272 research outputs found

    Mobile Data Offloading the Growing Need with Its Solutions and Challenges

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    From the last few years, the popularity of video, social media and Internet gaming across a range of new devices like smartphones and tablets has created a surge of data traffic over cellular networks. Device to device connectivity will give rise to a new universe of applications that will further create stress on network capacity [3]. In the next three years alone, it is accepted that data traffic will grow towards tenfold creating a tremendous capacity crunch for operators. While data revenues are expected to only double during this period, which will create a huge gap. As a result, different innovative solutions have emerged to man age data traffic. Some of the key technologies include Wi-Fi, LTE Small Cell and Relay, femtocells, DTN-based Network, and IP flow mobility. Therefore, telecom operators need to constantly review their implement traffic offloading mechanisms that will help them manage their network load and capacity mo re efficiently. This paper describes various data offload strategies and considers the challenges and benefits associated with each of them. This paper aims to provide a survey of mobile data offloading technologies including insights from the business per spective as well

    Classification of Banana Fruit Maturity using zNose

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    A study was undertaken to classify the banana fruits based on their ripening/maturity by using zNose flavour detection technique. The quality parameters of banana fruits viz., respiratory quotient (RQ), total soluble solids (TSS), moisture content and firmness at each ripening/maturity stage were determined and the results were correlated with zNose flavour data. The principal component analysis (PCA) was used to identify the ripening/maturity stages of banana fruits and also to test the variability of the observed data. By using multiple linear regression (MLR), models were established to predict the fruit quality parameters. The coefficient of determination (r2) corresponding to the predicted respiratory quotient, total soluble solids, moisture content and firmness were found to be 0.93, 0.94, 0.96 and 0.95, respectively, signifying better prediction of the banana fruits into different ripening/maturity stages

    Gender Correlation of Stress in Mbbs Students in Relation to Covid 19 Pandemic

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    Objective: Since December 2019, the COVID-19 pandemic has posed a substantial threat with its associated high mortality, infection, and risk of psychological stress. A large number of students were affected because of a prolonged break from academic activities and staying at home. The focus of this study is to understand the stress levels of M.B.B.S. students, any psychological imbalances, and their major hurdles during the COVID-19 lockdown. Methods: The study was designed to determine the prevalence of stress levels in 150 medical students to explore the sources of stress, 64 were male students and 86 were female students & it ‘s relationship across the male and female students. Demographic information and Qualitative data from investigator tailored Medical Student Stress Questionnaire (MSSQ) by self-rating under supervision of investigators were subjected to analysis. Results: We observed that medical students were generally stressed during lockdown and the pandemic. Stress perceived was more in males’ students 49/64(76.5%) as compared to females 51/86(59.3%) and their MSSQ index score was significantly different. Moderate to high academic stress was present among 79% of students more so in males with the academic domain score significantly different from that of females. Females perceived more stress in inter personal domain (12.7%) with the score significantly different from males. Group and Teaching stress was equally present in males and females. Conclusion: During the pandemic, students’ mental health needs to be continually monitored as they are stressed owing to fear as well as about their studies and future careers

    Evaluating the Role of Micronutrients and Hormones in Cognitive Function: A Comparative Study in Children with Learning Disabilities Undergoing Speech Therapy

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    Children with learning difficulties have significant challenges, affecting their cognitive ability and general development. Recent studies have highlighted the importance of micronutrients and hormonal balances in determining cognitive ability. However, knowledge of the connection between these physiological markers and mental processes in children with learning impairments is still growing. Objectives: The main aim of this research was to assess the concentrations of essential micronutrients (specifically Vitamin D, C, B vitamins, Magnesium, and Zinc) as well as hormones (Thyroxine, Epinephrine, and Norepinephrine) in children who have been identified with learning difficulties. In addition, the research's objective was to compare the aforementioned biochemical levels with those of a control group with comparable age and sex characteristics. One of the study's primary objectives was to investigate the correlation between the aforementioned biochemical parameters and cognitive abilities, as assessed by the Language Proficiency Test (LPT) scores in children undergoing speech treatment. Materials and Methods: 160 children between the ages of 6 and 13 were enrolled in this comparative cross-sectional study, which was structured into control, pre-test, and post-test cohorts. A comprehensive biochemical analysis was gathered from anthropometric measurements, demographic data, and blood samples. The objective of this methodology was to offer a comprehensive comprehension of the possible biochemical elements that impact the cognitive development of children who have learning disabilities. Cognitive functions were assessed using the LPT. The data analysis was conducted using SPSS software, with one-way ANOVA and Pearson's correlation coefficient as principal statistical instruments. Results: The study unveiled significant variations in the concentrations of diverse micronutrients and hormones among the various categories. The control group generally exhibited elevated concentrations of zinc, magnesium, and vitamin D. Significant variability in Thyroxine and Catecholamine levels suggested distinct physiological conditions among the groups. Notably, the post-test group, which underwent speech therapy and received nutritional counseling, demonstrated enhanced scores on the LPT compared to the pre-test group. Conclusion: This study's findings highlight the significant influence of micronutrients and hormones on the cognitive functionality of children with learning disabilities. The positive association observed between improved levels of nutrients and higher LPT scores in the post-test group emphasizes the effectiveness of integrated therapeutic approaches. The study advocates for including nutritional and hormonal evaluations in managing learning disabilities, pointing towards the necessity of comprehensive and holistic treatment methodologies

