197 research outputs found

    Effect of the intermediate quenching on fracture toughness of ferrite-martensite dual phase steels

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    The main aim of the research work is to examine the fracture toughness of the dual phase steels prepared using the intermediate quenching method. The ferrite-martensite dual phase (DP) steel is produced using low carbon micro alloyed steel by the heat treatment and intercritical quenching technique using various intercritical temperatures such as 740,760,780,800 and 820oC. The samples of the produced dual phase steel are analyzed for their microstructure using optical microscope. The fracture toughness investigations for the dual phase steel have been carried out using ASTM standard testing procedure. From the results it is observed that the fine distribution and equal volume fraction of ferrite and martensite phases at 780oC. The effect of which, the A780 steel has demonstrated excellent fracture toughness which is the result of intermediate quenching technique. The fractography analysis it is clear that the ductile initiated brittle fracture is occurred which is due to the increased hard martensite phase and the increment in the stress accumulation at the ferrite which also leads to the higher elongation

    On some Ramanujan identities for the ratios of Eta-functions

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    We give direct proofs of some of Ramanujan’s P-Q modular equations based on simply proved elementary identities from Chapter 16 of his Second Notebook.Наведено прямі доведення деяких P-Q модульних РІВНЯНЬ Рамануджана на підставі елементарних тотожностей з глави 16 його Другого зошита, що просто доводяться

    Crushing and Grinding Practice at Ingaldhal Copper mines

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    Ingaldhal copper mines are situated in the Bangalore -- Bombay National Highway about 10 Kms from Chitradurga town (Karnataka State). The main mineral is chalcopyrite ( Cu FeS2 ) occuring as a vein deposit in chlorite schist, the thicknes of the veins varying from 60 cms to 18 cms. The estimated reserves of developed and blocked out ore is 0.2 million tonnes of grade 1.23% Cu. Probable reserves are one million tonnes at 1.0% copper.The ore from the under ground mines is hoisted up and stored in the surface ore bins. It is transported by trucks to the hopper of the crushing unit

    A Preliminary Study on Phytoplankton in Fresh Water-Lake of Gogi, Yadgir District, Karnataka

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    The present study was conducted in a semi arid region of Karnataka. The study discusses the phytoplankton diversity of the Gogi lake ecosystem. A standard methodology was followed in conducting to complete this study and samples were collected at different points from the lake ecosystem located at the core area of the proposed uranium mining site. Through a field survey, twenty one species of phytoplankton were recorded coming under four classes viz., Bacillariophyceae(8), Chlorophyceae(7),Cyanophyceae (5) Charophyceae (1) and twelve families and Fragilariaceae (4), Bacillariaceae (3), Zygnemataceae(3), Desmidiaceae (2), Oscillatoriaceae (2), Melosiraceae (1), Cladophoraceae (1), Scenedesmaceae (1), Microcystaceae (1), Nostocaceae (1), Phormidiaceae (1), Characeae (1). The data were collected over two seasons- March to May and September to November -2012. A total of 21 species were recorded from the study region of which 10 species were recorded during March to May, while 02 species from September to November, nine species were recorde

    Ru (III) Catalyzed Oxidation of Aliphatic Ketones by N-Bromosuccinimide in Aqueous Acetic Acid: A Kinetic Study

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    Kinetics of Ru (III) catalyzed oxidation of aliphatic ketones such as acetone, ethyl methyl ketone, diethyl ketone, iso-butylmethyl ketone by N-bromosuccinimide in the presence of Hg(II) acetate have been studied in aqueous acid medium. The order of [N-bromosuccinimide] was found to be zero both in catalyzed as well as uncatalyzed reactions. However, the order of [ketone] changed from unity to a fractional one in the presence of Ru (III). On the basis of kinetic features, the probable mechanisms are discussed and individual rate parameters evaluated

