283 research outputs found


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    In this article is given information about Mennonites who lived in the Central Asia, exactly in Khorezm region. In August 1881, a group of Mennonites called Trakt, arrived at Tashkent. They were accepted by Turkestan GeneralGovernor Kaufman. During their stay in the Central Asian territory they taught local people many interesting and useful job

    Sociocultural competence as one of the core competencies of the individual

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    In present study the author examines the problem of development of social competence as a key competence of the person. There is a growing role of intercultural contacts, so the sociocultural problem becomes more urgent. In particular the article addresses to the problem of sociocultural knowledge formation and its cultural, linguacultural, socio-psychological, sociolinguistic, linguistic, informational and communicational aspects as maturity of sociocultural knowledge indicates the development of social competence. An experiment was conducted during the study. It was concluded that sociocultural knowledge makes the development of social competence possible

    Determining the efficiency and the level of innovative development in agriculture : the case of Kazakhstan

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    The purpose of this article is to calculate the integral effectiveness of the innovation activity of Kazakhstani agribusiness. The study helps to make a decision on the innovative development of agricultural production sectors and assess precisely the effectiveness of innovative projects. Moreover, the algorithm of the integrated process of making a decision on the financing of innovative projects in the agricultural sector as well as components of the integral effect of innovation activity in the agrarian sector were developed.peer-reviewe

    Gene expression and methylation profiles as a biomarker for human radiation exposure

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    Taking into account the fact that Kazakhstan is one of the world's leaders in uranium mining, and given the extent of the damage suffered as a result of the work on the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site, the general background radiation in some regions came under the influence of additional effects of chronic exposure to low doses of radiation, the study and search for new methods of dosimetry, as an integral part of the radiological protection of the population, is a priority for the state. The purpose of this study is the search for and development of potential biomarkers by assessing the impact if ionising radiation on gene expression and quantification of global methylation and hydroxymethylation of uranium industry workers

    Means of evaluativity expressing in the work of A.I. Solzhenitsyn One day in the life of Ivan Denisovich

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    This article is devoted to the analysis of lexical and word-formation expression means assessment in A. I. Solzhenitsyn's story One day of Ivan Denisovich. The language assessment category draws attention of scientists from different areas: philosophers, logicians, linguists. The assessment can be expressed in language in the different ways: intonational, graphic, word-formation, lexical and syntactic. The most brightly valuable picture of the world is presented in lexicon and word formation. A. I. Solzhenitsyn's creativity generally becomes object of close literary critics attention whereas features of his works language did not become a subject of the linguists close attention yet. Studying emotional and estimative lexicon allows to describe features of the writer's style and is essential to adding to idea of his creativity in general. The methods used in the course of research are the following: lexic-and-semantic analysis, descriptive, context method, structure and motivational word-formation analysis method, component analysis method. As a result of research it is established that language of heroes and author contains a large number of estimative lexemes, many of which are stylistically lowered. Camp and prisoner's life, unlike household conveniences and free life with positive connotation, are generally negatively assessed. The image of the chief can be estimated both as negative, and as positive

    Monitoring the health status of the population by age groups

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    A multi-criteria method for selecting informative sets of different features for a quantitative assessment of the population’s health status in 14 age groups is considered. To compare samples from two classes (groups), it is proposed to form a unified description of objects according to two gradations of nominal features. The unified description is used to synthesize latent features and calculate the values of the compactness measure of class objects on the numerical axis. The transformation of quantitative features into nominal gradations is implemented according to the search criterion for the minimum coverage of their values by non-overlapping intervals. The values of the boundaries of the intervals and their number are determined by a recursive algorithm considering the objects belonging to classes. An important property of the transformation is the invariance to measurement scales. A formula is proposed for calculating the membership function of class objects for each feature gradation. Function values are used to unify object descriptions and calculate the stability index of a feature, regardless of its measurement scale. The unification of descriptions by two gradations does not change the stability index but increases the contribution of each gradation to the separation of class objects. The ranking of features about their stability was used both for individual samples and for a set of defined samples. The results of ranking over a set of samples were used to search for patterns in individual features and to form sets from them to calculate the values of latent features of objects. A set of thirteen data samples from representatives of two classes was formed as follows. The first class was represented by objects of the younger age group, and the second class — by objects of different age groups. A set of seven different types of features has been identified. For each of 13 samples, the values of latent features on this set and measures of compactness of class objects on the numerical axis were calculated. A monotonically non-decreasing sequence of values of measures of compactness of data samples that are invariant to the order of precedence of age groups is obtained. The property of monotonicity of sequence values is consistent with empirical estimates of the health state in the process of population aging

    Communicatives in the differently structured languages

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    The problem of the culturally conditioned use of Russian interrogative communicatives (colloq), is solved in the article on the background of the equivalent English disjunctive question (in which the verbal-subjective inversion and different polarity are used, for example, didnt she, haven't they, doesn't it ) and the Japanese particle ne. In English such communicatives include the second part of the disjunctive question (didn't she?, isn't she?), synonymous with the Japanese particle ne? and Russian particles? In the Russian language there are two groups of communicatives that can be translated into English by a disjunctive question: 1) particles that call for agreement and synonymous with them; 2) particles that are not synonymous with communicatives, calling for agreement. Sentences with Russian particles and synonymous with them, as well as particlesare translated into English by a disjunctive question with a greater or lesser degree of frequency. Sentences with such particles as are translated mainly by a disjunctive question. For sentences with particles the translation by a general or special question is more typical, although such sentences can as well have the disjunctive question as an English equivalent, that indicates the importance for Anglo-American thinking to emphasize the right of every person to express his opinion openly (agreement or disagreement with the point of view of the addressee)