57 research outputs found

    Chemical environment of unusually Ge- and Pb-rich willemite, Tres Marias mine, Mexico

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    The Tres Marias carbonate-hosted Zn-Ge deposit in Chihuahua, Mexico contains willemite [Zn2_{2}SiO4_{4}] with unusually high concentrations of minor and trace elements (e.g., Pb, Ge, As, P, V); Pb concentrations are as high as 2 wt %, and Ge may reach 4000 ppm (average 900 ppm). Electron microprobe analyses and synchrotron X-ray fluorescence maps show that Zn and Ge, as well as Zn and Pb are negatively correlated, whereas Ge and Pb are positively correlated across zoned willemite crystals. In cathodoluminescence (CL) images, those areas of willemite having high trace element concentrations have no, or low CL intensities, whereas zones low in trace elements (except for P) display bright blue CL colors. X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) spectroscopy was used to characterize the chemical nature of Ge and Pb in willemite. Comparisons to reference spectra of natural and artificial substances points to the presence of Ge4+^{4+} and Pb2+^{2+} in Tres Marias willemite. No evidence for Pb4+^{4+} was detected. Oscillatory zonation reflects trace element incorporation into willemite from the oxidation of primary Ge-bearing sphalerite and galena (PbS) by siliceous aqueous fluids

    Evidence for oncolytic virotherapy: Where have we got to and where are we going?

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    The last few years have seen an increased interest in immunotherapy in the treatment of malignant disease. In particular, there has been significant enthusiasm for oncolytic virotherapy, with a large amount of pre-clinical data showing promise in animal models in a wide range of tumour types. How do we move forward into the clinical setting and translate something which has such potential into meaningful clinical outcomes? Here, we review how the field of oncolytic virotherapy has developed thus far and what the future may hold

    Novel findings on the metabolic effects of the low glycaemic carbohydrate isomaltulose (Palatinose™)

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    The slow digestible disaccharide isomaltulose (iso; Palatinose™) is available as novel functional carbohydrate ingredient for manufacturing of low glycaemic foods and beverages. Although basically characterised, various information on physiological effects of iso are still lacking. Thus, the objective of the present study was to expand scientific knowledge of physiological characteristics of iso by a set of three human intervention trials. Using an ileostomy model, iso was found to be essentially absorbed, irrespective of the nature of food (beverage and solid food). Apparent digestibility of 50 g iso from two different meals was 95·5 and 98·8 %; apparent absorption was 93·6 and 96·1 %, respectively. In healthy volunteers, a single dose intake of iso resulted in lower postprandial blood glucose and insulin responses than did sucrose (suc), while showing prolonged blood glucose delivery over 3 h test. In a 4-week trial with hyperlipidaemic individuals, regular consumption of 50 g/d iso within a Western-type diet was well tolerated and did not affect blood lipids. Fasting blood glucose and insulin resistance were lower after the 4-week iso intervention compared with baseline. This would be consistent with possible beneficial metabolic effects as a consequence of the lower and prolonged glycaemic response and lower insulinaemic burden. However, there was no significant difference at 4 weeks after iso compared with suc. In conclusion, the study shows that iso is completely available from the small intestine, irrespective of food matrix, leading to a prolonged delivery of blood glucose. Regular iso consumption is well tolerated also in subjects with increased risk for vascular diseases

    Plasmacytoid dendritic cells orchestrate innate and adaptive anti-tumor immunity induced by oncolytic coxsackievirus A21

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    Background: The oncolytic virus, coxsackievirus A21 (CVA21), has shown promise as a single agent in several clinical trials and is now being tested in combination with immune checkpoint blockade. Combination therapies offer the best chance of disease control; however, the design of successful combination strategies requires a deeper understanding of the mechanisms underpinning CVA21 efficacy, in particular, the role of CVA21 anti-tumor immunity. Therefore, this study aimed to examine the ability of CVA21 to induce human anti-tumor immunity, and identify the cellular mechanism responsible. Methods: This study utilized peripheral blood mononuclear cells from i) healthy donors, ii) Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) patients, and iii) patients taking part in the STORM clinical trial, who received intravenous CVA21; patients receiving intravenous CVA21 were consented separately in accordance with local institutional ethics review and approval. Collectively, these blood samples were used to characterize the development of innate and adaptive anti-tumor immune responses following CVA21 treatment. Results: An Initial characterization of peripheral blood mononuclear cells, collected from cancer patients following intravenous infusion of CVA21, confirmed that CVA21 activated immune effector cells in patients. Next, using hematological disease models which were sensitive (Multiple Myeloma; MM) or resistant (AML) to CVA21-direct oncolysis, we demonstrated that CVA21 stimulated potent anti-tumor immune responses, including: 1) cytokine-mediated bystander killing; 2) enhanced natural killer cell-mediated cellular cytotoxicity; and 3) priming of tumor-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes, with specificity towards known tumor-associated antigens. Importantly, immune-mediated killing of both MM and AML, despite AML cells being resistant to CVA21-direct oncolysis, was observed. Upon further examination of the cellular mechanisms responsible for CVA21-induced anti-tumor immunity we have identified the importance of type I IFN for NK cell activation, and demonstrated that both ICAM-1 and plasmacytoid dendritic cells were key mediators of this response. Conclusion: This work supports the development of CVA21 as an immunotherapeutic agent for the treatment of both AML and MM. Additionally, the data presented provides an important insight into the mechanisms of CVA21-mediated immunotherapy to aid the development of clinical biomarkers to predict response and rationalize future drug combinations