    A comparative study of efficacy of micro-needling alone versus micro-needling with autologous platelet rich plasma in facial atrophic acne scars

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    Abstract— Post acne scarring is a consequence of abnormal resolution or wound healing following the damage that occurs in the sebaceous follicle during acne inflammation. The present study was undertaken to compare the improvement in facial atrophic acne scars by micro-needling alone and combination of micro-needling with autologous platelet rich plasma (PRP). A prospective, observer blinded, comparative interventional study was conducted on 50 patients of facial atrophic acne scars fulfilling inclusion criteria. They were randomly divided into two group of 25 each i.e. group 'A' (micro-needling alone) and group 'B' (micro-needling with PRP). Three sessions on monthly interval were conducted and Final follow up was done at 4th month. They were evaluated by Goodman and Baron’s quantitative and qualitative grading scale, for clinical improvement and for patient's satisfaction. Although qualitative and quantitative improvement was observed in both the groups but the improvement in group 'B' was more than 'A' on Goodman and Baron’s quantitative and qualitative grading scale, however it was not statistically significant. On clinical improvement and on patient satisfaction, group 'B' had better results than group 'A' which was statistically significant (p<0.05). It was concluded that Micro-needling with autologous PRP is simple, safe and cost-effective procedure for facial atrophic acne scars. Micro-needling when combined with autologous PRP provides better overall clinical improvement. It is suggested that PRP should be considered as an adjuvant therapeutic option along with micro-needling in the management of atrophic acne scars

    Trends of steroid modified tinea at tertiary care hospital in India

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    Abstract—Dermatophytes are the common fungal agents implicated in superficial skin infections worldwide, commonly known as tinea. They include species of Trichophyton, Microsporum and Epidermophyton. Infections of this organism have dramatically increased in last one decade by misuse of topical corticosteroids cream alone or in combination with topical antibacterial and antifungal agents. So this study was conducted with the aim to study about culprits (prescribers) and various offending agents. This study was conducted on 1239 consecutive patients of tinea between ages 1-70 years. Tinea was diagnosed by detailed history and clinical examination. Detailed inquiry was made for topical steroid use by recall method or relevant prescriptions. It was found that out of 1239, 1000 (80.7%) patients were using topical corticosteroid in any form. Most common age group was 21-30 years (38.3%). Pharmacist appeared as chief culprit (50.4%) and Clobetasol was major offending agent (34.8%). Majority (55.3%) of patients applied these formulations for 4 week or more. Study concluded that use of topical corticosteroids in tinea has become menace because of unethical manufacture, sales, prescription and end misuse by patient


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    Mash ups are the one which is created as a new source by using the knowledge of already existing sources. The Mash ups are used to create and develop new innovative ideas from the already existing knowledge’s. However the mash up creation by users may tend to some deficiencies which need to be concentrated to avoid the complexity. There may be a possibility of creation of smells during the mash up creation process which need to be addressed well in order to avoid the software failure. This is avoided by introducing the methodology called refactoring approach which tends to find and eliminate the possible smells which may occur at the time of mash up creation. However in programming cannot support the programming languages with different object behavior in different places. The refactoring cannot be applicable for the smells identified in the new type of programming language. It is overcome in our work by analyzing the object behavior when it is used in different places. Based on this knowledge, refactoring has been applied with the consideration of the moving the objects across different classes and modules and predict the behavior changes occurred in the programming languages. By doing so, efficient refactoring can be done which can be used for any type of programming languages in order to avoid the smells at the time of mash up creation. The experimental conducted were proves that the proposed methodology lead to better performance than the existing approach in terms of mash up creation


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    Recently, Immediate release dosage form have taken over an important position in the market by overcoming previously administration problems and contributing to extension of patient life, which have difficulty in swallowing tablets and capsules. Many drugs belongs to BCS class2 having poor solubility in water need to be improvement in solubility and dissolution rate for enhancing its oral bioavailability, Although in many cases immediate onset of action is required than conventional therapy. Immediate release dosage form includes tablets, capsule, pellets, microsphere, granules, etc, among all these dosage from Tablet is more widespread dosage form. The basic approached of development of tablet use of superdisintegrants like cross linked carboxymelhyl cellulose (Croscarmeliose), Sodium starch glycolate (Primogel, Explotab), Polyvinylpyrrolidone (Polyplasdone) etc. which provide instantaneous disintegration of tablet after administration. Various techniques are implemented to developed immediate release dosage form. The present review highlights on the prospective advantages, design and development of robust, stable, and orally immediate release as a pharmaceutical dosage form. Key words: Immediate release dosage form, tablet, polymer, superdisintegrants, etc
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