305 research outputs found

    Models of autoimmune demyelination in the central nervous system: on the way to translational medicine

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    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is the most common neurologic disease of young adults. In the recent years, our understanding on disease pathomechanisms has considerably improved and new therapies have emerged. Yet a cure for this devastating disorder is still a far cry away and human resources on ex vivo specimens are limited. More than 70 years after its first description, experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) remains an important tool to understand concepts of T cell mediated autoimmunity as well as the roles of the innate and the humoral immune systems. Some EAE models also well reflect mechanisms of tissue damage including demyelination, axonal injury and also cortical changes. A limitation of the classical EAE model is a neglect of CD8 T cell mediated immune mechanisms. Moreover, well characterized models for primary progressive MS or demyelination patterns involving primary oligodendrocyte dystrophy are still not available. Yet many current therapeutic concepts including glatiramer acetate or natalizumab stem from their successful first application in EAE models. New strategies include the widespread use of conditional knockout mice to understand the cell-type specific function of single genes, innovative approaches to establish models on the roles of B cells and CD8 T cells as well as on the relation of inflammation to primary degeneration. In summary, EAE models continue to play an important role in neuroimmunology thereby also stimulating research in other fields of the neurosciences and immunobiology

    Cyclooxygenase-2 is a neuronal target gene of NF-ÎșB

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    BACKGROUND: NF-ÎșB is implicated in gene regulation involved in neuronal survival, inflammmatory response and cancer. There are relatively few neuronal target genes of NF-ÎșB characterized. RESULTS: We have identified the neuronal cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) as a NF-ÎșB target gene. In organotypic hippocampal slice cultures constitutive NF-ÎșB activity was detected, which was correlated with high anti-COX-2 immunoreactivity. Aspirin a frequently used painkiller inhibits neuronal NF-ÎșB activity in organotypic cultures resulting in a strong inhibition of the NF-ÎșB target gene COX-2. Based on these findings, the transcriptional regulation of COX-2 by NF-ÎșB was investigated. Transient transfections showed a significant increase of COX-2 promoter activity upon stimulation with PMA, an effect which could be obtained also by cotransfection of the NF-ÎșB subunits p65 and p50. In the murine neuroblastoma cell line NB-4, which is characterized by constitutive NF-ÎșB activity, COX-2 promoter activity could not be further increased with PMA or TNF. Constitutive promoter activity could be repressed upon cotransfection of the inhibitory subunit IÎșB-α. EMSA and mutational analysis conferred the regulatory NF-ÎșB activity to the promoter distal ÎșB-site in the human COX-2 promoter. CONCLUSIONS: NF-ÎșB regulates neuronal COX-2 gene expression, and acts as an upstream target of Aspirin. This extends Aspirin's mode of action from a covalent modification of COX-2 to the upstream regulation of COX-2 gene expression in neurons

    Report on the 1st scientific meeting of the "Verein zur Förderung des Wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses in der Neurologie" (NEUROWIND e.V.) held in Mittenwalde/Motzen, Germany, Oct. 30th - Nov. 1st, 2009

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    Report on the 1st scientific meeting of the "Verein zur Forderung des Wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses in der Neurologie" (NEUROWIND e.V.) held in Mittenwalde/Motzen, Germany, Oct. 30th - Nov. 1st, 2009 A scientific meeting repor

    Report on the 3'rd scientific meeting of the "Verein zur Förderung des Wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses in der Neurologie" (NEUROWIND e.V.) held in Motzen, Germany, Nov. 4'th - Nov. 6'th, 2011

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    From November 4th- 6th 2011, the 3rd NEUROWIND e.V. meeting was held in Motzen, Brandenburg, Germany. Like in the previous years, the meeting provided an excellent platform for scientific exchange and the presentation of innovative projects for young colleagues in the fields of neurovascular research, neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration. As kick-off to the scientific sessions, Reinhard Hohlfeld, Head of the Institute for Clinical Neuroimmunology in Munich, gave an illustrious overview on the many fascinations of neuroimmunologic research. A particular highlight on the second day of the meeting was the award of the 1’st NEUROWIND e.V. prize for young academics in the field of experimental neurology. This award is posted for young colleagues under the age of 35 with a significant achievement in the field of neurovascular research, neuroinflammation or neurodegeneration and comprises an amount of 20.000 Euro, founded by Merck Serono GmbH, Darmstadt. Germany. The first prize was awarded to Ivana Nikic from Martin Kerschensteiner’s group in Munich for her brilliant work on a reversible form of axon damage in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis and multiple sclerosis, published in Nature Medicine in 2011. This first prize award ceremony was a great incentive for the next call for proposals now upcoming in 2012

    Report on the 2nd scientific meeting of the "Verein zur Förderung des Wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses in der Neurologie" (NEUROWIND e.V.) held in Motzen, Germany, Oct. 29'th - Oct. 31'st, 2010

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    From November 4th- 6th 2011, the 3rd NEUROWIND e.V. meeting was held in Motzen, Brandenburg, Germany. Like in the previous years, the meeting provided an excellent platform for scientific exchange and the presentation of innovative projects for young colleagues in the fields of neurovascular research, neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration. As kick-off to the scientific sessions, Reinhard Hohlfeld, Head of the Institute for Clinical Neuroimmunology in Munich, gave an illustrious overview on the many fascinations of neuroimmunologic research. A particular highlight on the second day of the meeting was the award of the 1'st NEUROWIND e.V. prize for young academics in the field of experimental neurology. This award is posted for young colleagues under the age of 35 with a significant achievement in the field of neurovascular research, neuroinflammation or neurodegeneration and comprises an amount of 20.000 Euro, founded by Merck Serono GmbH, Darmstadt. Germany. The first prize was awarded to Ivana Nikic from Martin Kerschensteiner's group in Munich for her brilliant work on a reversible form of axon damage in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis and multiple sclerosis, published in Nature Medicine in 2011. This first prize award ceremony was a great incentive for the next call for proposals now upcoming in 2012

