22 research outputs found

    Sustainable bio-fuels production : an institutional analysis of bio-fuels industry in Tanzania : the case of Rufiji River basin

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    Bio-fuels production are important alternatives to fossil fuel, but bio-fuels are also associated with risks of displacing rural communities during the process of acquiring land, disturbing hydrological cycle- water scarcity, biodiversity loss, limit animal migration, displacement of native plant species, and ,hence, potential land use conflicts. Tanzania is well known as a blessed country endowed with numerous and diverse land and water resources in the form of rivers, lakes, wetlands and aquifers. In addition, Tanzania appear to have several comparative advantages of growing bio-fuels due to conducive climatic conditions, political stability, geographic location favour bio-fuels exporting, attractive investment policy, availability of labour force (skilled, semi skilled and unskilled) from rural population. However, Tanzanians are worried with the rapidly mushrooming of more than 40 investors as registered by MEM seeing them as competitors in as far as their natural resources are concerned as they target the vast area of fertile land, with best access to water. Despite, the emergent challenges of bio-fuels production have been reported but bio-fuels productions in Tanzania could potentially contribute to agricultural/rural development, reduction of oil imports, improving rural energy security, creation of new industries and technologies, reduction of GHG emissions – opportunities for CDM. This study is analyzing how the institution aspects of bio-fuels industry in Tanzania can contribute to sustainable rural smallholder's development by exploring the inter-relation of both formal and informal institutions. The study deployed both qualitative approach through focus group discussions and interviews that accomplished through use of facilitation methods and tools. Institutional improvements in the emergent issues of food security, energy provision, environmental protection, socio-economic, and macro-economic aspects were examined using reflexive governance and round table approach methodology. Furthermore, this paper describes bio-fuels initiatives, institutions perspectives and marketing policy for sustainable bio-fuel production in Tanzania, with the lower Rufiji River Basin as a case study. It was concluded from this paper that URT has to strengthen weak legislative laws, reviewing investors approach, protecting the endangered land rights of poor local people, and, hence empowering them by transforming ownership of bio-fuel industry through sustainable bio-fuel technologies, reflexive governance and roundtable on sustainable bio-fuels that ensure win-win situations.This study is establishing action plan which is meant for bio-fuels regulating institution as a needed change for Tanzania sustainable bio-fuels industry

    Filtration System For On-Site Wastewater Treatment : Experiences From Modelling and Experimental Investigations