    Intravenous Oncolytic Vaccinia Virus Therapy Results in a Differential Immune Response between Cancer Patients

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    Pexa-Vec is an engineered Wyeth-strain vaccinia oncolytic virus (OV), which has been tested extensively in clinical trials, demonstrating enhanced cytotoxic T cell infiltration into tumours following treatment. Favourable immune consequences to Pexa-Vec include the induction of an interferon (IFN) response, followed by inflammatory cytokine/chemokine secretion. This promotes tumour immune infiltration, innate and adaptive immune cell activation and T cell priming, culminating in targeted tumour cell killing, i.e., an immunologically ‘cold’ tumour microenvironment is transformed into a ‘hot’ tumour. However, as with all immunotherapies, not all patients respond in a uniformly favourable manner. Our study herein, shows a differential immune response by patients to intravenous Pexa-Vec therapy, whereby some patients responded to the virus in a typical and expected manner, demonstrating a significant IFN induction and subsequent peripheral immune activation. However, other patients experienced a markedly subdued immune response and appeared to exhibit an exhausted phenotype at baseline, characterised by higher baseline immune checkpoint expression and regulatory T cell (Treg) levels. This differential baseline immunological profile accurately predicted the subsequent response to Pexa-Vec and may, therefore, enable the development of predictive biomarkers for Pexa-Vec and OV therapies more widely. If confirmed in larger clinical trials, these immunological biomarkers may enable a personalised approach, whereby patients with an exhausted baseline immune profile are treated with immune checkpoint blockade, with the aim of reversing immune exhaustion, prior to or alongside OV therapy

    Reovirus-induced cell-mediated immunity for the treatment of multiple myeloma within the resistant bone marrow niche

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    Background Multiple myeloma (MM) remains an incurable disease and oncolytic viruses offer a well-tolerated addition to the therapeutic arsenal. Oncolytic reovirus has progressed to phase I clinical trials and its direct lytic potential has been extensively studied. However, to date, the role for reovirus-induced immunotherapy against MM, and the impact of the bone marrow (BM) niche, have not been reported. Methods This study used human peripheral blood mononuclear cells from healthy donors and in vitro co-culture of MM cells and BM stromal cells to recapitulate the resistant BM niche. Additionally, the 5TGM1-Kalw/RijHSD immunocompetent in vivo model was used to examine reovirus efficacy and characterize reovirus-induced immune responses in the BM and spleen following intravenous administration. Collectively, these in vitro and in vivo models were used to characterize the development of innate and adaptive antimyeloma immunity following reovirus treatment. Results Using the 5TGM1-Kalw/RijHSD immunocompetent in vivo model we have demonstrated that reovirus reduces both MM tumor burden and myeloma-induced bone disease. Furthermore, detailed immune characterization revealed that reovirus: (i) increased natural killer (NK) cell and CD8+ T cell numbers; (ii) activated NK cells and CD8+ T cells and (iii) upregulated effector-memory CD8+ T cells. Moreover, increased effector-memory CD8+ T cells correlated with decreased tumor burden. Next, we explored the potential for reovirus-induced immunotherapy using human co-culture models to mimic the myeloma-supportive BM niche. MM cells co-cultured with BM stromal cells displayed resistance to reovirus-induced oncolysis and bystander cytokine-killing but remained susceptible to killing by reovirus-activated NK cells and MM-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes. Conclusion These data highlight the importance of reovirus-induced immunotherapy for targeting MM cells within the BM niche and suggest that combination with agents which boost antitumor immune responses should be a priority

    Updates on radiotherapy-immunotherapy combinations: Proceedings of 6(th) annual ImmunoRad conference

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    Focal radiation therapy (RT) has attracted considerable attention as a combinatorial partner for immunotherapy (IT), largely reflecting a well-defined, predictable safety profile and at least some potential for immunostimulation. However, only a few RT-IT combinations have been tested successfully in patients with cancer, highlighting the urgent need for an improved understanding of the interaction between RT and IT in both preclinical and clinical scenarios. Every year since 2016, ImmunoRad gathers experts working at the interface between RT and IT to provide a forum for education and discussion, with the ultimate goal of fostering progress in the field at both preclinical and clinical levels. Here, we summarize the key concepts and findings presented at the Sixth Annual ImmunoRad conference

    Expression of NF-κB p50 in Tumor Stroma Limits the Control of Tumors by Radiation Therapy

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    Radiation therapy aims to kill cancer cells with a minimum of normal tissue toxicity. Dying cancer cells have been proposed to be a source of tumor antigens and may release endogenous immune adjuvants into the tumor environment. For these reasons, radiation therapy may be an effective modality to initiate new anti-tumor adaptive immune responses that can target residual disease and distant metastases. However, tumors engender an environment dominated by M2 differentiated tumor macrophages that support tumor invasion, metastases and escape from immune control. In this study, we demonstrate that following radiation therapy of tumors in mice, there is an influx of tumor macrophages that ultimately polarize towards immune suppression. We demonstrate using in vitro models that this polarization is mediated by transcriptional regulation by NFκB p50, and that in mice lacking NFκB p50, radiation therapy is more effective. We propose that despite the opportunity for increased antigen-specific adaptive immune responses, the intrinsic processes of repair following radiation therapy may limit the ability to control residual disease