16 research outputs found

    Avaliação do desenvolvimento do estipe principal e da produção de palmito, em pupunheiras (bactris gasipaes kunth) submetidas diferentes espaçamentos e formas de adubação mineral e orgânica, na Amazônia Central

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    The present work aimed to evaluate plant development and production of heart-of-palm (palmito) of peach palms under different spacing and forms of mineral and organic fertilization in the Central Amazonia region. This study also aimed to make use of agricultural organic residue, to enhance sustainable agricultural production and to reduce costs of regional agriculture. The experiment was carried out at the Agricultural Jayoro Company Ltd. area in the municipality of Presidente Figueiredo, (AM), Brazil. The experimental design was of randomized blocks with three repetitions following 2 x 5 factorial scheme, being the factors: spacing (1 x 0,5 m and 1 x 1 m) and fertilization (mineral and organic). The treatments consisted of fertilization being the formula 225-90-180 kg.ha-1year-1 of N-P2O5-K2O, being N and K2O in three split plots; mineral fertilization (N and K2O in three split plots + one shovel of manure pit-1 year-1; filter cake of sugar cane (two shovels pit-1 four times a year) and compost (filter cake + guarana bark, two shovels pit-1 four times a year), mineral fertilizer (N and K2O in three split plots) + compost (two shovels pit-1 four times a year). Among the studied variables on plant growth factor in fertilization, the results showed better performance in organic + mineral fertilization at the height of the main plant (115,57 cm), stem diameter (97.10 mm) and number of offshoots (5,50), however there was significant difference between height and diameter at breast height for the two greatest values. Number of green leaves showed the highest values in the treatments with composted manure and filter cake (7.17 and 6.93 leaves, respectively). In relation to spacing, the number of offshoots was the only statistical difference found showing higher number at the density of 1 x 1 m (5.03). A tendency of better performance was observed for the space of 1 x 1 m in relation to stem diameter and leaf number (79.17 mm and 6.89 leaves). The height average values of the main plant showed 82,07 for 1 x 0,5 m spacing and 78,45 cm for the other spacing tested. There was no interaction between factors studied for the variables height, diameter, leaf number and offshoot number. In relation to heart-ofpalm production, the mineral fertilization + manure and mineral + compost treatments showed the highest values of harvested stems, number of heart-of-palm, tender stem and total heart-of-palm l (heart-of-palm + tender stem). The spacing of 1 x 0,5 m showed the best performance in all characters analyzed for heart-of-palm with significant difference for the 1 x 1 m treatment. The results for total dry matter for the factors fertilization and spacing did not present statistical difference, however mineral fertilization had the best effect followed by mineral + manure. Treatment of 1 x 0,5 m showed the best result for density. There was no difference for total leaf area for both fertilization and spacing. Even tough, the compost formulation had best effect followed by mineral + compost. In relation to density, the study of total foliar area showed that 1 x 1 m treatment was the most efficient spacing. Fertilization and spacing made possible