104 research outputs found

    The focus of light - linear polarization breaks the rotational symmetry of the focal spot

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    We experimentally demonstrate for the first time that a linearly polarized beam is focussed to an asymmetric spot when using a high-numerical aperture focussing system. This asymmetry was predicted by Richards and Wolf [Proc.R.Soc.London A, 253, 358 (1959)] and can only be measured when a polarization insensitive sensor is placed in the focal region. We used a specially modified photodiode in a knife edge type set up to obtain highly resolved images of the total electric energy density distribution at the focus. The results are in good agreement with the predictions of a vectorial focussing theory.Comment: to be published in "Journal of Modern Optics

    Four-And-A-Half LIM-Domain Protein 2 (FHL2) Deficiency Aggravates Cholestatic Liver Injury

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    Cholestasis occurs in different clinical circumstances and leads to severe hepatic disorders. The four-and-a-half LIM-domain protein 2 (FHL2) is a scaffolding protein that modulates multiple signal transduction pathways in a tissue- and cell context-specific manner. In this study, we aimed to gain insight into the function of FHL2 in cholestatic liver injury. FHL2 expression was significantly increased in the bile duct ligation (BDL) model in mice. In Fhl2-deficient (Fhl2-ko) mice, BDL caused a more severe portal and parenchymal inflammation, extended portal fibrosis, higher serum transaminase levels, and higher pro-inflammatory and pro-fibrogenic gene expression compared to wild type (wt) mice. FHL2 depletion in HepG2 cells with siRNA resulted in a higher expression of the bile acid transporter Na+-taurocholate cotransporting polypeptide (NTCP) gene. Furthermore, FHL2-depleted HepG2 cells showed higher expression of markers for oxidative stress, lower B-cell lymphoma 2 (Bcl2) expression, and higher Bcl2-associated X protein (BAX) expression after stimulation with deoxycholic acid (DCA). In hepatic stellate cells (HSCs), FHL2 depletion caused an increased expression of TGF-beta and several pro-fibrogenic matrix metalloproteinases. In summary, our study shows that deficiency in FHL2 aggravates cholestatic liver injury and suggests FHL2-mediated effects on bile acid metabolisms and HSCs as potential mechanisms for pronounced hepatocellular injury and fibrosis

    How Do Persons with Young and Late Onset Dementia Die?

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    Background: End of life symptoms and symptom management as well as the quality of dying (QoD) of persons with advanced dementia (PWAD) have not yet been systematically studied in Germany. Objective: 1) To investigate symptoms, treatment and care at the end of life, advance care planning, and circumstances of death of recently deceased PWAD;2) To determine whether there are differences between young and late onset dementia (YOD and LOD). Methods: The study was performed in the context of the project EPYLOGE (IssuEs in Palliative care for persons in advanced and terminal stages of Young-onset and Late-Onset dementia in Germany). Closest relatives of recently deceased patients with advanced YOD (N = 46) and LOD (N = 54) living at home or in long term care were interviewed. Results: Circumstances of death, symptoms, and treatment appeared to be similar between YOD and LOD, except that persons with LOD had significantly more somatic comorbidities and were admitted to hospital in the last three months of life more often than persons with LOD. At end of life, 60% of PWAD appeared to be at peace. Difficulty swallowing, gurgling, shortness of breath, and discomfort were observed most frequently. Large interindividual differences in suffering and QoD were present. Determinants of QoD were not identified. Conclusion: Our findings suggest that low QoD was caused by inadequate recognition and/or insufficient treatment of burdensome physical and emotional symptoms. PWADs' needs should be assessed regularly, and strategies focusing on treatment and implementing support for both the patient and caregiver must be established

    The role of stratospheric ozone for Arctic-midlatitude linkages

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    Arctic warming was more pronounced than warming in midlatitudes in the last decades making this region a hotspot of climate change. Associated with this, a rapid decline of sea-ice extent and a decrease of its thickness has been observed. Sea-ice retreat allows for an increased transport of heat and momentum from the ocean up to the tropo- and stratosphere by enhanced upward propagation of planetary-scale atmospheric waves. In the upper atmosphere, these waves deposit the momentum transported, disturbing the stratospheric polar vortex, which can lead to a breakdown of this circulation with the potential to also significantly impact the troposphere in mid- to late-winter and early spring. Therefore, an accurate representation of stratospheric processes in climate models is necessary to improve the understanding of the impact of retreating sea ice on the atmospheric circulation. By modeling the atmospheric response to a prescribed decline in Arctic sea ice, we show that including interactive stratospheric ozone chemistry in atmospheric model calculations leads to an improvement in tropo-stratospheric interactions compared to simulations without interactive chemistry. This suggests that stratospheric ozone chemistry is important for the understanding of sea ice related impacts on atmospheric dynamics

    Interplay of cell-cell contacts and RhoA/MRTF-A signaling regulates cardiomyocyte identity.

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    Cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions guide organ development and homeostasis by controlling lineage specification and maintenance, but the underlying molecular principles are largely unknown. Here, we show that in human developing cardiomyocytes cell-cell contacts at the intercalated disk connect to remodeling of the actin cytoskeleton by regulating the RhoA-ROCK signaling to maintain an active MRTF/SRF transcriptional program essential for cardiomyocyte identity. Genetic perturbation of this mechanosensory pathway activates an ectopic fat gene program during cardiomyocyte differentiation, which ultimately primes the cells to switch to the brown/beige adipocyte lineage in response to adipogenesis-inducing signals. We also demonstrate by in vivo fate mapping and clonal analysis of cardiac progenitors that cardiac fat and a subset of cardiac muscle arise from a common precursor expressing Isl1 and Wt1 during heart development, suggesting related mechanisms of determination between the two lineages

    Investigation of the β-pinene photooxidation by OH in the atmosphere simulation chamber SAPHIR

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    Beside isoprene, monoterpenes are the non-methane volatile organic compounds (VOC) with the highest global emission rates. Due to their high reactivity towards OH, monoterpenes can dominate the radical chemistry of the atmosphere in forested areas. In the present study the photochemical degradation mechanism of β-pinene was investigated in the Jülich atmosphere simulation chamber SAPHIR. The focus of this study is on the OH budget in the degradation process. Therefore the SAPHIR chamber was equipped with instrumentation to measure radicals (OH, HO2, RO2), the total OH reactivity, important OH precursors (O3, HONO, HCHO), the parent VOC beta-pinene, its main oxidation products, acetone and nopinone, and photolysis frequencies. All experiments were carried out under low NOx conditions (≤ 2 ppb) and at atmospheric beta-pinene concentrations (≤ 5 ppb) with and without addition of ozone. For the investigation of the OH budget, the OH production and destruction rates were calculated from measured quantities. Within the limits of accuracy of the instruments, the OH budget was balanced in all β-pinene oxidation experiments. However, even though the OH budget was closed, simulation results from the Master Chemical Mechanism 3.2 showed that the OH production and destruction rates were underestimated by the model. The measured OH and HO2 concentrations were underestimated by up to a factor of two whereas the total OH reactivity was slightly overestimated because of the poor reproduction of the measured nopinone by the model by up to a factor of three. A new, theory-derived first-generation product distribution by Vereecken and Peeters was able to reproduce the measured nopinone time series and the total OH reactivity. Nevertheless the measured OH and HO2 concentrations remained underestimated by the numerical simulations. These observations together with the fact that the measured OH budget was closed suggest the existence of unaccounted sources of HO2
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