109 research outputs found

    Broiler meat quality: Proteins and lipids of muscle tissue

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    Proteins and lipids of muscle tissue are important meat quality parameters. They contributeĀ substantially to the nutritional characteristics of meat. A number of studies has been conducted on theĀ effect of different factors on the protein and lipid content of broiler meat. Given the above, the subjectmatter of the present paper was to provide a review of latest research results on the said quality traitsĀ as affected by the most commonly tested factors. The results were grouped and presented in terms ofĀ the effect of nutrition, genotype, sex, age and rearing system. The objective of the paper was to reviewĀ major previous studies on the subject in an attempt to define a future research pathway and facilitateĀ the promotion of scientific findings towards wider practical implementation.Keywords: Broilers, meat quality, proteins, lipid

    'Big things in small packages: The genetics of filamentous phage and effects on fitness of their host'

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    Ā© FEMS 2015. This review synthesizes recent and past observations on filamentous phages and describes how these phages contribute to host phentoypes. For example, the CTXĻ† phage of Vibrio cholerae encodes the cholera toxin genes, responsible for causing the epidemic disease, cholera. The CTXĻ† phage can transduce non-toxigenic strains, converting them into toxigenic strains, contributing to the emergence of new pathogenic strains. Other effects of filamentous phage include horizontal gene transfer, biofilm development, motility, metal resistance and the formation of host morphotypic variants, important for the biofilm stress resistance. These phages infect a wide range of Gram-negative bacteria, including deep-sea, pressure-adapted bacteria. Many filamentous phages integrate into the host genome as prophage. In some cases, filamentous phages encode their own integrase genes to facilitate this process, while others rely on host-encoded genes. These differences are mediated by different sets of 'core' and 'accessory' genes, with the latter group accounting for some of the mechanisms that alter the host behaviours in unique ways. It is increasingly clear that despite their relatively small genomes, these phages exert signficant influence on their hosts and ultimately alter the fitness and other behaviours of their hosts

    A laser based accelerator for ultracold atoms

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    We present first results on our implementation of a laser based accelerator for ultracold atoms. Atoms cooled to a temperature of 420 nK are confined and accelerated by means of laser tweezer beams and the atomic scattering is directly observed in laser absorption imaging. The optical collider has been characterized using Rb87 atoms in the |F=2,mF=2> state, but the scheme is not restricted to atoms in any particular magnetic substates and can readily be extended to other atomic species as well.Comment: (c) 2012 The Optical Society, 3 pages, 4 figures, 1 movie lin

    Preparation of one 87Rb and one 133Cs atom in a single optical tweezer

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    We report the preparation of exactly one 87Rb atom and one133Cs atom in the same optical tweezer as the essential first step towards the construction of a tweezer array of individually trapped 87Rb133Cs molecules. Through careful selection of the tweezer wavelengths, we show how to engineer species-selective trapping potentials suitable for high-fidelity preparation of Rb + Cs atom pairs. Using a wavelength of 814 nm to trap Rb and 938 nm to trap Cs, we achieve loading probabilities of 0.508(6) for Rb and 0.547(6) for Cs using standard red-detuned molasses cooling. Loading the traps sequentially yields exactly one Rb and one Cs atom in 28.4(6) % of experimental runs. Using a combination of an acousto-optic deflector and a piezo-controlled mirror to control the relative position of the tweezers, we merge the two tweezers, retaining the atom pair with a probability of 0.99(+0.01)(āˆ’0.02).We use this capability to study hyperfine-state-dependent collisions of Rb and Cs in the combined tweezer and compare the measured two-body loss rates with coupled-channel quantum scattering calculations

    Efekat dodavanja enzima proteaze na masu i udeo jestivih pratećih proizvoda klanja pilića

