22 research outputs found

    Von der „Geographie und ihrer Didaktik“ zur „Geographiedidaktik“

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    Ein berühmtes Gleichnis lautet „Wir sind gleichsam Zwerge, die auf den Schultern von Riesen sitzen, um mehr und Entfernteres als diese sehen zu können – freilich nicht dank eigener scharfer Sehkraft oder Körpergröße, sondern weil die Größe der Riesen uns emporhebt“. Es stammt vom Philosophen Bernhard von Chartres aus dem zwölften Jahrhundert und stellt einen Versuch dar, das Verhältnis der jeweils aktuellen Wissenschaftsgeneration zu den Leistungen früherer Generationen zu bestimmen. Aus der heutigen Sicht erscheinen die Vorgänger als Riesen und wir selbst als Zwerge, die von den Pionierleistungen der Vergangenheit profitieren. Indem wir den vorgefundenen Leistungen unseren eigenen bescheidenen Beitrag hinzufügen, kommt Fortschritt zustande. Es war dieses Gleichnis, was mir spontan in den Sinn kam, als ich in meiner Funktion als gegenwärtiger Vorsitzender des Hochschulverbandes für Geographiedidaktik gebeten wurde, unsere Ehrenvorsitzende Ingrid Hemmer angesichts ihres offiziellen Ausscheidens aus dem aktiven Hochschuldienst zu würdigen (die Anführung des Adjektivs offiziell ist in diesem Kontext wichtig, weil die Kombination von Ruhestand und Ingrid Hemmer natürlich eigentlich keinen Sinn ergibt). Vieles, was nachfolgende Vorstandsgenerationen erfolgreich angestoßen haben, hatte nur eine realistische Chance auf Erfolg, weil Ingrid Hemmer in ihrer von 1996–2014 währenden Amtszeit die Basis gelegt hat

    Measuring system competence in education for sustainable development

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    This paper presents the development of an instrument for the assessment of system competence in the field of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). Based on an already existing, more complex model of system competence for the school subject geography, we have developed a test that refers to central themes and principles of ESD using exclusively closed answer formats. Building on the results of cognitive laboratories and expert feedback from various fields, the instrument was (further) developed in an iterative process of feedback and revision. We conducted a quantitative pilot study with N = 366 8th and 9th grade students. The results indicate that the development of our system competence test was successful-the overall test yielded a high reliability and only very few items were not working as intended. Furthermore, the difficulties of the items were appropriate for the ability levels of the students and the results of a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) suggest that the newly developed test measures system competence with one dimension. As the test is compact, easy to interpret, and yet reliable, it is particularly suitable for monitoring purposes in the field of ESD. (DIPF/Orig.

    Zur Kenntnis der 7-Äthoxy-granatanone-(3)

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    Recording and playback of video signals with support for multiple cameras based on FPGAs

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    Zadatak ovog diplomskog rada je napraviti FPGA dizajn koji omogućava AMV Grabber ploči primanje i zapisivanje podataka s kamera, te slanje već snimljenog video sadržaja na izlazne portove. AMV Grabber ploča ima ulogu produžetka ADAS (engl. Advanced Driver Assistance System) uređaja, jer AMV Grabber omogućava lakši razvoj i testiranje ADAS algoritama. Dizajniranje je odrađeno u Xilinx®-ovom okruženju Vivado®, te su korišteni službeni IP blokovi koje regulira Xilinx®. Rješenje je razdvojeno na dva dijela, putanja snimanja i putanja reprodukcije iz razloga što nije bilo moguće putanju reprodukcije implementirati u kompletan projekt. Omogućeno je snimanje do devet kamera, iako hardverska ograničenja nisu dozvoljavala dovoljan protok podataka, usko grlo se pojavilo pri zapisivanju podataka na tvrdi disk. Putanja reprodukcije je razvijena zasebno i potvrda njene funkcionalnosti zahtijevala je pozamašna testiranja. Ispostavilo se da je slanje moguće, uz mali gubitak pet početnih okvira koje je nemoguće sačuvati jer su potrebni za sinkronizaciju blokova u dizajnu reprodukcije.The purpose of this master thesis is to create an FPGA design, which allows capturing data from cameras, and reproduction of already captured data to the output ports on AMV Grabber device. AMV Grabber device acts as an extension of ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems) which allows easier development and testing of ADAS algorithms. The design has been made in Vivavo® design suite by Xilinx®. For the purposes of the design official IPs have been used. Developed design is separated into two parts, input path, and output path, because output path was not possible to implement into the complete project. Input path is able to record with up to nine cameras, even though only theoretically. Actual capabilities were the recording with five cameras because there happened to be a data flow bottle neck when writing on the SSD drive, and no AMV Grabber device had all nine input ports functional. Output path was developed on its own, so the verification of requested behavior was extensive. The final result was successful reproduction of test data with first five frame loss, due to synchronization process of the IPs used in the output design

