54 research outputs found

    Behavioural Biases and Investor Decisions

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    The paper examines the impact of behavioural biases (i.e. cognitive and emotional biases) on investor decisions at the Pakistan Stock Exchange. The data was collected from a sample of 385 active investors in the stock market through a pre-tested questionnaire adapted from Chaffai & Medhioub (2014). The results suggest that five behavioural biases (i.e. anchoring, risk aversion, overconfidence, representativeness and regret aversion) have a positive and significant influence on investor decisions in Pakistan. On the contrary, two behavioural biases (i.e. mental accounting and availability) do not have a statistically significant impact on investor decisions. The findings imply that behavioural factors have a profound effect on investor decisions as argued by behavioural finance theorists.Keywords: Behavioural Finance, Behavioural Biases, Investor Decisions

    The Determinants of Mutual Funds Success in Pakistan

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    The prime goal of this research is to find out the determinants of mutual fund’s success in Pakistan. This study exploits the convenient sampling techniques and the data gathered from fund manager reports, annual reports, and from CDCPL. The sample size of this study relaxed to six Assets Management Companies (AMC)’s from 2013 to 2017. We applied a unit root test for finding the nature of data and check the variation of variable’s mutual performance by Hausman Technique. Moreover, we depicted the association between dependent and independent variables with the help of Constant Coefficient Model. It was concluded that risk-adjusted return, management structure, and expense ratio have a significant impact on the size of fund of selected AMC’S of Pakistan. However, the net asset value found to be negatively related with the size of the fund. This research will help investors, AMC’s and regulatory bodies to understand the dynamics of mutual funds in Pakistan.DOI: 10.15408/ess.v8i2.743

    Hvordan blir den norske arbeidsorganiseringen ivaretatt når norske bedrifter etableres i et land med annerledes kultur : studie av Jotun i Indonesia

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    Masteroppgave i Industriell økonomi og informasjonsledelse, Høgskolen i Agder, GrimstadJeg har i denne oppgaven forklart hvordan den norske modellen blir i ivaretatt i et land med et annet kultur ved å se på Jotuns virksomhet i Indonesia. Jotun er et norsk pulver og maleri firma. Dette er forklart i lys av Hofstedes Culture Consequenses teori, organisasjons- og nasjonale kulturen, den norske modellen og ledelsesteori. Den norske modellen er i hovedsak kjent som en velfungerende og demokratisk styrt velferdsstat med sterk medvirkning fra godt organiserte parter i arbeidslivet. Jeg har forklart dette ved å gjøre studie av Jotun i Indonesia, dermed viser den ikke helhets bilde av norske bedrifter i Indonesia. Jeg hadde ikke tid og råd til å finne andre bedrifter, derfor er denne masteroppgaven begrenset til å vise en bedrift, som har erfaring med etableringer i utlandet, med norske ledere. Grunnen til jeg valgte denne bedriften var fordi Jotun har over 40 års erfaring med internasjonalisering og har hatt alltid hatt suksess med sine etableringer i utlandet. Jotun Indonesia har et global organisasjonskultur der de opptrer etter sine verdier og forretningsprinsipper. Jotun gjør forretninger tilpasset etter lokale forhold samtidig som de ivaretar sin organisasjonskultur. Deres organisasjonskultur reflekterer på mange måter den norske modellen. Det er ikke lett å tilpasse seg et helt annerledes kultur der arbeidslivet er det motsatte til den demokratiske stilen i Norge. Jotun er fra Norge noe som er grunnen til Jotun har suksess i utlandet

    Consumer’s Preference and Awareness: Comparative Analysis between Conventional and Islamic Ijarah Auto Financing in Pakistan

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    A healthy banking industry plays a vital role in the economic stability, and banks success depends on its products. Therefore, this study aims at cognizing the consumer’s preference and awareness of Islamic Ijarah over the conventional lease in Pakistan. This research used regression as tools of analysis. The findings indicate that convenience is the prime determinant for preference of Ijarah over the lease. Moreover, all other factors except religion also support in the motivate selection of Islamic banking products. Therefore, it can be concluded that in Pakistan, religion is not the only fact motivates individuals to prefer Ijarah. Based on findings, it is recommended to relevant stakeholders to create more awareness among masses about Ijarah and to further ease out policies in order to harness optimum benefit.DOI: 10.15408/aiq.v10i2.710

