13 research outputs found

    Cost of caregivers for treating hospitalized diarrheal patients in Bangladesh

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    Diarrheal diseases are a global public health problem and one of the leading causes of mortality, morbidity and economic loss. The objective of the study is to estimate the economic cost of caregivers and cost distribution per diarrheal episodes in Bangladesh. This was a cross-sectional hospital-based study conducted in public hospitals in Bangladesh. A total of 801 diarrheal patients were randomly selected and interviewed during January to December 2015. Simple descriptive statistics including frequencies, percentage, mean with 95% CI and median are presented. The overall average cost of caregivers was BDT 2243 (US28.58)whileonlyBDT259(US 28.58) while only BDT 259 (US 3.29) was spent as out of pocket payments. Caregivers mostly spent money (US1.63)forfood,lodging,utilitybills,andotherlumpsumcostsfollowedbythetransportationcosts(US 1.63) for food, lodging, utility bills, and other lump sum costs followed by the transportation costs (US 1.57). The caregivers spent more (US44.45)whentheyaccompaniedthepatientswhowereadmittedininpatientscareandalmost3.6timeshigherthanforout−patientscare(US 44.45) when they accompanied the patients who were admitted in inpatients care and almost 3.6 times higher than for out-patients care (US 12.42). The study delivers an empirical evidence to the health-care programmers and policy makers about the economic cost of caregivers during diarrheal treatment care, which should be accounted for in designing future diarrheal prevention programme

    Implementation barriers and remedial strategies for community-based health insurance in Bangladesh : insights from national stakeholders

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    Background: Community-based health insurance (CBHI) is a part of the health system in Bangladesh, and overcoming the obstacles of CBHI is a significant policy concern that has received little attention. The purpose of this study is to analyze the implementation barriers of voluntary CBHI schemes in Bangladesh and the strategies to overcome these barriers from the perspective of national stakeholders. Methods: This study is exploratory qualitative research, specifically case study design, using key informant interviews to investigate the barriers of CBHI that are faced during the implementation. Using a topic guide, we conducted thirteen semi-structured in-depth interviews with key stakeholders directly involved in the CBHI implementation process. The data were analyzed using the Framework analysis method. Results: The implementation of CBHI schemes in Bangladesh is being constrained by several issues, including inadequate population coverage, adverse selection and moral hazard, lack of knowledge about health insurance principles, a lack of external assistance, and insufficient medical supplies. Door-to-door visits by local community-health workers, as well as regular promotional and educational campaigns involving community influencers, were suggested by stakeholders as ways to educate and encourage people to join the schemes. Stakeholders emphasized the necessity of external assistance and the design of a comprehensive benefits package to attract more people. They also recommended adopting a public–private partnership with a belief that collaboration among the government, microfinance institutions, and cooperative societies will enhance trust and population coverage in Bangladesh. Conclusions: Our research concludes that systematically addressing implementation barriers by including key stakeholders would be a significant reform to the CBHI model, and could serve as a foundation for the planned national health protection scheme for Bangladesh leading to universal health coverage

    Group prenatal care experiences among pregnant women in a Bangladeshi community

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    BACKGROUND: Complications during pregnancy, childbirth, and following delivery remain significant challenges that contribute to maternal morbidity and mortality, thus affecting health systems worldwide. Group prenatal care (GPC) is an integrated approach incorporating peer support and health education that provides prenatal care in a group setting. The GPC approach was piloted in a district of Bangladesh to measure the feasibility and effectiveness of GPC compared to individual care. Understanding the experiences of women of receiving this grouped care approach is crucial to understand the perspectives, perception, and acceptability of the programme among mothers, which are lack in Bangladesh. The objective of the present study was to understand the core experiences and perspectives of mothers who participated in GPC sessions during their pregnancy period. METHODS: A qualitative research approach was used to understand the experiences of women receiving GPC. A total of 21 in-depth interviews were conducted in this study targeting pregnant mothers who attended all recommended GPC sessions. Face-to-face interviews were conducted by trained and experienced interviewers using a specific interview guideline to achieve detailed responses. Thematic analysis was conducted to analyse the data. RESULTS: Mothers appreciated receiving pregnancy care in group setting and expressed their preferences towards GPC compared to individual care. Themes included the comprehensiveness of GPC, prescheduled appointments and reduced waiting time, social gathering, coping with common discomforts, relationship with service providers, birth preparedness, and recommendations from participating mothers. The themes conveyed overall positive experiences of the participating mothers, with suggestions for further betterment of the programme. Nevertheless, the reported experiences of women involved in the study suggests that the inclusion of a specialist in group care, post-partum care, and family planning advice will be more beneficial in the GPC model. CONCLUSIONS: The overall experiences of the women in the present study suggest that GPC is helpful for them, and it is useful to reduce complications during pregnancy. The GPC model promises movement towards family-supported care, as explained by the participants


