374 research outputs found

    Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation: Recent Advances

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    Cardiac arrest is the most significant reason for mortality and morbidities worldwide. With a better understanding of the pathophysiology of cardiac arrest, simple adaptations in basic life support to upcoming modifications in post-resuscitation care have been proposed by various resuscitation councils throughout the globe. Role of point of care cardiac ultrasound during cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) has been explored and its contribution for identifying reversible causes and its real time management has been explored. A higher blood and tissue oxygenation levels contributed to an increased rate of return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) which has to lead us to explore more options to increase the oxygenation. Starting from the CPR training, the use of sensors for spirometric feedback in ventilation maneuvers can help improve the quality of CPR. High flow nasal oxygenation during CPR has shown promising results. Extracorporeal CPR is another entity that has shown survival benefits in a selected group of patients. The aim of the newer advances has always been to decrease the morbidity and improve survival outcomes in terms of neurological deficit as well. These guidelines are reviewed and updated regularly to improve knowledge and training based on the current evidence. This chapter shall focus on recent advances in cardiopulmonary resuscitation

    Morscher’s osteotomy in posttraumatic sequale of hip in adolescent using dynamic hip screw: case report

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    Premature closure of proximal femoral epiphyseal plate can be a complication of hip dysplasia, Perthe’s disease, trauma or septic arthritis of hip. It may eventually result in Coxavara and shortening of femoral neck and upward migration of greater trochanter. Morscher’s osteotomy is an intertrochanteric osteotomy that can create valgusization with lengthening of femoral neck, correction of high riding greater trochanter and compensates for short limb length as a single stage procedure. The purpose of this case report is to evaluate early results of Morscher’s osteotomy fixed using paediatric dynamic hip screw in adolescence

    Exploring Astronautical Dentistry: A Review

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    The Human body reacts differently in different environment(s). With development in the field of astronomy, long distance trip to another planet is now possible. These trips require humans to stay in zero gravity conditions for a long time. Simulated microgravity is the best way to assess the physiologic changes in near zero gravity conditions, as it is not always possible to conduct scientific experiments in space. The purpose of this review is to determine the effects of zero gravity on oral cavity

    Trust in Social Network Games

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    We consider agents in a social network competing to be selected as partners in collaborative, mutually beneficial activities. We study this through a model in which an agent i can initiate a limited number k_i>0 of games and selects the ideal partners from its one-hop neighborhood. On the flip side it can accept as many games offered from its neighbors. Each game signifies a productive joint economic activity, and players attempt to maximize their individual utilities. Unsurprisingly, more trustworthy agents are more desirable as partners. Trustworthiness is measured by the game theoretic concept of Limited-Trust, which quantifies the maximum cost an agent is willing to incur in order to improve the net utility of all agents. Agents learn about their neighbors' trustworthiness through interactions and their behaviors evolve in response. Empirical trials performed on realistic social networks show that when given the option, many agents become highly trustworthy; most or all become highly trustworthy when knowledge of their neighbors' trustworthiness is based on past interactions rather than known a priori. This trustworthiness is not the result of altruism, instead agents are intrinsically motivated to become trustworthy partners by competition. Two insights are presented: first, trustworthy behavior drives an increase in the utility of all agents, where maintaining a relatively modest level of trustworthiness may easily improve net utility by as much as 14.5%. If only one agent exhibits modest trust among self-centered ones, it can increase its average utility by up to 25% in certain cases! Second, and counter-intuitively, when partnership opportunities are abundant agents become less trustworthy.Comment: Main paper plus e-companio

    Factors Influencing Restaurant Selection In The Covid-19 Era: A Study Of Consumer Preferences In India

