191 research outputs found

    Metamorphosing Indian Blockchain ecosystem

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    A blockchain is a decentralised database that is shared across computer network nodes. A blockchain acts as a database, storing information in a digital format. The study primarily aims to explore how in the future, block chain technology will alter several areas of the Indian economy. The current study aims to obtain a deeper understanding of blockchain technology's idea and implementation in India, as well as the technology's potential as a disruptive financial technological innovation. Secondary sources such as reports, journals, papers, and websites were used to compile all the data. Current and relevant information were utilised to help understand the research goals. All the information is rationally organised to fulfil the objectives. The current research focuses on recommendations for enhancing India's Blockchain ecosystem so that it may become one of the best in the world at utilising this new technology

    Klinički mastitis uzrokovan gljivicom Geotrichum candidum.

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    Mastitis, which has multiple and complex aetiology, is a common syndrome among bovines and inflicts enormous losses on livestock owners. The mastitis cases are infectious in nature and are usually caused by bacteria, fungi/yeasts and some algae. An interesting case of protracted clinical mastitis in a Holstein-Fresian cow in its third lactation was encountered, with exclusive involvement of Geotrichum candidum, an extremely rare in occurrence. G. candidum, an opportunisitic, keratinophilic yeast-like fungus, was identified by its diagnostic colonial characteristics and microscopic morphology, i.e. rectangular arthrospores (arthroconidia) after staining with lactophenol cotton blue stain (LPCB) in a wet mount, and Gram’s stain after heat fixation of the smear. This fungal isolate was also subjected to in-vitro antifungal sensitivity test against cotrimazole, ketoconazole, miconazole, amphotericin-B and nystatin, but was found sensitive only to amphotericin-B.Mastitis u goveda je kompleksne etiologije i nanosi velike gospodarske štete. Najčešće je uzrokovan bakterijama, gljivicama i rijetko nekim algama. U radu je prikazana zanimljiva i veoma rijetka upala vimena krave holštajn-frizijske pasmine uzrokovana gljivicom Geotrichum candidum. Gljivica G. candidum je keratinofilna gljivica slična kvascima. Identificirana je na osnovi karakterističnih kolonija i morfoloških značajki artrospora vidljivih nakon bojenja. Određena je i osjetljivost izdvojene gljivice prema klotrimazolu, ketokonazolu, mikonazolu, amfotericinu B i nistatinu. Osjetljivost je utvrđena samo za amfotericin B

    Amplimerlinius hornensis sp. n. (Nematoda : Merliniinae) with notes on A. siddiqii from Spain

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    4 páginas, 1 tablas, 1 figura[EN]Amplimerlinius hornensis sp. n. from the rhizosphere of Rosa canina L. is described. It is characterised by eight lip annules, 32-35 µm long stylet and a c' range of 1.95-2.25. A. siddiqii is also reported but the present specimens differ from the original description in possessing six or seven lip annules and a slightly longer stylet range. Diagnostic table for the species of the genus is also given.[FR] Description est donnée d'Amplimerlinius hornensis sp. n. récolté dans la rhizosphere de Rosa canina L.; il est caractérisé par huit anneaux labiaux, un stylet long de 32-35 µm et un coefficient c' de 1,95-2,25. A. siddiqii est également signalé; les spécimens étudiés different de la population originale par la présence de six ou sept anneaux labiaux et un stylet légérement plus long. Un tableau des valeurs morphométriques des espèces du genre est également donné.Instituto de Edafología y Biología Vegetal- CSICPeer reviewe

    Usporedna procjena različitih postupaka lančane reakcije polimerazom uz prethodnu reverznu transkripciju za dokaz gena F i N virusa kuge malih preživača u kliničkim uzorcima.

