5,057 research outputs found

    The future direction of on-farm irrigation technologies and practice research

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    The Cooperative Research Centre for Irrigation Futures mission is to facilitate cooperative research and training networks and programs which continuously improve irrigation policy, tools, practices and processes. This paper provides an introduction to the current and planned research activities within the CRCIF with a particular focus on the tools and practices of relevance to improving on-farm water use efficiency. A key focus of this research is the delivery of research outcomes via toolkits which enhance the irrigation sector's ability to measure, monitor and manage the water balance at the field and farm scales, improve the precision of in-field irrigation applications and maximize agronomic responses to irrigation

    The impact of rain water on soil pore networks following irrigation with saline-sodic water

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    The soil pore network is an important factor affecting soil hydraulic conductivity (Ksat). In this study we examine the effect on the soil pore network of a Red Ferrosol caused by irrigation with good quality irrigation water (GQW), as well as saline-sodic water with varying sodium absorption ratios (SAR; 10, 50 and 120) and constant electrical conductivity (EC; 2 dS m-1), followed by application of distilled water (simulating rain water). The Ksat was measured for the different waters before and after applying the rain water to the soil. Soil samples were taken from different depths (1, 4 and 8 cm) for exchangeable cations measurement and the changes in ESP of the soil. Soil horizontal cross-sections were taken from the first 2 cm of the soil cores after drying with acetone and impregnation with polyester resin mixed with green fluorescent dye catalyst and hardener. These sections were polished and visualized under a microscope to investigate the changes in the soil pore network. By increasing the SAR of the water applied from 0.11 (GQW) to SAR 50 and 120, a significant reduction in Ksat was found, alongside a significant increase in the ESP of the soil from 3 to 10 and 11, respectively; this was most evident near the soil surface. After applying rain water, the Ksat reduced significantly approaching 0 mm h-1 where soil was treated with water of SAR 120. Visualisation of the soil pore network of the treated soils following the application of deionised water clearly showed a reduction in soil macroporosity where water quality of SAR ≥10 was applied, even where soils were non-sodic. Where irrigation occurred with good quality, low SAR water, this reduction was not evident

    Developmental Aspects of Schizotypy and Suspiciousness: a Review.

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    PURPOSE OF THE REVIEW: This review identifies the early developmental processes that contribute to schizotypy and suspiciousness in adolescence and adulthood. It includes the most recent literature on these phenomena in childhood. RECENT FINDINGS: The early developmental processes that affect schizotypy and paranoia in later life are complex. In contrast to existing studies of psychiatric patients and clinical/nonclinical adult populations, the study of schizotypy and suspiciousness in young children and adolescents is possible due to new child-appropriate dimensional assessments. New assessments and the advancement of technology (e.g., virtual reality in mental health) as well as statistical modeling (e.g., mediation and latent-class analyses) in large data have helped identified the developmental aspects (e.g., psychosocial, neurocognitive and brain factors, nutrition, and childhood correlates) that predict schizotypy and suspiciousness in later life. SUMMARY: Prospective longitudinal designs in community youths can enhance our understanding of the etiology of schizophrenia-spectrum disorders and, in the future, the development of preventive interventions by extending adult theories and interventions to younger populations.Betty Behrens Research Fellowship, Clare Hall, University of Cambridg

    Radiation Induced Damage in GaAs Particle Detectors

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    The motivation for investigating the use of GaAs as a material for detecting particles in experiments for High Energy Physics (HEP) arose from its perceived resistance to radiation damage. This is a vital requirement for detector materials that are to be used in experiments at future accelerators where the radiation environments would exclude all but the most radiation resistant of detector types.Comment: 5 pages. PS file only - original in WORD Also available at http://ppewww.ph.gla.ac.uk/preprints/97/06

    The Schizotypal Personality Questionnaire for Children (SPQ-C): Factor Structure, Child Abuse, and Family History of Schizotypy

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    There is a relative dearth of research on features of schizotypal personality in children, in part due to lack of instrumentation. This study tests 5 competing models of the factor structure of the self-report Schizotypal Personality Questionnaire for Children (SPQ-C) and examines its relationship with a family history of schizotypal personality disorder (SPD), child abuse, and stability over time. Hypotheses were tested on 454 11- to 12-year-old schoolchildren and their caregivers. Confirmatory factor analyses supported a 3-factor structure of the SPQ-C (cognitive-perceptual, interpersonal, and disorganized). Test-retest stability was relatively robust over 3 months (r = .67), 6 months (r = .64), and 12 months (r = .55), with acceptable internal reliabilities (r = .84 to .91). Regarding construct validity, children with a biological family history of SPD had higher scores on all 3 factors (d =.51). Abused children had higher schizotypy scores (d = .55). A genetic × environment interaction was observed, with schizotypy highest in those with both a family history of schizotypy and also child abuse. Findings are the first in the child schizotypy field to document a gene × environment interaction and the independence of child abuse from confounding genetic influences. Results support the utility of the SPQ-C in future family and clinical studies of schizotypal personality and provide an avenue for much-needed and neglected research into the early antecedents of child schizotypal personality

    Preliminary Results for LP VPE X-Ray Detectors

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    Thick epitaxial layers have been grown using Low Pressure Vapour Phase Epitaxy techniques with low free carrier concentrations . This type of material is attractive as a medium for X-ray detection, because of its high conversion efficiency for X-rays in the medically interesting energy range.Comment: 4 pages. PS file only - original in WORD. Also available at http://ppewww.ph.gla.ac.uk/preprints/97/07