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    COVID-19 struck the humanity at the end of 2019 and since then it has been ravaging the mankind. Since then the economies have been badly affected; businesses have shut down and the restaurant businesses are no exception to it. Now, when the vaccination programs are being carried out by the governments all around the world, including India, and restrictions are going away, the customers will be coming out to the restaurants. This paper intends to study what are the factors which will make the Indian customers choose a restaurant and to find out if there have been effects of the pandemic on the criteria of restaurant selection. To find the answers to these, a questionnaire with ten various factors was designed and circulated by using Google Form. The data thus collected was analyzed by applying one sample t-test and Gap analysis. The hypothesis was tested and it was found that the pandemic had an impact on the restaurant selection criterion. ‘Personal hygiene of the staff’, ‘quality of food ingredients’ and ‘taste of food’ are the most important factors for customers in deciding to choose a restaurant and ‘location’ with no impact on restaurant selection

    Filgrastim as a Rescue Therapy for Persistent Neutropenia in a Case of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome and Myocarditis

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    Pathogenesis of dengue involves suppression of immune system leading to development of characteristic presentation of haematological picture of thrombocytopenia and leucopenia. Sometimes, this suppression in immune response is responsible for deterioration in clinical status of the patient in spite of all specific and supportive therapy. Certain drugs like steroids are used for rescue therapy in conditions like sepsis. We present a novel use of filgrastim as a rescue therapy in a patient with dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), myocarditis, and febrile neutropenia and not responding to standard management

    Artificial intelligence for smart patient care: transforming future of nursing practice

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    Artificial intelligence (AI) in today’s era has been described as “the new electricity” as it continually transforms today’s world by affecting our way of living in many different spheres. Extensive government programs in most countries and enhanced technology investments thereof are set to rapidly advance AI. Consequently, healthcare teams will be majorly affected by intelligent tools and systems to be launched into healthcare and patient homecare settings. AI represents a variety of functions under an umbrella of terms like machine learning (ML), deep learning, computer vision, natural language processing (NLP) and automated speech recognition (ASR) technologies. Each of these when used individually or in combination has the potential to add intelligence to applications. Understanding of AI in medical field is crucial for nurses. Utilization of AI in nursing will accelerate innovation and fasten up decision making for them thus saving their time and improving patient outcome plus satisfaction with nursing care provided. Of utmost importance while partnering with AI is the requirement for AI to be safe and effective. A major concern for AI practitioners in the current scenario is managing bias. To realize the full potential of AI, stakeholders (AI developers and users) need to be confident about two aspects: (1) reliability and validity of the datasets used and (2) transparency of AI based system. Issues encompassing AI are novel yet complex, and there is still much to be learnt about it. Nursing experience, knowledge, and skills will transit into new ways of thinking and processing information. This will give new roles to nurses-like information integrators, data managers, informatics specialists, health coaches and above all deliverers of compassionate caring-not replaced by AI technologies yet supported by them

    Review Paper on Holographic Memory

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    Being responsive to unexpectedly changing era of communication and growing call for smaller and greater capability with high bandwidth garage devices, the term holographic reminiscence got here into existence. Holographic memory is an optical information storage technology that gives each the capabilities of high information density in line with volume and excessive records transfer pace through the usage of components along with spatial mild modulator, lenses and charge coupled gadgets (CCD).This paper gives the description approximately the precept of holography and additionally with the comparisons that were observed between conventional optical gadgets and modern holographic devices. Further, it investigates at what are the reasons which are making holographic devices nonetheless unusual and it summarizes all the packages of laptop structures wherein these holographic devices can be used

    Periosteal nociceptors induced hypotension and bradycardia under spinal anesthesia -A report of two cases-

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    The sudden hemodynamic disturbance in the perioperative period can occur because of various surgical and anesthetic reasons but hemodynamic collapse due to noxious stimulus of periosteum stripping has not been described. We report two cases of severe hypotension and bradycardia during periosteum stripping in orthopedic surgery under subarachnoid block even though the block level was adequate. In our patients, hemodynamic collapse occurred specifically at a moment when surgeons manipulated periosteum and fall in blood pressure and heart rate was sudden in onset. The hemodynamic disturbance did not appear to be related to vagally mediated or due to blockade of sympathetic fibers but appeared to be related to periosteal nociceptors
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