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    In the present study the diagnostic value of different sets of F and N gene based primers currently used for diagnosis of Peste des petits ruminants (PPR) by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) were assessed by comparing it with Sandwich ELISA (S-ELISA). A total of five primer pairs, consisting of two pairs (F1/F2 and Fb1/Fb2) amplifying two different regions of F gene and three pairs amplifying different regions of N gene (NP3/NP4, pprn_fr2/pprn_rev and N1/N2) were compared on 10 clinical samples (4 blood, 4 nasal swabs and 2 tissue samples) collected from animals suspected for PPR. The primer sets NP3/NP4 detected highest number of positive samples 6 out of 10 followed by N1/N2 (5/10). Both F-gene based primers (F1/ F2 and Fb1/Fb2) detected 3 out of 10 samples as positive. Whereas the primer pair pprn_fr2/pprn_rev did not yield the desired amplicon in any of the samples tested. The maximum sensitivity and specififi city of 100% was observed by NP3 and NP4 primer based RT-PCR whereas, 0% sensitivity was recorded by pprn_fr2/pprn_rev which fail to detect any positive sample. The overall agreement of 100% with kappa value 1.00 was highest between S-ELISA and NP3 and NP4 primer based RT-PCR suggesting an almost perfect agreement, followed by N1/N2, having kappa value of 0.800, suggesting a substantial agreement. Results thus obtained in the present study, suggest that F-gene primers based RT-PCR can be easily replaced by highly sensitive and specific N-gene primers based RT-PCR for detection of PPR virus nucleic acid.Istražena je dijagnostička vrijednost različitih početnica za gene F i N koje se sada rabe za dijagnosticiranje kuge malih preživača lančanom reakcijom polimerazom uz prethodnu reverznu transkripciju u usporedbi sa sendvič imunoenzimnim testom (S-ELISA). Testirano je ukupno pet parova početnica: dva para (F1/F2 i Fb1/Fb2) specifična za različita područja gena F i tri para specifična za različita područja gena N (NP3/NP4, pprn_fr2/pprn_rev i N1/N2). Njihova vrijednost bila je uspoređena pretragom 10 kliničkih uzoraka (četiri uzorka krvi, četiri uzorka nosnog obriska i dva uzorka tkiva) uzetih od životinja pod sumnjom na kugu malih preživača. Uporabom početnica NP3/NP4 dokazan je najveći broj pozitivnih uzoraka (6/10), a potom početnicom N1/N2 (5/10). Objema početnicama za gen F (F1/F2 i Fb1/Fb2) dokazana su tri pozitivna uzorka (3/10). Par početnice pprn_fr2/pprn_rev nije dao željeni umnožak (amplikon) ni u jednom pretraženom uzorku. Osjetljivost i specifičnost od 100% dokazana je za početnice NP3 i NP4, dok pprn_fr2/pprn_rev nisu pokazale nikakvu reakciju te njihovom upotrebom nije dokazan nijedan pozitivan uzorak. Podudarnost od 100% s kappa vrijednošću 1,00 bila je najveća između S-ELISA-e te RT-lančane reakcije polimerazom upotrebom početnica NP3 i NP4 što govori o posvemašnjoj podudarnosti, dok je na drugom mjestu po podudarnosti bila početnica N1/N2 s kappa vrijednošću od 0,800. Rezultati pokazuju da se RT-lančana reakcije polimerazom upotrebom početnica za gen F može zamijeniti vrlo osjetljivom i specifičnom reakcijom uz upotrebu početnica za gen N za dokazivanje nukleinske kiseline virusa kuge malih preživača

    Evaluation of efficacy of septic screen in diagnosis of early onset sepsis

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    Background: Clinical features of sepsis are non-specific in all neonates and a high index of suspicion is required for the timely diagnosis of sepsis. Although blood culture is the gold standard for the diagnosis of sepsis, reports are available after 48-72 h. Therefore, a practical septic screen for the diagnosis of sepsis is needed. Objectives: To study the maternal and neonatal risk factors for early onset neonatal sepsis and to evaluate the efficacy of septic screen in diagnosis of same. Methods: Total 51 inborn were selected on basis of presence of maternal and neonatal risk factors, clinical features consistent with infection. The following investigations were done: Total leukocyte count, absolute neutrophil count, immature/total Neutrophil (I/T) ratio, haematocrit, platelet count, C-reactive protein (CRP) (after 6 h), gastric lavage, Micro erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), chest X-ray (after 6 h). Blood culture was sent for any neonate with septic screen positive or those developing clinical sepsis within 72 h of birth and were correlated with the gold standard test (BACTEC). Results: Our study consisted of 51 inborn babies with 61% males and 39% females, 41% preterm <37 weeks of gestation and 59% term, 64.7% low birth weight <2500 g and 33% with history of premature rupture of membrane (PROM). Amongst 51 babies, 41.2% had leucocytosis, 15.7% with leucopenia, 21.6% had thrombocytopenia and 23.9% had anaemia. 86.3% had abnormal CRP, 33.3% had abnormal Micro ESR, and 54.9% had abnormal I/T ratio. Out of 51 babies, 17 (33.3%) were culture positive. Out of 17 culture proven sepsis, 64.7% were preterm, 88.8% were LBW <2500 g and 64.7% had history of PROM. Out of 17 culture proven cases, 75% had leucopenia, 70% had abnormal I/T ratio. 58.8% had abnormal Micro ESR, 86% were CRP positive which suggest that leucopenia, CRP and Micro ESR are good septic screen markers. Gastric aspirate is less significant. Conclusion: PROM, prematurity and low birth weight, especially, very low birth weight are the common high risk factors for early onset sepsis. Amongst septic profile, leucopenia, CRP and Micro ESR are associated with culture proven sepsis

    Non-invasive markers for prediction of varices in patients with portal hypertension

