745 research outputs found

    Virtual Topology Reconfrigation of WDM Optical Network with Minimum Physical Node

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    This paper review the reconfiguration of high capacity WDM optical Network, messages are carried in all optical form using light paths. The set of semi-permanent light paths which are set up in the network may be viewed as a virtual topology by higher layers such as SONET, ATM and IP. Reconfiguration is to charge in virtual topology to meet traffic pattern in high layers. It provides a trade off between objective value and the no. of changes to the virtual topology. In another study Objective is to design the logical topology & routing Algorithm on physical topology, so as to minimize the net work congestion while constraining the average delay seen by source destination pair and the amount of processing required at the nodes. Failure handling in WDM Networks is of prime importance due to the nature and volume of traffic, these network carry, failure detection is usually achieved by exchanging control messages among nodes with time out mechanism. Newer and more BW thirsty applications emerging on the horizon and WDM is to leveraging the capabilities of the optical fiber Wavelength  routing  is  the  ability  to  switch  a  signal  at intermediate  nodes  in  a  WDM  network  based  on  their wavelength. Virtual topology can be reconfigured when necessary to improve performance. To create the virtual topology different from the physical topology of the underlying network, is the ability of wavelength routing WDM. Keywords: WDM, Physical Topology, Virtual Topology and Reconfiguratio

    Zika virus and its clinical implications: a comprehensive review

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    Recent Zika virus outbreak in Latin America and the Caribbean has drawn the world’s attention toward this relatively unknown virus, with WHO declaring it a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC). India has had its own tryst with Zika virus with that “significant numbers” of Indians had already been exposed to Zika as early as 1950s. An exponential spread of Zika virus is a potential public health concern, with implications requiring immediate action. The devastating complications of Zika virus infection, particularly congenital and neurological, makes imperative a thorough, thoughtful, and level-headed public health approach in dealing with this infection especially during pregnancy. We review the data on this deadly infection in this brief review including its history, epidemiology, clinical features and management aspects particularly in pregnant women

    Finite beam curvature related patterns in a saturable medium

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    We study numerically the effects of finite curvature and ellipticity of the Gaussian beam on propagation through a saturating nonlinear medium. We demonstrate generation of different types of pattern arising from the input phase structure as well as the phase structure imparted by the nonlinear medium

    Directions of Production Planning & Production Control System: Mathematical Evolution from the Flexibility Point of View

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    Production Planning and Production Control systems are some of the keys that determine the development of modern production systems. The article presents the importance of a flexibility factor in the process of manufacturing, planning, and control systems development during the 20th century. Finally, actual problems and trends in the production system design and control over the design were perceived in addition to possible feasible directions of the development of manufacturing systems, probably in the 21st century were specified. Production planning and production control are usually painstaking to be one of the most noteworthy issues in the planning and operation of a manufacturing structure. A better planning system has a significant bang on cost reduction, increased productivity, customer satisfaction, and overall spirited improvement for a product. Also, the current customer demand for prominent diversity products has put into an increase in product complications that further lay emphasis on necessitates for superior planning. Proficient planning leads to the amplification in capability exploitation competence and, therefore, thereby reducing the operational time required to intact jobs and accordingly escalating the profitability of an organization in the current spirited environment. There are different systems of manufacturing, planning, and control for a job-shop together with flow-shop in which the jobs are to be a progression through a series of machines for an optimizing number of required performance measure

    Langerhans cell histiocytosis with oral manifestations: a rare and unusual case report

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    Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH), is a rare, proliferative disorder in which the accumulation of pathologic Langerhans cells leads to local tissue infiltration and destruction. We present a case of a 32 years old, completely edentulous female patient who presented with erythema of hard palate, maxillary alveolar mucosa and mucosa over the distobuccal part of mandibular alveolar ridge with foci of ulcerations. Histopathologic features were suggestive of LCH which was confirmed by immunohistochemistry which was CD1a positive, confirmatory for LCH. Bone scan revealed multiple bone involvement. At this stage, disease had already progressed to multisystem involvement with endocrinal abnormalities (primary hypothyroidism and hyperprolactinemia), requiring aggressive treatment. Therefore, this case is a reminder of the possibility of occurrence of this rare disease in the oral cavity which might manifest itself in multiple presentations thus easily leading to the misdiagnosis and therefore, it could be easily overlooked by dentists

    Comparative evaluation of nutritional status of elderly dentulous and completely edentulous patients wearing complete dentures