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    Many on-site wastewater treatment systems in Sweden are not sustainable in terms of treatment efficiency, nutrient recycling and economics. Achieving reliable and sustainable systems to meet on-site wastewater treatment demands requires comprehensive field investigations of the performance of novel technologies. This thesis investigated the performance of a new leading-edge technology for on-site wastewater treatment in a real field environment in northwest of Baltic Proper Sea, Sweden. The system integrates septic tank treatment technology with a package treatment plant (PTP) and a sequencing batch subsurface flow constructed wetland (SBCW). The investigation combined three approaches: field monitoring, laboratory-scale column experiments and process-based modelling, to provide a better understanding of system performance, predict contaminant retention and test system response to various environmental factors, design scenarios and operational conditions. The overall results indicated that the entire system is efficient in removing total phosphorus (83%), biological oxygen demand (BOD7, 99%) and Escherichia coli bacteria (89%). It is less efficient in total inorganic nitrogen removal (22%). Mean concentration of phosphorus (0.96 mg/L) and pH (8.8) in effluent from the entire system were found to be below the Swedish threshold values for on-site wastewater discharge. This indicates that the system could be reliable and sustainable technology for on-site wastewater treatment in cold climate conditions. A complementary three-dimensional (3D) model developed using COMSOL MultiphysicsŸ software proved to be a useful and rapid tool for predicting the behaviour of complex hydraulic dynamics. It provided valuable insights into the spatial and temporal variability in sorption processes caused by changes in different wastewater treatment system design parameters, environmental factors and modes of operation. Through process-based modelling, a reactive filter material with longer lifetime and a SBCW design that improved the sustainability of on-site wastewater treatment system were successfully identified. It was concluded that long-term performance of reactive filter materials in PTP systems can be achieved when the system is loaded intermittently with low influent contaminant concentrations (<3 mg/L). Optimum phosphorus and nitrogen removal in SBCW can be achieved by manipulating drainage pipe placement and feeding mode, to enable longer contact time and artificial aeration conditions.MÄnga system för smÄskalig avloppsrening (OWT) i Sverige Àr inte hÄllbara nÀr det gÀller reningsseffektivitet, nÀringsÄtervinning och ekonomi. Milstolpen för att uppnÄ pÄlitlig och hÄllbar teknik för OWT krÀver noggranna undersökningar av prestandan för att en ny och förbÀttrad teknik ska kunna utvecklas inom omrÄdet. Denna studie har syftat till att bidra med kunskap och erfarenhet genom att undersöka prestandan för en ny teknik för OWT genom undersökningar av funktionen i verklig fÀltmiljö. Det studerade systemet integrerar behandlingsteknik med klassisk slamavskiljning följt av minireningsverk med filtermaterial (PTP) och sist ett poleringssteg med vÄtmark som drivs med sekventiell pÄfyllnad av vatten (SBCW). Studien kombinerade tre tillvÀgagÄngssÀtt: fÀltövervakning, kolonnexperiment i laboratorieskala och processbaserad modellering. Syftet var att ge bÀttre förstÄelse för systemets prestanda och förutsÀga föroreningarnas avskiljning i olika delar av anlÀggningen samt testa svaren frÄn systemet pÄ olika miljöfaktorer, utförd konstruktion och driftsförhÄllanden under olika Ärstider. De sammanvÀgda resultaten indikerade att hela systemet Àr mer effektivt för behandling av total-fosfor (83%), biologiskt syretÀrande Àmnen (BOD7 , 99%) och E. coli-bakterier (89%) och mindre effektiv för total borttagning av oorganiskt kvÀve (22%). Medelkoncentration av fosfor i det renade avloppsvattnet efter SBCW var 0,96 mg / L  och pH 8,8 vilket ligger under det svenska rekommenderade vÀrdena för enskilda avlopp. Detta Àr en indikation pÄ att denna systemlösning kan vara en tillförlitlig och hÄllbar teknik för OWT under kalla klimatförhÄllanden. En kompletterande tredimensionell (3D) -modell som utvecklades med COMSOL MultiphysicsŸ-programvara befanns vara ett anvÀndbart verktyg och snabb metod för att förutsÀga beteendet hos komplex hydraulisk dynamik och insikter erhölls om den rumsliga och temporÀra variationen i sorptionsprocesser orsakade av förÀndring av olika designscenarier, miljöfaktorer och driftssÀtt. Genom processbaserad modellering identifierade studien framgÄngsrikt reaktiva filtermaterials (RFM) livslÀngd och konstruktionsscenarier dÀr SBCW kan omformas för ökad hÄllbarhet i OWT-systemet. Denna studie drar slutsatsen att den lÄngsiktiga prestandan och livslÀngden hos de reaktiva filtermaterialen i PTP-systemet kan uppnÄs om avloppsvattnen pÄfylls intermittent i en lÄg koncentration (<3 mg / L). Ett konstruktionsscenario visade att avskiljningen av fosfor och kvÀve i SBCW kan förbÀttras genom att drÀneringsrör och tillförsel av avloppsvatten Àndras i förhÄllande till befintlig lösning

    Simulations of water balance conditions and cli-mate variability for Sustainable Agriculture and Energy in the Lower Rufiji Basin.

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    This study provides a long-term understanding of the impact of climate varia-bility and land use on seasonal water balance conditions for sustainable agricul-ture development, hydropower generation and ecosystem stability in the Lower Rufiji Basin. The severity of soil drought, extreme flooding and salinity intru-sion in the lower Rufiji floodplains are currently increasing smallholder poverty and enhance the sensitivity on the natural wetlands for shifting farming and livestock pastures. The CoupModel and SWAT hydrological model were ap-plied to assess and compare the impact of climate variability on the water bal-ance. The monthly river discharge was used for calibrating and validating the runoff at the Stiegler's Gorge. The simulated results for water balance compo-nents at Stiegler's Gorge showed 55% of accumulated precipitation is lost through evapotranspiration and 42 % is river runoffs for downstream agricul-ture and ecosystem services. The evaluation of the models simulation perfor-mance and posterior distribution of parameter behavioral value indicates the (GLUE) calibration method in the CoupModel agreed satisfactory with the Bayesian calibration (BC). The minimal variance in the Bayesian Calibration posterior parameter distribution was observed in the parameter for regulating water uptake from (CritThresholDry) and soil moisture availability for soil evaporation(PsiRs_ip). The SWAT simulation showed that south of the central floodplains has high risk of soil drought. The overall assessment implies that drought and river runoff dynamics in the LRB is affected by upstream land use activities. The strategies for building smallholder resilience towards climate change and land use impact requires collective and coordinated water manage-ment actions powered by individual, institutional, financial and technological adaptation

