142 research outputs found

    Enthalpy-entropy Compensation for n-hexane Adsorption on Y Zeolite Containing Transition Metal Cations

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    In this work, the values of entropy changes related to n-hexane adsorption onto cation exchanged Y zeolite were calculated from differential heats. Various transition metal cations (Co2+, Ni2+, Zn2+ and Cd2+) were introduced into the lattice of the parent NaY, and the existence of enthalpy-entropy compensation effect related to n-hexane adsorption, id. est, the linearity of -triangle H vs. -triangle S plots was examined. The compensation effect was confirmed for all investigated zeolites. The compensation effect can be comprehended as governed by ion-induced dipole interaction between highly polarizing cationic centers in zeolite and nonopolar n-hexane molecules. Finally, the compensation effect and so the compensation temperature were found to depend on the type of charge-balancing cation (charge, size and electronic configuration)

    FTIR studija adsorpcije ugljen-monoksida na izmenjenim zeolitima tipa X, Y i mordenita

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    In this work Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) study has been applied to study the adsorption of carbon monoxide on transition metal (Mn2+, Co2 Ni2+) ion-exchanged zeolites type Y, X and mordenites. The adsorption of CO at room temperature produces overlapping IR absorption bands in the 2120–2200 cm-1 region. The frequency of the band around 2200 cm-1 is found to be dependent not only on the charge-balancing transition metal cation but also on the framework composition. The frequencies of the band near 1600 cm-1 was found to be dependent on the Si/Al ratio of the investigated zeolites.U ovom radu ispitivana je adsorpcija ugljen-monoksida na izmenjenim zeolitima (Mn2+, Co2+, Ni2+) tipa X, Y i mordenita primenom infracrvene spektroskopije sa Furijeovom analizom (FTIR). Adsorpcijom CO na sobnoj temperaturi nastaju složene trake u spektralnoj oblasti od 2120 do 2200 cm-1.Uočeno je da frekvencija trake na oko 2200 cm-1 zavisi i od katjona prisutnog u strukturi, i od sastava same zeolitske rešetke. Uočeno je takođe da frekvencije traka na oko 1600 cm-1 zavise od strukture, odnosno od Si/Al odnosa ispitivanih zeolita

    Termodinamika adsorpcije n-heksana na jonski izmenjenim X zeolitima

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    In this work, the free energy changes and entropy changes of adsorption of n-hexane on zeolites of the MxNa87-2xX (M=Co,Ni,Zn,Cd) type were determined using their isosteric sorption heats. It was found that the exchange of Na ions in NaX with bivalent cations (Co, Ni, Zn, Cd) significantly alters the adsorption characteristics of NaX zeolite. The free energy changes and entropy changes of n-hexane adsorption were dependent on the surface coverage and on the nature of the charge-balancing cation. The specific influence of the exchanged cations on the free energy changes and entropy changes of sorption of n-hexane originates from the size, location and electronic configuration of the cation.U ovom radu su određene promene slobodne energije i promena entropije adsorpcije n-heksana na zeolitima tipa MxNa87-2xX (M=Co,Ni,Zn,Cd) na osnovu izosternih toplota sorpcije. Pokazano je da izmena Na+ jona u NaX zeolitu dvovalentnim katjonima (Co,Ni,Zn,Cd) značajno menja adsorpcione karakteristike NaX zeolita. Takođe je utvrđeno da promena slobodne energije i promena entropije adsorpcije n-heksana zavisi i od stepena pokrivenosti površine zeolita

    Model of medico-legal classification of disfigurement due to surgery, trauma, disease and medical intervention