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    Introduction: The scientific progress has reached a level where nutritional interventions may play a part in the prevention of degenerative conditions of age, improvement of quality of life and impact on health care burden and resources. Moreover a timely intervention can stop weight loss in elderly at risk of malnutrition or undernourished. Evaluation of nutritional status is important for any nutrition or dietary modification. We therefore did a comparative study of evaluation of nutritional status of elderly dentulous and completely edentulous patients wearing complete dentures. Rationale: To evaluate nutritional status in dentulous and edentulous denture wearing elderly patient. To evaluate any relationship between edentulous denture wearer patient and malnutrition. To determine if the recommended dietary allowance is met by elderly dentulous and completely edentulous patients wearing complete dentures. To find out the need of nutritional supplement for edentulous complete denture wearer patients. Objectives: The objectives were to evaluate nutritional status in dentulous and edentulous denture wearing elderly patients and to find out any relationship between edentulous denture wearer patients and malnutrition. We also tried to find out the need of nutritional supplement for edentulous denture wearer patients. Material & Method: A total of 100  healthy Male and Female  patients  between the age of 60  to 80 years attending the OPD of Department of Prosthodontics, Faculty of Dental Sciences, Dharmsinh Desai University, Nadiad, Gujarat were selected and divided into two sample groups dentulous and edentulous. Subjects with no natural teeth who reported wearing complete maxillary and   mandibular dentures for at least 6 months were taken as the edentulous sample and subjects with at least 24 teeth who did not wear dentures were taken as dentulous sample. Mini Nutrition Assesment Tool, 24 Hour Diet Recall & Food Frequency Form were used to evaluate the nutritional status of the subjects. The data on food consumption was converted to the calorie content of the diet and the percentage of recommended dietary allowance (RDA) was calculated for the subject according to the age, gender and activity level. Statistical analysis was done using the Chi square P value test. No investigation or intervention was conducted on patients, humans or other animals hence, ethical consideration was not applicable in this study. Null hypothesis: “There is no difference in the nutritional intake of the dentulous patients and edentulous patients wearing complete dentures”. Result: It was observed in this study that only 62% of the edentulous subjects were taking fruits frequently against 88% of dentulous subjects. In the same way, while 54% of dentulous subjects were consuming nuts and oil seeds, only 36% of edentulous subjects consumed them & the result is statistically significant. There was a direct relationship between edentulousness and malnutrition. 94% of the dentulous subjects in our study were well nourished according to MNA having score from 24 to 30 against 62% of edentulous subjects. The risk of malnutrition was eight times higher in edentulous as compared to dentulous subjects, 34% & 4% respectively which is highly significant statistically. Only negligible portion was malnourished that was 2% for dentulous and 4% for edentulous subjects. Further, there was a positive correlation between the MNA score and calorie intake per day in percentage of RDA. All the subjects detected to be malnourished were taking less than 75% of RDA calorie intake. Amongst 17 edentulous subjects (34%) at risk of malnutrition, more than half (n=10) were consuming less than 75% of RDA. Even though statistically insignificant, maximum subjects in both the categories belonged to >25kg/m2 (over weight) that is total 60% of dentulous and 44% of edentulous subjects. On further division, 38% of dentulous and 28% of edentulous subjects were preobese while those belonging to obese category were 22% and 16% respectively. Conclusion: Undernutrition as well as obesity were common health hazards in our geriatric population. Early management by nutritional intervention, combined with oral health care, is of great importance for the improvement of nutritional parameters and the prognosis of prosthetic treatmen

    Barrier Properties of Graphene-Based Polymer Nanocomposites

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    Exfoliated graphite nanoplatelets (herein called graphene) are nanometer-thin platelets that are being extensively researched for their high stiffness, thermal conductivity, mass transfer barrier properties, and electrical conductivity towards developing a wide range of applications such as polymer nanocomposites (PNCs). These graphene-based PNCs (GPNCs) are expected to have better properties as compared to PNCs made using carbon nanotubes or nano-layered silicates. Graphene platelets are generally hydrophilic in nature hence difficult to disperse in polymers. In the work described here, surface treatment of graphene using 3-aminopropyltrimethoxysilane (APTMS), as shown by energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDS), results in more hydrophobic graphene which shows better dispersion. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images illustrate the effect of surface treatment on the dispersion of graphene into polyvinyl acetate (PVAc). Barrier properties of treated and untreated graphene in PVAc were measured by sorption tests of GPNCs in water at various filler concentrations and different platelet diameters which show that the graphene platelets form an excellent barrier against diffusion

    Vitrification of isolated mice blastomeres using a closed loading device

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    Isolated blastomeres obtained by embryo biopsy serve mainly for preimplantation genetic screening. Blastomeres are undifferentiated embryonic cells that include all the embryo genetic information. A lot of developing technologies may benefit by the efficient cryopreservation of blastomeres for future potential use, especially for stem cell culture and differentiation control. We are hereby reporting for the first time the feasibility of preserving individual isolated blastomeres in microvolumes in a closed vitrification system. Using a cryotip and propagation in microvolumes, isolated mice blastomeres were vitrified and warmed with 100% post-warming survival
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