317 research outputs found

    The role of anthocyanins in plant stress response

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    Antocijani su crveno, ružičasto do plavo obojeni biljni pigmenti koji se ubrajaju među biljne fenolne spojeve. Nakupljaju se u vakuoli biljne stanice te je poznato da daju boju plodovima i laticama te privlače opraÅ”ivače odnosno rasprostranjivače. Također, primjećeno je da se antocijani sintetiziraju pri stresnim uvjetima u okoliÅ”u, kao Å”to su primjerice niska temperatura, vodni stres i jako osvjetljenje, te se privremeno nakupljaju u stanici. U nizu provedenih istraživanja pretpostavljena je njihova uloga u zaÅ”titi od abiotičkog i biotičkog stresa. Postoji viÅ”e različitih hipoteza koje govore da mogu imati ulogu u zaÅ”titi od fotoinhibicije, zaÅ”titi od smrzavanja, zaÅ”titi od UVB zračenja, zaÅ”titi od herbivora ili da imaju ulogu antioksidansa. Međutim, dosada niti jedna hipoteza nije eksperimentalno potvrđena iako se najvjerodostojnijijom čini pretpostavka da Å”tite fotosintetski aparat od fotoinhibicije. Stoga su potrebna su daljnja istraživanja kako bi se razjasnila uloga antocijana u stresnim uvjetima kod biljaka.Anthocyanins are phenolic plant pigments that may appear red, blue or purple. They are water-soluble and are found in the vacuoles of plant cells. The coloration of petals and fruits of numerous species, which is due to anthocyanins, helps those species attract pollinators and seed dispersers. However, it appears as though anthocyanins should have a role in protecting the plant from stress because it was found that they are synthesized in stressful conditions, for example during drought, cold temperatures or in high light conditions. Numerous studies were conducted but it was never experimentally confirmed what exactly was the role of anthocyanins in plant stress. Possible explanations include protection from photoinhibition, protection from freezing, protection from UVB radiation, protection from herbivores and protection from oxidative stress. The hypothesis that they serve as protectors from photoinhibition of photosynthetic apparatus seems most plausible at the moment. Further research is needed in order to discover the role of anthocyanins in plant stress response


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    Until recently, the fire resistance of buildings was based on the ISO standard curve. ISO standard curve used by the current norm is too simple, unrealistic and lead to uneconomic situations with no guarantee of security proportional to the invested money. Unlike the fire design of the steel, concrete or composite structures, methods for fire design of timber structures have been greatly simplified. Generally, it is not necessary to check the reduction of strength in the residual section because each increase of temperature is considered small and it is ignored. Global fire safety concept of timber structures is presented according to the recommendations from Eurocode norms. Special attention was given to natural fire design with two different methods of parametric exposure which are given in EN1995-1-2.This paper presents reliability analysis of a glulam beam in a case of fire. The limit-state functions for maximum bending stress of glulam beam in fire conditions are formed. Reliability indexes are obtained from the limit state of the beam exposed to 30 min fire. Reliability index in the Eurocodes (reliability class RC2) compared to the calculated reliability indexes obtained by the methods of reduced strength and effective section were described

    Effects of window replacement on energy renovation of residential buildings - case of the Serbian building practice

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    Achieving the desired degree of energy efficiency in buildings has become an imperative of nowadays construction.This requirement is set in relation to both new and existing buildings, in order to reduce their energy consumption, but also to improve the overall comfort, especially thermal, contributing in this way to a creation of a healthier place. Measures that are applied in order to improve energy efficiency in buildings include various interventions on its thermal envelope, which in the case of energy renovation of existing residential buildings is not necessarily all-inclusive.The effectiveness of the measures implemented to assess the appropriate calculation methodology of the energy required for heating, as in the case of existing regulations in Serbia, implies that applied enhancement should contribute to the improvement of their energy class for at least one energy rate. Such improvement, especially in the case of larger buildings, could be achieved only by improving the air-tightness of the existing windows, but their replacement with windows of high energy performances is the most common measure in practice. However, without energy rehabilitation of surrounding faƧade walls, such intervention could cause condensation along the peripheral, insufficiently insulated, non-transparent structures. Thus, the positive effects of the improvement measures could be questioned. Taking into account the characteristics of the existing building stock in Serbia, typical situations of existing contacts between the faƧade walls and the corresponding windows are simulated in the paper, in relation to the risk of condensation and consequent potential usersā€™ health problems