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    Background: The incidence of esophageal varices in patients with cirrhosis ranges from 35 to 80%. Thus, screening all cirrhotic patients with upper gastrointestinal (UGI) endoscopy to detect the presence of varices implies a number of unnecessary endoscopies, which increase the workload of endoscopy units and UGI endoscopy has its own limitations. The present study was conducted to investigate series of non-invasive biochemical and radiological markers for prediction of esophageal varices in patients with portal hypertension.Methods: Patients of either sex, aged 18-80 years with diagnosis of chronic liver disease, cirrhosis, extrahepatic portal vein obstruction or any other cause of portal hypertension were studied. Patients were subjected to UGI endoscopy within 2 weeks of investigation of laboratory parameters. All patients were subjected to detailed clinical history and physical examination and biochemical and radiological investigations. Endoscopy was done with an olympus gastroscope using 20% xylocaine spray.Results: Out of 51 patients in the study, esophageal varices were seen in 34 (66.67%) patients and absent in 17 (33.33%) patients. On multiple logistic regression analysis, the variables independently linked to the presence of esophageal varices were; spleen diameter [odds ratio (OR): 1.137, 95% confidence interval: 1.033-1.255; p=0.009] and Portal vein size [odds ratio (OR): 41.531, 95% confidence interval: 1.858-928.304; p=0.019].Conclusions: Non-invasive prediction for varices by biochemical and radiological methods are reliable methods for screening of cirrhotics patients because of increasing patient overload, when a major chunk of these patients do not show any evidence of varice.

    Severe delirium following single dose of tramadol

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    Usporedna procjena različitih postupaka lančane reakcije polimerazom uz prethodnu reverznu transkripciju za dokaz gena F i N virusa kuge malih preživača u kliničkim uzorcima.

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    In the present study the diagnostic value of different sets of F and N gene based primers currently used for diagnosis of Peste des petits ruminants (PPR) by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) were assessed by comparing it with Sandwich ELISA (S-ELISA). A total of five primer pairs, consisting of two pairs (F1/F2 and Fb1/Fb2) amplifying two different regions of F gene and three pairs amplifying different regions of N gene (NP3/NP4, pprn_fr2/pprn_rev and N1/N2) were compared on 10 clinical samples (4 blood, 4 nasal swabs and 2 tissue samples) collected from animals suspected for PPR. The primer sets NP3/NP4 detected highest number of positive samples 6 out of 10 followed by N1/N2 (5/10). Both F-gene based primers (F1/ F2 and Fb1/Fb2) detected 3 out of 10 samples as positive. Whereas the primer pair pprn_fr2/pprn_rev did not yield the desired amplicon in any of the samples tested. The maximum sensitivity and specififi city of 100% was observed by NP3 and NP4 primer based RT-PCR whereas, 0% sensitivity was recorded by pprn_fr2/pprn_rev which fail to detect any positive sample. The overall agreement of 100% with kappa value 1.00 was highest between S-ELISA and NP3 and NP4 primer based RT-PCR suggesting an almost perfect agreement, followed by N1/N2, having kappa value of 0.800, suggesting a substantial agreement. Results thus obtained in the present study, suggest that F-gene primers based RT-PCR can be easily replaced by highly sensitive and specific N-gene primers based RT-PCR for detection of PPR virus nucleic acid.Istražena je dijagnostička vrijednost različitih početnica za gene F i N koje se sada rabe za dijagnosticiranje kuge malih preživača lančanom reakcijom polimerazom uz prethodnu reverznu transkripciju u usporedbi sa sendvič imunoenzimnim testom (S-ELISA). Testirano je ukupno pet parova početnica: dva para (F1/F2 i Fb1/Fb2) specifična za različita područja gena F i tri para specifična za različita područja gena N (NP3/NP4, pprn_fr2/pprn_rev i N1/N2). Njihova vrijednost bila je uspoređena pretragom 10 kliničkih uzoraka (četiri uzorka krvi, četiri uzorka nosnog obriska i dva uzorka tkiva) uzetih od životinja pod sumnjom na kugu malih preživača. Uporabom početnica NP3/NP4 dokazan je najveći broj pozitivnih uzoraka (6/10), a potom početnicom N1/N2 (5/10). Objema početnicama za gen F (F1/F2 i Fb1/Fb2) dokazana su tri pozitivna uzorka (3/10). Par početnice pprn_fr2/pprn_rev nije dao željeni umnožak (amplikon) ni u jednom pretraženom uzorku. Osjetljivost i specifičnost od 100% dokazana je za početnice NP3 i NP4, dok pprn_fr2/pprn_rev nisu pokazale nikakvu reakciju te njihovom upotrebom nije dokazan nijedan pozitivan uzorak. Podudarnost od 100% s kappa vrijednošću 1,00 bila je najveća između S-ELISA-e te RT-lančane reakcije polimerazom upotrebom početnica NP3 i NP4 što govori o posvemašnjoj podudarnosti, dok je na drugom mjestu po podudarnosti bila početnica N1/N2 s kappa vrijednošću od 0,800. Rezultati pokazuju da se RT-lančana reakcije polimerazom upotrebom početnica za gen F može zamijeniti vrlo osjetljivom i specifičnom reakcijom uz upotrebu početnica za gen N za dokazivanje nukleinske kiseline virusa kuge malih preživača

    Scrub Typhus in Himalayas

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    Himachal Pradesh state of India is situated in the outer Himalayan ranges. During the rainy season, several cases of acute febrile illness of unknown origin occurred. Orientia tsutsugamushi was identified as the causative agent by microimmunofluorescence and PCR. Two new genotypes of O. tsutsugamushi were identified in the region