20 research outputs found

    Kekuatan otot dan kualiti hidup dalam kalangan dewasa Malaysia berisiko keretakan osteoporotic rendah dan sederhana hingga tinggi

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    Penurunan kekuatan otot dan kualiti hidup memberi impak tinggi ke atas dewasa yang berisiko keretakan osteoporotic. Walaubagaimanapun, kekuatan otot dan kualiti hidup dalam kalangan dewasa Malaysia yang berisiko keretakan osteoporotic tidak diketahui. Tujuan kajian kami adalah untuk mengkaji kekuatan otot dan kualiti hidup serta perkaitannya dalam kalangan dewasa berisiko keretakan osteoporotic rendah dan sederhana hingga tinggi. Kajian keratan-rentas ini melibatkan 27 lelaki dan 78 wanita (purata usia 69.3 ± 85 tahun) dari klinik Ortopedik, Hospital Canselor Tuanku Muhriz Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Kebarangkalian 10 tahun untuk keretakan osteoporotic dikira berdasarkan penilaian risiko keretakan osteoporotic (FRAX) dengan ketumpatan mineral tulang femoral (femoral neck). Peserta kajian telah dikategorikan sebagai rendah dan sederhana hingga tinggi risiko keretakan osteoporotic berdasarkan keputusan FRAX titik potong 10%. Kekuatan otot extensor belakang dan kekuatan genggaman tangan dominan telah diukur dengan menggunakan masing-masing sistem sel beban (load cell system) dan dynamometer tangan (hand dynamometer). Borang soal selidik kualiti hidup Eropah (EQ5Dvas) telah digunakan untuk mengukur kualiti hidup. Regresi linear berganda dilakukan dengan kualiti hidup sebagai pembolehubah bergantung dan kekuatan otot extensor belakang dan kekuatan genggaman tangan sebagai pembolehubah bebas. Anggaran sebanyak 40% orang dewasa telah dikategorikan ke dalam kumpulan sederhana hingga tinggi risiko keretakan osteoporotic. Purata nilai di antara kumpulan rendah dan sederhana hingga tinggi risiko keretakan osteoporotic bagi mutu kualiti hidup adalah masing-masing 80.5 ± 13.2 dan 76.9 ± 16.9 (p = 0.77); kekuatan genggaman tangan adalah 25.7 ± 17.3 dan 20.6 ± 5.5 kg (p < 0.001) dan otot extensor tulang belakang adalah 25.0 ± 7.0 dan 18.9 ± 9.5 Newton (p < 0.01). Kekuatan otot genggaman tangan telah muncul sebagai penentu kualiti hidup dan menyumbang sebanyak 5.8% daripada jumlah varians. Peningkatan kekuatan otot boleh menyebabkan kualiti hidup yang lebih baik dalam kalangan dewasa berisiko keretakan osteoporotic

    Gender differences in spinal morphological attributes among young adults: a preliminary study

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    There is limited information regarding gender differences in spinal morphological attributes among healthy young adults although alterations have been reported to influence postural changes, mainly with forward-bending and extension postures. The aim of this preliminary study was to examine gender differences in spinal morphological attributes of lumbar extensor muscles that includes its muscle fibre angles, thickness, endurance and thoracolumbar curvature among young adults. Nineteen male and 26 female healthy young adults (aged 21-24 years) matched for age, body mass index and physical activity levels participated in this preliminary study. Fibre angles and thickness of lumbar extensor muscles were examined using ultrasonography. Lumbar extensor muscle endurance and thoracolumbar curvatures were assessed using Sorenson’s test and a flexible ruler respectively. Paired t-test showed a significant mean difference (p < 0.01) between the right and left fibre angles. However, no significant mean difference (p = 0.50) was found between the right and left muscle thickness. Results of independent t-test showed a significant difference (p < 0.01) in muscle thickness between males and females. No significant differences were shown in right fibre angle (p = 0.12), left fibre angle (p = 0.89), muscle endurance (p = 0.46), thoracic curvature (p = 0.76) and lumbar curvature (p = 0.06) between genders. There were no gender differences in spinal morphological attributes except for lumbar extensor muscle thickness in young adults age between 21 to 24. This study data may be useful as an initial reference norm of spinal morphological attributes among young adults. Further studies may be required to examine the factors that may influence changes in spinal morphological attributes among healthy adults

    Contribution of changes in atmospheric circulation patterns to extreme temperature trends

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    Surface weather conditions are closely governed by the large-scale circulation of the atmosphere. Recent increases in the occurrence of some extreme weather phenomena have led to multiple mechanistic hypotheses linking changes in atmospheric circulation to increasing extreme event probability. However, observed evidence of long-term change in atmospheric circulation remains inconclusive. Here we identify statistically significant trends in the occurrence of mid-atmospheric circulation patterns, which partially explain observed trends in surface temperature extremes over seven mid-latitude regions of the Northern Hemisphere. Utilizing self-organizing map (SOM) cluster analysis, we detect robust pattern trends in a subset of these regions during both the satellite observation era (1979–2013) and the recent period of rapid Arctic sea ice decline (1990–2013). Particularly substantial influences include the contribution of increasing trends in anticyclonic circulations to summer/autumn hot extremes over portions of Eurasia and North America, and the contribution of increasing trends in northerly flow to winter cold extremes over central Asia. Our results indicate that although a substantial portion of the observed change in extreme temperature occurrence has resulted from regional- and global-scale thermodynamic changes, the risk of extreme temperatures over some regions has also been altered by recent changes in the frequency, persistence, and/or maximum duration of regional circulation patterns

