17 research outputs found

    The migration process of Romanians to Andalusia, Spain: focus on socio-economic implications

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    Based on a case study research carried out among Romanian immigrants in Andalusia, Spain, through this paper we aim to outline a wide image of the investigated migratory process. The focus is on the description of its fundamental characteristics and on its socio-economic implications for both the sending and the receiving regions. In this context, we aim to raise awareness among policy makers in relation with the magnitude and complexity of the phenomenon, for its proper management. Statistical and econometrical analysis were developed in order to process the information gathered through the quantitative research, while the inductive approach was used in order to analyze the information obtained from the qualitative pieces of research. The scarce fi nancial conditions in Romania determined many people to search for job opportunities – in particular in agriculture, child or elderly care, or housekeeping – in Andalusia, especially in the provinces of Seville and Huelva. However, during the past period, the economic crisis was strongly putting a mark on the Spanish economy and many of the investigated immigrants were unemployed. Even though, in general, their coming back intentions were not very clear. Socio-economic implications – both positive and negative – arise from the migration process of Romanians to Andalusia, for both the sending and the receiving countries. Remittances, solving shortages on the labor market, or increase in regional and national incomes may fi t in the fi rst category, while the second category may be composed of examples such as families left behind, school dropouts, children involvement in dangerous entourages and/or in illegal activities, tensions on the labor market etc

    The International Migration in the EU. A Descriptive Analysis Focused on Romania

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    Migration represents one of the main means humans have chosen for improving their standards of living. Even though it is an important phenomenon manifested since ancient times, migration has never been so much in the attention of scholars and policy makers as it is in present times, especially for its implications in different areas such as demography, economy, sociology, politics, etc. As well, migration is a vital component of the contemporary society and in the same time plays a key role in the development of regions, from various perspectives such as economic, social, or cultural.  Taking into consideration the previously outlined framework, the present paper aims at analyzing in a descriptive manner the international migration phenomenon in the European Union (EU) countries between 2006 and 2010, in order to highlight the frame in which Romania is placed from the perspective of the quantitative dimension of international migration


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    Based on a case study research carried out among Romanian immigrants in Andalusia, Spain, through this paper we aim to outline a wide image of the investigated migratory process. The focus is on the description of its fundamental characteristics and on its socio-economic implications for both the sending and the receiving regions. In this context, we aim to raise awareness among policy makers in relation with the magnitude and complexity of the phenomenon, for its proper management. Statistical and econometrical analysis were developed in order to process the information gathered through the quantitative research, while the inductive approach was used in order to analyze the information obtained from the qualitative pieces of research. The scarce fi nancial conditions in Romania determined many people to search for job opportunities – in particular in agriculture, child or elderly care, or housekeeping – in Andalusia, especially in the provinces of Seville and Huelva. However, during the past period, the economic crisis was strongly putting a mark on the Spanish economy and many of the investigated immigrants were unemployed. Even though, in general, their coming back intentions were not very clear. Socio-economic implications – both positive and negative – arise from the migration process of Romanians to Andalusia, for both the sending and the receiving countries. Remittances, solving shortages on the labor market, or increase in regional and national incomes may fi t in the fi rst category, while the second category may be composed of examples such as families left behind, school dropouts, children involvement in dangerous entourages and/or in illegal activities, tensions on the labor market etc

    Regional Development Disparities and the Provision of Services of General Interest. A Case Study on the Health Care Services Availability in the North-East Region of Romania

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    This paper proposes an inquiry into the issue of availability of services of general interest, offering as case study the health care services in the North-East region of Romania. The interregional and intraregional (within North-East region) disparities in terms of health care services provision are examined in relation to the overall regional development disparities, confirming that the concern with providing a minimum level of social SGI to all citizens has conducted to health care service disparities lower than those in terms of GDP per inhabitant. The paper also provides relevant evidence on the impact of demography, especially in terms of population density on the availability of health care services

    Senior Entrepreneurship Literature: A Systematic Review

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    The present paper aims to provide a comprehensive approach to the senior entrepreneurship literature, by employing a systematic review process, focusing on scientometric and content analyses. A data set of 47 articles indexed in the Clarivate Analytics Web of Science database was subject to investigation, this representing the result of a search in Web of Science Core Collection (Social Sciences Citation Index, Emerging Sources Citation Index, Science Citation Index Expanded) during April 2023. The employed scientometric analysis outlines a classification of the investigated senior entrepreneurship literature based on years of publication, subject areas, main authors, geographical distribution of the articles, most productive institutions, representative journals and publishers. Additionally, due to the developed content analysis over the abstracts of the articles included in the data set, the main research trajectories in the investigated senior entrepreneurship literature could be established. These particularly envisaged the studied topics, applied theories, employed research methods, and the main researched regions. Furthermore, starting from these premises, a future research agenda in the field of senior entrepreneurship was designed. The original analyses developed within the paper and the proposed novel research agenda bring a contribution to the scientific literature in the area of senior entrepreneurship, with important practical implications for scholars with research interests in the field