    A three-wave network analysis of COVID-19's impact on schizotypal traits, paranoia and mental health through loneliness

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    Background. The 2019 coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has impacted people’s mental wellbeing. Studies to date have examined the prevalence of mental health symptoms (anxiety, depression, loneliness), yet fewer longitudinal studies have compared across background factors and other psychological variables to identify vulnerable sub-groups. This study tests to what extent higher levels of psychotic-like experiences – indexed by schizotypal traits and paranoia – are associated with various mental health variables 6- and 12-months since April 2020. / Methods. Over 2,300 adult volunteers (18-89 years, female=74.9%) with access to the study link online were recruited from the UK, USA, Greece, and Italy. Self-reported levels of schizotypy, paranoia, anxiety, depression, aggression, loneliness, and stress from three timepoints (17 April to 13 July 2020, N1 =1,599; 17 October to 31 January 2021, N2 =774; and 17 April to 31 July 2021, N3 =586) were mapped using network analysis and compared across time and background variables (sex, age, income, country). / Results. Schizotypal traits and paranoia were positively associated with poorer mental health through loneliness, with no effect of age, sex, income levels, countries, and timepoints. Loneliness was the most influential variable across all networks, despite overall reductions in levels of loneliness, schizotypy, paranoia, and aggression during the easing of lockdown. Individuals with higher levels of schizotypal traits/paranoia reported poorer mental health outcomes than individuals in the low-trait groups. / Conclusion. Schizotypal traits and paranoia are associated with poor mental health outcomes through self-perceived loneliness, suggesting that increasing social/community cohesion may improve individuals’ mental wellbeing in the long run

    Estimating the furrow infiltration characteristic from a single advance point

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    Management and control of surface irrigation, in particular furrow irrigation, is limited by spatio-temporal soil infiltration variability as well as the high cost and time associated with collecting intensive field data for estimation of the infiltration characteristics. Recent work has proposed scaling the commonly used infiltration function by using a model infiltration curve and a single advance point for every other furrow in an irrigation event. Scaling factors were calculated for a series of furrows at two sites and at four points down the length of the field (0.25 L, 0.5 L, 0.75 L and L). Differences in the value of the scaling factor with distance were found to be a function of the shape of the advance curves. It is concluded that use of points early in the advance results in a substantial loss of accuracy and should be avoided. The scaling factor was also strongly correlated with the furrow-wetted perimeter suggesting that the scaling is an appropriate way of both predicting and accommodating the effect of the hydraulic variability

    Nutritional status of food consumption patterns of young children living in Western Uganda

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    Objectives: The aim of this pilot study was to compare the nutritional status and food consumption patterns of children under five years. Design: Quantitative, exploratory, cross sectional study. Setting: Kabarole district, western Uganda. Kabarole district is a rural district with subsistence farming as the main income. Subjects: Two hundred and five children between 12 and 72 months of age living in AIDS affected homes versus children living in non-AIDS affected homes were examined. Results: Fifty-five percent of all children were stunted and 20.5% were underweight. There was no difference in the prevalence of malnutrition between children living in AIDS affected homes versus non-AIDS affected homes. Only children between 12-35 months suffered from a daily deficit in caloric intake. The older children consumed the basic recommended daily intake (RDI) for protein, fat, iron and vitamin A. Due to frequent disease episodes and limitations in the estimations of individual total energy expenditure, the results are likely underestimations of the children's true nutritional requirements. The type of foods given to children in AIDS affected homes and controls were quite similar. Conclusion: Young children in Kabarole district suffer from severe chronic malnutrition rates, but rates and feeding patterns are not different in AIDS affected versus non AIDS affected homes. The East African Medical Journal Vol. 83 (11) 2006: pp. 619-62

    Distinct gelatinous zooplankton communities across a dynamic shelf sea

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    Abstract: Understanding how gelatinous zooplankton communities are structured by local hydrography and physical forcing has important implications for fisheries and higher trophic predators. Although a large body of research has described how fronts, hydrographic boundaries, and different water masses (e.g., mixed vs. stratified) influence phytoplankton and zooplankton communities, comparatively few studies have investigated their influence on gelatinous zooplankton communities. In July 2015, 49 plankton samples were collected from 50 m depth to the surface, across five transects in the Celtic Sea, of which, four crossed the Celtic Sea Front. Two distinct gelatinous communities were found in this dynamic shelf sea: a cold water community in the cooler mixed water that mainly contained neritic taxa and a warm water community in the warmer stratified water that contained a mixture of neritic and oceanic taxa. The gelatinous biomass was 40% greater in the warm water community (∼ 2 mg C m−3) compared with the cold water community (∼ 1.3 mg C m−3). The warm water community was dominated by Aglantha digitale, Lizzia blondina, and Nanomia bijuga, whereas the cold water community was dominated by Clytia hemisphaerica and ctenophores. Physonect siphonophores contributed > 36% to the gelatinous biomass in the warm water community, and their widespread distribution suggests they are ecologically more important than previously thought. A distinct oceanic influence was also recorded in the wider warm water zooplankton community, accounting for a ∼ 20 mg C m−3 increase in biomass in that region
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