    Filtration System For On-Site Wastewater Treatment : Experiences From Modelling and Experimental Investigations

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    Many on-site wastewater treatment systems in Sweden are not sustainable in terms of treatment efficiency, nutrient recycling and economics. Achieving reliable and sustainable systems to meet on-site wastewater treatment demands requires comprehensive field investigations of the performance of novel technologies. This thesis investigated the performance of a new leading-edge technology for on-site wastewater treatment in a real field environment in northwest of Baltic Proper Sea, Sweden. The system integrates septic tank treatment technology with a package treatment plant (PTP) and a sequencing batch subsurface flow constructed wetland (SBCW). The investigation combined three approaches: field monitoring, laboratory-scale column experiments and process-based modelling, to provide a better understanding of system performance, predict contaminant retention and test system response to various environmental factors, design scenarios and operational conditions. The overall results indicated that the entire system is efficient in removing total phosphorus (83%), biological oxygen demand (BOD7, 99%) and Escherichia coli bacteria (89%). It is less efficient in total inorganic nitrogen removal (22%). Mean concentration of phosphorus (0.96 mg/L) and pH (8.8) in effluent from the entire system were found to be below the Swedish threshold values for on-site wastewater discharge. This indicates that the system could be reliable and sustainable technology for on-site wastewater treatment in cold climate conditions. A complementary three-dimensional (3D) model developed using COMSOL MultiphysicsŸ software proved to be a useful and rapid tool for predicting the behaviour of complex hydraulic dynamics. It provided valuable insights into the spatial and temporal variability in sorption processes caused by changes in different wastewater treatment system design parameters, environmental factors and modes of operation. Through process-based modelling, a reactive filter material with longer lifetime and a SBCW design that improved the sustainability of on-site wastewater treatment system were successfully identified. It was concluded that long-term performance of reactive filter materials in PTP systems can be achieved when the system is loaded intermittently with low influent contaminant concentrations (<3 mg/L). Optimum phosphorus and nitrogen removal in SBCW can be achieved by manipulating drainage pipe placement and feeding mode, to enable longer contact time and artificial aeration conditions.MÄnga system för smÄskalig avloppsrening (OWT) i Sverige Àr inte hÄllbara nÀr det gÀller reningsseffektivitet, nÀringsÄtervinning och ekonomi. Milstolpen för att uppnÄ pÄlitlig och hÄllbar teknik för OWT krÀver noggranna undersökningar av prestandan för att en ny och förbÀttrad teknik ska kunna utvecklas inom omrÄdet. Denna studie har syftat till att bidra med kunskap och erfarenhet genom att undersöka prestandan för en ny teknik för OWT genom undersökningar av funktionen i verklig fÀltmiljö. Det studerade systemet integrerar behandlingsteknik med klassisk slamavskiljning följt av minireningsverk med filtermaterial (PTP) och sist ett poleringssteg med vÄtmark som drivs med sekventiell pÄfyllnad av vatten (SBCW). Studien kombinerade tre tillvÀgagÄngssÀtt: fÀltövervakning, kolonnexperiment i laboratorieskala och processbaserad modellering. Syftet var att ge bÀttre förstÄelse för systemets prestanda och förutsÀga föroreningarnas avskiljning i olika delar av anlÀggningen samt testa svaren frÄn systemet pÄ olika miljöfaktorer, utförd konstruktion och driftsförhÄllanden under olika Ärstider. De sammanvÀgda resultaten indikerade att hela systemet Àr mer effektivt för behandling av total-fosfor (83%), biologiskt syretÀrande Àmnen (BOD7 , 99%) och E. coli-bakterier (89%) och mindre effektiv för total borttagning av oorganiskt kvÀve (22%). Medelkoncentration av fosfor i det renade avloppsvattnet efter SBCW var 0,96 mg / L  och pH 8,8 vilket ligger under det svenska rekommenderade vÀrdena för enskilda avlopp. Detta Àr en indikation pÄ att denna systemlösning kan vara en tillförlitlig och hÄllbar teknik för OWT under kalla klimatförhÄllanden. En kompletterande tredimensionell (3D) -modell som utvecklades med COMSOL MultiphysicsŸ-programvara befanns vara ett anvÀndbart verktyg och snabb metod för att förutsÀga beteendet hos komplex hydraulisk dynamik och insikter erhölls om den rumsliga och temporÀra variationen i sorptionsprocesser orsakade av förÀndring av olika designscenarier, miljöfaktorer och driftssÀtt. Genom processbaserad modellering identifierade studien framgÄngsrikt reaktiva filtermaterials (RFM) livslÀngd och konstruktionsscenarier dÀr SBCW kan omformas för ökad hÄllbarhet i OWT-systemet. Denna studie drar slutsatsen att den lÄngsiktiga prestandan och livslÀngden hos de reaktiva filtermaterialen i PTP-systemet kan uppnÄs om avloppsvattnen pÄfylls intermittent i en lÄg koncentration (<3 mg / L). Ett konstruktionsscenario visade att avskiljningen av fosfor och kvÀve i SBCW kan förbÀttras genom att drÀneringsrör och tillförsel av avloppsvatten Àndras i förhÄllande till befintlig lösning