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    Dosadašnja istraživanja: Sudsko-medicinski aspekt telesnih naruženja do sada su bili predmet malog broja naučnih istraživanja. Cilj ovog rada bio je da se ustanovi standardizovan instrument za sudsko-medicinsku procenu svih vrsta telesnih naruženja koji do sada nije postojao. Metod: Istraživanje je realizovano kroz četiri sukcesivne faze: prvu – formiranje nacrta liste naruženja koja su nastala kao posledica povreda, operacija, oboljenja i lečenja, drugu – procena nacrta liste naruženja od strane jedanaest eksperata (nastavnika plastične hirurgije) primenom Delfi metoda; treću u kojoj je prethodno formirana lista naruženja procenjivana od strane 51 lekara člana strukovnog udruženja hirurga specijalista plastične i rekonstruktivne hirurgije i četvrtu fazu u kojoj je lista odnosno skala naruženja iz prethodne, treće faze, primenjena na konkretne primere iz sudske prakse. Resultat: U prvoj fazi istraživanja opisano je 176 pojedinačnih telesnih naruženja hipotetički razvrstanih u četiri stepena gradacije.U drugoj fazi formirano je 217 naruženja koja su razvrstana u pet stepena (veoma malo, malo, srednje, veliko i veoma veliko naruženje). U trećoj fazi 217 naruženja je ponovo ocenjeno, pri čemu je stepen usaglašenosti sa drugom fazom bio visok a to je utvrđeno Mann-Withney testom.U četvrtoj fazi utvrđena je zadovoljavajuća usaglašenost formirane skale sa praksom sudskih veštaka u ocenjivanju stepena naruženja što je pokazala vrednost od 0,72 weighted kappa koeficijenta pri čemu je p<0,001. Zaključak: Istraživanjem u četiri faze konstruisana je petostepena ordinalna skala sa 217 naruženja koja je pokazala visok stepen usaglašenosti među kolegama i koja se može koristiti kao instrument za standardizovano, unificirano merenje naruženja u sudskim veštačenjima.Background: Medico-legal aspect of physical disfigurements has been subject to few scientific researches. The aim of this study is to establish a standardized instrument for forensic evaluation of all kinds of physical disfigurements, which has not existed until now. Methods: The research was conducted Result:176 individual physical disfigurements, hypothetically classified into four degrees of severity, were described i in four successive phases: the first one – drafting a list of disfigurements occurring as a result of injuries, surgery, illness and treatment; the second phase–evaluation of the draft of the disfigurement list provided by eleven experts (plastic surgery lecturers) using the Delphi method;the third one – during which 51 medical doctors - members of Serbian Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery - SRBPRASparticipated in evaluating previously formed list of disfigurements; and the fourth phase –during which the list, i.e. scale of disfigurements, formed in the previous, third phase, was applied to actual cases taken from the case-law. n the first phase of research. 217 disfigurements were established in the second phase Conclusion:The first five- , which were classified into five degrees of severity (very small, small, medium, large and very large disfigurements). In the third phase, 217 disfigurements were evaluated one more time, whereby the level of concordance with the second phase was very high, as shown by Mann-Whitney test. In the fourth phase a satisfactory level ofconformity of the established scale with the practice of court experts in assessing the severity of disfigurements was determined, as shown by the value of weighted kappa coefficient of 0.72, whereby p<0.001. point ordinal scale was established in the course of research conducted in four phases, rating 217 disfigurements, whichshowed high level of compatibility in practice and which can be usedas an instrument for standardized, unifiedassessment of disfigurements in giving forensic expertise

    Limited Judicial Liability for Damages – A Privilege Indispensable for Judicial Independence, or an Element of Strengthening Judicial Irresponsibility?

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    Članak se bavi sudijskim građanskopravnim imunitetom (privilegijom) sa istorijskog, uporednopravnog i pozitivnopravnog aspekta. Razvoj ideje, zakonodavstva i prakse ograničene odgovornosti sudije za naknadu štete prikazan je na primerima vodećih država anglo-američkog i evropskog kontinentalnopravnog kruga. Razmatran je i uticaj evropskih sudskih instanci na obim sudijskog imuniteta u nekim nacionalnim pravima. Posebno je prikazan razvoj sudijskog imuniteta u Srbiji – naročito najnovije težnje ka njegovom proširenju.Until today, judicial immunity has been explained by the need to secure independence of judges and courts. High requirements for election of judges and the demanding conditions for their dismissal were until recently considered to be sufficient to guarantee legality of judicial conduct of proceedings and correctness of judicial adjudication, so that the idea of disciplinary liability of judges had difficulties finding its advocates in the states successors of former Yugoslavia. In cases where judges cause damages by their work, the damage will be regularly compensated by the state, which can, in turn, under specific conditions raise a recourse claim against the judge. This paper outlines some important points in the historic development of judicial immunity for damage compensation in England, USA, Germany and France. The contemporary laws and regulations and the leading cases of these countries are presented as well, including some relevant information on situation in some other European countries. The main argument for establishing judicial immunity in civil cases, ie the need to guarantee judicial independence, is met in this paper by criticism, in particular from the viewpoint of current and announced legislative developments in Serbia. The author initiates her critical analysis by the submission that direct judicial liability is currently only an exception to the rule that the state covers the damages caused by judicial work, while the right of recourse of the state against a judge is generally limited to cases in which the damages were caused intentionally or by gross negligence. National legislations display a trend of further limiting civil liability of judges, and thereby also of the state, for compensation of damages, effectively broadening judicial immunity. On the contrary, European Court of Human Rights and the Court of Justice of the EU tend to extend the liability of the state, and thereby also the civil liability of judges. The binding force of the European judicial institutions for the national courts has in recent times led to effective limitation of judicial immunity. In her concluding remarks, the author presents and explains her analysis of most recent tendencies in the development of judicial immunity in civil matters in Serbia. They are the following: under current rules of civil procedure, injured parties have difficulties securing their right of access to court when they decide to sue the state for damages caused by judges; the right of state to recourse claims against judges is planned to be limited, in the announced amendments of the Law on Judges, only to cases where judges have committed damages intentionally. Such an approach is considered to be inappropriate. It can secure neither real judicial independence, nor the rule of law. In addition, this approach discourages formation of reliable corpus of case law regarding civil immunity of judges