first harvesting 15 months after sowing optimizing the precocity of this crop.Visando o aproveitamento de resíduos orgânicos gerados na agricultura, a produção agrícola sustentável e a diminuição de custos na agricultura regional, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o desenvolvimento da planta e da produção de palmito em pupunheiras submetidas a diferentes espaçamentos e formas de adubação mineral e orgânica, na Amazônia Central. O experimento foi desenvolvido na Agropecuária Jayoro Ltda, localizada no município de Presidente Figueiredo (AM). O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados com três repetições, segundo esquema fatorial 2 x 5, sendo os fatores: espaçamentos (1 x 0,5 m e 1 x 1 m) e adubação (mineral e orgânica), sendo os tratamentos constituídos de: adubação mineral, sob a fórmula 225-90-180 kg.ha-1ano-1 de N-P2O5-K2O, sendo o N e K2O parcelados em três vezes; adubação mineral (N e K2O parcelados em três vezes) + uma pá de esterco de galinha cova-1 ano-1; torta de filtro de cana-de-açúcar (duas pás cova-1 quatro vezes ao ano); e composto (torta de filtro + casca de guaraná, duas pás cova-1 quatro vezes ao ano); adubação mineral (N e K2O parcelados em três vezes) + composto (duas pás cova-1 quatro vezes ao ano). Entre as variáveis estudadas no crescimento da planta no fator adubação, os resultados mostraram melhor desempenho na adubação orgânica + mineral na altura da planta principal (115,57 cm), diâmetro do estipe (97,10 mm) e número de perfilhos (5,50), porém, com diferença significativa somente entre altura e diâmetro do colo, nos dois maiores valores. O número de folhas verdes nos tratamentos de adubação com composto e com torta de filtro apresentaram maiores valores (7,17 e 6,93 folhas, respectivamente). Em relação ao espaçamento, somente no número de perfilhos foi verificada diferença estatística, com maior número na densidade de 1 x 1 m (5,03). No diâmetro do estipe e número de folhas constatou-se uma tendência de melhor desempenho para o espaçamento de 1 x 1 m (79,17 mm e 6,89 folhas). As médias de altura da planta principal mostraram 82,07 cm no espaçamento 1 x 0,5 m, contra 78,45 cm no outro espaçamento testado. Não verificou-se interação entre os fatores estudados nas variáveis altura, diâmetro, número de folhas e número de perfilhos. Na produção de palmito, os tratamentos com adubação mineral + esterco e mineral + composto apresentaram melhores valores para número de estipes colhidos, número de palmito, estipe tenro e palmito total (palmito + estipe tenro). O espaçamento de 1 x 0,5 m teve melhor desempenho em todos os caracteres analisados na produção de palmito, com diferença significativa para o tratamento de 1 x 1 m. Os resultados para matéria seca total, nos dois fatores estudados (adubação e espaçamento), não apresentaram diferença estatística, todavia, a adubação mineral teve melhor efeito, seguido de mineral + esterco. Na densidade, o tratamento 1 x 0,5 m teve melhor resultado. Também não foi verificada diferença na área foliar total, tanto na adubação quanto no espaçamento. Mesmo assim, a formulação com o composto teve melhor efeito, seguido de mineral + composto. Na densidade, o estudo da área foliar total mostrou que o tratamento 1 x 1 m foi mais eficiente entre os espaçamentos estudados. As formas de adubação e os espaçamentos adotados permitiram que o início da colheita do palmito ocorresse 15 meses após o plantio, garantindo a precocidade na colheit