    Modelling phosphorus dynamics in constructed wetlands upgraded with reactive filter media

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    Developing low-cost and effective technologies to upgrade phosphorus (P) removal from the catchment runoffs and rural wastewater treatment facilities is one of the main research agendas to save the Baltic Sea from eutrophication. In Sweden, the construction of the constructed wetlands has been one of the environmental objectives for wastewater quality improvement in the small communities. However, the insufficiently understanding of the mechanisms underlying the process of phosphorus mobility and sorption in the constructed wetlands has limited design of the effective constructed wetlands. To provide the better understanding of sorption process in the catchment and constructed wetland system, this thesis used the GIS-based Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) to predict phosphorus mobility and identify the critical diffusing sources of phosphorus loss in the Oxunda catchment (Paper I). Then, the study developed the three-dimensional numerical Reactive TRAnsPort Model (RETRAP - 3D) in the COMSOL Multiphysics¼ for evaluating the long - term sorption processes and removal efficiencies of the porous reactive media for upgrading the performance of constructed wetlands (Paper II and III). The latter model coupled many physics equations to solve process of water flow, reaction kinetics and solute transport in the porous reactive adsorbent media for application in the constructed wetlands. The data from the field measurements and column experiments have been used to demonstrate the model simulation accuracy to capture the process of phosphorus sorption in the real environment. Modeling results ranked the phosphorus removal efficiency of the adsorbent media as follows: Polonite¼ (88 %), Filtralite P¼ (85%), BFS (62%), Wollastonite (57 %). The satisfactory agreement which obtained between the simulated outputs and measured data confirmed that the SWAT and RETRAP-3D are useful tools for describing various processes in the complicated system. However, further study is required to generate and validate more experimental data to evaluate the sensitivity of local parameters.This reserch project was finacially supported by Lars Erik Lundberg scholarship foundation for projectnumber (2015/34 and 2016/12), ÅkeochGreta Lissheds Stiftelsen for project number (2015-00026), J.Gust. Richert Stiftelsen and Ecopool researchproject for smart and sustainable environment. QC 20170523</p

    Modelling phosphorus dynamics in constructed wetlands upgraded with reactive filter media

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    Developing low-cost and effective technologies to upgrade phosphorus (P) removal from the catchment runoffs and rural wastewater treatment facilities is one of the main research agendas to save the Baltic Sea from eutrophication. In Sweden, the construction of the constructed wetlands has been one of the environmental objectives for wastewater quality improvement in the small communities. However, the insufficiently understanding of the mechanisms underlying the process of phosphorus mobility and sorption in the constructed wetlands has limited design of the effective constructed wetlands. To provide the better understanding of sorption process in the catchment and constructed wetland system, this thesis used the GIS-based Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) to predict phosphorus mobility and identify the critical diffusing sources of phosphorus loss in the Oxunda catchment (Paper I). Then, the study developed the three-dimensional numerical Reactive TRAnsPort Model (RETRAP - 3D) in the COMSOL Multiphysics¼ for evaluating the long - term sorption processes and removal efficiencies of the porous reactive media for upgrading the performance of constructed wetlands (Paper II and III). The latter model coupled many physics equations to solve process of water flow, reaction kinetics and solute transport in the porous reactive adsorbent media for application in the constructed wetlands. The data from the field measurements and column experiments have been used to demonstrate the model simulation accuracy to capture the process of phosphorus sorption in the real environment. Modeling results ranked the phosphorus removal efficiency of the adsorbent media as follows: Polonite¼ (88 %), Filtralite P¼ (85%), BFS (62%), Wollastonite (57 %). The satisfactory agreement which obtained between the simulated outputs and measured data confirmed that the SWAT and RETRAP-3D are useful tools for describing various processes in the complicated system. However, further study is required to generate and validate more experimental data to evaluate the sensitivity of local parameters.This reserch project was finacially supported by Lars Erik Lundberg scholarship foundation for projectnumber (2015/34 and 2016/12), ÅkeochGreta Lissheds Stiftelsen for project number (2015-00026), J.Gust. Richert Stiftelsen and Ecopool researchproject for smart and sustainable environment. QC 20170523</p