    Limited Judicial Liability for Damages – A Privilege Indispensable for Judicial Independence, or an Element of Strengthening Judicial Irresponsibility?

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    Članak se bavi sudijskim građanskopravnim imunitetom (privilegijom) sa istorijskog, uporednopravnog i pozitivnopravnog aspekta. Razvoj ideje, zakonodavstva i prakse ograničene odgovornosti sudije za naknadu štete prikazan je na primerima vodećih država anglo-američkog i evropskog kontinentalnopravnog kruga. Razmatran je i uticaj evropskih sudskih instanci na obim sudijskog imuniteta u nekim nacionalnim pravima. Posebno je prikazan razvoj sudijskog imuniteta u Srbiji – naročito najnovije težnje ka njegovom proširenju.Until today, judicial immunity has been explained by the need to secure independence of judges and courts. High requirements for election of judges and the demanding conditions for their dismissal were until recently considered to be sufficient to guarantee legality of judicial conduct of proceedings and correctness of judicial adjudication, so that the idea of disciplinary liability of judges had difficulties finding its advocates in the states successors of former Yugoslavia. In cases where judges cause damages by their work, the damage will be regularly compensated by the state, which can, in turn, under specific conditions raise a recourse claim against the judge. This paper outlines some important points in the historic development of judicial immunity for damage compensation in England, USA, Germany and France. The contemporary laws and regulations and the leading cases of these countries are presented as well, including some relevant information on situation in some other European countries. The main argument for establishing judicial immunity in civil cases, ie the need to guarantee judicial independence, is met in this paper by criticism, in particular from the viewpoint of current and announced legislative developments in Serbia. The author initiates her critical analysis by the submission that direct judicial liability is currently only an exception to the rule that the state covers the damages caused by judicial work, while the right of recourse of the state against a judge is generally limited to cases in which the damages were caused intentionally or by gross negligence. National legislations display a trend of further limiting civil liability of judges, and thereby also of the state, for compensation of damages, effectively broadening judicial immunity. On the contrary, European Court of Human Rights and the Court of Justice of the EU tend to extend the liability of the state, and thereby also the civil liability of judges. The binding force of the European judicial institutions for the national courts has in recent times led to effective limitation of judicial immunity. In her concluding remarks, the author presents and explains her analysis of most recent tendencies in the development of judicial immunity in civil matters in Serbia. They are the following: under current rules of civil procedure, injured parties have difficulties securing their right of access to court when they decide to sue the state for damages caused by judges; the right of state to recourse claims against judges is planned to be limited, in the announced amendments of the Law on Judges, only to cases where judges have committed damages intentionally. Such an approach is considered to be inappropriate. It can secure neither real judicial independence, nor the rule of law. In addition, this approach discourages formation of reliable corpus of case law regarding civil immunity of judges

    Effect of transition metal cations on the commensurate freezing of n-hexane confined in micropores of ZSM-5

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    Besides its importance concerning fundamental studies on gas adsorption in narrow pores, investigation of the commensurate freezing of a fluid within a zeolite is of practical importance in the application of zeolites in the processes of adsorption, separation and catalysis. In this work, the adsorption of n-hexane on HZSM-5 and its transition metal ion-exchanged modified forms was studied at 303 K by means of microcalorimetry. The thermal molar entropies changes of adsorption were calculated and thereby, the freezing-like behaviour of n-hexane inside the structure of the zeolite as a confinement media was noticed. This effect is governed by the attractive interactions between n-hexane molecules and the pore walls, and is influenced by the length of the pores and the nature of the charge-balancing cations. Among the investigated zeolites, a solid-like phase of n-hexane in the pores of zeolites with Fe(II) ions was the most similar to solid bulk n-hexane, while Cu(II) ions contributed to the lowest ordering of the obtained solid-like n-hexane phase