    Expert system for checking efficiency of water management planning activities

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    U radu su prikazane osnove razvoja ekspertnog sustava za ocjenu uspjeÅ”nosti planiranja u gospodarenju vodama prema modelu SPGV (savjetnik za planiranje u gospodarenju vodama). Primjena modela osigurava uspjeÅ”nije planiranje u gospodarenju vodama. Može se primijeniti za ocjenu uspjeÅ”nosti provođenja procesa planiranja tijekom izrade planske dokumentacije u području gospodarenja vodama, isto tako i za ocjenu već provedenog procesa planiranja odnosno gotovog planskog dokumenta.The development of an expert system for estimating efficiency in water management planning by using the WMPC model (Water Management Planning Consultant) is briefly presented in the paper. The model enables a highly advanced planning of water management activities. It can be used for estimating efficiency of planning during elaboration of planning documents relating to water management, and also for assessing a completed planning process, i.e. the final planning document

    E(nergy) p(erformance) c(ertificate) of buildings and dwellings Influence of Disposition and Orientation

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    Following the guidance set by the Directive on the energy performance of buildings (recast) (EPBD2), current regulations in Serbia which refer to the issue of energy efficiency and energy certification of buildings provides an opportunity of certification of selected unit of a building, such as a dwelling. This measure was set in order to make it possible for owners or tenants of the building or the building unit to assess and compare its energy performance. From the user's perspective this measure is very important since, apart from reviewing the quality or the deficiencies of space in which they live, it would be an important parameter of economic evaluation of the apartment in the future. As energy performance of the apartment is not a priori identical to that of the whole building, the paper will analyze and compare these values for different positions in a horizontal and vertical plan of the same apartment within the building. Comparison of the results obtained for individual dwellings and for a building as a whole, will provide insight into the extent to which the disposition and the orientation of the apartment affect its energy performance

    Testing composite wood and lightweight concrete girders

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    Opisuju se rezultati ispitivanja nosivosti i uporabljivosti spregnutih nosača drvo-lagani (EPS) beton. Predstavlja se novo, originalno kontinuirano sredstvo za sprezanje i utvrđuju se prednosti njegove primjene pri sprezanju laganog betona i drva u odnosu na diskretna sredstva za sprezanje. Budući da ni u jednoj zemlji ne postoji propisima određena metoda proračuna dana je pojednostavljena metoda proračuna kao prijedlog u okviru STEP/EUROFORTECH inicijative EU Comett programa.Results obtained by testing bearing capacity and usability of composite girders made of wood and light-weight concrete, are presented. A new and original method for obtaining composite action is presented and its advantages in ensuring composite action of lightweight concrete and wood, as related to discrete means for providing composite action, are determined. As no country has specified in appropriate regu-lations a mandatory calculation method, the author presents a simplified calculation method as a pro-posal within the framework of the STEP/EUROFORTECH initiative of the EU Comett Program

    The role of the Belgrade intelligence and revolutionary-terrorist network in the Sarajevo assassination and Serbiaā€™s co-responsibility for the outbreak of the First World War