    Filtration System For On-Site Wastewater Treatment : Experiences From Modelling and Experimental Investigations

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    Many on-site wastewater treatment systems in Sweden are not sustainable in terms of treatment efficiency, nutrient recycling and economics. Achieving reliable and sustainable systems to meet on-site wastewater treatment demands requires comprehensive field investigations of the performance of novel technologies. This thesis investigated the performance of a new leading-edge technology for on-site wastewater treatment in a real field environment in northwest of Baltic Proper Sea, Sweden. The system integrates septic tank treatment technology with a package treatment plant (PTP) and a sequencing batch subsurface flow constructed wetland (SBCW). The investigation combined three approaches: field monitoring, laboratory-scale column experiments and process-based modelling, to provide a better understanding of system performance, predict contaminant retention and test system response to various environmental factors, design scenarios and operational conditions. The overall results indicated that the entire system is efficient in removing total phosphorus (83%), biological oxygen demand (BOD7, 99%) and Escherichia coli bacteria (89%). It is less efficient in total inorganic nitrogen removal (22%). Mean concentration of phosphorus (0.96 mg/L) and pH (8.8) in effluent from the entire system were found to be below the Swedish threshold values for on-site wastewater discharge. This indicates that the system could be reliable and sustainable technology for on-site wastewater treatment in cold climate conditions. A complementary three-dimensional (3D) model developed using COMSOL MultiphysicsŸ software proved to be a useful and rapid tool for predicting the behaviour of complex hydraulic dynamics. It provided valuable insights into the spatial and temporal variability in sorption processes caused by changes in different wastewater treatment system design parameters, environmental factors and modes of operation. Through process-based modelling, a reactive filter material with longer lifetime and a SBCW design that improved the sustainability of on-site wastewater treatment system were successfully identified. It was concluded that long-term performance of reactive filter materials in PTP systems can be achieved when the system is loaded intermittently with low influent contaminant concentrations (&lt;3 mg/L). Optimum phosphorus and nitrogen removal in SBCW can be achieved by manipulating drainage pipe placement and feeding mode, to enable longer contact time and artificial aeration conditions.MÄnga system för smÄskalig avloppsrening (OWT) i Sverige Àr inte hÄllbara nÀr det gÀller reningsseffektivitet, nÀringsÄtervinning och ekonomi. Milstolpen för att uppnÄ pÄlitlig och hÄllbar teknik för OWT krÀver noggranna undersökningar av prestandan för att en ny och förbÀttrad teknik ska kunna utvecklas inom omrÄdet. Denna studie har syftat till att bidra med kunskap och erfarenhet genom att undersöka prestandan för en ny teknik för OWT genom undersökningar av funktionen i verklig fÀltmiljö. Det studerade systemet integrerar behandlingsteknik med klassisk slamavskiljning följt av minireningsverk med filtermaterial (PTP) och sist ett poleringssteg med vÄtmark som drivs med sekventiell pÄfyllnad av vatten (SBCW). Studien kombinerade tre tillvÀgagÄngssÀtt: fÀltövervakning, kolonnexperiment i laboratorieskala och processbaserad modellering. Syftet var att ge bÀttre förstÄelse för systemets prestanda och förutsÀga föroreningarnas avskiljning i olika delar av anlÀggningen samt testa svaren frÄn systemet pÄ olika miljöfaktorer, utförd konstruktion och driftsförhÄllanden under olika Ärstider. De sammanvÀgda resultaten indikerade att hela systemet Àr mer effektivt för behandling av total-fosfor (83%), biologiskt syretÀrande Àmnen (BOD7 , 99%) och E. coli-bakterier (89%) och mindre effektiv för total borttagning av oorganiskt kvÀve (22%). Medelkoncentration av fosfor i det renade avloppsvattnet efter SBCW var 0,96 mg / L  och pH 8,8 vilket ligger under det svenska rekommenderade vÀrdena för enskilda avlopp. Detta Àr en indikation pÄ att denna systemlösning kan vara en tillförlitlig och hÄllbar teknik för OWT under kalla klimatförhÄllanden. En kompletterande tredimensionell (3D) -modell som utvecklades med COMSOL MultiphysicsŸ-programvara befanns vara ett anvÀndbart verktyg och snabb metod för att förutsÀga beteendet hos komplex hydraulisk dynamik och insikter erhölls om den rumsliga och temporÀra variationen i sorptionsprocesser orsakade av förÀndring av olika designscenarier, miljöfaktorer och driftssÀtt. Genom processbaserad modellering identifierade studien framgÄngsrikt reaktiva filtermaterials (RFM) livslÀngd och konstruktionsscenarier dÀr SBCW kan omformas för ökad hÄllbarhet i OWT-systemet. Denna studie drar slutsatsen att den lÄngsiktiga prestandan och livslÀngden hos de reaktiva filtermaterialen i PTP-systemet kan uppnÄs om avloppsvattnen pÄfylls intermittent i en lÄg koncentration (&lt;3 mg / L). Ett konstruktionsscenario visade att avskiljningen av fosfor och kvÀve i SBCW kan förbÀttras genom att drÀneringsrör och tillförsel av avloppsvatten Àndras i förhÄllande till befintlig lösning