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    Sex-specific prevalence, inequality and associated predictors of hypertension, diabetes, and comorbidity among Bangladeshi adults: results from a nationwide cross-sectional demographic and health survey

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    Objectives To determine the sex-specific prevalence, inequality and factors associated with healthcare utilisation for diabetes mellitus (DM), hypertension and comorbidity among the adult population of Bangladesh.Study design This study analysed cross-sectional nationwide Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey data from 2011. Comorbidity was defined as the coexistence of both DM and hypertension. Several socioeconomic and demographic factors such as age, sex, education, geographic location, administrative division, employment status, education and wealth index were considered as major explanatory variables. Inequality in prevalence and healthcare utilisation was measured using the ‘Lorenz curve’. Adjusted multiple logistic regression models were performed to observe the effects of different factors and reported as adjusted ORs (AORs) with 95% CIs. A p value of <0.05 was adopted as the level of statistical significance.Setting The study was conducted in Bangladesh.Participants A total of 7521 adult participants with availability of biomarkers information were included.Results The mean age of the study participants was 51.4 years (SD ±13.0). The prevalence of hypertension, diabetes and comorbidity were 29.7%, 11.0% and 4.5% respectively. Socioeconomic inequality was observed in the utilisation of healthcare services. A higher prevalence of hypertension and comorbidity was significantly associated with individuals aged >70 years (AOR 7.0, 95% CI 5.0 to 9.9; AOR 6.7, 95% CI 3.0 to 14.9). The risk of having hypertension, diabetes and comorbidity were significantly higher among more educated, unemployed as well as among individuals from Khulna division.Conclusions The study revealed a rising prevalence of hypertension, diabetes and comorbidity with inequality in service utilisation. A joint effort involving public, private and non-governmental organisations is necessary to ensure improved accessibility in service utilisation and to reduce the disease burden

    Coverage and determinants of full immunization: Vaccination coverage among Senegalese children

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    Background and Objectives: In line with the global success of immunization, Senegal achieved impressive progress in childhood immunization program. However, immunization coverage is often below the national and international targets and even not equally distributed across the country. The objective of this study is to estimate the full immunization coverage across the geographic regions and identify the potential factors of full immunization coverage among the Senegalese children. Materials and Methods: Nationally representative dataset extracted from the latest Continuous Senegal Demographic and Health Survey 2017 was used for this analysis. Descriptive statistics such as the frequency with percentage and multivariable logistic regression models were constructed and results were presented in terms of adjusted odds ratio (AOR) with a 95% confidence interval (CI). Results: Overall, 70.96% of Senegalese children aged between 12 to 36 months were fully immunized and the coverage was higher in urban areas (76.51%), west ecological zone (80.0%), and among serer ethnic groups (77.24%). Full immunization coverage rate was almost the same between male and female children, and slightly higher among the children who were born at any health care facility (74.01%). Children who lived in the western zone of Senegal were 1.66 times (CI: 1.25–2.21; p = 0.001) and the children of Serer ethnic groups were 1.43 times (CI: 1.09–1.88; p = 0.011) more likely to be fully immunized than the children living in the southern zone and from the Poular ethnic group. In addition, children who were born at health facilities were more likely to be fully immunized than those who were born at home (AOR = 1.47; CI: 1.20–1.80; p < 0.001), and mothers with recommended antenatal care (ANC) (4 and more) visits during pregnancy were more likely to have their children fully immunized than those mother with no ANC visits (AOR: 2.06 CI: 1.19–3.57; p = 0.010). Conclusions: Immunization coverage was found suboptimal by type of vaccines and across ethnic groups and regions of Senegal. Immunization program should be designed targeting low performing areas and emphasize on promoting equal access to education, decision-making, encouraging institutional deliveries, and scaling up the use of antenatal and postnatal care which may significantly improve the rate full immunization coverage in Senegal

    Factors associated with unmet fertility desire and perceptions of ideal family size among women in Bangladesh: Insights from a nationwide Demographic and Health Survey