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    This study evaluates the effect of protease supplementation of reduced crude protein diet for broilers on the weight of edible slaughter by-products (liver, gizzard, heart and abdominal fat) and their proportion in the body weight of birds at slaughter in two broiler genotypes ā€“ fast-growing Cobb 500 and slow-growing Master Gris. Protease (Ronozyme ProAct) was added at a concentration of 0.2% (E-I group) and 0.3% (E-II group), allowing reduction in crude protein level by 4% and 6%, respectively (through reduced soybean meal content). The length of the fattening period was 49 days. The results show somewhat greater differences in the weight and proportion of edible slaughter by-products between the hybrids and a similar response to dietary treatments by broilers from the three experimental groups in both hybrids, given their similar weights of edible slaughter by-products (heart, gizzard and abdominal fat) and their proportions in the body weight of birds at slaughter (significance was observed only in liver weight in Cobb 500 - P<0.05).U radu su analizirani efekti dodavanja enzima proteaze u hranu za piliće u tovu, uz smanjen nivo sirovih proteina, na masu jestivih pratećih proizvoda klanja (jetre, bubca, srca i abdominalne masti) i njihov udeo u masi grla pre klanja kod dva tovna hibrida ā€“ brzorastućeg Cobb 500 i spororastućeg Master Gris. Enzim proteaza (Ronozyme ProAct) dodat je u koncentraciji 0,2% (O-I grupa) i 0,3% (O-II grupa) uz istovremeno smanjenje sadržaja sirovih proteina za 4%, odnosno za 6% (preko smanjenog učeŔća sojine sačme). Tov pilića trajao je 49 dana. Na osnovu rezultata iz ovih istraživanja, može se zaključiti da su se neÅ”to veće razlike u masi i udelu jestivih pratećih proizvoda klanja ispoljile između ispitivanih hibrida, a da su pilići iz sve tri ogledne grupe kod oba hibrida slično reagovali na primenjene tretmane ishrane, shodno tome da su imali približno iste mase jestivih pratećih proizvoda klanja (srca, bubca i abdominalne masti), kao i udele svih delova u masi grla pre klanja (značajnost se pojavila samo u masi jetre kod hibrida Cobb 500 - P<0,05)

    Uticaj minazela plus na proizvodne rezultate i ekonomicnost tova junica

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    This paper presents the effects of the Minazel Plus zeolite product on the production performance ā€“ body weight, feed consumption and feed conversion, and economic performance of heifers in a fattening trial. The trial involved 22 female domestic spotted Simmental calves allocated to two groups (control C - ration without zeolite, and experimental E-I ā€“ ration with 0.2% Minazel Plus), each containing 11 calves with an average body weight of 139.09 kg at the beginning of the trial. The length of the trial period was 283 days. Ration included meadow hay and complete feed. Minazel Plus supplementation was provided through the feed concentrate. The trial involved measurement of body weights of heifers and feed consumption across groups at 31, 61, 91, 121, 151 and 283 days of the trial. Results showed that, at the end of the trial, control heifers had an average body weight of 432.73 kg/calf and concentrate feed conversion of 5.234 kg/kg weight gain, whereas the respective values in E-I heifers were 435.91 kg/calf and 5.179 kg/kg weight gain. The cost of the weight gain produced was higher by 0.33% (0.31 RSD/kg) in C calves than in E-I heifers, whereas the economic performance of the experimental animals receiving diet with Minazel Plus (0.2%) was higher by 0.29%.U radu su prikazani efekti zeolitskog preparata Minazel Plus na proizvodne rezultate ā€“telesnu masu, konzumaciju i konverziju hrane i ekonomičnost tova ženske junadi u tovu. U ogledu je bilo 22 ženske teladi domaće Å”arene rase u tipu simentalca, podeljih u dve grupe (K grupa, obrok bez zeolitskog preparata i O-I grupa hranjena obrokom sa 0,2% Minazela Plus) sa po 11 grla u grupi, prosečne telesne mase na početku ogleda 139,09kg. Ogled je trajao 283 dana. Obrok je bio sastavljen od livadskog sena i potpune smeÅ”e, a Minazel Plus je dodavan preko koncentrovanog dela obroka. U toku ogleda merene su telesne mase junica i konzumacija hrane po grupama 31-og, 61-og, 91-og, 121-og, 150-og i na kraju ogleda - 283 dana. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da su junice iz kontrolne grupe na kraju ogleda imale prosečnu masu 432,73 kg/grlu i konverziju koncentrovane hrane 5,234 kg/kg prirasta, a grla iz O-I grupe prosečnu masu 435,91 kg/grlu i konverziju koncentrovane hrane 5,179 kg/kg prirasta. Cena koÅ”tanja proizvedenog prirasta bila je veća za 0,33% (0,31din/kg) kod K grupe u odnosu na O-I grupu, a u pogledu ekonomičnosti proizvodnje, ogledna grupa koja je obrokom dobijala Minazel-Plus (0,2%) imala je ekonomičniju proizvodnju za 0,29%