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    Autor u ovom članku, kroz rekonstrukciju tajne beogradske obavjeÅ”tajne i revolucionarnoterorističke mreže, nastavlja svoje istraživanje razine suodgovornosti Kraljevine Srbije za I. svjetski rat.1 U tom je smislu posebno važno Å”to je vladin vrh u Beogradu od 1905. organizirao, nadzirao i financirao obavjeÅ”tajnu i revolucionarno-terorističku mrežu koja je pod imenom Srpska odbrana djelovala u osmanskoj Makedoniji, a od 1908. pod imenom Narodna odbrana i u austrougarskoj Bosni i Hercegovini. U tom je smislu posebno važno Å”to je Sarajevski atentat teÅ”ko zamisliv bez dobro uhodane mreže koju je u Bosni i Hercegovini stvorila Narodna odbrana. Zato Sarajevski atentat podcrtava suodgovornost vladinog vrha Kraljevine Srbije za europsku diplomatsku krizu koja je krajem srpnja i početkom kolovoza 1914. eksplodirala u globalni sukob koji danas poznajemo kao I. svjetski rat. Članak se, najvećim dijelom, temelji na dokumentima iz voluminozne zbirke Dokumenti o spoljnjoj politici Kraljevine Srbije 1903.-1914.In this article, the author continues his research to the level of co-responsibility of the Kingdom of Serbia for the First World War, through the reconstruction of the secret Belgrade intelligence and revolutionary-terrorist network. In this sense, the author reveals how the top of the government of the Kingdom of Serbia from 1905 directly supervised and financed the intelligence and revolutionaryterrorist network that operated in Ottoman Macedonia and that operated in Austro-Hungarian Bosnia and Herzegovina from October 1908, under the name of National Defence. The head of this network was the Serbian Minister of foreign affairs at the time, and influential people from the Serbian military and political leadership, as well as numerous diplomats and military officers who participated in its work. The Belgrade network organized intelligence and revolutionary-terrorist activity in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which also included the preparation of guerrilla actions similar to those in Ottoman Macedonia. Armed volunteers who went through chetnik training in Serbia were introduced into Bosnia and Herzegovina through special intelligence channels. Without this branched and well-established activity of the National Defence, it would be difficult to imagine the Sarajevo assassination, which underlines the coresponsibility of the top government of the Kingdom of Serbia for the European diplomatic crisis that exploded in late July and early August 1914 into the global conflict we know today as World War I. The article is mostly based on documents from the collection Dokumenti o spoljnjoj politici Kraljevine Srbije 1903.- 1914. [Documents on the Foreign Policy of the Kingdom of Serbia 1903-1914]

    Regulativa energetske efikasnosti zgrada u regionu i softver ā€žKnaufTerm2ā€œ

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    U radu se daje osvrt na najbitnije razlike u nacionalnim regulativama koje definiÅ”u oblast energetske efikasnosti zgrada, u Srbiji, Makedoniji, Crnoj Gori i Albaniji, dakle na tržiÅ”tima za koje je objavljen softver ā€žKnaufTerm2ā€œ, u verzijama programa prilagodjenim lokalnim osobenostima, i to sa aspekta energetske sertifikacije, dozvoljenih vrednosti koeficijenata prolaza toplote i tretmanu linijskih transmisionih toplotnih gubitaka.The paper provides an overview of the most important differences in national regulations that define the area of energy efficiency in buildings, in Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro and Albania, countries for which software "KnaufTerm2" is released, in versions adapted to local characteristics, in terms of energy certification, allowable values of the coefficient of heat transfer and the treatment of linear transmission heat losses

    Waste treatment system and technologies

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    Velika količina otpada koja se proizvodi u modernom druÅ”tvu ugrožava zdravlje ljudi i okoliÅ”. Njegovim gomilanjem, razlaganjem u podzemne vode ili Å”irenjem u atmosferu može se napraviti velika Å”teta stoga je potrebno stvoriti sustave za zbrinjavanje otpada. U ovom radu je napravljen pregled tehnologija gospodarenja otpadom, sortiranje otpada i metode konačnog zbrinjavanja otpada. U radu je također razmotren projekt Splitsko-dalmatinske županije za izgradnju novog Centra za gospodarenje otpadom u skladu sa regulativama Europske unije, pri čemu su uspoređivane predložena lokacija i lokacija Karepovac. Na koncu, dan je koncept postrojenja za sortiranje mijeÅ”anog komunalnog otpada.The large amount of waste produced in a modern society threatens human health and the environment. Accumulating waste, decomposing it into groundwater or spreading it into the atmosphere can do great harm, so it is necessary to create a waste management system. This paper reviews waste management technologies, waste sorting, and methods of final waste management. This paper also considered the project of the Split-Dalmatia County for the construction of a new Waste management center in accordance with EU regulations, comparing the proposed location and the location of Karepovac. Finally, the concept of a mixed municipal waste sorting plant is given
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