    Produção de mudas de Castanha de Cutia (Couepia edulis prance), utilizando diferentes tipos de estacas e concentrações de AIB

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    The castanha de cutia (Couepia edulis Prance) it is a native plant of the Amazonian, that it is distributed in the firm lands of almost all of the states of the area. The adult tree produces around 200 kg of fruits a year, rich in protein, whose seeds contain about 73% of oil, that it is used in the feeding local populations, besides showing potentiality for industrial use. The propagation of that species feels, usually, through seed, that they germinate few weeks after the planting. However, that process is been long, because it requests the retreat of the pericarp, treatment without which the seeds can take until one and a half year to germinate, the one that finishes hindering that form of multiplication of castanha de cutia. This work had the objective of evaluating the production of seedlings of castanha de cutia, using different types of stakes and Indolbutiric Acid concentrations (IBA). The stakes were removed of adult plants, with more than 20 years, coming from a located experimental area in the Experimental Station of Horticulture of INPA, in the highway 174, Km 41. The used experimental delineation was it of casual blocks, following the factorial outline 4 x 3 with four repetitions. Each experimental unit being composed of 10 stakes, being the factors: types of stakes (herbaceous stakes with whole leaves, herbaceous stakes with stockings leaves, herbaceous stakes without leaves and stakes half woody without leaves), and Indolbutiric Acid concentrations (0, 3.000 and 6.000 ppm). The stakes had their submerged bases in the solution of AIB for a time of five seconds. The planting of the stakes happened immediately to the immersion in the liquid solution of IBA. The collection of data was accomplished, monthly, for six months and the appraised variables were: formation of calluses, emission of sprouts and emission of roots, with data in percentage. At the end of the evaluations, the largest percentage in the emission of sprouts happened in the concentrations of 0 (witness) ppm and 3.000 ppm of IBA (21,25% and 28,12%, respectively), to the 30 days. Among the stakes, the emission of sprouts was larger in the herbaceous stakes without leaves and half woody without leaves (28,33% and 33,33%, respectively), after 180 days of observation. In the variable formation of calluses, the largest percentages were obtained in the witness (13,75%) and in the herbaceous stakes with whole leaves and stockings leaves (17,5% and 15%, respectively), to the 180 days. The emission of roots showed an adult tendency in the witness (15%) and in the concentration of 6.000 ppm of IBA (11,25%), to the 180 days. The stakes that had larger emission of roots were the herbaceous stakes with leaves (it completes and ½ leafs) with 22,5% and 21,67%, respectively. That result we allow to end that it is possible to produce seedlings of castanha de cutia for the method of the stakes, without hormone use IBA.A castanha de cutia (Couepia edulis Prance) é uma planta nativa da Amazônia, que está distribuída nas terras firmes de quase todos os estados da região. A árvore adulta produz em torno de 200 kg de frutos por ano, ricos em proteína, cujas sementes contêm cerca de 73% de óleo, que é utilizado na alimentação de populações locais, além de mostrar potencialidade para uso industrial. A propagação dessa espécie se dá, normalmente, via sementes que germinam poucas semanas após o plantio. Entretanto, esse processo é demorado, pois requer a retirada do pericarpo, tratamento sem o qual as sementes podem levar até um ano e meio para germinar, o que acaba dificultando essa forma de multiplicação de castanha de cutia. Este trabalho teve o objetivo de avaliar a produção de mudas de castanha de cutia, utilizando diferentes tipos de estacas e concentrações de Ácido Indolbutírico (AIB). As estacas foram retiradas de plantas adultas, com mais de 20 anos, procedentes de uma área experimental localizada na Estação Experimental de Fruticultura do INPA, na rodovia 174, Km 41. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados, seguindo o esquema fatorial 4 x 3 com quatro repetições. Cada unidade experimental foi composta por 10 estacas, sendo os fatores: tipos de estacas (estacas herbáceas com folhas inteiras, estacas herbáceas com meias folhas, estacas herbáceas sem folhas e estacas semilenhosas sem folhas) e concentrações de Ácido Indolbutírico (0, 3.000 e 6.000 ppm). As estacas tiveram suas bases imersas na solução de AIB por um tempo de cinco segundos. O plantio das estacas ocorreu imediatamente à imersão na solução líquida de AIB. A coleta de dados foi realizada mensalmente, durante seis meses e as variáveis avaliadas foram: formação de calos, emissão de brotos e emissão de raízes, com dados em porcentagem. Ao final das avaliações, a maior porcentagem na emissão de brotos ocorreu nas concentrações de 0 (testemunha) ppm e 3.000 ppm de AIB (21,25% e 28,12%, respectivamente), aos 30 dias. Entre as estacas, a emissão de brotos foi maior nas estacas herbáceas sem folhas e semilenhosas sem folhas (28,33% e 33,33%, respectivamente), após 180 dias de observação. Na variável formação de calos, as maiores percentagens foram obtidas na testemunha (13,75%) e nas estacas herbáceas com folhas inteiras e meias folhas (17,5% e 15%, respectivamente), aos 180 dias. A emissão de raízes mostrou uma tendência maior na testemunha (15%) e na concentração de 6.000 ppm de AIB (11,25%), aos 180 dias. As estacas que tiveram maior emissão de raízes foram as estacas herbáceas com folhas (inteira e ½ folha) com 22,5% e 21,67%, respectivamente. Esse resultado nos permite concluir que é possível produzir mudas de castanha de cutia pelo método da estaquia, sem uso de hormônio AIB

    Peach palm production as a function of spacing and fertilizing conditions during two growing seasons in central amazon

