
Antioxidant and Antimicrobial properties of Glycine Max-A review


Vegetable soybean is rich in phytochemicals beneficial to the human being and is therefore considered a neutraceutical or a functional food crop. Soybean as a “functional food” that reduces the risk of range of hazardous diseases like atherosclerosis, osteoporosis, various types of cancer (breast, uterus cancer, and prostrate) has attracted people’s attention across the globe. People in India are becoming increasingly aware about the health benefits of consuming soy food. Although isoflavones present in soy are believed to be major components responsible for the antioxidative activity, a recent study showed that anthocyanins present in black soybean had strong antioxidative potential. This review article focuses on both the antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of Glycine max

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