    Is Bankruptcy Risk a Systematic Risk? Evidence from Pakistan Stock Exchange

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    This study empirically investigates the relationship between default risk and cross-section of stock returns in the Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX). Stock price data from all listed and delisted companies use to calculate monthly returns from 2001-2016. Ohlson's O-score is employed to measure exposure of firm to systematic deviation within bankruptcy risk. Besides, asset-pricing models like the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) and Fama French (FF) models are employed. Portfolios are sorted in deciles by default probability. This result finds that stocks of firms significantly exposed to not diversified Default Risk yield higher returns. Besides that, the FF models explain cross-sectional stock returns since factors incorporate information on financial distress and default. After that, the book-to-market equity factor is not significant in elucidating returns of distressed firms because of market inefficiency. Results have practical implications for portfolio managers and investors of an emerging economy in developing diversified portfolios during periods of uncertainty and market volatility.JEL Classifications: G12, G15, G33How to Cite:Chhapra, I. U., Zehra, I., Kashif, M., & Rehan, R. (2020). Is Bankruptcy Risk a Systematic Risk? Evidence from Pakistan Stock Exchange. Etikonomi: Jurnal Ekonomi, 19(1), 51 – 62. https://doi.org/10.15408/etk.v19i1.11248

    Do Globalization, Technology Adoption and Economic Development Influence Income Inequality in Developing Asian Nations?

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    Currently, income inequality has become an international issue that needs to be overcome and also requires the attention of researchers and policymakers. Hence, this study is an attempt to explore the impact of globalization, technology adoption, and economic development on income inequality. For this purpose, 20 years of large-scale panel data over the period from 2001 to 2020 for ten emerging Asian nations (Iran, Jordan, Iraq, Laos, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Indonesia, and the Philippines) is mined from the World Bank database and KOF globalization index. In order to inspect the empirical relationship among the selected variables, the panel data fixed effects model (FEM) along with the robust standard error is employed. The results indicate that globalization, technology adoption, and economic development have a negative linkage with income inequality, which means these factors play a significant role in removing the income inequality in developing countries. This study provides insight for policymakers while developing policies regarding income inequality elimination in the country

    Are Stock Prices a Random Walk? An Empirical Evidence of Asian Stock Markets

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    Investigating if the market is efficient is an old issue as market efficiency is imperative for channeling investments to best-valued projects and its importance endures. There is contradictory evidence in the literature provided by empirical researches. The primary purpose of this research has been to find out whether share prices are a random walk process by applying multiple unit root tests, Runs Test and newly developed State Space Model. The empirical findings of the study provide sufficient evidence that the stock prices of KSE 100 Index, S &amp; P BSE 500 Index, and CSE All Share Index is not a random walk process and are thus weak form inefficient hypothesis. In this study, the concept of the random walk is examined considering only the stock markets while bypassing the other asset markets. This research supply exciting facts about independent samples from Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh and complement the existing literature on emerging markets.DOI: 10.15408/etk.v17i2.7102</p

    Discovering Capital Structure Determinants for SAARC Energy Firms

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    Energy scarcity is the core drain for the South Asian economies. However, there is a lack of studies in relation to the capital structure determinants in the context of South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC). Thus, this study is an attempt to explore the capital structure determinants of energy sector firms which are operating in the four large economies of the SAARC region that are Pakistan, India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. In this context, a total of 34 energy sector firms’ Panel Data is entailed over the period of 2007-2020. The six key capital structure determinants, namely asset tangibility, current ratio, return on equity, non-debt tax shield, annual gross domestic product are examined in relation to debt to total asset ratio. Deploying Panel Data Static models and Dynamic model via Generalized Method of Moments (GMM), the outcomes reveal that asset tangibility and current ratio are the most prominent determinants among all others. The significant role of profitability and tangibility through different estimators directly infers the relevance of Dynamic Trade-Off theory. The findings provide new ways for policy makers to construct parallel strategies which not only help out in overcoming the energy scarcity issues but also enhance regional level integration
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