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    The establishment of an agribusiness of heart-of-palm requires regular supply throughout the year. As there is no literature pertaining to heart-of-palm production throughout the year, this paper aimed to distribute the heart-of-palm production under different spacing and fertilization conditions along two consecutive growing seasons. The experimental design was randomized blocks with three replications in a 2×5 factorial arrangement (two spacing conditions: 1×1 and 1×0.5 m; and five fertilizers: chemical, chemical + chicken manure, filter cake,compost and chemical + organic compost. For the harvest of heart-of-palms aminimum height of 1.5 m was determined. We evaluated the amount of stems,collected monthly during the growing seasons 2008/2009 and 2009/2010, from thefirst peach palm attaining the proper height. The outcome shows the producing superiority of 1×0.5 m as compared to 1×1 m spaced stem. In the first year, there was an irregularity in production, showing an early production with treatment chemical + manure fertilizer. In the second year, there was a high stability. The best treatment for production of heart-of-palm in Central Amazon was 1×0.5 m spacing, chemical (225-90-180 kg/ha/y of N-P2O5-K2O), and organic (1/2 L of chicken manure) fertilizers. This fertilizer is great for setting up cultivation of peach palm in the first year, when the plant is growing

    Lessons from 35 years promoting agroforestry trees in Brazil's central Amazon

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    Since 1975, Brazil's National Research Institute for the Amazon has been involved in the promotion of trees in agriculture. This experience is reviewed, with special attention to participatory research, to arrive at suggestions for research and development (R&D) strategies for underutilized species. Information was collected on all species of potential interest, including exotics. To collect data, farms with rare species were localized and visited. To obtain experience under "real" conditions, a series of on-farm trials were organized. Volunteer farmers chose species and quantities, contributed with land and labor, and were free to manage the plantings in their way. Recommendations are given for the preparation of species profiles containing: (1) a crop's strong and weak points; (2) comparisons of the crop with other options available to the farmers; (3) comparisons of the product with competing alternatives; (4) factors limiting the species' expansion; (5) researchable constraints; (6) recommended sources of planting stock. It is practical to elaborate a set of profiles pertaining to a particular category (e.g., species producing medicines) of interest to a specific group of farmers. Sets of profiles of all potential species can give the necessary overview for the development of a R&D strategy. Major R&D efforts should concentrate on the more promising species. The choice of these species needs review at regular intervals, to maintain flexibility in the program. Many species show significant variability for economically important traits. In these cases, selected material must be used from the very beginning. This can be done by using offspring of superior plants. A part of this offspring can be used for progeny tests. Using single-tree plots, single replicates will be small enough to fit on the land of interested farmers. By culling, some replicates can be transformed into orchards for the production of genetically improved material

    Lessons from 35 Years Promoting Agroforestry Trees in Brazil s Central Amazon

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    Since 1975, Brazil's National Research Institute for the Amazon has been involved in the promotion of trees in agriculture. This experience is reviewed, with special attention to participatory research, to arrive at suggestions for research and development (R&D) strategies for underutilized species. Information was collected on all species of potential interest, including exotics. To collect data, farms with rare species were localized and visited. To obtain experience under "real" conditions, a series of on-farm trials were organized. Volunteer farmers chose species and quantities, contributed with land and labor, and were free to manage the plantings in their way. Recommendations are given for the preparation of species profiles containing: (1) a crop's strong and weak points; (2) comparisons of the crop with other options available to the farmers; (3) comparisons of the product with competing alternatives; (4) factors limiting the species' expansion; (5) researchable constraints; (6) recommended sources of planting stock. It is practical to elaborate a set of profiles pertaining to a particular category (e.g., species producing medicines) of interest to a specific group of farmers. Sets of profiles of all potential species can give the necessary overview for the development of a R&D strategy. Major R&D efforts should concentrate on the more promising species. The choice of these species needs review at regular intervals, to maintain flexibility in the program. Many species show significant variability for economically important traits. In these cases, selected material must be used from the very beginning. This can be done by using offspring of superior plants. A part of this offspring can be used for progeny tests. Using single-tree plots, single replicates will be small enough to fit on the land of interested farmers. By culling, some replicates can be transformed into orchards for the production of genetically improved material