    Techno-economic analysis of heat exchangers with parallel helical tube coils

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    U radu su prikazani investicijski i eksploatacijski troÅ”kovi kod bubnjastih izmjenjivača topline s paralelnim zavojnim cijevima. Provedena je statistička analiza najčeŔće rabljenih korelacija iz otvorenih literaturnih izvora za određivanje cijena bubnjastih izmjenjivača topline s tržiÅ”nim podacima aparata s kojom je utvrđeno da pokazuju značajna odstupanja i da se ne mogu s dovoljnom pouzdanoŔću koristiti za navedeni tip aparata. Uspostavljena je nova korelacija za procjenu cijena aparata sa zavojnim cijevima (za slučaj kada je omotač aparata izrađen od ugljičnog čelika, a cijevni snop od bakra). Procijenjeni su troÅ”kovi električne energije za pogon pumpi kao i troÅ”kovi kemijskog čiŔćenja aparata inhibiranom klorovodičnom i sumpornom kiselinom.The paper deals with the investment and exploitation costs for shell and tube heat exchangers with parallel helical tube coils. The most common correlations for estimating prices of shell and tube heat exchangers found in open literature were tested using the market data for a comparison and they have shown significant deviations. A new correlation for calculating prices of heat exchangers with helical tubes (when the shell is made of carbon steel and the helical tube of copper) was determined. In addition, the costs of electricity needed to drive pumps, as well as the costs of chemical cleaning of the apparatuses with inhibited mineral acids were estimated

    Utjecaj ekspozicije kroŔnje na morfoloŔka svojstva iglica devet četinjača

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    The aim of this research was to investigate if the crown exposure of some conifers influenced to needle properties. The leaf morphological traits of sixty-six trees of nine conifers: Atlas cedar, Austrian pine, Blue spruce, Douglas fir, European spruce, European yew, Serbian spruce, Silver fir, and White fir, from six Belgrade parks, were analyzed. Five needles were measured from each of the four main crown exposures. Length, width, area and perimeter of needles were investigated. Species, parks in which they were found, as well as crown exposures, differed mostly in needle length and needle width. Correlations between measured needle traits were determined by linear regression analysis. Strong positive correlations were found between the length, perimeter, and area of needles. The differences among the species in terms of light requirement determine species for individual planting as light-loving or partial shade species (Atlas cedar, European spruce, Serbian spruce, Blue spruce, Austrian pine and Douglas fir), or for group planting as shade-loving species (Silver fir, White fir and European yew).Analizirano je 66 stabala devet vrsta četinjača: atlaskog cedra, crnog bora, bodljikave smreke, duglazije, obične smreke, Å”umske tise, Pančićeve omorike, koloradske Ā jele i obične jele, iz Å”est beogradskih parkova. Analizirano je pet iglica sa svake od četiri glavne ekspozicije kroÅ”nje. Ispitivana je duljina, Å”irina, povrÅ”ina i opseg iglica. Vrste, parkovi u kojima su pronađene, kao i ekspozicije njihovih kruna, razlikovali su se po duljini i Å”irini iglica. Korelacije između izmjerenih svojstava iglica određene su linearnom regresijskom analizom. Utvrđene su jake pozitivne korelacije između duljine, opsega i povrÅ”ine iglica. Razlike među vrstama u zahtjevima za svjetlom određuju vrste za pojedinačnu sadnju kao vrste koje vole svjetlo ili polusjenu (atlaski cedar, obična smreka, Pančićeva omorika, bodljikava smreka, crni bor i duglazija) ili za grupnu sadnju kao sjenoljubne vrste (obična jela, dugoigličava jela i Å”umska tisa)
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