    The Regional Development of the Romanian Rural Tourism Sector

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    In the present paper we put forward a clear assessment of the Romanian rural tourism, from a regional perspective. Based on data for 2016, using principal component analysis for mixed data and cluster analysis, we outline an accurate image of the Romanian rural tourism at NUTS level 3, focusing on its main determinants and key regional poles of development. The novelty of the paper lays in developing one of the first composite indices measuring the rural tourism sector, in the Romanian scientific literature, which allows to rank the counties based on their performance and in providing a mapping of rural tourism, highlighting the counties with promising potential for developing activities in this sector. With high practical value, our empirical results may represent an important starting point in developing coherent policies meant at supporting and promoting rural tourism which can become an important generator of wealth and growth in the rural areas of Romani

    Best practices in the field of returnee entrepreneurship

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    Romania, an important provider of immigrants – especially for member states of the European Union – has remarkable potential for developing returnee entrepreneurship. Observing this context, through this paper I aim to highlight means of encouraging this phenomenon in Romania, one of the main objectives referring to the development of a best practice guide in order to promote and sustain returnee entrepreneurship. Based on an intensive process of literature review, following the experience of other countries with a high degree of experience in this field, I created a model that illustrates a series of specific features displayed by this phenomenon, as well as a best practice guide. This guide mainly outlines a series of directions regarding financial, legislative, institutional, and educational aspects. Through this paper, I aim to bring a contribution to the development of the scientific literature in the field of returnee entrepreneurship and to raise awareness among policy makers on the complexity and importance of this phenomenon. Furthermore, by detailing the components of this model in Romania and by presenting the best practice guide, this paper may represent an important starting point in developing a national strategy for encouraging emigrants` return and the development of entrepreneurial activities among them

    International Migration ‒ Economic Implications

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    The desire to discover, to explore new horizons has always been an important characteristic of the human being. Ever since ancient times, people have sought different economic and social opportunities beyond the borders of their territories of origin, mainly driven by the desire for a better living, taking into account various aspects such as work, education, political rights, personal safety, or healthcare. An extremely dynamic, complex and multidimensional phenomenon, migration is an integral part of human development. As a particular case, international migration is a reality that will continue to exist as long as there are discrepancies in terms of wealth and development between different regions of the world, as there are economic, political or social issues. As it allows people to realize their aspirations and it represents an important factor of human and economic exchanges, this phenomenon may represent a great opportunity for development

    The International Migration in the EU. A Descriptive Analysis Focused on Romania

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    Migration represents one of the main means humans have chosen for improving their standards of living. Even though it is an important phenomenon manifested since ancient times, migration has never been so much in the attention of scholars and policy makers as it is in present times, especially for its implications in different areas such as demography, economy, sociology, politics, etc. As well, migration is a vital component of the contemporary society and in the same time plays a key role in the development of regions, from various perspectives such as economic, social, or cultural. Taking into consideration the previously outlined framework, the present paper aims at analyzing in a descriptive manner the international migration phenomenon in the European Union (EU) countries between 2006 and 2010, in order to highlight the frame in which Romania is placed from the perspective of the quantitative dimension of international migration

    Advancing University-Business Cooperation in the Mediterranean Area

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    The present paper aims at investigating potential strategies for advancing university-business cooperation (UBC) in the Mediterranean area. The paper was developed from a real practical problem consisting of a poor UBC, as observed at the University of Bari Aldo Moro (Bari, Italy). In a more particular case, this was translated into a wall perceived by both universities and companies, a wall that was represented by the lack of transparency and the temporal mismatch between the skills of students and the needs of entrepreneurs. In an innovative manner, in the light of the Design Thinking approach, the research addresses potential solutions to solve the identified practical problem, through the lenses of the Double Diamond model. Each step of the model revealed invaluable insights for better understanding the analysed problem and for providing coherent measures to improve UBC. Particularly, it was revealed that collaborations between the businesses and the university must become an integral part of research projects, as well as a key element of academic publications and teaching. Also, strong networks between representatives from the academic and business environments should be enhanced. In a more specific perspective, three main directions (prototypes) were explored in the paper: (a) design of relax and convivial areas which allow students and entrepreneurs to meet; (b) organization of meetings between students and entrepreneurs in a human-centred perspective; and (c) implementation of real synergies between companies and students, based on meetings, formal agreements, mutual knowledge and win-win performances. The paper brings new knowledge on UBC, especially in the Mediterranean area, of both practical and theoretical relevance