2,111 research outputs found

    How Well Can We Predict Wildlife Corridors? Tests of Alternative Modeling Approaches in Migratory Elk and Dispersing Wolverines

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    Landscape connectivity has become a key focus of conservation biology as natural habitat is increasingly fragmented by human land use. Several landscape modeling approaches are now relied upon to identify likely dispersal and migration corridors and guide conservation planning. However, the predictive accuracy of these methods has seen limited testing against empirical movement data, which limits confidence in their utility and confuses selection of appropriate methods for a given application. To address these issues, we used GPS collar data from migrating elk and dispersing wolverines to evaluate the ability of common modeling approaches (cost-distance/least-cost path models and circuit theory models) to predict observed movement routes. While both methods made generally similar predictions, cost-distance models consistently outperformed circuit theory models, and predictive success was much higher for elk than for wolverine movements. Furthermore, the form and complexity of underlying landscape resistance maps influenced model performance and revealed unforeseen differences between models. These findings illustrate that corridor model performance depends greatly on focal species and landscape characteristics as well as selection of appropriate methods for the application at hand

    MM and subMM molecular line observations of the southwest lobe of L1551: Evidence of a shell structure

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    Observations have been made of the southwest outflow lobe of L1551 in several millimeter and submillimeter molecular lines. Maps have been made in the J=3-2 and J=2-1 transitions of CO over areas of 7.5 by 2.5 arc minutes and 5 by 5 arc minutes respectively at UKIRT. More detailed maps have also been made in the J=2-1 CO transition over an area of about 6 by 3.5 arc minutes at the NRAO 12m telescope. Additional observations of the J=4-3 transitions of HCN, HCO(+) abd H(13)CO(+) were made at selected positions. The HC(+) J=4-3 transition was detected at several positions along the outflow axis and at the position of IRS 5. Similarly the HCN J=4-3 transition was detected at the position of IRS 5 and also at a position close to HH29. However, the J=4-3 transition of H(13)CO(+) was bit detected at the position of IRS 5 even through it was observed at the position close to HH29 with a peak corrected antenna temperature of 0.23K at a V(LSR) of 1 km s(-1). The detection of the J=4-3 transitions of both HCO(+) and H(13)CO(+) close to the position of HH29 suggest the presence of very dense gas in this region. LVG analysis of the various molecular lines observed give a kinetic temperature between 10 and 15K and a density from 10(5) to 10(6) cm(-3) at the position of IRS 5 at the ambient cloud velocity. At the position close to HH29 LVG analysis of the CO observations gives a density between 10(3) and 10(4) cm(-3) at a kinetic temperature of 25k for a V(LSR) of 0 km s(-1). To the southwest of HH29 there is a large decrease in both the linewidth and intensity of CO emission. This may be due to the interaction between the outflow and a dense clump of gas which gives rise to HH29. The maps of the CO J=3-2 and CO J=2-1 emission integrated in 3.25 km s intervals show the shell structure postulated by Snell and Schloerb (1985)

    The cell adhesion molecule Fasciclin2 regulates brush border length and organization in Drosophila renal tubules

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    Multicellular organisms rely on cell adhesion molecules to coordinate cell–cell interactions, and to provide navigational cues during tissue formation. In Drosophila, Fasciclin 2 (Fas2) has been intensively studied due to its role in nervous system development and maintenance; yet, Fas2 is most abundantly expressed in the adult renal (Malpighian) tubule rather than in neuronal tissues. The role Fas2 serves in this epithelium is unknown. Here we show that Fas2 is essential to brush border maintenance in renal tubules of Drosophila. Fas2 is dynamically expressed during tubule morphogenesis, localizing to the brush border whenever the tissue is transport competent. Genetic manipulations of Fas2 expression levels impact on both microvilli length and organization, which in turn dramatically affect stimulated rates of fluid secretion by the tissue. Consequently, we demonstrate a radically different role for this well-known cell adhesion molecule, and propose that Fas2-mediated intermicrovillar homophilic adhesion complexes help stabilize the brush border

    Anderson Localization, Non-linearity and Stable Genetic Diversity

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    In many models of genotypic evolution, the vector of genotype populations satisfies a system of linear ordinary differential equations. This system of equations models a competition between differential replication rates (fitness) and mutation. Mutation operates as a generalized diffusion process on genotype space. In the large time asymptotics, the replication term tends to produce a single dominant quasispecies, unless the mutation rate is too high, in which case the populations of different genotypes becomes de-localized. We introduce a more macroscopic picture of genotypic evolution wherein a random replication term in the linear model displays features analogous to Anderson localization. When coupled with non-linearities that limit the population of any given genotype, we obtain a model whose large time asymptotics display stable genotypic diversityComment: 25 pages, 8 Figure
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