171 research outputs found

    Russia–Ukraine crisis: The effects on the European stock market

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    We examine the effect of the Russia–Ukraine crisis on the European stock markets. Because of increased political uncertainty, geographic proximity and the ramifications of the fresh sanctions imposed on Russia, the European stock markets tended to react negatively to this crisis. We find that on 21 February 2022, when Russia recognized two Ukrainian states as autonomous regions, European stocks incurred a significant negative abnormal return. Moreover, the negative stock price reactions continued in the post-event period. The magnitude of the stock price reactions to this crisis exhibits considerable variation across industries, countries and size of the company.© 2022 The Authors. European Financial Management, published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution‐NonCommercial License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited and is not used for commercial purposes.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    The impact of the Russia-Ukraine crisis on the stock market : Evidence from Australia

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    This paper investigates the effect of the Russia–Ukraine crisis on the Australian stock market. Using the event study methodology, we find significantly negative abnormal returns on the event date (i.e., the first trading day after Russia recognized the two Ukrainian states as autonomous regions) in the Australian stock market. However, this negative stock market reaction mostly disappeared in the post-event period. We also find that small and medium-sized firms were adversely affected during the pre-event and event periods. Interestingly, the magnitude and the direction of the abnormal returns vary across industries. We also find that high-growth, illiquid and export-oriented firms are more exposed to the Russia–Ukraine crisis.© 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Effects of Osmotic Stress on Oxygen Consumption of Drosophila Cells (Kc167)

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    This article investigates the effect of osmotic stress on a drosophila cell line called Kc167. The embryonic-derived fly (Drosophila melanogaster) cell line, Kc-167, was employed as a model for water-stress sensitivity in Arthropods. Like mammalian cells, cells derived from the fruit fly contain the same basic set of membranous components found in all eukaryotic cells. A series of experiments were conducted to characterize the mitochondrial repones of Kc167 cells to water stress. Precisely, the oxygen flux in a sealed respirometer chamber containing Kc167 cells was measured under hyperosmotic and control conditions. Mitochondrial uncouplers were used in some experiments for intact and chemically permeabilized cells to gain detailed information on mitochondrial integrity in response to increased solute concentration. Mitochondria are the primary ATP producer in the cell and consume oxygen in a process termed oxidative phosphorylation. Therefore, oxygen consumption rates can be used to assess the impact of water-limited states on cellular bioenergetics. Conducted experiments were performed to measure the following: • The basal oxygen consumption rates of Kc167 cells. • Consumption under conditions of oxidative stress • The oxygen consumption of chemically permeabilized cells • The max mitochondrial uncoupling that the Kc167 could withstand

    Dyadic Relationship on Consumer Retention: An Assessment on Telecommunication Sector of Bangladesh

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    Customer retention is getting attention day by day as well as the new customer generation. Managers are emphasizing more and more on the satisfaction of the existing customer as it makes the firm unbeatable in the complex and competitive business world. This paper deals with the customer retention especially form psychological perspective. Paper mainly focuses on the dyadic relation among the consumers to retain them to survive in the perfect competitive market. To do that, scenarios of telecommunication sector of Bangladesh have been exposed and have been matched with the perception of consumer to reveal an empirical result. Keywords: Psychological aspects, dyadic relation, telecommunication sector, FnF (friends and family), customer support, customer retentio

    Impact of sampling technique on the performance of surrogate models generated with artificial neural network (ANN): A case study for a natural gas stabilization unit

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    Data-driven models are essential tools for the development of surrogate models that can be used for the design, operation, and optimization of industrial processes. One approach of developing surrogate models is through the use of input-output data obtained from a process simulator. To enhance the model robustness, proper sampling techniques are required to cover the entire domain of the process variables uniformly. In the present work, Monte Carlo with pseudo-random samples as well as Latin hypercube samples and quasi-Monte Carlo samples with Hammersley Sequence Sampling (HSS) are generated. The sampled data obtained from the process simulator are fitted to neural networks for generating a surrogate model. An illustrative case study is solved to predict the gas stabilization unit performance. From the developed surrogate models to predict process data, it can be concluded that of the different sampling methods, Latin hypercube sampling and HSS have better performance than the pseudo-random sampling method for designing the surrogate model. This argument is based on the maximum absolute value, standard deviation, and the confidence interval for the relative average error as obtained from different sampling techniques.Qatar UniversityScopu