    Cytologic characteristics of adenoid cystic carcinoma of the cervix uteri: case report [Citološke karakteristike adenoid cističnog karcinoma vrata maternice: prikaz slučajeva]

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    Adenoid cystic carcinoma is a rare malignancy, usually found in the salivary glands, although this unusual tumor can be found at other sites of the body. In particular, regarding adenoid cystic carcinoma of the cervix (ACCC) most frequently reports are given for postmenopausal women. In this respect, our work is one among very few in the literature that considers a cytologic picture of this uncommon cervix carcinoma. The case of 74 year old patient with postmenopausal bleeding is described. Both Pap smear and air dried smear of the uterine cervix were analyzed. The cytologic findings revealed very few small clusters of abnormal glandular cells, as well as some amorphous eosinophilic globule-like material, with granulomatous and necrotic background. The latter includes a lot of histiocytes, multinucleated giant cells, large aggregates of epitheloid cells and lymphocytes. Histology revealed the diagnosis of ACCC. We emphasize the importance of careful screening of Pap smear that might be crucial in the case of suspicious clinical findings in postmenopausal women, when the possibility of ACCC has to be considered


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    U radu se analizom dostupnih dokumenata i statističkih podataka uspoređuje usklađenost prijedloga novog specijalističkog diplomskog stručnog studija Strojarstva na Tehničkom veleučilištu u Zagrebu s regionalnim razvojnim strategijama i obrazovnim potrebama Republike Hrvatske i Europske unije u potrebnom zaokretu obrazovanja prema STEM području. Na tržištu Republike Hrvatske, ali i Europske Unije, a čak i globalno, postoji nedostatak stručnih kadrova s kompetencijama koje se postižu završetkom ovakvog studija. Provjerena je njegova usklađenost s potrebama tržišta rada, mogućim interesom za studij na razini Republike Hrvatske, zatim interesom za polje studija na regionalnoj razini, usporedba s postojećim studijskim programima, usklađenost s gospodarskim, društvenim i kulturnim prioritetima Republike Hrvatske te usklađenost s kratkoročnim i dugoročnim strateškim ciljevima Europske unije, Republike Hrvatske i županije, odnosno Grada Zagreba. Ishodi specijalističkog diplomskog stručnog studija Strojarstva proizašli su iz analize potreba poslodavaca i gospodarstvenika u suradnji s Hrvatskom gospodarskom komorom, Sektorom za Industriju i IT, što dodatno potvrđuje opravdanost pokretanja takvog studija.The paper compares the compatibility of the proposal for a new specialist Master\u27s Degree Study of Mechanical Engineering at Zagreb University of Applied Sciences with regional development strategies and educational needs of the Republic of Croatia and the European Union in the much-needed education turn towards STEM area. At the labor market of the Republic of Croatia, but also the European Union, and even globally, there is a lack of qualified staff with the competences that would be acquired by completing such a study. The study program and goals are compared with the needs of the labor market, the possible interest for the study at the level of the Republic of Croatia, the interest for the field of study at the regional level, comparison with the existing study programs, compliance with the economic, social and cultural priorities of the Republic of Croatia and compliance with the short- and the long-term strategic goals of European Union, the Republic of Croatia and the City of Zagreb county. The outcomes of a specialist Master\u27s Degree in Mechanical Engineering came from an analysis of the needs of employers and businessmen in co-operation with the Croatian Chamber of Commerce, the Sector for Industry and ICT, which further confirms the justification for launching this stud

    The use in grass production of clinoptilolite as an ammonia adsorbent and a nitrogen carrier

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    Clinoptilolite-rich tuff (NZ) from the Zlatokop deposit (Vranjska Banja, Serbia) was studied as a nitrogen carrier for grass production. The mechanism of binding ammonium cations present in aqueous solutions by NZ was examined, as well as the possibility of adsorption of ammonia released in fresh cattle manure during its fermentation. The NH4+ binding from solutions proceeded via an ion-exchange process that followed pseudo-second-order kinetics. Adsorption isotherms studied at 298-318 K followed the Freundlich isotherm equation. The NZ readily adsorbs ammonia liberated from manure and the addition of 10 wt. % of NZ to manure can preserve up to 90 % of ammonia. The potential benefit of this effect was examined in greenhouse pot experiments with Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum, var. Macho) using three different types of soil (silty, clayey and sandy). The zeta potential measurements showed that the stability of their colloidal dispersions differed mutually and that the addition of NZ affected the stability and nitrogen cycling differently. All results indicated that NZ could be applied in grass production