22 research outputs found

    Assembly of α-Glucan by GlgE and GlgB in Mycobacteria and Streptomycetes

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    Actinomycetes, such as mycobacteria and streptomycetes, synthesize α-glucan with α-1,4 linkages and α-1,6 branching to help evade immune responses and to store carbon. α-Glucan is thought to resemble glycogen except for having shorter constituent linear chains. However, the fine structure of α-glucan and how it can be defined by the maltosyl transferase GlgE and branching enzyme GlgB were not known. Using a combination of enzymolysis and mass spectrometry, we compared the properties of α-glucan isolated from actinomycetes with polymer synthesized in vitro by GlgE and GlgB. We now propose the following assembly mechanism. Polymer synthesis starts with GlgE and its donor substrate, α-maltose 1-phosphate, yielding a linear oligomer with a degree of polymerization (∌16) sufficient for GlgB to introduce a branch. Branching involves strictly intrachain transfer to generate a C chain (the only constituent chain to retain its reducing end), which now bears an A chain (a nonreducing end terminal branch that does not itself bear a branch). GlgE preferentially extends A chains allowing GlgB to act iteratively to generate new A chains emanating from B chains (nonterminal branches that themselves bear a branch). Although extension and branching occur primarily with A chains, the other chain types are sometimes extended and branched such that some B chains (and possibly C chains) bear more than one branch. This occurs less frequently in α-glucans than in classical glycogens. The very similar properties of cytosolic and capsular α-glucans from Mycobacterium tuberculosis imply GlgE and GlgB are sufficient to synthesize them both

    Agri-Environmental Policy Measures in Israel: The Potential of Using Market-Oriented Instruments

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    This paper examines the possibilities of developing agri-environmental policy measures in Israel, focusing on market-oriented instruments. A conceptual framework for developing agri-environmental policy measures is presented, first in very broad lines (mandatory regulations, economic instruments and advisory measures) and subsequently focusing on economic instruments, and specifically, on market-oriented ones. Two criteria of choice between the measures are suggested: their contribution to improving the effectiveness of the policy; and the feasibility of their implementation. This is the framework used for analyzing agri-environmental measures in Israel. Israel currently implements a mix of mandatory regulations, economic instruments and advisory measures to promote the agri-environment. The use of additional economic instruments may improve the effectiveness of the policy. When comparing the effectiveness of various economic measures, we found that the feasibility of implementation of market-oriented instruments is greater, due to the Israeli public’s preference for strengthening market orientation in the agricultural sector. Four market-oriented instruments were practiced in a pilot project conducted in an Israeli rural area. We found that in this case study, the institutional feasibility and acceptance by stakeholders were the major parameters influencing the implementation of the market-oriented instruments, whereas the instruments’ contribution to enhancing the ecological or economic effectiveness were hardly considered by the stakeholders as arguments in favor of their use

    Metabolic Network for the Biosynthesis of Intra- and Extracellular alpha-Glucans Required for Virulence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis

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    Mycobacterium tuberculosis synthesizes intra- and extracellular alpha-glucans that were believed to originate from separate pathways. The extracellular glucose polymer is the main constituent of the mycobacterial capsule that is thought to be involved in immune evasion and virulence. However, the role of the alpha-glucan capsule in pathogenesis has remained enigmatic due to an incomplete understanding of alpha-glucan biosynthetic pathways preventing the generation of capsule-deficient mutants. Three separate and potentially redundant pathways had been implicated in alpha-glucan biosynthesis in mycobacteria: the GlgC-GlgA, the Rv3032 and the TreS-Pep2-GlgE pathways. We now show that alpha-glucan in mycobacteria is exclusively assembled intracellularly utilizing the building block alpha-maltose-1-phosphate as the substrate for the maltosyltransferase GlgE, with subsequent branching of the polymer by the branching enzyme GlgB. Some alpha-glucan is exported to form the alpha-glucan capsule. There is an unexpected convergence of the TreS-Pep2 and GlgC-GlgA pathways that both generate alpha-maltose-1-phosphate. While the TreS-Pep2 route from trehalose was already known, we have now established that GlgA forms this phosphosugar from ADP-glucose and glucose 1-phosphate 1000-fold more efficiently than its hitherto described glycogen synthase activity. The two routes are connected by the common precursor ADPglucose, allowing compensatory flux from one route to the other. Having elucidated this unexpected configuration of the metabolic pathways underlying alpha-glucan biosynthesis in mycobacteria, an M. tuberculosis double mutant devoid of alpha-glucan could be constructed, showing a direct link between the GlgE pathway, alpha-glucan biosynthesis and virulence in a mouse infection model

    Lack of Knowledge: Breast Cancer and the Soluble Interleukin-6 Receptor

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    BACKGROUND: Cytokines are and may be used as therapeutic targets in cancer therapy. In breast cancer, interleukin (IL)-6 is associated with different features of tumor biology like metastasis, certain stages, and decreased survival. It is now an established fact that signaling via the soluble IL-6 receptor (sIL-6R) («transsignaling») is an important process in the IL-6 machinery. METHODS AND RESULTS: In this mini-review, we discover that published knowledge about sIL-6R serum levels in breast cancer patients is sparse and, furthermore, most in vitro data merely show that tumor cells produce the sIL-6R endogenously. CONCLUSIONS: Therefore, a lot of research is still necessary to analyze the significance of the sIL-6R and therefore the transsignaling process in breast tumors. More knowledge about the sIL-6R in breast cancer would give insights into its putative role as blood marker of active tumor disease. Secondly, the sIL-6R may be useful in breast cancer as a new therapeutic pathway. If, as suggested by the literature, IL-6 mediates the aggressiveness and the growth of breast tumors, elevated circulating levels of IL-6 and its receptor may identify patients for whom the IL-6 complex is a therapeutic target

    Zertifikate im Studium neben dem Beruf Endbericht

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    UuStB Koeln(38)-870106097 / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman

    Identification and Quantitation of the N

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