562 research outputs found

    The Social Nature of Boards

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    The Retreat of Professionalism in Business Education

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    Everyday Leaders

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    For years business writers and speakers have focused on larger than life, charismatic Leaders, with a capital “L”. The implication is that the success of an organization is dependent on this one person and his or her ability to inspire everyone else to follow a unique vision. This focus on the Leader is at least a partial cause of the lack of trust we are witnessing in business organizations today. Leaders believe they must behave in some larger than life way. With the expectation that they must see things the rest of us do not, they make riskier and riskier decisions, desperate to prove they deserve the role. Perhaps now that we have seen the problems resulting from this Leader-focused approach to running our organizations, we can return to a more reasonable approach - one that is actually attainable by mere mortals - where many are called upon to be good, competent, everyday leaders. If educational institutions begin to focus on developing the skills and character of these everyday leaders, our organizations will not only be more successful, but surely more trusted than they are today

    Your Prized Executive Is Leaving. Now What?

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    The departure of a key member of your organization can quickly throw things into turmoil if the person is tightly tied to the firm in the minds of investors. For these reasons and others, nonprofits and for-profits alike should have an established succession plan for identifying a worthy replacement. This article examines how one global nonprofit is planning proactively for the future

    La administración, ¿una profesión sin identidad propia?

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    Los profesores pioneros de la educación de Administración tales como Edmond James director de la Universidad de (Wharthon), Wallace Donham, (Harvard), William Jewett de (Tuck) y Harvard Rakesh Khurana, escritor del libro “From Higher Aims To Hired Hands”, coinciden en determinar que la educación Gerencial, está viciada por el hecho de que se han limitado a formar profesionales con visión económica, financiera y contable, de forma que se deja de lado la ética y los valores que los profesionales no pueden dejar de lado, lo que nos llevó a realizar un análisis sobre si en la actualidad se presentan los problemas que evidencian los profesores referenciados anteriormente. El análisis nos llevó a encontrar, teniendo en cuenta varios documentos estudiados y otros reportajes relacionados, que en la actualidad los profesionales formados son integrales, y están educados bajo los parámetros estipulados por los escritores

    Governance in Organizational Expansion - Learning From Community Development Organizations

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    Community development organizations are dynamic nonprofits that adopt a range of proven strategies to revitalize neighborhoods so they are great places to live, work and play. These place-based nonprofits are positioned as organizations through which local community residents, partnering with civic and business leaders, can create vibrant and sustainable neighborhoods

    Corporate Law Professors as Gatekeepers

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    What is Good Leadership?

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    The moral triumphs and failures of leaders carry a greater weight and volume than those of nonleaders. In leadership we see morality and immorality magnified, which is why ethics is fundamental to our understanding of leadership. Ethics is about right and wrong and good and evil. It’s about what we should do and what we should be like as human beings, members of a group or society, and in the different roles that we play in life. Leadership entails a particular kind of role and moral relationship between people. By understanding the ethics of leadership we gain a better understanding of what constitutes good leadership