892 research outputs found

    Potentials for A\mathcal{A}-quasiconvexity

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    We show that each constant rank operator A\mathcal{A} admits an exact potential B\mathbb{B} in frequency space. We use this fact to show that the notion of A\mathcal{A}-quasiconvexity can be tested against compactly supported fields. We also show that A\mathcal{A}-free Young measures are generated by sequences Buj\mathbb{B}u_j, modulo shifts by the barycentre.Comment: 15 pages; to appear in Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equation

    Connecting air freight services with the road transport network, Case: FREJA Transport & Logistics Oy

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    This master’s thesis is made as a commission for FREJA Transport & Logistics Oy. Aim of the thesis is to research how the current export air freight process can be improved with DMAIC cycle. Export air freight process needed improvement because process was mostly outsourced and company’s own resources used poorly. Research is limited to consider only export air transports from Finland to outside Europe. Theoretical part of the research was divided to two separate sections. First section handled the concept of business process improvement, which included such issues as Six Sigma, DMAIC cycle, and SCOR metrics. Second section of the theoretical part considered air freight. Air freight was discussed through six themes: demand for air cargo, aircrafts, transport units, air cargo operators, air freight costs, and future in the market. Lastly a common export air freight process was comprised and explained to set basis for the empirical part. In the empirical part, process was improved step by step as per the DMAIC cycle to reveal the issues causing the limited use of own resources. Main reason for variation and inefficient use of resources was outsourcing and by that linking number of intermediaries in the process. The solution was to insource the road transportation from the consignor to the gateway airport. Results revealed that operating costs can be reduced with the improved process and still offer evenly competitive service. Results of the empirical part were validated by process charts, profitability calculations and other supporting documentation created during the DMAIC cycle.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    Contingency approach to supply chain management : Design and an empirical test of a contingency model

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    Purpose – The complex business environment challenges organizations to streamline their operations and focus on core competencies. Resulting from this, organizations compete against each other as integrated business entities rather than as individual organizations. This increases the importance of supply networks and efficient supply chain management. The purpose of this study is to explore the application of the contingency approach to supply chain management, which could facilitate organizations to optimize purchasing operations and supplier relations, thus increasing the efficiency of supply chain management. This study examines the contingency fit of supplier integration and purchasing complexity and its effect on operative performance. The aim is to provide insight into how the supply chain can be managed from the contingency perspective. Framework – The study combines research from supply management and strategic purchasing, focusing on supplier integration and purchasing portfolio models. In the literature review, critical elements of supplier relationships that influence the level of integration are discussed, and the strategic purchasing and purchasing portfolio model literature is reviewed. These theories are applied with the contingency perspective to examine supply chain management. Based on the literature review, a contingency model is developed. Methodology – The research is conducted as an explorative embedded case study. The data was collected from both buyer and supplier representatives by using electronic surveys. A total of 13 supplier relationships was analyzed. This study analyzes the data in a comparative manner and tests the developed model. Findings – This thesis increases the understanding of applying the contingency fit to supply chain management and effectively managing supplier relationships while considering the internal and external supply environment. The findings indicate that supplier integration positively affects operative performance. The results also demonstrate a connection between the contingency fit of integration and purchasing complexity and operative performance. However, this requires further research. Contribution – The study contributes to the supply chain management literature by emphasizing the relationship between supplier integration and performance and developing a contingency model that can be utilized when determining the correct supply management activities and strategies. This thesis further emphasizes the strategic importance of supply management and purchasing and the criticality of aligning supplier relationship and purchasing strategies with the environmental and situational context to create efficient supply chain operations

    Socio-cultural Status of Albinism in Africa: Challenging Myths, Concepts, and Stereotypes

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    This article analyses the socio-cultural status of Albinism in Africa and the role unchallenged stereotypes, irrational concepts, and unfounded beliefs play in the lives of persons with albinism. Following some beliefs, persons with albinism” do not die but vanish” to later “return as ghosts to haunt the living.” The author discusses this paradox about persons with albinism identified as hunted victims and simultaneously haunting perpetrators. The research examines the concept of albinism being a curse from dead ancestors or theodicy and its association with supernatural powers. By a comparative and diachronic approach, the study challenges unsubstantiated stereotypes. This study aims at social awareness by demystifying established myths and discussing study cases and examples referring to media, art, performing arts, literature, photography, and motion pictures

    Prosessien hallinnan ja sisäisen viestinnän merkitys henkilöstöravintolan perehdyttämisprosessissa

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    Tämän opinnäytetyön aiheena oli tutkia sisäisen viestinnän ja prosessien hallinnan merkitystä perehdytysprosessin onnistumisessa isolla tehdasalueella sijaitsevassa henkilöstöravintolassa. Perehdytys on koettu työpaikalla aikaavieväksi ja haastavaksi, koska henkilökunnan vaihtuvuus on suurta ja lisäksi siellä käytetään paljon vuokratyövoimaa. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää miten perehdytysprosessi onnistuu tässä henkilöstöravintolassa ja miten sitä voidaan kehittää toimivammaksi. Tutkimus toteutettiin syksyllä 2010 puolistrukturoidulla haastattelulla. Haastatteluun valittiin henkilökunnasta viimeisen vuoden aikana palkatut kuusi työntekijää ja he saivat kertoa perehdytyskokemuksistaan. Työpaikan toimintaa havainnoitiin myös paikanpäällä seuraten käytännön työtä. Tutkimus osoitti, että prosessien suunnitelmallisuus puuttui keittiöstä lähes kokonaan ja sisäisessä viestinnässäkin oli parantamisen varaa. Haastatellut kokivat, että heidät oli perehdytetty puutteellisesti ja todella nopeasti ja että kaikki tieto ei ollut heidän saatavilla ajoissa. Olennaisia keittiön omavalvontaan ja reseptiikan noudattamiseen liittyviä asioita oli unohdettu kertoa. Perehdyttämisprosessin teoreettisen viitekehyksen ja tutkimuksessa saatujen tietojen pohjalta työpaikalle kehitettiin lukujärjestyksen mallinen pikaperehdytys-materiaali, jossa on tärkeimmät päiväkohtaiset työtehtävät ja sen lisäksi on myös kerrottu tärkeimmät työpaikan tiedot ja toimintatavat. Materiaali tukee työtehtävien oppimista, kertaamista ja perehdyttämistä ja se palvelee niin perehdyttäjää, uutta perehdytettävää kuin vanhaakin työntekijää. Suunnitelmallinen perehdyttäminen, prosessien suunnitteluun ja tehokkaaseen viestintään panostaminen kannattaa, koska se maksaa itsensä takaisin asiakastyytyväisyytenä, motivoituneena henkilökuntana ja yrityksen hyvänä tuloksena

    Economics - Latvia

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    Reclaiming India’s History: – Myth, History and Historiography in Shashi Tharoor’s The Great Indian Novel

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