    Cognitive functions over the course of 1 year in multiple sclerosis patients treated with disease modifying therapies

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    Objectives: Disease-modifying therapies (DMTs) are applied to delay or prevent disease progression in multiple sclerosis (MS). While this has mostly been proven for physical symptoms, available studies regarding long-term effects of DMTs on cognitive functions are rare and sometimes inconsistent due to methodological shortcomings. Particularly in the case of fingolimod, comprehensive data on cognitive functions are not yet available. Therefore, we set out to reliably assess cognitive functions in patients with relapsing-remitting MS (RRMS) treated with DMTs over 1 year. Methods: Cognitive functions were assessed with eight tests at three timepoints: baseline, 6-month follow up and 12-month follow up. First, we investigated whether the stability of cognitive functions (i.e. not falling below the 5% cut-off in more than one test) over 1 year in RRMS patients (n = 41) corresponds to the stability in healthy individuals (n = 40) of a previous study. Second, we compared the percentage of declined and improved patients in the different tests. Third, we compared patients treated with fingolimod (n = 22) with patients treated with natalizumab (n = 11) with regard to cognitive stability. Fourth, based on the patient data, the Reliable Change Index was applied to compute cut-offs for reliable cognitive change. Results: Approximately 75% of RRMS patients treated with DMTs remained stable over the course of 1 year. The Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test (PASAT) and the Spatial Recall Test (SPART), produced improvements in 12.5% and 30.6%, respectively, probably due to practice effects. Patients treated with fingolimod did not differ from patients treated with natalizumab with regard to cognitive stability. Conclusions: Cognitive functions remain relatively stable under DMT treatment over 1 year, irrespective of the type of medication. Furthermore, the tests PASAT and SPART should be interpreted cautiously in studies examining performance changes over time. The provided RCI norms may help clinicians to determine whether a difference in two measurements observed in a RRMS patient is reliable

    Role of “Western Diet” in Inflammatory Autoimmune Diseases

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    Developed societies, although having successfully reduced the burden of infectious disease, constitute an environment where metabolic, cardiovascular, and autoimmune diseases thrive. Living in westernized countries has not fundamentally changed the genetic basis on which these diseases emerge, but has strong impact on lifestyle and pathogen exposure. In particular, nutritional patterns collectively termed the “Western diet”, including high-fat and cholesterol, high-protein, high-sugar, and excess salt intake, as well as frequent consumption of processed and ‘fast foods’, promote obesity, metabolic syndrome, and cardiovascular disease. These factors have also gained high interest as possible promoters of autoimmune diseases. Underlying metabolic and immunologic mechanisms are currently being intensively explored. This review discusses the current knowledge relative to the association of “Western diet” with autoimmunity, and highlights the role of T cells as central players linking dietary influences to autoimmune pathology.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (NIH grant P30-ES002109

    Long-term management of multiple sclerosis patients treated with cladribine tablets beyond year 4

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    Introduction Oral cladribine is a highly effective pulsed selective immune reconstitution therapy licensed for relapsing multiple sclerosis (RMS) since 2017. A full treatment course comprises two treatment cycles given 1 year apart, followed by two treatment-free years. The management of cladribine-treated patients beyond year 4 needs to be addressed as patients have now passed the initial 4 years since European Medical Agency approval. Areas covered A panel of neurologists and a neuroradiologist experienced in MS treatment/monitoring evaluated clinical trial data and real-world evidence and proposed recommendations for the management of cladribine-treated patients beyond year 4. Expert opinion Continuous monitoring of disease activity during the treatment-free period is important. Subsequent management depends on the presence or absence of inflammatory disease activity, determined in the absence of consistent guidelines via practice-driven neurological decision criteria. Persisting or newly occurring inflammatory disease activity is an indication for further treatment, i.e. either re-initiation of cladribine or switching to another highly effective disease-modifying therapy. The decision to retreat or switch should be based on clinical and radiological evaluation considering disease course, treatment history, and safety aspects. In the absence of disease activity, either retreatment can be offered, or the treatment-free period can be extended under structured monitoring

    Increase of angiotensin II type 1 receptor auto-antibodies in Huntington’s disease

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    Background In the recent years, a role of the immune system in Huntington’s disease (HD) is increasingly recognized. Here we investigate the presence of T cell activating auto-antibodies against angiotensin II type 1 receptors (AT1R) in all stages of the disease as compared to healthy controls and patients suffering from multiple sclerosis (MS) as a prototype neurologic autoimmune disease. Results As compared to controls, MS patients show higher titers of anti-AT1R antibodies, especially in individuals with active disease. In HD, anti-AT1R antibodies are more frequent than in healthy controls or even MS and occur in 37.9% of patients with relevant titers ≄ 20 U/ml. In a correlation analysis with clinical parameters, the presence of AT1R antibodies in the sera of HD individuals inversely correlated with the age of onset and positively with the disease burden score as well as with smoking and infection. Conclusions These data suggest a dysfunction of the adaptive immune system in HD which may be triggered by different stimuli including autoimmune responses, infection and possibly also smoking