    Plant Disease Detection using Deep Learning in Banana and Sunflower

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    In recent years plant disease detection and classification is finding a lot of scope in the field of agriculture. The use of image pre-processing along with deep learning techniques is making the role of farmers easy in the process of plant leaf disease detection. In this paper we propose a deep learning technique, ResNet-50 for the identification and classification of leaf diseases mainly in banana and sunflower. Images for the training and testing purpose are collected by visiting the farms and from village dataset for normal, leaf spot, leaf blight, powdery mildew, bunchy top, sigatoka, panama wilt. Pre-processing is done to remove eliminate the noise in the image by converting the RGB input to HSV image. Binary pictures are retrieved to separate the diseased and unaffected portions based on the hue and saturation components. A clustering method is utilized to separate the diseased region from the normal portion and the background. Classification of the disease is carried out using ResNet-50 algorithm. The experimental results obtained are compared with CNN, machine learning algorithms like SVM, KNN, DT and Ensemble algorithm like RF and XG booster. The proposed algorithm provided maximum efficiency compared to other algorithms

    GC-MS phytochemical profiling of leaf extracts of Aristolochia tagala Cham., a rare and important ethnomedicinal plant

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    145-152The current study was aimed at obtaining the phytochemical profile of leaf extracts of Aristolochia tagala Cham., a rare ethnomedicinal plant by GC-MS analysis. The chromatograms of GC-MS analysis of methanol, chloroform, and petroleum ether extracts of leaf showed 39, 37, and 30 peaks respectively. The mass of compounds and fragments recorded were matched with NIST 11 and Wiley 8 libraries for the identification of probable compounds which accounted for a total of 71 different phytochemical compounds present in the tested sample. Some compounds appeared in all the solvent extracts but others were unique to specific solvent extract. Out of 71 recorded compounds, 14 were sesquiterpenes, 10 compounds could be categorized as other terpenoids or compounds containing isoprene units, 4 as steroids, 4 as other aromatic hydrocarbon compounds, fatty acids and their esters accounted for 18 compounds and remaining 21 compounds were other hydrocarbons. Most of these compounds are recorded for the first time in this species. This valuable data can be further employed to know the phytocompounds available in large quantities in this plant which has therapeutic properties that can form the basis for pharmaceutical research to develop drugs for efficient disease control

    GC-MS phytochemical profiling of leaf extracts of Aristolochia tagala Cham., a rare and important ethnomedicinal plant

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    The current study was aimed at obtaining the phytochemical profile of leaf extracts of Aristolochia tagala Cham., a rare ethnomedicinal plant by GC-MS analysis. The chromatograms of GC-MS analysis of methanol, chloroform, and petroleum ether extracts of leaf showed 39, 37, and 30 peaks respectively. The mass of compounds and fragments recorded were matched with NIST 11 and Wiley 8 libraries for the identification of probable compounds which accounted for a total of 71 different phytochemical compounds present in the tested sample. Some compounds appeared in all the solvent extracts but others were unique to specific solvent extract. Out of 71 recorded compounds, 14 were sesquiterpenes, 10 compounds could be categorized as other terpenoids or compounds containing isoprene units, 4 as steroids, 4 as other aromatic hydrocarbon compounds, fatty acids and their esters accounted for 18 compounds and remaining 21 compounds were other hydrocarbons. Most of these compounds are recorded for the first time in this species. This valuable data can be further employed to know the phytocompounds available in large quantities in this plant which has therapeutic properties that can form the basis for pharmaceutical research to develop drugs for efficient disease control

    The cientificWorldJOURNAL Research Article Ru (III) Catalyzed Oxidation of Aliphatic Ketones by N-Bromosuccinimide in Aqueous Acetic Acid: A Kinetic Study

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    Kinetics of Ru (III) catalyzed oxidation of aliphatic ketones such as acetone, ethyl methyl ketone, diethyl ketone, iso-butylmethyl ketone by N-bromosuccinimide in the presence of Hg(II) acetate have been studied in aqueous acid medium. The order of [Nbromosuccinimide] was found to be zero both in catalyzed as well as uncatalyzed reactions. However, the order of [ketone] changed from unity to a fractional one in the presence of Ru (III). On the basis of kinetic features, the probable mechanisms are discussed and individual rate parameters evaluated