1,069 research outputs found

    Assessing the impact of prompt corrective action on bank capital and risk

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    This paper was presented at the conference "Financial services at the crossroads: capital regulation in the twenty-first century" as part of session 1, "Impact of capital requirements on bank risk taking: empirical evidence." The conference, held at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York on February 26-27, 1998, was designed to encourage a consensus between the public and private sectors on an agenda for capital regulation in the new century.Bank capital ; Bank supervision ; Risk ; Bank investments

    Assessing spatial information access, use and sharing for catchment management in Australia

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    Spatial data plays an important role in many social, environmental, economic and political decisions and is increasingly acknowledged as a national resource essential for sustainable development. One of the potential areas where spatial data can make a positive impact is for improved decision making to support catchment management. Reliable spatial data infrastructure (SDI) is needed to record the environmental, social and economic dimensions of catchment management. By building an appropriate SDI, disparate spatial data can be accessed and utilised to facilitate the exchange and sharing of spatial data between stakeholders across catchment communities. The aim of this paper is to identify the factors/variables contributing to spatial information access, sharing and use across catchment management areas and evaluate the current status of spatial information access, sharing and use among Australian states from a catchment management authority perspective. A survey method was used to collect primary data from 56 regional natural resource management (NRM) bodies responsible for catchment management in Australia. Descriptive statistics method was used to show the similarities and differences among Australian states. The key factors which influence sharing and access to spatial information are also explored. We found there is significant for spatial information access, use and sharing to contribute to SDI development

    Volume 3(ii) Table of Contents and Introduction

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    The Importance of Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage: reflecting on definitions, motives and data

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    This discussion paper explores the topic of religious tourism and pilgrimage, examining it from a tourism industry perspective, reflecting on definitions, motivations and scale of the ‘product’ as reported at a global level. Mindful of the fact that international records of religious tourism are scant to say the least, this is an attempt to bring together definitions, classifications and data which come from a variety of sources. The paper draws together understandings from different religious traditions, presenting data and motivations on a variety of pilgrimage types. As the paper demonstrates, this ‘niche’ product is indeed enormous, and if industry projections are correct, is set to become an even more important element of international travel and tourism

    Editorial : CABI Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage Book Series

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    Vol. 5(i) - Editorial - List of Reviewers ~ Conference Calls ~ Report on Annual Conference

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    Vol. 5(i) - Cover and Table of Contents

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    Title Page and Table of Contents Vol 6(iii)

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    International Journal of Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage

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    The International Journal of Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage is a high-quality, international, open access, online, double blind reviewed publication which deals with all aspects of Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage. The International Journal of Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage (IJRTP) was founded in 2013 by an international group of researchers (the Institute for Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage). The journal is published by the Technological University Dublin, Dublin, Ireland. All articles in this journal are full text and available on open access. The journal takes an interdisciplinary international approach and includes all aspects of Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage. It is inclusive of all denominations, religions, faiths and spiritual practices. The journal\u27s online platform facilitates a truly integrative approach. While the main emphasis is on primary research articles, it also welcomes suitably relevant discussion papers, research / review pieces, industry focused case studies and evaluations, management guides and reports, economic evaluations, book reviews, announcements of forthcoming meetings etc. Papers / articles should be relevant to both academics and practitioners. All papers are subject to ‘double – blind – review’. Papers can include a variety of media elements including audio and visual files, a range of image formats and hyperlinks to websites and other online resources


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