    A pilot study of the efficacy of interactive virtual reality sports on balance performance among older women

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    Pengenalan perawakan terkawal yang menilai peranan latihan sukan interaktif realiti maya adalah terhad. Kajian awalan ini mengukur efikasi latihan golf interactive virtual reality terhadap keupayaan keseimbangan di kalangan komuniti warga tua yang boleh bergerak. Lapan orang warga tua perempuan (52.5 ± 1.5 tahun) melakukan Multi-Directional Test (MDRT), Step Up Test (SUT), Double Leg Static Balance di dalam keadaan mata buka dan tutup serta perubahan pusat tekanan sway diukur menggunakan force plate. Pemilihan subjek dilakukan secara rawak kepada kumpulan kawalan (conventional mat exercise) dan eksperimentasi (interactive virtual reality golf). Seorang subjek keluar dari kumpulan eksperimentasi dan 3 orang dari kumpulan kawalan. Tiada perbezaan yang signifikan pada pengukuran data awalan keseimbangan di antara kumpulan. Kumpulan yang menjalani golf interaktif realiti maya tidak menunjukkan peningkatan keseimbangan yang signifikan berbanding kumpulan kawalan. Peningkatan pada pusat tekanan selepas golf interaktif realiti maya memberi petunjuk kepada peningkatan kawalan postur. Kajian lanjutan dengan populasi yang lebih besar perlu dijalankan dengan menggunakan off-the shelf interactive virtual reality golf untuk melatih keseimbangan. Teknologi nobel ini boleh menambahkan program rehabilitasi untuk mempercepatkan penyembuhan dan kekerapan senaman terutamanya dalam kondisi kronik anggota bawah

    Perceived body discomfort and trunk muscle activity in three prolonged sitting postures

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    [Purpose] This study aimed to investigate the perceived discomfort and trunk muscle activity in three different 1-hour sitting postures. [Subjects] A repeated-measures design study was conducted on 10 healthy subjects. [Methods] Each subject sat for an hour in three sitting postures (i.e., upright, slumped, and forward leaning sitting postures). Subjects rated perceived body discomfort using Borg’s CR-10 scale at the beginning and after 1 hour sitting. The electromyographic activity of the trunk muscle activity was recorded during the 1-hour period of sitting. [Results] The forward leaning sitting posture led to higher Borg scores in the low back than those in the upright (p = 0.002) and slumped sitting postures (p < 0.001). The forward leaning posture was significantly associated with increased iliocostalis lumborum pars thoracis (ICL) and superficial lumbar multifidus (MF) muscle activity compared with the upright and slumped sitting postures. The upright sitting posture was significantly associated with increased internal oblique (IO)/transversus abdominis (TrA) and ICL muscle activity compared with the slumped sitting posture. [Conclusion] The sitting posture with the highest low back discomfort after prolonged sitting was the forward leaning posture. Sitting in an upright posture is recommended because it increases IO/TrA muscle activation and induces only relatively moderate ICL and MF muscle activation

    Internal Oblique and Transversus Abdominis Muscle Fatigue Induced by Slumped Sitting Posture after 1 Hour of Sitting in Office Workers

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    Background: Prolonged sitting leads to low back discomfort and lumbopelvic muscle fatigue. This study examined the characteristics of body perceived discomfort and trunk muscle fatigue during 1 hour of sitting in three postures in office workers. Methods: Thirty workers sat for 1 hour in one of three sitting postures (i.e., upright, slumped, and forward leaning postures). Body discomfort was assessed using the Body Perceived Discomfort scale at the beginning and after 1 hour of sitting. Electromyographic (EMG) signals were recorded from superficial lumbar multifidus, iliocostalis lumborum pars thoracis, internal oblique (IO)/transversus abdominis (TrA), and rectus abdominis muscles during 1 hour of sitting. The median frequency (MDF) of the EMG power spectrum was calculated. Results: Regardless of the sitting posture, the Body Perceived Discomfort scores in the neck, shoulder, upper back, low back, and buttock significantly increased after 1 hour of sitting compared with baseline values (t(9) = −11.97 to −2.69, p < 0.05). The MDF value of the EMG signal of rectus abdominis, iliocostalis lumborum pars thoracis, and multifidus muscles was unchanged over time in all three sitting postures. Only the right and left IO/TrA in the slumped sitting posture was significantly associated with decreased MDF over time (p = 0.019 to 0.041). Conclusion: Prolonged sitting led to increased body discomfort in the neck, shoulder, upper back, low back, and buttock. No sign of trunk muscle fatigue was detected over 1 hour of sitting in the upright and forward leaning postures. Prolonged slumped sitting may relate to IO/TrA muscle fatigue, which may compromise the stability of the spine, making it susceptible to injury