    Performance of an On-Site Wastewater Treatment System Using Reactive Filter Media and a Sequencing Batch Constructed Wetland

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    Many on-site wastewater treatment systems, such as soil treatment systems, are not sustainable in terms of purification efficiency, nutrient recycling potential, and economics. In this case study, a sequencing batch constructed wetland (SBCW) was designed and added after a package treatment plant (PTP) using reactive filter media for phosphorus (P) removal and recycling. The treatment performance of the entire system in the start-up phase and its possible applicability in rural areas were investigated. Raw and treated effluents were sampled during a period of 25 weeks and analyzed for nitrogen, phosphorus, BOD7, and bacteria. Field measurements were made of wastewater flow, electrical conductivity, oxygen, and temperature. The entire system removed total-P and total inorganic nitrogen (TIN) by 83% and 22%, respectively. High salt concentration and very low wastewater temperature were possible reasons for these unexpectedly low P and TIN removal efficiencies. In contrast, removal rates of bacteria (Escherichia coli, enterococci) and organic matter (as BOD) were high, due to filtration in the alkaline medium Polonite((R)) (Ecofiltration Nordic AB, Stockholm, Sweden) and the fine sand used as SBCW substrate. High pH in effluent from the PTP was efficiently reduced to below pH 9 in the SBCW, meeting recommendations by environmental authorities in Sweden. We concluded that treating cold on-site wastewater can impair treatment performance and that technical measures are needed to improve SBCW performance.QC 20190820</p

    Modelling Phosphorus Sorption Kinetics and the Longevity of Reactive Filter Materials Used for On-Site Wastewater Treatment

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    Use of reactive filter media (RFM) is an emerging technology in small-scale wastewater treatment to improve phosphorus (P) removal and filter material longevity for making this technology sustainable. In this study, long-term sorption kinetics and the spatial dynamics of sorbed P distribution were simulated in replaceable P-filter bags filled with 700 L of reactive material and used in real on-site treatment systems. The input data for model calibration were obtained in laboratory trials with Filtralite P&#174;, Polonite&#174; and Top16. The P concentration breakthrough threshold value was set at an effluent/influent (C/C0) ratio of 1 and simulations were performed with P concentrations varying from 1 to 25 mg L&#8722;1. The simulation results showed that influent P concentration was important for the breakthrough and longevity, and that Polonite performed best, followed by Top16 and Filtralite P. A 100-day break in simulated intermittent flow allowed the materials to recover, which for Polonite involved slight retardation of P saturation. The simulated spatial distribution of P accumulated in the filter bags showed large differences between the filter materials. The modelling insights from this study can be applied in design and operation of on-site treatment systems using reactive filter materials