theta neurons, all-to-all coupled by instantaneous synapses. Using the Watanabe–Strogatz Ansatz, the mathematical model of this infinite network is reduced to a two-dimensional system of differential equations. We determine the number of equilibria of this reduced system with respect to two characteristic parameters. Furthermore, we discuss the stability properties of each equilibrium and the possible bifurcations that may take place. As a result, the occurrence of exotic higher codimension bifurcations involving a degenerate center is also unveiled. Numerical results are also presented to illustrate complex dynamic behaviour in the reduced system
Baia Mare Mining Area. Effects of the Policy of Disadvantaged Areas
The policy of the disadvantaged areas was a component of the regional development policy in Romania between 1998 and 2010. It aimed to delineate those areas that underwent serious economic and social issues that were mainly generated by industrial restructuring in order to take specific measures to revive them. Baia Mare mining area is one of the 38 disadvantaged areas that were identified in Romania. The present article aims to emphasize the results of such a policy within Baia Mare mining area, the way in which the status of disadvantaged area had effects on the economic development of the city of Baia Mare and on the other localities included. Therefore, the companies that invested in the area once it was declared a “disadvantaged area” were analyzed, along with the new jobs, the facilities for companies, the total value of investments and the way these influenced (in a positive or negative manner) the decrease in the unemployment rate and the economic revival through activities from new economic domains. The conclusion is that a high number of companies had investments during its existence as a disadvantaged area, yet the effects they had on the economic development are evident particularly in the city of Baia Mare. The poor quality of the transport infrastructure and of the business infrastructure restricts the economic potential of the other localities that are part of the area, therefore they registered few investments
Dynamics of a Reduced System Connected to the Investigation of an Infinite Network of Identical Theta Neurons
We consider an infinite network of identical theta neurons, all-to-all coupled by instantaneous synapses. Using the Watanabe–Strogatz Ansatz, the mathematical model of this infinite network is reduced to a two-dimensional system of differential equations. We determine the number of equilibria of this reduced system with respect to two characteristic parameters. Furthermore, we discuss the stability properties of each equilibrium and the possible bifurcations that may take place. As a result, the occurrence of exotic higher codimension bifurcations involving a degenerate center is also unveiled. Numerical results are also presented to illustrate complex dynamic behaviour in the reduced system
Perron type theorems for skew-evolution semiflows
In the present paper we obtain some results for the asymptotic behavior of a large class of evolution families. Our approach uses the admissibility method initiated by O. Perron in the 1930\u27s but the test functions that we choose are different from those employed in the case of differential systems