1,723 research outputs found

    Direct determination of the ambipolar diffusion length in strained InxGa1−xAs/InP quantum wells by cathodoluminescence

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    The ambipolar diffusion length is measured in strained InxGa1−xAs/InP quantum wells for several mole fractions in the interval 0.3<x<0.8 by cathodoluminescence. The ambipolar diffusion length is found to have a significantly higher value in the lower indium mole fraction samples corresponding to tensile-strained wells. This longer diffusion length for the tensile samples is consistent with results of carrier lifetime experiments by M. C. Wang, K. Kash, C. E. Zah, R. Bhat, and S. L. Chuang [Appl. Phys. Lett. 62, 166 (1993)]

    Gravitational lensing by stars in a Galaxy Halo: theory of combined weak and strong scattering

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    The theory of gravitational lensing of background quasars by stars in the halo of a galaxy is considered. In the limiting case of small 'optical depth', only one star is close enough to the beam to cause strong scattering, and the effect of all the other stars is treated as a perturbation with both systematic and random components. The perturbation coming from weak scattering can increase the number of images and the amplification in those cases where the amplification is already high; such events are preferentially selected in flux limited observations. The theory is applicable to the apparent association of background quasars with foreground galaxies. A comparison with earlier work on the same problem is given. The relevance of these results to gravitational lensing by galaxies as perturbed by random inhomogeneities surrounding the ray path is also briefly discussed

    A complete evaluation of the antioxidant and antimicrobial potential of Glycine max

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    Vegetable soybean is rich in phytochemicals beneficial to the human being and is therefore considered a neutraceutical or a functional food crop. Soybean has antioxidative activity and protects tissues from oxidative stress-induced injury. Although isoflavones present in soy are believed to be major components responsible for the antioxidative activity, a recent study showed that anthocyanins present in black soybean had strong antioxidative potential.The present study focuses on both the antioxidant and antimicrobial potential of Glycine max

    Antioxidant and Antimicrobial properties of Glycine Max-A review

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    Vegetable soybean is rich in phytochemicals beneficial to the human being and is therefore considered a neutraceutical or a functional food crop. Soybean as a “functional food” that reduces the risk of range of hazardous diseases like atherosclerosis, osteoporosis, various types of cancer (breast, uterus cancer, and prostrate) has attracted people’s attention across the globe. People in India are becoming increasingly aware about the health benefits of consuming soy food. Although isoflavones present in soy are believed to be major components responsible for the antioxidative activity, a recent study showed that anthocyanins present in black soybean had strong antioxidative potential. This review article focuses on both the antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of Glycine max

    Synergistic Effect between Dexmedetomidine and Epidural Ropivacaine 0.75% for Orthopedic Procedures

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    INTRODUCTION: Epidural blockade is one of the most useful and versatile procedure in modern anesthesiology. It is unique in that in can be placed virtually at any level of spinal spine, allowing more flexibility in clinical practice. It is more versatile than spinal anesthesia, giving the anesthetist the opportunity for providing continuous surgical analgesia and anesthesia. It can also be utilized for post operative pain control and more rapid recovery from surgery. Epidural anesthesia can reduce the adverse physiologic responses to surgery such as autonomic hyperactivity, cardiovascular stress, increased metabolic rate, pulmonary dysfunction and immune system dysfunction. Epidural anesthesia also reduces the incidence of hyper coaguability, deep vein thrombosis (DVT), pulmonary embolism (PE) and also decreases intraoperative blood loss. Epidural anesthesia reduces venous blood pressure (measured in the operative wound), and this is the significant factor in determining surgical bleeding. Orthopedic anesthesia is a challenge for every anesthetist and most of the procedures are well suited for regional anesthetic techniques. Postoperative pain management, a significant problem after orthopedic procedures; with regional anesthetic techniques, leads to superior pain relief. In addition, severe acute pain after orthopedic surgery can develop into a chronic pain syndrome, which may be ameliorated by aggressive perioperative analgesia. Regional anesthesia avoids manipulation of the airway, and conscious patients can aid in the safest and most comfortable positioning for surgery. The special advantage of epidural adjuvant was the synergistic effect that they exhibit with local anesthetics, which allowed a marked decrease in the dose of both drugs to achieve the same level of analgesia. AIM OF STUDY: The aim of this study is to evaluate and compare the clinical effects of added dexmedetomidine to epidural ropivacaine 0.75% for lower limb orthopedic procedures. METHODOLOGY: After approval of the study protocol by the Ethics committe and obtaining informed consent. It was a comparative, double blind, randomized, controlled study and distribution by means of a draw with a sealed envelope. Inclusion Criteria: 1. ASA I & II, 2. Both Sexes, 3. Age Group 18-70 years, 4. Elective Orthopedic procedure, 5. under Epidural Anesthesia, 6. without comorbid illness. Exclusion Criteria: 1. Allerge to local anesthetics, 2. NM diseases, 3. using α2- antagonists, 4. weight more than 120kg. Patients were admitted to the hospital, after a period of absolute fasting at least 8 hours, without administering premedication. venipuncture was performed with an 18G catheter for administration of Ringer's lactate, 8 ml.kg-1. h-1. Monitoring consists of, Pulse oximetry (SpO2), NIBP, ECG. persons not directly involved in the anesthetic prepared dexmedetomidine or sodium chloride 0.9%, 1 ml syringe. Epidural puncture was performed with a 18G Tuohy needle, through the lumbar epidural space, with patients in sitting position, through loss of resistance technique. Patients were sedated on demand basis with pentazocine or midazolam. All patients received an epidural: Control Group (n = 20): 1 ml of sodium chloride 0.9 % (placebo); Dexmedetomidine group (n = 20): 1 μg.kg-1 + dexmedetomidine solution of sodium chloride 0.9 %, so that the volume was completed in 1 ml syringe. Immediately after the injection of the study drug, all patients were administered 20 ml of 0.75% (150 mg), the rate of 1 ml every three seconds. After the surgery, patients were referred to the recovery room, where they remained for a period, until there was complete recovery of sensory and motor block.All were monitored with Pulse oximetry (SpO2), NIBP,ECG.Patients who complained of pain were given rescue post-operative analgesia with 10ml of 0.2% Ropivacaine through epidural route. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS: It’s a double blind randomized controlled clinical study. Variables were analysed with Student‘t’ test, Chi Square test. Variables like age, sex, weight, height were compared using Levene’s test for equality of variance. Sample size obtained according to previous background study. ‘p’ value less than 0.05 was taken as significant. CONCLUSION: We conclude that dexmedetomidine at a dose of 1 μg.kg-1 acts synergistically with ropivacaine 0.75% in epidural anesthesia. The drug increases the duration of analgesia, motor block duration, prolongs the duration of postoperative analgesia and decreases sedative usage and shivering episodes

    Developing Business Acumen in Chinese Business School Graduates

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    This study assessed the importance of knowledge, skills, abilities (i.e., KSAs) and competencies for managerial success in China’s market economy. Business students at a major Chinese university were surveyed over a five year period, initially in 2001 and later in 2006, five years after China’s entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO). Using Partial Least Squares (PLS), the explained variances in business acumen and social motivation skills were higher after China’s WTO entry. The results were reversed for communication skills. The results confirmed the predictive relevance of entrepreneurial behavior and adaptability in the model. Overall, the results suggest an enhanced appreciation for these KSAs after China’s WTO entry