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    IntroductionAlong with the developing world, Bangladesh has made a tremendous improvement in declining total fertility rate, however, this declining trend is not uniform to all the socio-demographic stratum. Incongruities exist between the numbers of children that women bearing and what they actually desired which refers to unmet fertility desire. This study aims to elicit women’s perception of ideal number of children and predictors of unmet fertility desire in Bangladesh.MethodThis study analyzed nationally representative cross-sectional Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey 2014 data. A two-stage stratified random sampling technique was used while a total of 17,863 ever-married women were interviewed between June and November 2014. A total of 10,912 eligible women were included in the analysis. Poisson regression analysis and logistic regression models were used to measure women’s perception of the ideal number of children and to determine the influencing factors of unmet fertility desires.ResultThe mean value of the perceived ideal number of children was 2.22 (SD ± 0.73) and the majority of women (71.2%) expect to have two children in their lifetime. Approximately 46% of mothers reported bearing more children than they desired. The perceived ideal number of children was significantly higher among women who were living in rural areas, from Sylhet division, Muslim, unemployed, and experienced child death and those who justified beating. Findings revealed that several factors such as place of residence, geographic location, religion, wealth index, maternal age and education, partners’ education, experiencing child death, and other empowerment-related indicators were significantly associated with unmet fertility desires.ConclusionPerceived ideal number of children differs among women’s socioeconomic and demographic strata. Unmet fertility desire was also found which indicates that reproductive knowledge and health care services are still necessary for some socio-demographically disadvantaged/vulnerable people and this group should be regularly monitored to control population growth

    Households' out-of-pocket expenditure for healthcare in Bangladesh: A health financing incidence analysis

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    Background Despite improvements in many health indicators, providing access to affordable healthcare remains a considerable challenge in Bangladesh. Financing incidence analysis will enable an evaluation of how well the healthcare system performs to achieve equity in health financing. The objective of this study is to assess the burden of out-of-pocket (OOP) cost on different socio-economic groups by assessing the health financing incidence because OOP cost dominates household expenditure on health in Bangladesh. Methods The study was conducted using latest Household Income and Expenditure Survey (HIES) 2016. We focused mainly on four specific indicators: level of monthly household OOP cost on in-patient care, urban-rural differences in OOP cost, socio-economic status differences in different payment mechanisms and the Kakwani index. Descriptive statistics were employed to analyse and summarise the selected variables based on the SES and location of residence (e.g., rural and urban). Results The study showed the overall OOP healthcare expenditure was 7.7% of the household monthly income while the poorer income group suffered more and spent up to 35% of their household income on healthcare. The Kakwani index indicated that the poorest quintile spends a greater share of their income on healthcare services than the richest quintile. Conclusions This study observed that OOP cost in Bangladesh is regressive, that is, poorer members of society contribute a greater share of their income. Therefore, policymakers should initiate health reforms for developing and implementing risk-pooling financing mechanisms such as social health insurance to achieve the Universal Health Coverage in Bangladesh

    Correction: Group prenatal care experiences among pregnant women in a Bangladeshi community.

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    [This corrects the article DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0218169.]

    Predictors of Optimal Antenatal Care Service Utilization Among Adolescents and Adult Women in Bangladesh

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    Introduction: Utilization of recommended antenatal care (ANC) throughout the pregnancy period is a proven healthy behavior in reducing maternal mortalities and morbidities. The objective of this study is to identify the demand side factors that are associated with the recommended utilization of ANC services among adolescents and adult women in Bangladesh. Method: This study utilized cross-sectional data from latest Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey 2014. Data of a total of 4626 adolescents and adult women were analyzed. Bivariate and multivariate analyses were performed for identifying the significant determining factors associated with the ANC services utilization. Results: Approximately, 32% adult and 30% adolescent women utilized the recommended ANC care. The higher educated adolescents and adult women were 8.08 times (P < .001) and 2.98 times (P < .001) more likely to receive 4 or more ANC, respectively, compared to uneducated women. The richest quintile showed higher tendency to utilize optimum ANC services and had 2.70 times (P < .05) and 6.51 times (P < .001) more likelihood to receive optimal ANC services for adolescent and adult groups, respectively, compared to poorest quintile. Conclusion: Other than education and income, several other factors including mass -media, place of residence, working status, and geographical variations were significantly associated with recommended ANC. These findings might help health-care programmers and policy makers for initiating appropriate policy and programs for ensuring optimal ANC coverage for all. Ensuring adequate ANC regardless of economic status and residence of pregnant women could guarantee universal maternal health-care coverage as devoted to a national strategic guideline