    Rapid flow fractionation of particles combining liquid and particulate dielectrophoresis

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    Rapid, size-based, deposition of particles from liquid suspension is accomplished using a nonuniform electric field created by coplanar microelectrode strips patterned on an insulating substrate. The scheme uses the dielectrophoretic force both to distribute aqueous liquid containing particles and, simultaneously, to separate the particles. Size-based separation is found within nanoliter droplets formed along the structure after voltage removal. Bioparticles or macromolecules of similar size can also be separated based on subtle differences in dielectric property, by controlling the frequency of the AC current supplied to the electrodes

    Orbital Stark effect and quantum confinement transition of donors in silicon

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    Adiabatic shuttling of single impurity bound electrons to gate induced surface states in semiconductors has attracted much attention in recent times, mostly in the context of solid-state quantum computer architecture. A recent transport spectroscopy experiment for the first time was able to probe the Stark shifted spectrum of a single donor in silicon buried close to a gate. Here we present the full theoretical model involving large-scale quantum mechanical simulations that was used to compute the Stark shifted donor states in order to interpret the experimental data. Use of atomistic tight-binding technique on a domain of over a million atoms helped not only to incorporate the full band structure of the host, but also to treat realistic device geometries and donor models, and to use a large enough basis set to capture any number of donor states. The method yields a quantitative description of the symmetry transition that the donor electron undergoes from a 3D Coulomb confined state to a 2D surface state as the electric field is ramped up adiabatically. In the intermediate field regime, the electron resides in a superposition between the states of the atomic donor potential and that of the quantum dot like states at the surface. In addition to determining the effect of field and donor depth on the electronic structure, the model also provides a basis to distinguish between a phosphorus and an arsenic donor based on their Stark signature. The method also captures valley-orbit splitting in both the donor well and the interface well, a quantity critical to silicon qubits. The work concludes with a detailed analysis of the effects of screening on the donor spectrum.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures, journa

    Spatial Analysis of Health Care Utilization among Medicare Beneficiaries with Coal Workers’ Pneumoconiosis and Other Related Pneumoconiosis

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    Overview of Key Findings The states with the highest number of Medicare beneficiaries with coal workers’ pneumoconiosis (CWP) were Kentucky, West Virginia, Virginia, and Pennsylvania. Significant clustering of health care utilization rates for Medicare beneficiaries with CWP was observed in the central Appalachian states of Kentucky, West Virginia, and Virginia. Significant clustering of health care utilization rates for Medicare beneficiaries with Other Related Pneumoconiosis was observed in Appalachia and the southeast parts of Texas and Louisiana. This clustering merits additional research to understand underlying disease etiology

    Color-selective holographic retroreflector array for sensing applications

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    Corner cube retroreflectors (CCRs) have applications in sensors, image processing, free space communication and wireless networks. The ability to construct low-loss wavelength filters embedded in CCRs can enable the development of wavelength multiplexing, tunable lasers and photonic integrated circuits. Here we created an ~10-μm-thick holographic corner cube retroreflector (HCCR) array that acted as a color-selective wavelength filter and diffracted light at broad angles. Angle-resolved spectral measurements showed that the Bragg peak of the diffracted light from the HCCR array could be tuned from 460 to 545 nm by varying the incident angle. The HCCR array also exhibited a wavelength-selective tuning capability based on the rotation angle in the visible spectrum. HCCRs projected holographic images with the rotational property in the far field. The utility of the HCCR was demonstrated as optical temperature and relative humidity sensors that produced a visible colorimetric response for rapid diagnostics