    Berlin geographisch erkunden

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    Empirische Evidenzen der Lehrerfortbildungsforschung und daraus resultierende Empfehlungen für die Geographiedidaktik

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    Wesentliche Weiterentwicklungen innerhalb der Geographiedidaktik sowie die regelmäßig kritisierte, verzögerte Diffusion didaktischer Innovationen in die Schulpraxis, verdeutlichen zunehmend die Bedeutsamkeit der dritten Phase der Lehrerbildung. In diesem Zusammenhang werden die bislang geringe Wirksamkeit von Lehrerfortbildungen und eine Kluft zwischen Unterrichtspraxis und verfügbaren theoretischen Konzepten hervorgehoben. Im Rahmen dieses Beitrags sollen Wege zur Bewältigung dieser Herausforderungen aufgezeigt werden. Dazu werden zunächst vier mögliche Ebenen der Wirksamkeit von Lehrerfortbildungen systematisiert und in ein Rahmenmodell eingeordnet. Im Sinne eines Angebots-Nutzungs- Modells spielen dabei neben den Gestaltungsmerkmalen der Fortbildungsmaßnahmen auch die kontextuellen Bedingungen und individuelle Merkmale der Lehrkräfte eine Rolle. Kern der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es, Möglichkeiten für die erfolgreiche Gestaltung von Lehrerfortbildungsmaßnahmen aufzuzeigen. Auf Grundlage einer ausführlichen Analyse empirischer Studien zur Lehrerbildung werden zehn evidenzbasierte Merkmale effektiver Lehrerfortbildungen im Detail präsentiert. Abschließend werden daraus einige Schlüsse für die geographiedidaktische Forschung und die Praxis der Ausbildung von Geographielehrkräften abgeleitet.Major changes within geography education and the frequently criticized slow diffusion of teaching innovations into school educational practice are pushing the significance of the third training phase of teachers steadily to the fore. Concurrently, its low effectiveness and a gap between teaching practice and theoretical concepts are often stated. Thus, it becomes imperative to propose ways to meet these challenges. The article systemizes four possible levels of effectiveness of teachers’ in-service trainings in a first step. A framework model on the effectiveness of teacher training courses is then presented. Here, contextual conditions and characteristics of the individual teacher play as much a role as the arrangement of the training courses itself. The present work focuses on the possibilities to exert influence on the success of teacher training measures within the scope of the named features. Ten evidence-based characteristics of effective teacher training courses are worked out in detail by means of an extensive analysis of empirical teaching research studies. Finally, central conclusions for the research as well as the teacher training practice in geography education are drawn

    Criteria Regarding Software and Data for a Successful Implementation of GI(S) in the Geography Classroom. GI_Forum 2014 – Geospatial Innovation for Society|

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    Given the low implementation of GI(S) in the geography classroom at German schools, it was examined which support geography teachers need from their perspective, in order to implement GI(S) in their teaching. The results illustrate that there are eight main criteria which are important for the implementation of GI(S) from the teachers’ perspective: adequate teaching examples, integration of GI(S) in teacher training at university, sustainable further training activities for teachers, didactical conditions, GI(S)-promoting conditions at the school, access and availability of geodata, adequate software solutions, and cooperation and exchange of the participating GI(S) actors. Two main criteria and their sub-criteria are discussed more deeply in this paper: software solutions and geodata availability